Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1979, p. 10

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1o tno examr19 ggrday Feta 979 Benefit game hit with fans Police win We ll HAVII IlIJIIIII if The Examiner liariie ity Police skated to it it win Itiiday Ali you ask what does that mean The Melonalds Media No Stars tied the score in the benefit hockey game at Barrie clock swueti The real winners were children suffering from Muscular Dystro hy as the two teams attraete crowd of almost 2000 people and raised an estimated $1500 toward the Ml association The McDonalds NoSta rs ig hockey showdown they scored three quick goals and skated rings around the crafty NoStars We were just luiling them into boredom said team capA tain leff Walther David Taylor National Field arena but the Police took home drew ml blood with new for he MUSCUI goal in ll IMOIIIN Ill sin JuItZlS the opening minutes of play but gybtrémhy Assoufnéonl or deeisioii nullified two fine goals the load was Sh0r1ved as Bar Ungrdtu mm by Bob Meliityie ries loliee still smarting from teams after the game and Melntyre was the score defeat earlier hi agon thanked the Simcoc Coumy kw huwvwr and did it pressed the 8mm Swgfimj firefighters who contributed to teed with fliek of the time many they did more than that hownlmgl baby doll during Brian Orser Canadian Junior mens figure skating champion pauses during his intermission show while fans applaud Hornets make it three andSteveLeatlierliei Assists went to IiltXiflltk and Addis with two iaul itlad Hello there says Nostars Jeff Walther while holding down his police op ponent in demonstration of fisticuffs Steve Ruddick skates away after giving birth to bouncing break in the action sports Iwnus to Cambridge wins again IiIIIIt Hm Mam mm Cummings goals end Oro series Allistoii Hornets are one game away from Will In their Wayde Lloyd scored from Ken Addis and tom Broderick lioeke League pin oii vv the goals first playoff series ignnst giving Alliston the win Itter the MiiliiiaiostoreilI hehombergt ougars ougars stormed liaek from ll1illrill ii In 1i emit Iiit ttiiiiiniiig seorwl Il Friday in Allistoii the 59 delieit In the third period to if it H1i lime laMinski stopped v1 41 it itiutt on out othet Hornets seoied at it oi int tietlieseoreia mm hm outwit to poutr tiro iis to an tint Alii third period to heat the ougars Allisioii goals were seored by um wt 97 ENNIS ml lloektx no ii ilotli llos HHuntsville Huskies iii the third game of the Stils ieorge lieswitk Mike ititehie Him mph in it ouitli and final irit ll mine of their liest oi Il dud ldk had 1mm mu HS Uh 5thttlllltril Rttitlfi 5l the tints it by Rob Gettsemt Lith tun tiltiyiltstiies the lust ii liiii an it mm Glffen takes IeOd Moiin lontoii laul ltdxiartf mlmwzm siiaigiti tor no it mgm illltll Imm IltlUlle it early goals and sitw Hills and Brian Sheardmin tin luniiii Wk Mun tams took one game lead in smlwi Inmwumfllwnm Hui mm mm of It iiitlc iinnmdmw HHHKHH their playoff series wtth mkva will he played in selioiiiiwir sevtiiixtug mumllmxmm Newmarket lhurvstlalyh Assnis pm in mug 10 Monday Should Allisioii xiin lint tIiiii Baguio Spumdnry Schwlg til tIttit gttiis Ltgiiiiis iliilliii 1in IEIJIIIHIIILV IltItis