the examiner Monday Feb 979 Determined spirit helps progress after surgery Ethel Hannah had set of steel and plastic knees surgically implanted in her arthritic legs and learned to walk again in about six months CP Photo ltiRUNitl tili Etth Hannah is woman til stool litoially Thanks to sot ot stool anti plastic kuoos surgically iiii plautod iii hor arthritic logs llio o1 yoai old widow is ahlo to walk again aitor If months oi lying in bod illl hor kiioos lookotl togothoi Hut its tho spirit oi tho di minutiyo yliito hairod loronto woman hoso husband dicd oight months ago that has toucliod stall at St losophs Hospital hoio tho suigory as porioimod aiitl at tho Quoon iIIiaboth oiiaoscont Hospital hoic shc no is Io coyormg Suigoon toottroy Hornc saitl Mrs Hannahs knoos oio lookotl at ti tiogroo aiiglo ho lort an opoiatiou was ioiiuod in Soptoniboi told hor sho had Sit3t por coilt chanco oi walking again llr Iioiuosaitl But so much oi this dopouds on tho attitiido oi tho llltllttllitll pationt know Mrs llanuah as lllttillltlttl but ooiild noci hayo guosscd that slio would oyor hc ahlo to walk as ollasshodoosnou lrs llaiiuah was adniittod to losophs Hospital last liiiio tlll hor iuIyoar old husband ltltttltl who had spout tho pttltll two yours caring for his ilo in thoir homo lictoio his iIhioss matlo him too yoak tocoiitllitio IlllIStllIIl wook lator Hannah diod oi lungcauoor ihatl giyoii up liopo oi oor walking again holoic oiitorotl hospital Mrs Hannah said lioii oantlor thcd it sotmod as il had los oyoiy thing llii slio said tho kinthitss ot tho hospital statt ooupltti with dotoiiiuiiation to walk took iioi through two opoiatious oiio tor oaoh kiioo anti tiioii months oi thorapy anti on to lior lirst IIIlétttlotlsttps as noar tho onti ol cmhor hon iiurso as liolp mg mo toward my lramo aIkti and askotl hor to lot nittry totioit aioiio li was only tow stops but waswalkiiigagaiii Nuto thou slio has boon iak ingvlaily tripsaiouutl thohospi al has spout thiistmas ill litr son and MN is planning to loao ho conyaloscont hospital lot nuisuig lioiiio Bonhomme visits England The legendary snowman symbol of the Quebec Winter Carnival turned pied piper in London England when the Commonwealth Institute threw day of FrenchCanadian merrymakin schools AP Photo HIGH All RSPS afénot alike for 350 children from six London elementary AT CANADA TRUST Canada Trust Retirement Sawngs Plan certificate guarantees yriu high rate return on loans irorn one to too you for oxarriplt earn or atom1 ifr1llrl for years $1000tttpozttel now Wit grow to Hato illiter to hartgo Without twirl Canada Trust l1 BARBIE Ountop at MemOriat Square 726 1848 0an to ill 30 Sat 10 to $1613in5yoar ltiatuan thornanti oi HOo van it you already haw an RSV £titlt anatla Trust in most mason tNtltllIiltfi is may Call or court in for titlair ltSlu arcint tililt Del Jeremy at left and Bill Bookey were two of forum Thursday to discuss the needs of Barries more than too persons who attended public senior citizens Among other things they want to see improved transportation and leisure facilities At public forum Seniors in Barrie suggest extra services they need lltillthtn If lho lIyaniinor Sonior oitions in Barrio ant moro nursing hoiuo bods tho introduction oi whooistoiiioals doto icatioii ooiitio an iiitoiuia tioii contro bottor public transportation and lIIlpltHttl rocroatioiial tatilitios lhost woro tho suggostious oi mort that too sonior citious at larkyitw toiitro toi Sonior tliurstlay to tlistuss rocoiii pioliininary roport on tho littl til oitioiis lho ioport inciudos sot tions on housing hoatth loisuioatitlraiisportatiou lt intlioatoti sontors ait not litttlttt with most ot tiit tarrit stiiioi Eyesight deteriorated after look at eclipse lllltt itli split sooonti oi IIillllItlItss changotl toyttly Nicholson lilo htii sho saw hor iiis otl ipstot