nty sports Georgians plan Ottawa ottock By BILL CURRAN Star forward Corby Adams with Barrie Flyers when they won the last Allan cup in 197374 has been flasing some of his memorable playmaking and scoring skill with Elmvale Georgians in oldtimers hockey action Manager Don Fleming is looking to the fastskating Adams to add new power to the Georgians attack when the Georgians make bid for honors at the Canadian Hockey Oldtimers Association tournament in Ottawa Feb 16 The Georgians won their division in the oldtimers inter national tournament in Denmark last spring moving the Elmvale medal winners to the section in the Ottawa cham pionship even for players 35 years or older We know competition will be keen but well be trying our best said Fleming Club demonstrates conditioning The club demonstrated it was in good shape by trouncing Orillias entry in the same Ottawa tournament to the tune of 52 in an exhibition contest at Orillias Twin Lakes arena earlier this week With goal and two assists Adams was one of the sparkplugs in the onesided Elmvale victory over team which won medals in an international tournament in Switzerland two years ago Adams performed for the Brantford Alexanders Allan Cup winners after leaving Flyers in the 197677 season Against Orillia he made an exciting rush from centre outmanoeuvered the defence and then fired backhanded shot into the cage past surprised goalie Earl Raymond for spectacular score in the second period Elmvale veteran defenceman Stan Ritchie who once played for Barrie Doug Kirk Ron Lemieux and Den Turner were other successful marksmen for the Georgians with Turner matching pair Ron McAiiley Lou Belcourt and Charlie Scott were other standouts iii the Elmvale win The red white and blue outfitted Georgians downed Oshawa it after beating Midland and Collingwood in previous exhibition tests Bill Player who lead the team to victory in Denmark has again been playing coach with Lou Belcourt also assisting Rolf out with injury Manager Walter Varty of Orillia said he was offering no alibis after the trimming of his team by the Georgians We were below form but we didnt get any breaks either he remarked after moments thought Trainer Merv McDonald pointed out the Orillia team missed defence stalwart Dale Rolfe who was sidelined with an injured arm The former New York Ranger defenceman was standout for Orillia in their win at Switzerland two years ago and in other games since joining the oldtimers ranks Gary Kennedy and Whit Mousseau registered the two Orillia goals against Elmvale Mousseau who is now 49 played junior hockey for Barrie back in the late 40s McDonald said he wasnt certain whether Rolfe will be ready to return to action for Orillia in the Ottawa tourna ment We certainly hope sohes our best player said the diminutive Orillia trainer who has been active in Simcoe County hockey circles for longtime raceway selections RH FHRHll The Examiner HRST Trot littll ngosaor tlm hrtip ltirsc Shoo ltliKSlliIl HANOVER lit lttvilZlitllt ll lingcn it lNlllA SSltnlllltZ iiiicrud Sho Hr tidal illgertild tit lltttso Shelly MacKinlie tvt Ion sliombcr Rutledge fit til ktiuikiyc it tiinninghtim ti Stod Hobo tirit fi llll Rt Also eligiblc llj irooks Sr Deal Worthy ltowr Slit Ali lacc mite ond PurscSQIiti lititlll itholls it JOR FROST Jones ii1iiltt4li€i olliii 571 lciriou gipcr Hutton til lor Hickory it Scrannagc iii lioycrthf spiiiks it Tlllltli llitl lltlii tond lurse 5411 HUSH rlilill 1H Brown 41 fit it llll2f if Langcn lSSlFSHtilt MacKtnzic 