iII IttTTS ukiufl fluff fuuiimhi Harrls Uh my and Nhkp in in Hui itliini it low Juniiyr and nudgqll Vmimic liistrut txaizonai tuilitLuio lid Hm new opponent IIt the first It piiiti Imam 11 iriifeiini IVIttlt itninriwit moth on in ieorgian Ba minute Monday Itll totJot owlN Li Hum iiaiiie oi then semi final series Mt ll litllttIltKtttltlilytdKW 1f mm Smwmdur smuml AIMMH RAH MW NH linwmlvdhnmlau1pm oiitotxintil llitseiies itsuiiies todav itiptoot ktlillllhrttlm It HM lt Assoeiation playoffs fiti my d1tHMUHHMHHH film know is fstttit to Tillt ill llt it my at hashieu liidtn tiiniiiiini optmi up iiiii COI ngu Ii the thlittt ildeats dumped tHIltli Ll oi the first dnal loses run Livniixii Midland Secondary Seliool 33 it tit W1 two minutes after tardinal tash iltltl Vim LWl 4l Jm MW llltllll et Iilil Iiw mqlmruwhnui man mmmp IlllIslt popped In their first Minor leettets lost the illsl ris tlr in gt lt IJtlltIi iiriii themtvia meeting iithttiilha on aint put his eluli antnit game mp play Torns ithiiiond llill stored tunt Wilma mu Hr lark Street ollegiate for AW HitII ti steonds Willi ltithinond llill Sit iliiiis In III tllsl iltilitl HHIWIIHL weather IIltI no Litliitsl ti liu ft taxi lmdl Mark MPHWW Mi Mum HUM ittlH mm Hi day time oiia pow ipla to IIt lIlt hm play mum va on Mt and ltreiii Bowen MHttii intiri RH Iiujn rirv We on stlluti lt Louis the loss gnes Itiehniond llill PM Itdil will Isunul Maliii Vital raisixitu Vttsllttl to the Min Huh Thurflid hum my Lawn HM hi mi III it ilt minutes to the lead In the Iitsl of He final representaties tIttItIttl Im IIwr pm IM ditii Ildllliilftll iiid Ii lliiiiios ttltI Iitriiht Ito Ml lhviulm 50 Ymk MIN Hm him Mk mm mm mummy SM mm iasonrx to lllt oxer le lioii in Im Mm mi mm gm Hit Stored Minorlltxkt League Slit II iltitl WW trihuted eight points iitltil mum Owl Hmmm Mm Him in llrvIUtttléIitIsfitII lliIan IUII Elul raiLI lerry seoied llairIIs tesuinestoda in lmriit of Wilm added seven points and mummy my ti 51121Piiilfihtplfh IItlttli Tiliniliii EIHN vh hum tiiiilttllil Mk MM Illiiits illi tIIIttIttI llt sudden deaihvietorv offtjmgvvvhm lit iiirkiet iiltttlliilttI tor W5 In the midget roiiiiseiiiitinal XS HIVIWHM IJw ltu hand the Itt HAIL mi In eight minutes southern iHISltiit ehampion lifixtfmlm il 11 Um II Milli Illd Haunt44141 Huh Lil Seeoiid game in the it sititti it tI gtl IJtstxItiu edged park 5mm othorém it It lint iI thanipion to Mm MUL pmHum itiau liiidgi stiit lit 43 liiliah IltlHIII ll iIIH lllt din I1Itl iiIIitIiiIl Li laul iautliitr led Wildeits hupk fluHill hm Ititml IilIltis xoltii Isll tItittt til1 IVMY rtunstIriI it it IlIItllsIVt ittori HIII 3t ptlliik mhwiwmtm 1IHII11LtiIl iion Ioin ha tin IIlt1tititiIiis Aim mm mm Hint tiiidgi and tin thud Iiliitl lillltIt The left hand ul llillilitl Iitii Iil iluli hit an iitIliiiIIiii ttllll of and trap diiiiiii III iiiiil IoIInd oi Iit Iiliit ioslix pio tilt and the pant ItiItttl IIIIIIIIIIW Iii liuiu gaine Is set to go the ItlIItHHilll night ll tttn toiiiiiiuiiii en Itt and Im 5iiillt netted imori The Iiiingts IL ill litgin it lies tio ne Iilll oiiiiIn Meredith did the iiiinitiating tIIiIlt toi IIIIIH dale defeated General for to lie lIttH ttlt one iiiiI lNNISEILSTROUD COMPLEX llllil IllllIIII