as setting for heroic battle NEW YORK CPi The the story often gets con weapon want him opening scene is the war fusing back room of the Canadian Byriie is an Englishman tape is slipped into defence department Where who lived in the Edmonton computer to summon Alpha SinisterIOOKIHE Prime and Calgary areas for Flight the super mutants mlnlSler IS demanding the severalyears from theircivilianjobs return of secret weapon In the comic pages the Northstar is JeanPaul codenamed Wolverine war room is located in Ot Beaubier Olympic and In the world of comic book tawa mispelled Ottowa professional skiing champion superheroes Marvel Comics superman type Major on promotional tour in Group devotes Its AprilMay Maple Leafs is really Dr JasperNationaI Park issues of the uncanny Xmcn Hudson an unmad scientist Dr Michael l0lheballleoncanadianmil who leads the Canadian Iwoyoungmen staff doctor WWW IWO forces ï¬lled govemment project that at the Sarcee Reserve labOraIOIYmlflanls produced Wolverine Hospital outside Calgary is With eXIraordmary Powers mutant With super de ShamanofAlpha Flight IOFRWOICVll struetivepowers Then there is Snowbird The Canadian Ian ButWolverinedidntlikeit whoiscpiAnneMtKenzieoi minister Srlkngly in anada because Dr the RCMP assigned to Pierre Trudeau but his Hudson thought he created records in Yellowknife a999an Iht COmK psycho So Wolverine wit to Northwestlerritories strips is brlcfrronly in 10 work In the United States first twopanels With other mutants The most powerful Cana haos in anada is the travelling afar 10 fight on than super hero is Sasquatch story line for the April issue in me savage land in the civilian named Dr The Alpha Flight mutants IarPacIfic Walter Langnowski former working for the anadian HEYnrs allpro linebacker turned government battle But nobody guns on the professor of biophysics at Wolverine and the uncanny pmm minister especially McGill TniverSItyMontreal X4110 VIII41W FltII min when all that government And finally there is Jean tlic May Issue But in the end money has been spent on the Marie Heaublei teacher In Wolverine escapes back to project Laaltucwho is Aurora thcliiitulstatcs ll Hudson himself is While Wolverine and his lIFIlUN mutant and In the story he buddies are returning home There an smm vim assumes roles of Vindicator from Tokyo after the seem5 of Iprrmgiln as Im in his SKIIIIILUII space garb savage land battle Alpha battle shifts from algary as Hll as Major Maplclcat Flight changes the worlds Intermltional Airport to he lheyre dangerous in weather pattern creating Stampede grounds and the flight Il Hudson tells the giant storm that forces the lorontolominion Mall prime minister about the Xmens tIIlIItI to land in About 25mm copies of men lheyre based near Calgary the onlyclear spot each issue were published New York ity and there are At algary airport SasA lwice as many people hints ofa poss1bleconnection quatch grabs the airliner will read them said editor tothe I18 government singlchandtxi and hurls it Newcomers I9 ltogerstern But the indignant prime through hangar but the The anadian flavor came minister retorts men already have escaped Hollis McLaren and Thomson star as Camilla and Hans Nielsen im from the pens of lohn Hrync dont care if they have Sasquatch you incredible migrants from Denmark in the Newcomers i9ii to be aired on CBCTV Sunday at 700 pm The story deals with the trials of couple arriving in New Brunswick town controlled by pulp and paper companyi CP Photo and hristlareiiiont The art definite connections with the lummox told you to stop work Is surprisnigly good but Boy Scouts They have that plane not smash it MORNNG CHALLENGE SUPER REACH FOR THE TOP 19 CHAMPIONSHIP BRIDGE HEW PROS Asz WORLD 5155 FRENDS TODAYS WOMAN 13 CIRCLE SOUARE THE FRINGE AND THE 55K EDTORAL BARBAPAP LES OLYMPIENS HOT HANDS Ups pmwm Wald 93 FOR LOVERS on 558 ILAROUS HOUSE OF YOURE BEAUTIFUL 400 mm nnwm WITNESS To VESTERDAY FOCUS FRGHTENJEN 1256 ITS ACADEMIC whimmm moo 500 TENNIS THE 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Lombard t976 SCHOOLHgï¬gE ROCK ereYelLlAgnglED Ibweagxnm DEMAIN 53520 CE 830 INTERNAEQIDAL CINEMA OUARK 8=26 155 H3 555 REACH FOR THE TOP 9200 PMMOJIEotfmufi 97 Mr IN THE NEWS SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK CBC News SATURDAY NIGHT OWE n3 us 1156 COLLEGE BASKETBALL 79 100 AMAZING WORLD OF Murder By Natuinl causes Hm Stars Hal FANTASTIC FOUR IN THE NEWS at Johns KRESKm hm WWW ROCK CONCERT Guests Glen ALL TUBE AFIELD SATURDAY REPORT CANADA Iampboll Doug geishaw IgnorineJMGoeir1 II at SESAME STREET AFTERNOON 233 OUT pOLKA DOT DOOR POINT BLANK 293 FLINTSTONES V2760 245 SPORTS CITY 930 110 WILLY AND FLOYD Human AND THE GALLOP VISION ON 630 am FANTASVISLAND 1mm MOVIE COMEDV Sis POLKA DOT DOOR ING INQUIRY nnlleqallmgyuantipsroar dIllylfflnvh Hopkins 91 15 TORONTO FMNCASE KI an Lg LE 8155 TRMA OUZ NVITATION To DANCE gas NESWS 121351 172123 i1f1 39 MOVE DRAMA D98 SPACE ACADEMY OUTDOORS gt of Scoundrel in THE NEWS AGRISCOPE TROUBLE WITH TRACY THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO pm tum It in 130 II itlll Il ltiills 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