tliosiiii iii an inttryiow roooiitly iii hor paronts iiiuipog homo tho Sit yoar olti moouor km tltrgaitoii toaohor told oi liti oporionoo to warn othtis that asiinilai tragotly ooiiltl ocoui to thoiu hy ioyying tho total ool ipsoot tho sun on loh 3t Mrs Nicholson said slio rt inoiiihois tho hot sumnioi day in innipog Ill luly itttilt lltll slio ont outsitlt to How tht ochpst oro supposttl to look at it through nogatio and boy till littlo holo lit it slio said an saitl Ah hook dont hayo totio tliat sol iookod at ll tl tpiiokly SIGHT IHZIIIIHHR Ill As tlio months passttl hoi tyosiglit hogan to dotoriorato Illtllltlilll1tlglilkfls It wasnt until about sooii tIl ago whon slit was Iuoti lioio iob iii incouyoi ho causo oi pitthloiiis itli hor oyo siilit tlial lis Jitholsoiivau to sto an oyo spociahst and tlis ootiod that tho Iolinas ol lItt oyos hatl hooii pormaiiontly soaiiodtioni thootlipso CNIB issues warning lht taiiatliaii National ln stitiito loi tho illiiitl atlists tittlll llt stilt spoltols lo attli tht loli tothpsoot ihtsiiu on ltltltIl llr Soan Murphy anadian tpthalmologtoa hooioty prosi flout says lhoio is no tillltl toniplotoly toolpiooi iiiothotl ol Viiwing thosolai oolipso lon during an oclipso tho sun oontmiits to omit myisihlo itilra lttl rays lliost rays can burn and poimaiiontly tlamago thooyos Sun ltllil tltlors giassos anti piiiliolo or protoctloii oamoias aro not ctiiiiplotcly ioolprooi Iho iiitoiisity oi tho sun must ho roducctl by tino million limos bolorc it can ho ltttl by tho human oyo says Nlltbiillotin hoaltli soiyicos aailahio to tlioiii Many said thoy waiitod moat program that would hr iiig tlioiii triuisportaiion to iiioals iatlior than tho pro gram now aailahlo lliat hi ingsintalstothom iiayid Johnson momhtr oi tho soyon iiiomhoi coin inittot toiuiotl to discuss tho Hoods oi st mots said soino soniois hayo iotpiosttl dotoitalioiiooiitio tlitiiit know llitio was an alcohol prohloin Illl sonic ol laiiios soiuoi oitions litsaid lichaolpoiicoi llittlttill oi tho liitaiio Housing toi poiatiou in ltaiiit saitl soniois ant anothoi ttittil ourso oiforod moat lhroosossion oourso dosIgnttl to slt shoppois monoy hoguis at titorgiau tol logo in llariit on lhuistlay lsiug charts and moat cutting titministration lolui liltttkltitk oi Vooksttiyyii ill show how to soIott tho quality and typo oi nitat to suit iasto anti biidgot ost oi tho ooiiiso is $1 litgistiatiou is liinitod lol uioio iiitoiination call tiio ttll logo at TJtt ittl ooktlays litt wotnil titta to anti 3p in poii to piihlic Maplo sugar tioiiioiisiiitioiis will ho hold at Shoppaids Hush toiistiitioii Arta noar Aurora titginning in mid March tligaiiiotl by tho South Lako Siuiooo tiiisorifoii liilttll ty doinonstritions aro upon to tho public on ookoiids anti school holidays lroiu March 17 itilltlll ttta to tp in School groups may mako rosoialions to isit on school days lrom March to prii For iiioro inloiniation call tho ooiisoriation authority at 1M lllil Photographic show tiro Township Horticultural Socioty is holding photographic show and liohhy night on yiontlay iiol on Thurs tiay asaiinouiicodoailior llio nitcling booths at tt at tlio Township Hall and is optii to anyono ho islios to atlontl Nood loadors Moro loatlors aro iiootlotl toi iist tiio Scouts and tuhs ho moot at lillllillt School on Mon days at pin it intorostod call Loriio lass at in 250 Coins stamps shown toiu stamp anti autiqut doalors aro soiling up it display tahlos at itayiiold Mall in Harrio loi tho lluioiiia Numismatic Association an iiiial mini show Saturday trim in ititilel Doalois irom liarrio iar ton lwon Sound tirillia iiavoiihliist Toronto Windsor anti St Iair Mich ill bc at loading Moinhors ot tho local associa lion will also display coin colloctions draw tor sovoral liMts iakos plato at it citioiis building lit llaiiio Sponcoi