72 thartciways Home Hi It wtliii toniet Brooks Sr tt tucioinnus ltyronrttl Time For Honny Jones Holly Mac litiiX iit lsocligiblc Gamecock loin ft Bodkin lltl RTlt lati nitc $1 Tioclni Purse no lvitstilll lirownï¬l HIlfStM liigerzild oi KlTZYttStl Harrisv t2 Siaiiipcrtningur Hymn 32 liuanc ltclrla Jones 41 ltronIiWhaicr lZ Langen St Jest lxS liutledgciitrt JohnnitJayti it Scrannagc Ht Also eligible Midmic Direc Jones Koughstiod vvillct FIFTH irii mii fond lurscS7oo CYCLONE HUH Bruckertrl NOlttMJx ll Annerud 72 RlMl ROAST HlfA ScitnccStuilcnt it Bodkin 11 it IirnHlHHi Joncs gt1 tryiiig Sam fitIgcrald iii Armanmi Monty Kerlukr tut SIXTH Pacemilc tond lurscsï¬tt lIASYfENN Mifflureisri if251W LASS if Hmckertt iii luxkbtirt riots li ii iTll Kllllllt liiiiliy Hay hriss Iar Boy ltiapcr Hockct ft 5l1lllllilflti ltowc 32 llutton 39 Edward it Quick Story illnlt il Spunky Zip it Hyroii iii SPIFTll laci mile toiid Purse STiiii llltilllll llltlll all lctlurci iii VTf iiti itti lt sioddari til ViiIlat tlrIllrI Lockhart 72 iycr linisliisi ti Loughecdr it it Sign Ospriiig Rowev I21 Speedy Kelly it Scrannagcr it theck Dale tass 92 Meadow Streak Diliendixlctto 12 lIltillTll lacc milc $30tluttuitlm hdcp lutsiWui tllOltlSl Olvnnirudtl21 ALTHHS MAHUF ff Langen lSl IHltiiiljlt JOHNS iW Byruni il Hilly Battles Howc 72 Moonlands Mister rl Spinksi Tempered Mean Macintosh 92 ioodnufi Fer Mo il MacKenziei 61 aistor lride iVl Sandersr Bet Also eligi blc entcnnial Brad it Reilcyi Frosty Check Ullllil NINTH lacc milc 00051000 tlin hiltp lurscStili liltiltIKSlliilJOfIi ltoucï¬ FARM TAARA Mctlurci lot MARlHWllJ ti Frown41 Smrlct llarHs lziss tt londuwnl It liniiklrl Aliiutlt Scraiiiiagc i3 Replica Spencer ltVl Jones hi llrizimTimc if Langebi lil Alin eligibtc Frontier Krzink lt Scrannzigc Hopict ltluc hip lI langin TENTH laci illlit 31300 cliii lurse $43M Ii Ht lllt lZ lilllRtf1iZ Krilili llOltllY il ltlytlilldw ltiY ADIOS trowIr til Human illlirltl ti assi liiirtiild Vt liiirval tharii Hilrlhv hi liiniiiy York loniiii ttt lliISllleuiltiHl ilt liodkiii it Alsoctigiblc pril tamp ltoM Jcstivr ltyrtini HES HET Doc Lindsay in 2nd HST EX TOR Hij ii 12nd Jonis hi sports shorts URWs sweep series 30 United Rubber Worker Bantams swtpt ihcir titst Olfth playoff series with Newmarkct in three games and must now wait for an opponent Barrie scored twice in the opening period tidncsday to take the winning lead on the way to til Wilt ovcr Ncwinarkct in the Ontario Minor Hockey Association playoff gami Andy Craig scored the Winning goal on powciplay iroiii Kcith Jacques and Paul Smith All but one of the Barrie goals camc on powcrplays Othcr goals were scored by town Wilkins Darryl Lynn HenrySiirnkewicz firuccStanlcy and liill lloarc traig earned thrcc assists all on the powcrplay tithir assists went to Jacqiics Kcith Mcfanii and Paul Smith With two each and Brent aspi lton Maddocks and Stanley Willi outeach Tom Luck played lll net for itarric limiting Neyiiiiarkit to one goal in it shots Notional volleyball team wins TORONTO iCli The Canadian national mciis volleyball team defeated its llllifffl States counterparts 158 1543 Friday taking the ticstofvfivc series that began last Tuesday in London Ont by 2H score The Canadians won the first two games of the scrics before the US rallied to tie it 272 with victory in Ottawa on Thursday night Canadian skiers quality COLLINGWOOI Ont Ili Four Canadians qualified Friday in the giant slalom competition of $40000 profes sional ski race that begins today at Blue