Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1979, p. 6

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the oxamlnor Saturday Feb 24 1979 Low and middleincome families will receive extra federal assistance through the child tax credit effective for the 1978 taxation year says booklet from the department of national health and welfare Benefits of $200 per child are availabletofamilies with incomes up to $ttt000 and reduced gradually for in comes above that level For the 1978 tax credit children must have been born between Ian 1961 and Dec 31 1978 to be eligible REDlI1INIS To pay for the next tax credit the federal govern ment has reduced monthly family allowance payments from $25 08 to $20 month beginning January 1975i It would have been nice to provide the refundable child tax credit without haying to reduce family allowance payments But the federal govern ment wanted to provide addir Family allowances cut for child tax credit tional assistance to those who needed it most without increasing overall social pro gram expenditures the booklet says Also the federal tax reduc tion for children now $50 year for each child will be eliminated beginning next year IIIGIIER AGE LIMIT The age limit for the $840 exemption for children 16 years old or older will be raised to age 17 or older for 1979s return and age 18 or older from 1980 on Applications for the child tax credit were mailed with Januarys famin allowance cheques The person who receives family allowances usually the mother also receives the new child tax credit About 25 million or two thirds of anadas families with children under 18 will receive all or part of the new child tax credit says the booklet Welsh gymanfa Sunday evening Welsh gymanfa will be held at Burton Avenue tnited hiirch in Barrie on Sunday at 73in in Although the evening will be highlighted with some of the great Welsh hymns the main idea behind the service is to give those who enjoy singing the great hymns of the church an opportunity to do so says church letter Outside of some special musical numbers the emphasis will be on congregational singing Gymanta were originally time set aside after the chapel services in Wales when the coir Examination writing to to PURCHASE after than you expected NECESSARY REPAIRS another day Advice from Helps solve Problems CAST Silili 409 44 30 Hall iiiist Street Yes Im interested NAME ADDRESS SIREEI It PHONE NO An opportunity for your child to study for advanced placement at leading North American Universities the prestigious Oxford and Cambridge Level and the French Baccalaureate diploma The Toronto French School will be holding Entrance Examinations for early ad mission for gifted boys girls age 13 18 to enter the Senior School with financial help in appropriate cases Previous knowledge of French is not pre requisition we provide immersion classes Examinations will be held on Saturday March 1979 and application should be submitted in The Headmaster The Toronto Frondi School 3229 Yong $0 TORONTO OM M4 1L3 CAVAET EMPTOR htiopwcbouofohonoorlwldhg thrololsnl IN THE BUYER BEWARE There are two ways to protect your investment Consult your lawyer BEFORE you sign an OFFER Call ClR INSPECTION SERVICES You will see your lawyer in any case It makes sense to speak to him BEFORE you sign not It also makes sense to BE CERTAIN that your purchase is not going to cost you $5000 more REMEMBER No deal is so great it wont wait Its BIG INVESTMENT PROTECT IT CALL CIR INSPECTION SERVICES we offer some day service anywhere in Simcoe County Our inspectors are all professionals able to examine all aspects of building inside and out It could save you 1000s of dollars so call us at 7288363 or after hours Sat Sun collect at 705526 61 I3 ask for BILL 00005 Business Experts IIY PROVINCE gregation would stay and sing for about an hour The Welsh have passion for good music particularly part singing and Wales is famous for its many excellent mixed and male voice choirs Musical director for the even ing will be Doug Garraway Anyone wishing further 111 formation may call 7200506 MAKE GOOD DESSERT Fold crushed peppermint candy stick into softened vanilla ice cream and freezertop it with chocolate sauce when serving in UNFORESEEN BUT CASE means Counselmg Assrstance to Small Enterprrses It rs part the Management Sewres offered by the Federal BUSr1835 Development Bank and rts purpose rs to help owners and managers to solve problems that most small busrnesses encounter from time to tune CA SE counsellors are retired business people who have been selected for their business expert5r Find out how CASE can serve you OblngIOH course Srmply call collect 476 638 7340 if you prefer ust