saitl thoro is pro bioiii with two oi Haiiios httuits tor soniois llioio aro It hotls hot oon tho two but oi thoso HZ aro iisotl loi oxtonsiyo aiitl chronic tttto pationts ho saitl llioio is backlog til stniors waiting got in at tlioso placos hut thoy atii hocaust tht hotls aro takou by tliionitcaiopaionts Miko lyloiiiiaii oi tho ministry ol community and social soricos said many soiiiors ospiossotl intortst Ill an iiiloriiiaton sor ico strict iy lorthoiii lhoy also said thoy oio ttiiitttilttl ill tho lack oi peOpIe and places loi nioro iiiloriiiatioii con tact Hos Llt iarrio tut Li or altontl tiio associations mootmg on lhursday at tho Adult Hohahilitatioii oiitio tTt ltaytioltl itlltlt at pm lootiug hold illllllll omons iiistitiito lioltl motting lan Jitt at tho honiool Mrs Ross lratlloy loatlors woro ioinindoti oi tho Spotlight on Rioati sominai loh Ll lho oilioors con tortnoo is May to It illl lwootisniuirhistorycuiatoisor branch iiionihor to ho dologato tuthrio has not yot solooiotlatlologato lwo lottors ttt roatl tioiii tho institutes atloplotl oliiltl in Hong lying tolling ot his pro gross Miltlrotl loiios ol tramptou toimor iiioiiiboi soiit lottoi titscribing hor tillx ith tho cancor drossing Kitillii lho lIiIantl loo Homo oiui tlatioii Ill iocono antilhor Sit tlonatiouirom thomstitnlo lho ohooi oouiniittoo lll roooiyo 511 to coiitiniio inngouig pro iocts iho iiistitiito has tlooitloti to tako its old iniiiiito hooks to tho iniisoiimarohiosioisatokoop iiig lis lcrcoi ol littliol Stiiiart omons iiistitiito district rosoliitions cttmoiioi and guost spoakor saitl iosoaich is rotiuiitti holoio drawing up womous iiistitiito iosolnlioiis as thoy aro tho oioool thooigaiiiatiou llio not niooting ot iiithrio onions Instituto ill ho hottl ltlt at itip Ill olloctiug Iiistoiy liopo olos liiiosiiig omons Instituto curator ar rangoti an inlormal showing at tho lioh ti mooting til matorial iccoiitly oolloototl tor history oiiwottlsmuir Miss ols aiitl llil commitot aro rosponsiblo tor gathoring itoiiis dopiotiiig Mintsing arta history During roll call momhois cio askod to naino an artiolo llioy uso today antl which thoir grandmothors did not hayo irocoods iIoiu tho Womons from tho omous iiistitiito suppor during Mintsing Mini lost ill bo diioctotl iiilo iin pioyoiiioiits to tho community tllltl ayailablo transportation Sumo suggostod dial bus soryico for souiors ho lroducod in llarrio Sonic suggostcd public transit busos rim Sundays and oyoniugs it that isnt possiblc howoyoi tlioy sug gostod that roductti lliXI iatosboayaiiablotothom iost souiors saitl thoy wantod to soo gioatoi aiioty tit rooroational ac tiyitios siicli as lawn howl intlayailahiotothom As long as you can bciiti littio you can lawn howl saitl rono looro sonior oitilon lhroo additional mootiugs willholioitltoturthortlisouss tho iioods ol Harrios sonior citious iho annual laiuily night pot liick slippor takos plaoo this yoar on March to lino Ritlgo Wonions liisiitiito and Minos mg loadors Ill bc guoss lon Horon is tho schotlulotl gttost spoakot motion was passotl that oarly omons iiistitiito minuto hooks curroiitly in tho ospra lowuship library should ho placoti in tho Smicootounty ar chiyoslorsatokoopiiig Muiosmg omons iiistitiito mottings aro hch tht lirst luosday ot oath month and Visitorsarowoiooiuo lnyosiigato contio Tho inaugural iiiooiiiig ol llio ookstowu rocroatiou com iiiittco was iioltl laii to Eric lrinkolstoni oi tho ministry oi oulturo anti rocioatioii was tho guost spoakor lhc coiiiiiiittoo is in ostigating tho possibility oi an outdoor roorcatiou tacility llndor tlio sponsorship oi tho lutariooniiiiunity Rocioation ottttoscl gonoial iuooting oi tho ookstown ontral Honio aiitl tliool ssooiatloii ill lit hold lhurstiay at it in laronting toolinitiuos ill ho discussotl loh tit is lioiitago Day at tooksiowii oiitial