Mountain Doug Woodcock of Oshawa Ont Alain Cousineau of Brownsburg Que Paul Carson of Toronto and Jim Hunter of Calgary are among the 32 pro skiers who will participate in the twoday event The giant slalom is scheduled for today with the slalom competition on Sunday Sovords strategy simple count red shirts NEW YORK CP Mon treals Serge Savard veteran of nine games against Soviet competition was giving some humorous but practical ad vice to defence partner Barry Beck prior to todays second game of the Challenge Cup hockey series Beck secondyear defen ceman with Colorado Rockies was about to play the third game of his pro career against the Soviets spo its easy to lay against the Russians sai Savard in re assuring tone lf you count five red shirts in front of you youre OK If you only count four youre in trouble because the other guys behind you Beck spent most of Thursday night seeing five redshirted SO viet Nationals on the attack be cause his National Hockey League allstar teammates did such fine job helping the de fence As result NHL shut down the vaunted Soviet at tack claimed 42 triumph and was in sition to clinch the series this afternoon with viclt tory in the middle match of the threegame series Actually everybody here is great so it makes my job eas ier said the 21yearold Beck sixfoloree 215pound na tive of Vancouver The job should be easier still in the sec ond game as coach Scotty Bow man plans to increase his dc Home teams lose three Civitons only survivors Only Barries ivitan Minor Bantams are still in the hunt for championship crown to day at the Barrie Minor Hockey Association tournament This citys other entries in the tSttcain tournament were eliminated Friday with losses to two Hamilton teams and Toronto entry ivitans edged Welland 32 keeping their title hopes alive Oldtimer Considering how Harrie rcdit liiioii Oldtiincrs per formed in their last tournament outing they shouldnt be too disappointed in the outcome of recent preparation matches for next weekends Canadian Oldtimers hockey champion ship Ill Ottawa The Credit Lnion squad lost conditioning contest to Barrie olts til at Barrie arena Wednesday Of course the oldtiiners may have been try mg to make Colts feel good For the Junior club who were put out of the running of the entral league playoffs last avid Hogben scored twice and Sean Kirkpatrick iltltlttl the other goal for Harrie Assists went to Kcviii Houlston with three limi McAllistcr and Kirkpatrick John Ellis Construction Minor Atoms wcrc hurled out ot contention losing to Hamilton Htiskicsiifl Darren ltuinblc scored lIiillt Harrie goals tiidintil tnsh and Carry lccyvccs uciit otit lcss casdy losing 20 to illt loronto Red Wings litll tinidi lidgiis lcll to lliniilioii Huskies Lit Ill thcir gaiiic and will nou how no coiiciin about playing two LllllltS Sunday when they con tinuc their playoit HlltS ltcll tiiiidyi would have played twice Sunday had thcy reached the finals oi thc ltilllllltllltlll Ottawa ho es high Week it was the most tttli vtncingwiiiof iheycor More disappointing tor ilic redit Lnion team was loss to the American llotcl ldtimers in Wasaga Hench league play earlier iii the week Credit Union are in ftrSlrpltttt tie with Canadian Forces Hasc Borden in the oldtimrs league and American Hotel who will also travel to Ottawa for the Canadian championships are in third spot At the Ottawa wournament however American Hotel will be in the division while Credit Union play in the lower Colts beat Sabres 54 to show they know how