complete and marl the coupon lieow Foduial Business Development Bank Dowrisvmw Ontario M3H 383 Toll rm fiow CASE can help Pt FASE PRINT PUSIAl com FEDERAl BUSlVESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Through an Income tax assistance program sponsored by the city and the Ontario government senior citizens In Barrie can have their tax returns completed for Some discover they are eligible for unexpected refunds reports Jerry Stansfield program coordl Through assistance program Tax returns completed 15y Vtt IItttIlltil If The I£IIIIIIHI Some senior citirciis haw been getting nicc surprises by having llltll iiicoinc tax returns done by ltarrics iii conic tax assistance piograiii for seniors says Icrry Stanstield program coor dinator First it costs only $1 to haic their tax returns tottiplilctl But also many ot the seniors haic been aicraging tintario tax refunds of $3570 to $300 says Stansficld Some are aware they will Iit getting some kind of refund but many are not In number of cases lllt refund is really nice suipiisc Stiiiisficld cxpccts that by pri the last day of the pro gram more than 430 returns ill have been coiiiplctcil The program simiisorid by Iarkyicw ciitrc for Seniors and the ministry of community and social services began lcb The officc open front 12 noon to in Monday to lri day on Illt fourth floor of the Municipal lowcr at 70 ollici St Lynn Charlton of Mldhurst centre and Debbie repeat the oath of secrecy for Judge Morton Must swear secrecy The first day ot the program Monday lcb was busy day says Stansficld liics day Icdncsdoy iiid lliursday wircconiplctily booked Slottsliilil Stliftllllf llti Icluiiis for half hour INlttle but fcw takc longer Soiiiiictuinsarciiiorccoiii plicafcd than othiis bc Iltlll liit tlicii again sonic only take iniiiutia ldllflilfl says lllllt itlt two types of senior citiciis Wine very careful and has all lltt necessary forms and icccipisat Ill lilttlflllli The other is anktree of Thornbury before sitting in on days proceedings in family court Both are students In their second year of the legal secretarial program at Georgian College Barrie there rs no 70 Collier St Barrie 7286072 lii ltfllll utiiyiii yiiiit lltliltlllttll itiVlllflfillltlltlittil Liiimfd loint Will lf iiiicii fiatonfay cliiiidiy Iil illltl lVlitlttlitylllilt lliiiiwldy Vttlttlfl til it ii iii lctiiiiziiy Lti tiiMiiclil Tiiiiiiitiic llttfvt finitiiiw natorn Stansfield says more volunteers are needed to complete tax returns for seniors Here at the office on the fourth floor of the Municipal Tower 70 Collier St he helps Grace Markus com plete return for blind senior citizen Examiner Photo for seniors iiiiorganircd and has probably forgotten to bring some of his toriiis Staiisficld says lic could use more volunteers to help with the returns You dont need special background to work on them he says Anyone who has ever kept budget should bc able to help with the returns can tcacb all the basics and Im always here II the vollintccrs nccd liclp Pediatrician says Volunteers are requested to work on the returns one after noon week If they can help two aftcriiimns week that would be even better says Staiislicld Any seniors reqtiiring income tax assistance must first make an appointment by phoning 720mm Volunteers interested in helping with the returns should call larkview cntic at 737701 Not talking about death creates later problems Hll itl Parents who do not talk about death with their children are creating more ptolilttti than they think iiicbciiig solved Ill lccbcri London Uni medical ptofissot said dcatli still trcatcd as por nogiaphii word in many Itlllllllis larciits who refuse to discuss an iinjwniling death in thc fainin will probably sec wholc range of behavioral pro bleins dcvclop later he told nicdical symposium on the elderly aiiddying For ittttilc thn granny fllt IItll the lllltlltil are told that slic has gone to sleep parents wonder why the children will hayc nightmares and not want iogotoslccp lti Ilc cbci pediatrician who also director of hematology and oncology at the War Memorial hildiciis Hospital says he treats many children With fatal diseases such as leukemia who are never told they iicgotngtodic Even when children are scrupulously protected from the information they still know what is going on because they tlitildltltliNlltili1llillilltlt ill itll laiw limos ltil tinikiiitj ltIH with tWtl twii ifiiidifiuiil illiliijiiitiiiltii lfllll iiiitidyini lliiliiiiiwifm Liiiiifi lilll Iii lllttl ii ltllilfltlli ilthlllltlll lliilii in tlltlll lllltli mics iii fiiiltf it tillllliii Ill ilI uvtiti llllll titl Killiii Illt iiciiiitdlitc Canada Trust BRHRIE iitilot lit Mciiiiioil