School anatliaii lioritagt aiitl pst anatiiau achioyoiuoiits ill ho iistllsstd Nw spapors rosoarchod lho Smiooo toiiiity illago ol loytoii Robinson onco had nowspapoi oalloti iht owtoii llltstltt This is only oiio among many intorosting itoms lioiio loiii local historian anti sociotaiy ot tho Simcoo ouiity Historical ASMHIHHUII discoyorotl iii hor rosoarch into iioyyspapors ol tho county Sho Ill spoak ahoul lior rosoarch liiostiay at it at tho Simooo tounty musoum Ill Midliurst Valoniino party alontiuo oiichro party will ho hold luostlay at ioodtollow School Sidoroati 2i and oncos sioii it in lnuislil lownship Iho party sponsorod by ioodicllow lnlorosttxi laiouts bogins at 7ltt ltttiilt is wolcomo AW Nothing wrong with standards Dear Ann Landers Yours the generation of twisted logic and phony values takes the prize for packing more mistakes into one life cycle than any generation in history Small wonder that we your children have turned our backs on your conventional life style You were masters at building facade to hide duplicity and hypocrisy have discovered Freedom and its terrific am free to smoke pot and do stronger drugs if choose can weigh the consequences and if want to take chance as my business can wear my hair any damned way please or shave my head if feel like it Again realize there might be price to pay in terms of getting grayflannel Job but againits my choice and Im free to makeit The buzz word is FREEDOM and think its the niftiest word in the English language My hero is Fritz Peris He said do my thing and you do your thing am not in this world to live up to your expectations and ou are not in the world to live up to mine You are you an am and if by chance we find each other its beautiful No more being slave to what other people think From now on put ME first on the list of whats important and recommend it for everyone who is short on selfesteem and gets kicked in the teeth lot Sign meNumero Uno Dear Numero responSe to your letter popped out at me as was reading Eugene Kennedys new book Free to Be Human Kennedy refers to the Me Decade dubbed so by Tom Wolfe By happy coincidence he neatly dismembers the very quote you went wiggy over Kennedy sa Life cannot be lived as an accidental af fairlike r0 ler derby in which everybody is doing his own thing with intense absorption pleasing himself and to hell with everybody else And if by chance collision sends couple into each others arms for few momentsthats beautiful When do my thing and you do yours exactly WHERE are we doing these things In some vacuum so distant that we never meet or never cross each others path or need anybodys help The fact is that part of doing our thing is learning to do it with respect for others and THEIR rights And whats wrong with living up to expectations It is important for parents teachers clergymen and spouses to have expectations regarding the behavior of others and not apologize for it We cripple people and destroy all possibilities of excellence when we refuse to set standards Erma Bombeck Greeting card notbadidea In looking over rack of giootmg cards the otiicr day was imprcsscd with tho tact that there was message for cvory occasion lrom Happy Birthday to My First Daughtoriirllaw to ongratuiations on Your Trial Soparation Not finding what wautcd askod salcspcrson hohind tho cash rcgistor Do you havc card inviting your husband to dinnor Do you moan thc standard gicoting simply stating that dinnor is on tho tahio anti would ho ploasc drop whatcvcr he is doing anti inako an appcaraucc Thats tho ono noddod No but we got lot of calls for thom sho said Tho cngravcd invitation is womans last rcsort Mans re sisiancc to como to tho tahlo has always boon mystery to mo Somotimos say Dmncrs ready just to watch his foot turn iiioclianically anti go away from tho tablc You would think ono would run out of