Barrie Colts are out of the playoffs but they can still win hockey game as they showed Friday in Acton The Colts trailed 31 in the se cond period but came back to beat the Sabres 54 in the Cen tral Ontario Junior league game Penalties so costly to the Colts all year cost them all four goals by the Sabres in con trast none of the Barrie goals were scored on powerplays Ronnie Eyeis goal at 1658 the second period proved to be the winner as Colts allowed on ly one goal on netminder Dunc Brownell in the third period lim Garner and Greg Camp bell scored in the first period for Barrie leaving the teams tied 22 Bob Coulson scored twiCc in the third to put the Colts ahead for good Graham liffen assisted on both goals by oulson Doug Tottcn earned pair of assists and John Surgenor Rick Bowman Bernie Hutl and An dy Skop picked up single assists Thc Sabres scoer with 20 seconds remaining to make the score lS Brownell handled all but two of the 33 shots by the Sabres Dave ampbcit saw brief duty in the third period making two saves Colts took an equal number of shots on the Acton goaltender li diiisioii Rankings irc llilSttl on age ability and pcriincc in their last lttlllilillittltl lcccinbcts Molsoiis invitzi tioiiiil in Toronto thc trcdit liiion club wirc placed in the highest iiivisioii and surprised their opponents by iiuikiiig it to thciiiials in Ottawa trcdit lnioii will face anadian Forces Hasc Ot tawa Lambeth Ont and lhet ford Mines One The American Hotel club will play Trenton Ont ornerbrook Nfld and another local squad the Georgian Bay ldtimcrs Other area teams includi Orillia Midland and the Hrad ford Elders More than 2300 players it at least 35 years old will take part in the three day iiiiadigin championships The eight divi sioiis include llti teams representin all areas of the country As iii the Wasaga Hench league no body checking is allowed 775 keep up suspense with seasonend drow Gm 775 want to kccp everyone in suspense until they reach the finals of the Georgian Bay Junior hockey league finals In the last game of tilt regular seaeon Friday 77s but tied to 77 tie with league leading Pencianguisticiic Junior Kings givmg playoft handicappers less to go on Oros Dave Mayor scorcd lit the final minute of play at thi Penetanguishene arena giving Tls the tie after Ernie uniiii ing made it 74 with his goal midway through the period Second place Oro begins its quarterfinal playoff Stltt with Huanville Sunday at lllt Elmvale arena Kings are dciciidiiig chain pions in the league and playoff series between thc two would be similar end to thi season is last years fiiiii bet ween Kings and second iilttt liracebridgc Hears Murray Hadliy continued llls blaring scoring lltdlt with thrcc goals for Tis lIiiiic tiini inings and broitiii iii It scorcd onci cacti with Mayor and lziiiics lcNtlilv lltllltt thc olhttttrogoiils llric tiiiiiiiiiiii issisicd on ll liro goals iticliiviiitr Mayor tying ciior it ha oi thithiriipcriod tithci lxStSl iciit to ltiis Hastings vith llttli liyoi yyith twonnd llriiict llliillitllt lcncttiiigiiishiiii goals Ult scored by ltllllt St llltit kcn toyyziii ltritii liion Mark liu qiicttc ltoss lriiitici iiiii liiil ltobilliiril iuconici lilllx lillllitllb liiiilid goal toi Iiipiiiic shots to iiros It tii iiiltiiiiiii lnul litiiitltllt Brill toils but wins Debbie Brill fails to clear the bar at feet V4 inches at Madison Square Garden in New York Friday night Debbie Brill won the womens high lump when she cleared the bar at foot inch AP Photo fensive