ioimic ijb 1848 can see the agony and tear in their parents faces IIIIIRIC SIINI AWAY He described family that chose to have their child die at home and sent their other children away until the youngster was dead Inc stir viviiig child still is under psychiatric therapy coiiyiiiccd the dead child was hidden away soiiicwlicrc Dr De ibcr said children should also be allowed to attend funerals of loved ones From death education point of view this is in valuable With better education about death children can avoid many of tlie phobias and nightmares their parents go through larcnts facing sudden infant death syndrome mysterious death common in babies between three months and two years old need special support These parents are really worsc off than those whose children are dying of cancer because they have no warning they have no preparation period and there is no reason forthedeath Orillia camp wins grant plans cycling trip Hriaii thinking at Big hief amp near rillia has been awarded $4500 by the aiiadian tomiiiission for the Interna toinal Year of the hild to fund cycling trips in eastern Untario and Quebec for emotionally disturbed children at the camp if 1th submissions received before Dec ill 1070 50 projects totalling $145000 have been funded from the $1 million made available for childrens projects by Health and Welfare anada final deadline of April 30 has been set for individuals and groups submitting proposals for the $855000 balance Iiunded projects represent all sectors of the aiiadian childs life ethnic and cultural events sports and physical fitness family enrichment and IlltKlltillrlllllIlIl01£lplttglillllS ozrimunity organiratioiis or groups wishing to apply for grant are requested to contact the secretariat of the aiiadian omniissoii for International Year of the hild at Hull hapel Streettttawant 11N7Z2 SltllGRIIEN RINGS Iieiciil dark rings around yolks of llttttlltmltll eggs by gently simmering instead of boiling and by cooling iin mediater in cold water Ann Lgnders Heading for fall Dear Ann Landers It is important that you rint this letter because speak for lot of teenagers who ont have the guts to write Im 14yearold who smokes pot drinks beer and whiskey and does other drugs For some reason the rest of the world considers us scum and they treat us that way Adults think kids get high to be cool and go along with the rest of the gang WRONG We get high because we want to No one holds gun to our heads and makes us do it Ive been smoking pot since was 12 smoked cigarettes four years before that quit smoking because found out it was medical fact that smoking tobacco was more dan gerous to your health than smoking pot So leave us poth cads alone and worry about yourselves think the jocks have more of problem than we do Itidin Illgh Dear Itidin High Better put on your crash helmet youre heading for fall And when it happens we squares are the ones who will pick you up and try to put you back together As to why you get spacy it doesnt matter whether it was peer pressure or your own personal decision The results are the same Fried brains nerves shot motivation nil years wasted find it interesting that you quit smoking cigarettes because you learned they were bad for your health Please look into whiskey and those other drugs you are doing Angel dust Coeaine Hash Acid Uppers and downers Maybe these wont give you lung cencer but they can do an enor mous amount of physical and emotional damage Angel dust can kill youevor make you kill yourself Stop being such wise guy and go to the nearest drug abuse centre andget educated before you end up ODd in morgue Dear Ann Landers identified with the girl who feels hu miliated because shes fat too am eating myself sick 10f ten cry and hate myself for my lack of will power feel pow erless lonesome and depressed But agree with you dont deserve pity and dont want it Five years ago was in the same spot shes in now looked like baby hippo and kept eating everything that didnt bite me first It took me two years to control my mouth Finally shed all those unwated pounds So many Im ashamed to tell you the exact number Six months ago left the country and was separated from friends and relatives started to eat again and gained everything back feel horrible and worthless but Im ready to get trim once againw and Im determined to do it realize need psychiatric help and Im getting it It ex pect it to take longer this time but Im not discouraged know Ill reach my goal So once more Ann thank you for refusing to feel sorry for us fatties Sometimes we need some needling to get going and you gave it to me but good Fat But Hopeful Dear Hopeful Your approach is sensible You arent