Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1979, p. 26

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ANNOUNCEMENTS examiner fiern SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES pa ae the examiner Wednesday Mar 1979 71 hob vented 7i lielp wanted REQUIRES TO PARTTIME DAT STAFF BENEFITS INCLUDE Uniforms supplied food discount paid breaks fourday week to hours daily scheduled pay reviews complete training Candidates should apply In person at McDONALDS RESTAURANT IATFIELO ST NORTH EARRIE OI celeb events 08 coming events Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks 5550 minimum 40 words additionalwords IO cents per word MCDonald Births $550 7C In Memoriam no verse 3550 yR MgtgtNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad cunxegrgipzcount line extra 22 cents 3322 mlumn Ch McDONAloS ItAuuNt vertIsers listed are experts In their field and will assure you ZWW sAtrIELo SI NoRTN sAssIE of the finest iob possible 72824 mm ELECIROLUX Canada ltd authorized FIREWOOL seasoned ma le and ash Sales and Service Free Home Demonstrai Delivered Frank Hirschfel Shanty Boy tians IBAlliance Blvd Unit l9 7783397 7789357 100 DRY MAPLE BUDGET DRAPERY free shopvathome service Quality drapery and much more priced to suit your budget LET THE STORE EACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY coME To YOUR DOORI 7374737 4872 I3 SEMONED HARDWOOD cut lor stove or DRESSMAKING AND AHEMyjoyfiffifi fireplace lace or bush cord Free delivery DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO Specialising In pantsuits gowns and altera tions 47 Euggnla St Phone 7766000 Austin Lone Letitia Heights Telephone mnbsnn 1722le VHfimr ALTERATIONS TO Dresses coolsf sulls PICTURE FRAMING Smwplowl OATES 87 Dunlop St East Custom PAULS SNOWPLOWING Three trucks lor lranln of all types We stock many sizes prompt dependable service at competitive Phone 3770 rates CallPaul7J73064 RAINTTNG Mlli SNOWRLOWINGRJIdsnIIaI and small commercial Reasonable rates Fast VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terlor exterior Work uaranteed Es dependable service Call lorry 7764599 tabllshed 3010 726227 7769M PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed F28M2357 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates Radio dispatched 74 hour service View 7372317 as TONYS SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates 74 hour service Radio dispatched Residen tialand commercial Call 77657 REICHETISNOWAFLOTNI MTJIJ smog ing Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by cleanup Call 7765666 Take Off As WARDAIR Flight Attendant DO YOU MEET THE BASIC REQUIREMENTS 20 years of age or older MAL FORBES RosE or MARY CLARIt Pictured above were presented flowers at the COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTAL snow plow ing Driveways widened Piles blown or hauledpway Call Whiskers 776A95I2 DRIVEWAYS CLEANED and widened by Minimum tweennmenes 54 heigh without shoes mgnfgge agfrn Downlown ma GEIERAL REPAIRS renovations rubbish 1371295 5353er drlvwov SIO Coll Senior Citizens Night on Thursday night Bingo held used rnlture and appliance rem ed Hgh s$h°°l9mduale eqPVdFM ServlnguBarrlellnnlslll CaIIcold 4362 TF DRIVEWAVS ONLv SNOWPLOWING 24 CI The C°°d°n Leglon Hall Borne Canadian Citizen or landed ImmIgrant hour service Reasonable rates Coll Able to relocate smug xnrlor paper hanging custom Tfllfi9l3i$h737is Unaided vision should not be below 2080 ousmucnon wrung roan fl¥mflcfl93flflyf¢ 9648984 Glasses are not permitted contact lenses are acceptable dollonl MGionk Wlionr ho RUBBER STAMPS THIS THURSDAY 4367955 Ohll6£inr NORTHERN CARPENTRstpscIaIIxrna iii In terior work Rec rooms