corps to six from four New York islanders defen ceman Denis Potvln troubled with shoulder separation has been cleared for what Bowman termed sparing use Mean while Montreals Guy Lap ointesreinstated to the roster after recovering from pneu monia finally arrived Friday practised and was expected to play BOWMAN AUTIOUS Thursdays victory left How man in cautious mood about todays game Weve got to be careful he said There was lot of glad handing around and talk about how great it was But weve al ready been paid for Thursday night now weve got to earn our keep Saturday Savard saw another positive note in the openinggame triumph was glad in way that we only won 42 said the soft spoken Savard hate to win easy because you always have tendency to take it easy after an easy win The Soviets werent expected to take it easy Vladimir Goli kov who scored their second goal Thursday night was asked Friday when Russian squad would reach the level of an NHL squad Without hesitating he said Tomorrow The Canadians played well and think we felt bit embar rassed Of course we did not do our best in the opening game but there are another two games and we shall be able to do better Both teams hoped to do bet ter where shooting accuracy was concerned The NHL stars took 47 shots at the goal in the opener but 23 of them sailed high or wide of the net The So viets tried 36 shots with 16 of them missing the target Ringotto players at Oro arena chose the ring dur ing league play recently during National Ringette molt Originally recreational sport for girls Ringetie has grown highly competitive in recent years Organizers estimate as many as 600 girls play in the Toronto area alone Examiner Photo Ringettes still not high profile but thousands play every week My ti ltlt FUIHHIS Of The lininiincr young bloiidc wiiiiitiii glidcs tinstcodiiy iliiiig thc icc siiitgici oi itro toininuiiity tcntri hci gqic listd on it rutitici riiii ihich has bccii lirid ill hci dircctioii tioiii lttltllttl thc tttl Shc takes it stiiluit tiic ring illi hir lilttliliss itlllllilttl oi hockey Slitk but iiiissis lhc young woman Ullt siiiill group which tiiiiis up tlic lllti irciiti cacti lcdncsdny morning ciiiscs loudly as thc iiiii Sitiit past iiid is pivkcd oil by an opponent oticiiii ihciks lltl stiiilitiii hl iiitllllill iiiil Lli mics llllitlltlttllt lhi ltiiliicsdiy lllttlllllti itiiiiis iiiigitti itioiip lt lro ill iiiioiirii litllttliit skirted iitl hisliiii to lit irii illtlit llltlilttl llt illli tii riiltiiti ltiit thc lttlltt tlicy tt play my is no ioiiiici lookcd ipoii nicitiy soinithiiiit ilo liy ihc thoiistiiiilsot pcoplc yhoxiri inolvcd iii it across llll pro llttldlll icross thc iitlltl it is not high pititilc tlltt iiiiiiii littziitii Viik llltil iniis today linsii iii ty titttti thi ittiiitiou lllt linililliti tiip hi and it ttii liitt inmir thc dcsptiiatc pitz most 371 sporiiii itiiiiiors iiiilc iii itiorts to iii iiiidcrstotxt tlttl til himd try tlicizciicial populous itl rziigiVtc itiill irtvi ltltl til liiiiiii has ruoixwi iiio highly OlLtllltrl sport tor iliils til it igi tiilliiitll Oiic oi thc tlllilll tortcs lttilttiil lti tllllitIH ii iinuctti ill iiittoc totiim tiuthiic iilllli School piiiicipit lliiiy lhighcs lliigtics tit lniicti oiuiiiiiii tttc lidiicsduy nioi iuitt ilroiip in Hro and thcir yo no dtiii1htcr ticci Mistd oii thc sport thc llltillt hivc organised iiit coiiplis tittihl xiliiii llii itii lii ltiiii iiiitili ii li iits iilo litiiiilcs took his lllltiitltiiti1illiiiiii th