llllIS Klillilt Wit liiiill Mn iihllmylm lohnkii llttI LtllItIIiiiIlIl iiItIitLtjtlitlllliti Iiofdiiif IltIItllI 1ljtlrujjihI lai Iotild lItIt three times next month ilker said li iiit itlli Iiiit iir 135 it DIRECT COMPANY DISTRIBUTORSHIP FOURWHEEL FUN FOR EVERYONE lff ILL it siltil III is Sl0000 PARTTIME540000 PLUS FULLTIME EARNING POTENTIAL 4114 railIIIiiiiin NOT VENDING on ERANCNISING 10m to BllllON DOLLAR INousnii FEBRUARY affirm 17 WE PROVIDE you ovum illitlii infill Lidy l1l °i IUvlill Pfiibilllfi Iintilu ts RGIIObIe Background Vbfiémpprres In pin Vulttililililiii IliIAltU dc dt IIITJ1IIII VI vItUWVV nf liiiiiitrlwite iII Iilt UHH D9ndbIIu Automobile DOHC8 in knit Hi HWWj ielliiii Po tiIiItl Av ble iB 8i oldanti jiltjltI oAIliniiinunilIiijvestineiit rues nlg PLAN 290 sports calendar PLAN ii $12 580 LitN iii $25 160 °°P°Y° 730 aim on Chdl i1 Wti lDri Productl 10min Itltlt OUT VO IAVA COFFEE NUT SHOPS lIMITED ESTABLISHED I907 For Information Call Toll Free Mr Bob Adams 18002637292 or write MARKETING DEPARTMENT 180 Bloor St West 8th floor Toronto Ontario M55 2V6 CFTOW Smljfe Of tZANAl it We want you to get your iiitr urliiig Itojai liaiik npiel Ham turlingt IUI llariiiss Rating t7 pin in tit ittfI lIaIiie linttwine IL lintkey ZIi pin lhoinhtll vs John llli Minot ioiii arena liuiilop Si Ittti pint lhoinhill vs liiiiilopSt York Simeot Minor lloekey Assotiation tIihyliII game Harrie llyers vs lhundei lVIIIis iliundtI Canadian International llotkey Leaguegaini ith pm Huntsville IItlSkilH vs ttro Tia lI lltttliitttl Illiiivale arena Georgian Bay Junior hotkw Leagw playott gaini Molort tII ltaeiiig put Molotrytle lee rates Keinpenltlt llay spoiisoiId by liariie Motortytling Assoeiation DEADLINE For Dinner Reservations Feb 20 MN For further information contact POLLS PROMOTIONS 436245l lift EIi liaiiit ro sv 44 A44 Kinuineii Atoin Illi llllllit Iitif Only ten days left dont get stuck in the licence sticker lineup lrutk ltaeing oon Four heel drive drag races Keinpentvlt Ila upon sortd Ii Bin liorden Four Wheelers Skiing in IIiiit aIii Freestyleski dLiiionstrattoir Mount St Iitittlw SLNIJAY ttiling iusiness tiiils liistriet urling playotts tookstov ii turl ingtluli finals litgin in approx lloeke Ii3 pm Harrie ortip Midgets vs Itiehinond IIIII ltieli ititlittl llill arena viii pin ltieliiiiond Illll vs iittti and ltoss Minoi Itan lain lithiuiea arena Lti piii llioiIiliill vs John IZIIIS Minor Atoms iitilit arena lunlopt Harrie Hyeix vs lhunder iay Ithih lhuiidIi Ha 1979 dead me or Icence stic ers MotoiIyele ltaets piii Motoitytle lee rates Keiiiptiilill li sponsoitii by itaiIIeMotoityelingAssoeiatioii Skiing pin liairie oidie tross eonntiy ski lintea uiinidali Beat last minute line Ups Get your Iiiil Iivtttifilttie it 80 are Cle 20 YN1IIIEIIIIlill StCker nOW Take along your vehCIe JGM MOt litiiitilitiilttlii vii Ii tiiit tttt Ill liiIIt ottiet iw imi MM permit an Insurance declaration form Cyl 45 MO ed Human iiiit it none Humlend IMWM KIIHIW available at all licence offices and all Ontario liutk Itaees hjlgtli ttilllif Ioltl AIHtI tlltVt VIIWI Iltill lillllt tiiiwa Mam tr Keiannlell llay uponaoiell liy liaue lIotdtn loiii Wheelers

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