kitchens both to correct vision to 2020 High standard of appearance and excellent health EACH GENERAL IIANDYMAN itrtERVIEws Will CONDUCTED IN toRomo IN TIIE NEAR FUTURE IF You WHITE MflmlinLL 917391003 itiillElt STAMPS root cleared of Ice snow Mm TIIEsE MINIMUM REaUIREMENTs SEND roR AN APPLICATION roRM mc ModTo Order hmnw °°V°°°° sung renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling small movm obs rubbsh To STOCK rec rooms etc Telephone 776l77l FAST EEHVKE gl two CARPENTERS fully experienced on all guys nun sump Mndeon repo Work engegemnts WARDAIR CANADA 1975 LTD SHORTRUNOFFSET mumm Kltchens bathrooms 726245 IVE VAN GE NhE MIiIIlt1dDwispllmrtsfil to EggEAEFSéé giftiilgfrrigfigre 3316522 hHw we 7w or or um sumoml012lo SNOW REMOVM °°l °d dlVwW Mlilctlhrl Josggtl Antonius Ills Inolime annognce the engagement or them Dellghl lamlly lends wlh DUPLICATING TONE OUT3°35 EW°d °d ilnl Wk l°w for her birthday Michael was born daughter Anne LOUISl to Mr Geoflrcy llllS UflUSUdl EBSIET egg feel AGONBOOKKEEPNGUAXnonolmd rotgsjtoswbononbOffl FIbruttry 77 I979wmuhinq II ms 401s Russell pcglnald Sanqums son oi Mr Let the ram Jom the SERVICES huh mm 9amtoapm 7265218 YOUNG MAN wIlI remove snow from roofs Proud parents art J00 and Bonnie 50 and Mrs Russell Sangums ol Barrie Prorript service Reasonable rates Coll 0nd grandchild tor Mr Mrs Griep The candlelight ornmony will take Jam mg BEES 0n OWII 222 mvrrno gramme ON 7787558 of Edgar and Mr and Mrs Tom Van plate at Andriws PrOShYWan eggs then sew Easter bonnets Gtrn 0t Barrio Sixth great grandchIla Church EarrIeon Saturday March 74th and caps Pattern 7094 trans lers and faces lot heads eaSy tolollow dIrectIons Included $150 ior each pattern cash tor Mr and Mrs Hrrh Lrmay of Barrio Huirial thanks to Hunt and All nurses aptcmcaroriursrirymalt Mil LER Glen and JanII Mp picIsrI to rmnuunru thI birth oi Son Brrint I97 at 30p uoertlefthenh GREEN Green wrsh to thank triends neighbors 7260955 Am momm SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS TV AND RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes from your home personal small business pickup Et prompt return govt forms rebates Stranuway Dr raspvmally the MISSISSAUGA ONT L4V IN3 ESIMEDE and Display IEN om any Limited The lamily at the latc Sadie aid models tibial 30 RISOI II and rrilntronsior floral tthUtcs all done cheque of money order filzazm°v2iiff N°LZI3I reasonalbe rates XV lilfnl153L332lugsrlgllseilfii 335351 3053335d°$gygzg each pattern for lIrstclass mm Canada SMITH 43mm PLEXIGLAS SIGNS mm 5glg33rzmagi gs yo 233131 and handling Send In mice except mo 730 WMWMND Wommfid Fr 00 NIllu Mlllll 0t UIODHI SplicIdl thanks to lad Dim HOMIOCIIII Dept MWFF9 PLYLON LOFNE 773 nursruol ttII 4th lloor and Dr Taylor Eprlygglzalwnuori olhgcnkgnadsjvgnm om um°ll°l°m Stewartiioctronicr Am LLUMINAIEU NUNHUMNATED MC runmom PF ll Repairs lo CUl OUT vmyl REPAIR SimE on H121 Twls it Thank all ier ItDart su JOB3 Design and sell Communlcmlons TELEVlleN sTAN KNICELY MASONRY omit block and RENTALS AVAILABLE any vinyl ml0 wlot haul °Pl mummy Chldmm 90 Imrtlwnrpoiisl firm nDdseltllll lonl Slums STEREORADIO chlmn If Iv pm nk 7264 Friday thilrtv ovmaanrtuwmu arrrl In gt STemS TOT bUSIneSS CUSTomers on 705 Saturday Child works hard Ior ll mu to coirliralrmy rrtlrrimrnt LIX Pflfll llllll PALLET Iowa INSTALLEDTOYOUR mamm xm ammo Am SALARY S13 7031 $22 100 COMPLETE W5 llMl mm gillllFTNCOAVlALgEl 19792IloEEDLE lle and wise and good and gay 0V8i popu Awu GUITAR LESSONS Clo Munl9°l9uilgégkgitlfeglll 40 yum 3THE Clfilohdrilvcrihyslwgftltlokrigwshrhlrhelhnruol 3Senlaee75panems University or Community College Degree 666 DUE piano organ booin