iiiiii lltlit tnriiwdl iitd gtIlltll thc iiilt ioiiiiii lt Him to itship inc lll itmtk lilt stiittl tiiiul lit llt itl iiiii ttlll titit li iio sysicii ltttl has gioyvn to plgiycis troni iiiou pirt oi thi ioiiii ty arisinicd Into tour hoiisc littlt twain ioiiiiiiiics to be tumor attraction to thc tlit llllllllitlll iiichiiciiiiiiiilcs Sonic giziduatcs oi thc tiiO lillt ilt itlllllll oiiiiiic thc tins liiijidiii gtiiiit ilt lniltti ilmiit ii lltll it ltl iiiiia oitic xiick to liltSt itic clusitc ring and lluuhcs cpccs thc iiiinibcr tc jump coiisidcrnlily out thincv iu scnsiins lhi gaitw is growint at Air ilttitlliL riitc till over the lllli lltiiihcs said lhcrc tlt om plnycrs rigistircd ii Sud tiiiiy birthplace oi the spit ctis igh tint iic itllt itilttllitl it thi rltotiiiokc system in Elm tittliltl llorscshix tron itsimyygi toils liitlitlii llttlt trt ilnios its many illmll players is thrt irc ltllhf hotkc plotrs The sport iisii to tic on litilt thoui cot it ill ot ml iiycl iiil liilllli it til ii li lLtl 1x illi lltttti inithts or otict pinccs llttiltl sir titt iiirls ii iitilttiltll jt in thc ttllvlllt and on txtitiiiitis tit hotlacy iiti ti grinitcrsatciy MK llliiiililai itiini hi said lts satct yzitiii tiiil llttti hic ltil rtilc minim ions which ciicoiiiagc satin skills It iiliticly ltttrlti sivc thc only iiqtircd Llilll niciit iiiviiitligiinrd iiiiiiic kiiccpads stick and Shillt spurt Li It iiiti lot oi patents irr finding the sport ii attractive outlet for thcir girls who are of course tlilttliit to tin or unwanted in niaiciliiimiizitidhockey ttlii toiiunuiidy cntre will 5w ttw silt oi tournament in law larth lllt iitst ringette tourist zit thc area Since thv spor iizsapiwniid at the tnrnya Iiiiit ttit lingettc llklitlt gun ftlttig body of hc spot it the pi to nice hopes it lt txiiactfv future trynzp sprig lht tli so conducts iotorcis irid ti5 citttits Ihoiiitiot int proywcc nu nth Lssociiis requests the iilltilgt arr plentiful and cation is result of the iiiiiics md toiisti=f pc at by ttaon Hughes says and this tat hm We mayor iiiot to steady pior thc ssot Nll lilisS lutyc iccreeing iw Ltitivllltttl and very little imizwking iii the sporf ii one is paid or efforts ixcryoiic tllSlllti lcdtcation ltSSlllfl in sttlllt xiiiitls lcdication tm proi mg it inc reason tiic spoi tithytllil such tiiu tiicir tt is siiiiiiiziivs Coghlon misses mile record l3 tltl lv lltidttilS lIiiiioiiii toiihinii was thinking about thc liiii tilyiiipic Linns on lltll night lltlt lltithlllti hiinscli iii tltll lioiitc toi lic tiiio tigtllttS lit Moscow ioghlaii itll thc idliosc tittiiics iiiiiiiilcr Mili ll thrcc lttiltlltls Iii st ciiiiils thc sccoiid instcst indoor iiiilc in history inil yiist oii lili iiirlil iiiirk til tut nit List ttli lIy ltiik Iiiicrkic or clatcd itt Sit ilfl on thc sioictionrd toifiilnii dttll oi thc iinolticial llllli thii litiiil thc tot lllltll liiiic Iisdistippoiiiicd llllilttllylliitlltlttl thiiili llitlt itltlltllll totirtli in tho ily inpic itiiiics iii ISM it floii iltill tiiiiyjltldlt iiiit iiiii oi lllt top iiiids issiiiililitl toi tlic tlll Ill tttSllllt his Ltsi ictory in his lllSl iiiioi iiidooi lllttl Illtl his iiizlith llllllllliit ii ti iou lxciiyn lilsoii Whig piciotisy lllllitJtill this ycnr iiiiislicil distant sccoiid in Jigti1t iolloucd by Sydiicy Marii iiliiio sophoiiiorc iioiii South Africa it Iift Ncu Zcilinds Iohii Ilhlt tliitlyiiipic lotto inctrc chain pioii yiiisiourtli til it lvi von fic oi ilt on the indoor sitison all lIc