things to do while the food is cooling down but tlioy iiooi soom to They clean out ilio modicino cabiuot go to tho bathroom chock thcir faces for growth of hoard turii toloyision chanuols chock the car to soc whothor lhoy lclt tho lights on got tho papcr have discussion with ilio childron in thoir rooms on What is hic and ithis is my ilitlit chango thoir clothes when thoy havo hccn sitt mg around in thcm tor three hours Also poculiar to tho Doat to lgtiiiuor Syndrome is the nome sponso lor yours hac stood in thotiooryyay of the kitchen and coiiilcd varicoso ycius oi tho ncck by yclling DHA llllNNNNNNAIvtllllllllWhou thcro is no response ilic first limo it hocomos chant With oach noricsponsc giro it anothor shot linally like an apparition tho hushaiid appoars and says in quiet voico Thcro is no hood to shout hoard you the first limo frankly think grootmg card coiiipanios arc missing the boat on this oiio ihoro aro consorrativcly 85million husbands til this country just sitting tlioro liko Scailc on her yorauda ailing to ho iliiil to dinnor lultiply this by five diimors work plus six yookontl moais and you have little inonoymakor in lillittltl thcro lntilthon DiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiaaahhhhhhhS Pollys Pointers Newspapers soak up odor DEAR PULLY What can one use to remove the odor of pickles from plastic jars MW DEAR MW JWH asked this question short timo ago and perhaps tho following letter from roador will answor both of you Soveral othch sent in the same suggostion POLLY DEAR PULLY lWH should wash her jars and then fill with crumpled uowspapcr Stlt the lids on tight and leave thcui for wock or two If necessary re eat this proooss Wash as usual boforo using again This will rcmovo uiost odors from oithor glass or plastic jars MARGARET DEAR POLLY find that any of those sheets we put in tho dryer as sofionor or to control static cling are oxcollcnt to use for ronioving lint from the filter screen after clothes bayo dried KAY DEAR POLLY can tell Anna what to do with those plastic rings that conic around tho cans in sixpacks of soda It is funny but truo Tho residents of retirement homo put llanoh stick on one ond of ring They then paint cutc flowors on them and write German fly swattor or Norwogian or whatever on them and give as gift for laughs as booby prizc or as gift for that person who has everything ELDA DEAR POLLY and Vera who has the tea and coffee staiiiod plastic cups When our girls wont through the tcothstraightcning ago their dcutist told them to soak their rotaiuors in an cfforvcsccnt douturo cleaner They used plastic ooffco cups for this and when the retainers were removed wc found tho cups had boon cleaned RUTH DEAR POLLY wanted to use some gift cards that had bcou put away for quite time but found the envelope flaps were stuck togctlicr put damp cloth over one at time with the fin sidc held hot iron one inch above it and was able to ooscn tic whole batch BURNICE DEAR FULLY Wo have all been taught to turn our bed mattrcssos so that they will wear longer and be more comfortable but few of us think of turning our bed springs This too helps in comfort and better wear keep record of the dates that do such turning on card that is placed between the mattress and springs at the lower end of each bed MARY DEAR POLLY My favorite way of getting rid of any refrigerator odor is to place wet uscd coffee grounds in it As the grounds dry they absorb any odors GAY DEAR POLLY Mrs Jls Pet Pccvc worries me wonder if she ever counts her blessings one being to have friends who drop in on her There was day when felt as she docs but have discovered God sends these people My suggestion is to reflect not reject MRS IWM DEAR IULLY Silver fish can be controlled by spreading powder tiiot detergent under newspaper liners under drawers or wherever this would not be bothersome