ReSIdential Farm Cottage tin Wlilh was Imur birth lain Kert lhlS Ilsa HE Innsf $150 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles nerand advanced Two monthstriol instru FREE ESTIMATES and 0mm Important Inlormnlion tor lC Us UslneSS Options re elle anything fiberglass Free estimates Low mam loaned Ior home practice Canadian TF your child tuturv nn xmrtimr Birth Pr Vious Sges Ex erience Preferred winter ram Workmanhip auomnud AETJPLMBLKJW PWIFLII 91799 AsAsfiL GEORGE BUIE DRILLING 0J Im JUNE 27TH OPEN 127Mhans In mes 3150 Th ELSEEuvinAwwwrwmn Gunn LESSON Clmml WWI °d MAKE YOUR Ideas reality Custom curved Midbum ZlSf$ 32392f2f for St Georges Angloen 00rd scum on 3150 Mall Resume TO BOX Xamlller 2220 lurther lrtlormation all Gary moscxmlgsNoogu3gsgcq 72476 VIM Immmry WNW nmsnw MIARMMWSWL ll Will NOT be necessary for preVous applcanls lo 77 ETW pmr Th A2 f3221m5ixtL0 M7 12mm In ommenb 3150 Vic wxrson rm um 123Stitchn Patch uil 125 apply INIIERE ABILITY DECIDES m°Pm°375°°w°m °r snow BIOWING EXAMNER lZZStuff Pull is 5SI 25 Hum cusrorsorlrana engagispgiaiung Amigoiaqumponr mm SNOWMOWWG WANT ADS mm 12mm Show n50 in natural stone and antique brick using 00 W0 °PPY Pm belllires Workmanship guaranteed Peter drywall KOBRA Free estimates POO l0 ld0w°lht It Ntombl PHONE 72824 EXAMINER leCtochef Wildiobe Henslro 737287l 7764617 ra hon7N 50 gm rm MA WANTADs Iver rochet $100 PHONE 7232414 ilSCrochet Nilli Squares$l00 IlGHifly Fifty Quilts Sl00 77h 79ouction sales llSRip le Crochet $100 71 wanted 71 vents ge EVERY 00 Whlle every endeavor will be NOTICE TOCREDITORS AUCTDN SALE Momentsstylish 0111 Pt ans In mode to forward replies to box ANDOTHERS FOR MUHIOAIBIPJ ifflllNl an In nsoumes SHERIDAN NURSERIES LTD numbsohadvem mm KENNETH WILSON BROS IAgxzostfiopm 1073nt5e2icngl gm Experienced tire man Knowledge in farm and truck service as possible occap no abuny SAMUEL OAKLEY me of Borne Lo Cont Albion Twp mum 1054an crochet $100 E°°°P°Y b°° in ist of d°m°9° Terrace Shanty Bay Road Situated on the BoltonSandhill all tons to Tod 75¢ TF APPLY IN PERSON Requires nursery workers Must be physically fIt ExperIence alledged to on through eIther Bomeyonmm Rd mile was of main lozfluuum Quins 75 preferred but not essential Start April Ist to frame up Wages failure or delay in forwarding persons having claims imersecion 9h in Town 101mm Canadian 75 $364 to $425 an hour Applications available only from Ch replies however other again he of Kenneth Bone on Hwy No 5010 in nne ree CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE who If Samuel Oakley late ol Barrie SATURDAYMARCHIO Borne 48 Terrace Shanty Bay Road AT 1100 AM Barry EXAMINER Borrlev OOIGVIO Who died The sale offers I3 head of baby WANT ADS 0500 Nil doY Ol FebrHWY beef cattle yearlings quantity momma2m 09 herébv required ol good mixed hoy straw DIRECT PHONE Liberal moves said lU POIICUIUIS °l SUCh tractors incl Case model 830 7210 It 00 75 SCHOOL 7STld schools claims to the undersigned diesel powered 3705 hrs rhi liriil lllllilil I10m To supervise installation and do some design and layout of municipal services in management capacity with contractor land developer Possible future consulting work probable Starting salary in the $70000 per annum range Please call JOHN ANDREOLI at 16892393 to arrange an interview OR WRITE TO BOX 75 GRAVENHURST ONTARIO M7 TOI COMMISSIONS StII mtywiuriy part trmv lull tImn SILIllInl Calendars at SpnciriltIIS urIrIIIrl l4ll tapes iJiIII Trnu OllirrSI1trplIrs0tc Our 71th yInr Nlw ntaloquv avmlahir Alto Box Ottawa 76 employment wanted ME CHANIC Liner Tllttl trirl hrrnvy IQUIDITNI llCttVlS Fully oxnIriimlrl onirurksnrtrlOnstrtirtIonvqqurviIIitIn