the examiner Frlday Feb 23 1979 3A Multilingual TV station planning fall startup ei TORONTO CP An old recently head of television arts fter Picture wins nine Oscar nominations Six members of the cast of Universal Pictures film The Deer Hunter pose for picture during the filming of the movie that won nine nominations for Oscar awards In the 5lst Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences From left are John Cazale Chuck Aspegren Robert De Niro John Savage Rufanya Aldo Christopher Walken and Meryl Streep The nominations included one for best picture of the year AP Photo hexagonalshaped building on the waterfront is the home of CFMTTV The call letters stand for Canadas First Mul tilingual Television which be gins broacasting in 24 Ian guages this fall Dan lannuzzi who won his li cence late last year said today the $3250000 needed to start the station already has been pledged by investors and the station will be on the air by Thanksgiving Day at the latest The station will begin broa casting with 100 hours of pro gramming weekly and there are plans to add eight ad ditional languages by the end of the first year of operation Nigel NapierAndrews pro gram producer whose work at the CBC has included the Bob McLean Show and the Beyond Reason series has signed on as Vicepresident and overall pro gram director Parouk Mohammad until at Algonquin College in Ottawa and before that was the Trini dadbased director of the Carib bean Television Union will or ganize the 60 per cent of the stations programs broadcast in languages other than French and English BUYS FILMS John Migicovsky formerly of the CBC and CFTOTV Toronto will purchase films for the 33 percent air time allotted to Englishlanguage shows The other seven per cent of the schedule will be in French In all 38 of the expected staff of 75 have been chosen lan nuzzi said He said the station will trans mit from the CN Tower at about 750000 watts instead of using downtown rooftop transmitter of 180000 watts as originally planned The station also has new channel it will broadcast on UHF Channel 47 instead of 45 +saturday tv MORNING 556 ll EDITORIAL 558 Focus 600 SUNRISE SEMESTER BETTER WAY CARTOON PLAYHOUSE In HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN CROSS COUNTRY SKI SCHOOL SENECA TELECOLLEGE 630 ITS ACADEMIC AGRICULTURE UsA IN VIEW ROCKET ROBIN H000 700 FARM REPORT BUGS BUNNY AN011zoo FRIENDS PROFESSOR KITZEL HARRIGAN 13 WILLY AND FLOYD PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 730 AUDUBON WILDLIFE THEATRE CARRASCOLENDAS 1226 1130 ROMPER ROOM ALL IN TUBE 63 LETS Go UKRANIAN SHOW 800 CIRCLE SOUARE POPEYE HOUR 1055 100 HUNTLEY STREET PORTRAITS DENFANTS 1026 IN THE NEWS 1030 LOST iN SPACE TARZAN AND THE SUPER SEVEN JUST WILLIAM LETS 60 Ill ANY WOMAN CAN £12 ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 13 OOPSY JUST Do IT YOURSELF LES HEROS DU SAMEDI TournOI Hockey Ouebec SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK PEANUTS AND POPCORN POPEYEPORKY KIDSTUFF THE CHURCH HARRIGAN GENTLE BEN PINS AND EDLES IN THE NEWS OCEANS ALIVE STAN KANN SPIDERMAN EMERGENCY ONE PASSEPARTOUT THE CHURCH TELEJEANS ease BSSR6 SOS scooavs CITY CLASSIFIED ALLSTARS 155 UNCLE BOBBY KIDSTUFF COLARGOL OUM LE DAUPHIN SCHOOLHOUSE IN THE NEWS ALL IN TUBE SESAME STREET FLINTSTONES WILLY AND FLOYD CROSSROADS POLKA DOT DOOR LATELIER DES PISSENLITS LE TORONTO FRANCAISE 856 IN THE NEWS 900 THIRD STORY BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER SPIDERMAN CIRCLE SOUARE TREEHOUSE CLUB MISTER ROGERS VOICE OF ASIA CANDY FILIPENSCA 925 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 926 IN THE NEWS 930 d9 ROCKET ROBIN H000 PARADE CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER FRIENDS BARBAPAPA HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN 12 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR 10 UNCLE BOBBY SHOW TENNIS LES AVENTURES 0E PINOCCHIO 4s CHECK AND MATE 956 IN THE NEWS 1000 COOBY 000 GEORGE DOWN To EARTH 85 85 86 80 ibis to BO®BSBSSB® SSS®®S 1226 1230 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 11560 IN THE NEWS AFTERNOON 1200 TRIVIA mu SPACE ACADEMY AGRISCOPE ABC WEEKEND SPECIAL STAR TREK HORST KOEHLER CAMPUS OUIZ LES MARMITONS WRESTLING LA SEMAINE PARLEMENTAIRE GALLOPING OURMET IN THE NEWS in WRESTLING FAT ALBERT REACH FOR THE TOP TODAYS WOMAN CANADIAN EXPRESS F13 MOVIE WESTERN ma Sierra 1950 LES OLYMPIENS YOURE BEAUTIFUL SSS®BO 56 IN THE NEWS 00 FESTIVAL 0F LIVELY ARTS FOR YOUNG PEO PLE The Seven Liveliest But Whos Counting Rob Reiner hosts an mtorma tive introduction to the seven lively artsdance literature film muSIC theater art and architec ture Accompanied by young people Rainer and group of distinguished artists demonstrate the Individual arts 60 TTIIRS430 CLASS OF 79 CHALLENGE MOVIE JUVENILEFANTASY Pufnstuf 1970 AUTONOMIE SPORTS PROBE LA COURSE AUTOUR Du MONDE THACKERS WORLD 15 EN BREF 30 GE CBC CURLING CLASSIC Bob NIchols of Superior Wisconsin vs Ed LukOWIch of Alberta in the final match 60 mins BUILDING DECENT FUTURE WILD REFUGE CANADIENS CAN AILLES CANAYENS BOXING INTO THE WISHING WELL 200 BEAT THE CHAMP TONY BROWNS JOURNAL CANADIAN COLLEGE SPORTSBASKETBALL Laurier vs Western RED FISHER SHOW DEJA DEMAIN DECLIC FILM SPECIALS 230 062 1979 CANADA WINTER GAMES Coverage of the closmg ceremonies from Brandon Manitoba WIth commenta tors Ernie Alaganis and Don WIttman hrs SPORTS AFIELD 13 SPORTS JOURNAL INSIDEOUT NFB PRESENTS JEux DHIVER DU CANADA Cloture 90 in 245 VISION ON 300 INVITATION TO DANCE OUTDOORS TROUBLE WITH TRACY 13gt WRESTLING INSIDE TRACK GALLOPING GOURMET 315 PRINTS IN THE NA TIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA Contemporary Art 330 PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR Todays Show Will feature the $70000 Cleveland Open from the Buckeye Lanes in North Olmsted Ohio 90 mins RED FISHER SHOW BONSPIEL 1979 Galt vs London CHAMPIONSHIP BRIDGE EB CIRCLE SQUARE HOT HANDS 400 ITS ACADEMIC 13 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Featured events Include the WInnipeg Tribune InternatIonal In door Games the Datsun 310 UniverSIty Champion ShIp car races and the North American Cross Country Skiing Champion ships hrs MEDIA AND METH ODS OF THE ARTIST HAMMY HAMSTER WRESTLING STAN KANN CANDID CAMERA MR CHIPS SHOW BIZ ELECTRIC SOOOOS COMPANY KIDSWORLD 500 FACES OF SMALL PLACES GLEN CAMPBELL LOS ANGELES OPEN BONKERS WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Coverage of the WBA World Light Heavyweight Champion Ship between Mike Ross man and Victor Galindez 80 mins INTERNATIONAL 12 DALLIDAY GOES SESAME STREET WORLD OF JOURNAL SO SURVIVAL BAGATELLE SOCCER 530 MIXED BLESSINGS DANCE FEVER TOWN AND GOWN EDITORIAL PAGE EVENING 6006 REACH FOR THE TOP 63 ED NEWS CBC NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN ID SATURDAY REPORT MUPPETS SHOW POLKA DOT DOOR HEBDOSAMEDI t2 SPORTS CITY 630 SKI BASE CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SPECTRUM 13 SHA NA NA 13 BOWLING FOR DOLLARS DONT ASK ME SPORTS PROBE MCGOWAN AND COMPANY 700 INCREDIBLE HULK NEXT STEP BEYOND PAPER CHASE HERE AND Now 13 BJ AND THE BEAR BJ Is kidnapped by three beautiful and desperate young girls who force mm to make moonshine while they battle their cowardly neighbor and his two over arpwn sons 60 mm EIN PROSIT 12 LAWRENCE WELK SHOW THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER To avaid being arrested for the murder of Father Andrew Canty leaves London taking Ed ward WIth him Edward escapes and Is befriended by Miles Hendon and then falls once again Into the hands of Canty and his Villainous friends TEAM SHOWDOWN IL ETAIT UNE FOISLHOMME FOUR FOR ADVENTURE 730 SHA NA NA Guest Dick Clark EYE 0N BUFFALO GEORGE HAMILTON IV DR WHO DUIz KIDS GENIES EN HERBE Rayside vs Hanmer LAST OF THE WILD 800 HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA New York Rangers vs Toronto Maple Leafs hrs THE WHITE SHADOW Coach Reeves Is drawn Into threeway ring con troversy over Salamis boxtng 60 mins DELTA HOUSE When the Delta Hausa IS con1030 demned by both the health and budding departments Dean Wormer rubs his hands In glee expecting1045 hlS least lavonte Students lifetime chance to spend haltamillion dollarswithin 48 hours when they visit Mr Roarke Guest stars Stuart Whitman Diana Canova 60 mins 13 RICH MAN POOR MAN E8 SECOND CITY EDITORS FOR LOVERS ONLY EB TELEJOURNAL WITNESS TO YESTERDAY NOUVELLES DU SPORT to be off the campus 300 03 CBC NEWS STARLOST CHIPS young hitch hiker with bomb suc cumbs to rare Illness after being taken Into cus tody by Jon and Ponch putting the police head quarters on quarantine alert 60 mm 12 HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA Boston Brums VS NEWS CTv NEWS MOVIE DRAMA Walking Tall 1973 AFFAIRES DE LETAT SWEETHEART LIVE Western Canadas hottest new rock stars perform live and in stero on CHUM FM IO45 and CITYTV Vancouve Canucks 11050 NASHVILLE SWING 13 ACADEMY PERFOR 1°59 MANCE SIlent Victory ASPECTS OF CINEMA The Km ONei Stow1110 CINEMA Alice NEst 1979 Stockard Channing James Farentino The real 15 Plus lci 80 PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS lIle account Of deal girls courage In becoming one 2209 NEWS HONonods premiere 22 stuntwomen and holder or 1130 the womens world land $eed record hrs MOVIE DRAMA The Harder They Fall 1956 GOING PLACES EB CINEMA LArmee des Ombres 1969 SHULMAN FILE 1140 NEWS MOVIE COMEDY II Never Too Late 1965 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Terminal Man 1974 SOUNDS GOOD MOVIE MUSICAL Broadway Melody of 1940 1940 1150 MOVIE 330 WELCOME BACK COMEDyDRAMA mtg KOTTER Arnold Horshack Remember Maman pursues the euphoria of 1948 alcoholic abandon despitemzoo OWE DRAMA efforts by Mr Kotter to convince him that drinking doesnt equal manlIness 900 SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE SIlent Victory The Kitty ONeil Story 1979 Stars Stockard Charming James Farenttno The real life account of deal girls courage in becoming one Lolly Madonna 1973 13 MOVIE DRAMA The Snows of Kilimanjaro 1952 13 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Brotherhood of the Bell 1970 INTERNATIONAL CINEMA OI Hollywoods premierel 210 MOVE DRAMA on stuntwomen and holder of Sandcastles 1972 the womens w0ld andizzao ClNENUIT Chevalier eed record hrs THE LOVE BOAT Three Vignettes The DeCISIon Stars Debbie Allen Poor Little Rich Girl Stars Maren Jensen Den nis Cole Love Me Love My Dog Stars Gene Ray burn Fannie Flagg 60 mins Servant L0uer 125 MOVIE ADVENTUREDRAMA The Gatling Gun 1972 130 CHALLENGE 135 GOODIES 140 MOVIE DRAMA Wednesdays Child 1934 ACADEMY PERFORm00 ABC NEWS MANCE Summer GREAT DEBATE POINT BLANK 930 CITY LIGHTS Guest Martin Ritt Part 943 CONVERSATIONS WITH ELWY YOST 10000 FANTASY ISLAND One of the worlds for emost game hunters learns what its like to be the target and two engag ing girls get once in Ragtime III MOVIE WESTERN Pat Garrett and Biiiy the Kid 1973 230 MOVIE MYSTERY Sleep My Love 1948 3450 MOVIE WESTERN Showdown 1973 425 MOVIE NO INFOR MATION AVAILABLE War Party