records said toghlaii who posted victorics last Friday in Toronto and Saturday in lIdiiiontoii lni stioiigci than ever this winter think vc got IS good it tlltllltt as anyone for thc tttitilyiiipics With the Madison Sqiitirc itirdcn Stlltitlt cIod oi titilitl roaring IlS tilllltnttl lion liiiitt licstcd toriiici iliiioi ltitlll iiizitc Mark ltilgcr iii record Stlllllt Loon yard raci Itiiiililo Nchciiniih oi the lnicrsity oi liriiid stretched lllS Viiiiiiiiig string to in thc iioyarii high hurdles iiinc tlriltith of Adclphi sci Womens World iiidooi iccord tor liit yards and Todd Scully sci it world indoor iicord til tlic inilc walk liehbic lhill oi litirnaby It won tlic ioiiiciis high jump with lctip of six loci one inch Mike Soloinoii cap turcd thc i300 yard run in iii llltl Sowcrliy took thi lion yard cvciit in lit and lanuniiis Siilciiuiiii Nyttlltlilll student at lcxas till lnso captiircd thc lii iiiilc til it 30 It Mndsor raceway strike settled WlNllSOlt Ont itli Janitors tl Windsor ilaciuziy iinaiiiiiiously approved two year contract Friday illowuii racing to resume for the first time since Feb it The 35 janitors agreed lhiirsdiiy to stop their strike which stuiily lttI began his Sunday and whom lt work tor the rust oi the inter st lictiiilc itiicli Illil tprit nex iiiiti was made to Local ilil lliitii iiid litsitiuiini lllllilittlt tiiion on Woihicsddy lhi lttIIt stiwpcriilmi racini iiidctiiiitciy Monday titcausc til lill tl iiiiiiiittitt clciks iiicinbets of ocil titti wrx litl ployWs liiicriigitional illitlt refused to cross tlic iiiiiitoiss picket lllliS Suiitlgiy iiid tll they Httiltl not rctiiiii tlltlll sorioiis bargaining liSillliiil littween ttiicoiiipany iiiil thr ttiitliil lotii ltccs lllltllitlltttltltl icpivsciittitixc ior ihc iinitoiss union said thi ncu iilllliitl iiiycs itllttill workers who ltlt Citllliilil St ti an hour on ttfi cciit iii hotii itiisc Male litllllOl who liltliit it an lttItlt rcccncd it Titicntan lioui incimsi Although discrcpnizcy ltt piy litlittlt lltillt iiid ietiialc yorkcrs is illiitul iiiitlii ttic liii liiiiployinciit Practices ruccyziiy tiiliitliit cpliiiicii that thc yobs or the two groups ililtci lciiiilc Janitors tllt icspoiisiiilc tor light work such as dustiiic hc siid ltlt lilt iiiiilc cinployccs diitics include operating heavy iiiichiiicry and tlll iiii bins of garbage lteis also said thc company has agreed that no services will be sub contractod lo oiitsidc iiriiis and thcrc will be no rccriiniiiation against the Janitors or piiiiiiiutucl clerks who participated in thc tltSpllli tlclty Ieiircy picsiilcnt oi thi clcikss local said that earlier in thc fttk the raceway said it was initiating tltlltt oi ilicgzit st iltt Jitittllt against thc clerks litttrt Oiltliillfs would not coinincnt oii thc scttlctticni Astros sign Ashby for 79 llOllSlON tll lltillSlttlt Asiros announced Friday the signing oi 1971i contracts with caichci Alan Ashby forinerlv with loronto liluc Jays iiiticlilci rt Howe and pitcher Joe Stiniliito llic signings bring to the iiuiiihcroi players who havc icichcil iiizicciiiciits vith tltc Astros itll the l979 httscball scason Vukovicb settles with Cards Sl lOl lS ili ltltlltl lctc uckovich agreed to con tract tcitns tor Iiiiti with St Louis Cardinals on Friday en tllll sinculatioii that llt might take his salary differences to arbitration tlic Nllltttil League baseball team said Vuckovicli lliltl ltttiltl with the Cardinals in the 1978 siiisoii which he iiiislicd with 355 eariiedrun average