llllnfflSTllIIlllrlnflOftfrtllDIIHII nll after 000 176 978 You CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES 100 EXAMINER ROUTES LMVALE ARE NOW AVAILABLE jLAPPERTON 54 IN THESE AREAS OWEN WELLINGTON AREA BLAKE ST Phone 7266539 SOPHAWORSLEY STS WELLINGTON EUGENA ST VINCENT AREA BAYFIELD TO MULCASTER 8URTON AVEHOLGATE ST DRURY LN WELLINGTON ST AREA TlEFINFERNDALE Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Route NAME AGE ADDRESS AhPilONE PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 GEORGIAN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION REAL ESTATE Introductory Courses new series of the three mandatory Introduction to Real Estate courses will be starting at the Barrie Campus 900 am Monday Match 17 I979 For information call 7281951 Career Opportunity 19eection seles AUCTIONS SAT MAR IO l030 AM 79 auction sales THURS MAR 630 PM 254 YONGE ST 254 YONGE sT PAINSWICK PAINSWICK Partial Listing Only TOOLS TOOLS TOOLS annum Suites large selection of lulu and Dlnlng various hand tools ll Stites Coffee and End Booster Cables vlses Tdflggl dull gets lamps saws VIse grips varIety of one of too pliers sockets rachets open end wrenches screwdrivers socket sets hatchets squares shovels power tools tin snlps iacks trouble lights tape cor blankets llashlights box and wrenches ierry cans cutters ball peen ham so lunnfllng mars clamps claw pieces hammers wire brushes insulated pliers fence pliers ITEMS Too NUMEROUS TO All 975 MONZA LIST PLUS INCLUSION or SOME at USED MERCHANDISE PM William Associates Auctioneers 728624 IX executor on or before the l8th day of April I979 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have been then received and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice KENNETH OAKLEY Barrie Terrace Shanty Bay Rd UM lEB M7 l42l MWHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESIAY WEDNESDAY THURSIAY FRIDAY SATURIAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day now wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recom mend that you slart your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of experience will millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Sec tlon good one MF model 207 ind Work Bull gas dual range trans shuttle gear fully powered wSims cab In loader good one MF I65 diesel fully powered 7977 hrs Oliver standard model 80 gas in good condition collectors item Silver King gas tractor as is collectors item MF No l0 garden tractor wr42 mower snow blower sells separately full line of tillage equip incl plows Cultivators disk MF model 33 l7run grain drill good Calso field sprayer NH 33l manure spreader Danuser post hole auger PH grader blades dirt scoop McKee snow blower front and mount wagons racks farm trailer 18 ft platform bale elevator grain augers Allied automatic bale stooker Case model 950 SP l2 swather conditioner MF model 410 SP combine wcab MF 340w corn head sell separately MF model 92 IT SP combine wpickup sells complete many good misc pces of equip portable saw mill 54 saw numerous cattle accessories blacksmith tools collectibles Some good household furniture mostly antique some elec appliances and misc Lunch booth TERMS Cash day of sale cheques wID ACCIDENTS Neither the owners nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR No iAlliston Ta 705 4354878 M7 79 auction sales AUCTIONEERS 360 BLAKE ST NO 35 BARRIE ONT 79 euctionseles 705 7370879 Auction Sale SATURDAY MARCH i7th T979 at TOom sharp at THE EMBASSY HALL 386 BLAKE ST BARRIE Consisting of fine selection ol antiques table Tiffany lamps hand and electric tools compressor lishing and hunting equipment household furnishings and car LADIES GENTLEMEN Watch for full