going in for any of those kooky diets Youre getting professional help Im betting this time youll stay slim permanently Cheers Doctor Game Pregnant teens now menace Hy DR GIFFURILJONES Winston Churchill once said Never never never give up lts sound advice if you have strong views about an im portant issue Thats why Ive changed generals to fight growing menace for parents and this country hope that Health Minister Monique Begin will see the wisdom of this attack This is not the time to slice federal funds for family phnnnng Why Because theres oneinten chance your teenage girl will become pregnant this year That means youll face the choice of abortion high obstetrical risks or the care of anillegitiinate child In 1978 lost one battle by narrow margin suggested that NaiXileons imaginative military mind would win war against 40000 teenage pregnancies every year Hed make his best weapon the birth control pill available without prescription Too many teenagers are pregnant for fear of asking for this contraceptive Or because their prescriptions nin out theyre afraid the doctor would inform parents READERS DISAGREED But slight majority of readers disagreed with handling the pill like gum balls Many thundered that was pro moting promiscuity nation of syphlitic morons and that needed holiday to restore my senses They also reminded me that Napoleon was eventually loser Like an elephant Ive never forgotten my retreat No Im launching new attack with proven winner Wellington This British general was master of preparation and in variably did his homework before battle Thats why he would direct an attack against the hidden foe the ones who continually sabotaged his efforts and aided the enemy think hed bluntly tell adults to clean up their own act For years theyve been profitecring from selling cheap sex Theyve bombarded teenagers with sexuality on television in songs and in magazines Their generation has been pro grammed to believe you can sell anything from soap to cars with sex Adults have been giving teenagers sex education but its been the wrong kind BLAMES ADVERTISING aii you blame teenagers for finding it difficult to separate fact from fiction Just consider home magazines that sell ads such as the makeup that lets girl go as far as she wants or being close was never nicer with feminine deodorant spray No wonder teenagers become sexually oriented prematurely with all this promotion Wellington might blast the older generation for other er rors the vocal minority which condemns sex education in the schools others who allow them to block this progressive move He would remind parents that 50 per cent of teenage mothers learn sex from girl friends 25 per cent from boys 20 per cent from teachers and five er cent from parents Ile might also stress the risk of efeat His research would reveal that teenage girls who become pregnant face increas ed obstetrical hazards Due to smaller bony pelvis theres ta greater risk of aesareaii section larger number develop toxemia of pregnancy due to excessive weight gain They have more prolonged labor lacerations of the birth canal and premature babies Moreover these babies do not fare as well during the first year of life For example the babies of girls I5 years of age have 24 times greater chance of dying than those of older mothers HlDGEISIASIIED What about the cost of the war The hero of Waterloo Would be dumbfounded by the naive thinking of politicians They argue theres no money Thats why theyve slashed the budget of Planned Parenthood from 21 million to 11 million in 1079 But Wellingtons homework would pose blunt question If funds are so scarce Iiow can one province Newfoundland afford to pay nearly $5 million to unwed mothers in one year And how can ttawa give $2000 million for family and youth ssista iicc Finally the conqueror of Napoleon might suggest some strategy Hed remind politicians that the USA has allocated $190 million to fight the million teenage pregnan eies that occur year after year in that country That British study in 1072 calculated that $1 spent on prevention saves $128 later in welfare costs for the illegitimate child That the millions spent on abortions welfare payments to teenage mothers and the protection of abused children has not solved the problem Rather it was accelerating the tragedy It could eventually bring social and economic chaos to Canada Wellington would refuse to conduct battle he knew Would end in defeat Politicians would have two choices Hed either receive more locational weapons to annihilate the enemy Or they could appoint someone else Hopefully Moni que Hegin prefers victorious generals

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