list on Wednesday March Nth Terms Cash No reserve AUCTIONEER BRIAN PACELLO 7370879 M78l0 Classltied advertisements and notices for these p090 must mm by pm do local member of parliament proceding publication with the exception of Oassilled Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication DIR TH NOTICE SS 50 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 AddItIonal words l0cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words SS 50 Addi tional words lOcts per word lN MEMORIAM NOTICES Na verse 55 SO Mirth verse per count lune 77 cents per lIne COMING EVENTS $377 per column Inch 74 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Disounl Rules apply il paid within days One or two insertans per word insertion Three comecuiive Inserttons cents per word in sertion total $643 Six consecutive insets tione 8rc per word per insertion total 774 Multiple insertIons may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method ol counting lewer than 24 words aunt as 74 words Each lnltiol abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the landlord Advertising Department re quires ad advertllers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first ineer tion In order that any error or omission may be reported belore am in order that same may be rectilled lor the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value at the advertisement are not eligible lor correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classlly revise or reflect any want ads PHONE 7787 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday PUT OUR WANTAOS to WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 EXAMINER WANT ADS 72824 mom is vloclinnvvring says Dr It liynrird Ili SInILIwNoillii said the Liberals iiit Illill to may ilIS IIth pnpllliil ilt tlttlmn NH lim III thew illillltlLS IlCIIiI government plan Iltlll will give mnnoy IIISltiKl of lax IlillL he said lIN lilllL opposition leader unnnunml irugrvsmyv Consor ill gmornniunl Iollld ztlmlislt capital gains lax ill pru its from public Shares nl zinxlrliunomiml Imnpgtiiios us In lllllllllYt for unnrliun III Slllllil suIIl Dr liniztid Lilwmls critter0d this puliuy ho said but lillll iii nnuncod lililiSlilLl lax rlll In mulch lhv IIy llimg lliik ltiiil suggoslvll Ir IinIIIIIl Ilsa IilliIind rutuni illliililllkllililil by llliilli MInisle ltiiii rolivn Iliu Sillll the Municipal Wlillll lw £iitllilltil to spread new grunts nmmil 2000 liilliilllpillllHS IIIISI Iilt jtlsl litllo 0x illiipllS at which llii ulvr lll Hilil tIi tzikv II glier liilll look lNlIlllSl llit IIirrnl Is out there illiil llil lillil illt milking ii lilll lilllllil vyory tiny Charters success Ill ll limmslic illillil lmukIIII Ilmrlors III llUIIIIIItl in IlliS country for Illi first llliil Inst yum were mi in slant success the pIIsulum nl Sun lours Ltd says IIslilyitig IIIIsllny ill rInzIIlIIIII transport IUItI Itiissmn litIIIIIII llllli III up pliiiilmll liy IIIIIIII lot IlumIslII llillltl lllilltl IAIIIIulIl NIIIIIIIII ll lliIiItiliill liIIl suIIl Illi SliltiSS is lillll min more lliiili 00 per cont III the smiling Sliiltl itlttkliil Ilit Ilmnvslic lliillltlb IIIIIIpIIII Sun IIillls yIll plmttli lithium round trip snails rm IIUImslIc lliillltl lltlx your up ilipvr lilll lIIIIII IITII lII SIIIII llt liilll IliI IIIIIIIIIISSIUII that Air iIIIIIIIIII illlll ll lllilillil to Illil IIIIIIIII In Sun IIIIIIS llt Sillil Iliiil Iilltoul li giuIIIII IlItrIIIIs lll tuitipmiy would not lll Slitli lltilY Illilllll SIIMIIIII this ymr llillllil llil liIIIIIIlSSlliII IL jlLltIl II motion Air llIIIt llit WIIIIiuiI ilplilllilllilit IN llj missed

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