The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau of EwngOM we mm 5th at OMPosmo ROOM Pubhshed dew can Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news 50 Craig Eson managing Edna Lon SIN manm Mlltlllllrlltlllltn1llltltllntll lot Kerney foreman Sunday Bad this newspaper credited 90 CP The Associated Press Reuters or Aqence Mutgrew city editor SM Illlrxï¬Altllnl Bitn ngn asst toreman aner holidays France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner BtthcFarlanewireeditor Bensuwm tni nu iIIIl on nun ers Dave Fullersportseditor my Fun Vikklhlnll W659 WEEKLYIDV Warn The Examiner claimscopyrightonatloriginal news and advertising material Claudia Krause ilestyle editor lan Mai ttmi IT 37am 9° 95 created by its employees and published in this newspaper servin arrie and simcoe count miln sottn Arum YEARLY bycarrier Friday Fob 1979 REPORTERS Stcvc sinnmr titir ttlnlttuir yfudvnm $46 80 Copyright registration number masts register 61 Eggnszzgns 0mm WW wwm mm Lime BY MAL same Nationaladvertsing oii es 1550 en St Toronto as mo Cathcart Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Dennis Lanthier CLASSIFIED QIULYIITIIII7 Susan llcttcn 630 Momm Ba Street Nancy Figueroa 85 5V Int Mutant on Gldrr SIMCOE COUNTY Of le Ontario L4M T6 Lori Cohen with bhlnm Inim Ill Ilt 5mm 51 36 5° The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages lli Bruce Rewland publisher 590 GOV tmemlnmrnl Icqqy ha II WV mm on ROOM MOTOR THROW OF m9 out oi errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space Gary Forbes SDOFIS Donn Nomiwood Don Near IONnan $393 year tually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error or Be Amef new opoao Jamu MOW lnd Prince asst tortman LSEWHERE IN CANADA curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants Or other 726 6537 726 6539 726 6537 728 24 726 6537 Dave Burcski Photogdnmr Harris Blamtmrd 533 50a year Wise and there shall be no liability ior non insertion of any advertisement Hymn Man beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement Your business The trap lies in wait Traffic offenders beware The trap is at work The trap is an unmarked radarequipped OPP cruiser now on fulltime patrol in this area and in OPP jurisdictions across Ontario Its job is to nab highway Speeders especially those PROVINCIAL PREMIERS Food prices iump 155 on major roads Buy vmcegig EGAN Some may disagree With the trap as sneaky police may $852111 methods Thomson News Service They are wrong The big price increase in beef in men The sneak is the motorist who cheats on his speed And the spe fatal accidents eding motorist is the number one cause of Statistics indicate tough police measures are help ing to reduce the carnage on our highways Last year motor vehicle fatalities in this OPP district was the lowest in years The number of road deaths decreased from 134 in 1973 to 69 last year That kind of improvement is still grim reminder of the consequences of traffic mishaps This year 12 people have died already on roads in this OPP coverage area 11 in Simcoe County Thats an average of two deaths each week The police need make no apologies for using un marked radar to slow down the Speeders We h0pe they trap them all Public meetings to get public im put yes we have had these But they are laugh an exercise in futility Think back to the public meetings held by the Downtown Core Committee and the resulting 56 esolutions All were lost in the shuf 1e It now appears we are getting many repeat performances from ci ty hall whether they be about the Seeder project the widening of letters to the editor around at the same time that they inevitably get lost in the shuffle Very convenient must say Only one thing emerges from it all Council can say we have listen ed even though they have not heard thing Their way is best after all am not suggesting that you do not attend these meetings Con versely pack the meetings and use people power to become better in formed and effect the necessary John Paul charts wise course days is unfortunately for consumers on ly one part of pattern of higher costs in food Beef has gone up by about 18 cents pound in Canadian supermarkets Thats on top of the sharp increases last year that helped to push up our food prices by an average of 155 per cent compared with 84 per cent in 1W7 As usual some shoppers turn to pork poultry and fish as substitutes and that of course will drive up their prices It seems altogether likely that there will be more such price increases for another three years or 50 Thats how long it will take the biological cycle in North American cattle to return to peak Untilbéhen expeats say the supply of cattle will too smal to meet the growing demand for beef The trouble began in 1973 at time of rapid inflation For shortterm political purposes the Nixon Administration in the United States imposed price freeze on beef just at time when grain prices were soaring HERBS LLLED Cattle producers quickly found it uneconomic to pay the higher costs of feeding cattle that would be sold for fixed prices Many of them reduced their herds substan tially and todays shortages and price in creases became inevitable Ironically Canadas socialists want our government to follow the same program now New Democratic Party Leader Edward Broadbent wants the Trudeau government to consider price controls on essential foods That would almost certainly aggravate the problem by leading to further shortages and fostering black market Seductive as they may seem at first glance controls wouldnt stand chance at time such as this when the weakness in our dollar is making export markets much more attrac tive to cattle raisers when the world beyond Nath America is at last developing taste for hamburgers and when the costs of energy and labor two of the important factors in Dunlop Street or whatever changes The world cattle producers budget are higher than If these are public meetings and Ask questions even embarassing today an em the citizens of Barrie are footing the ones and do not put up with the yer mléggguzlid 3n ggvlgilrlgélgt $113233 gm cost why does council try tolimit bal diarrhoea Demand straight dude Agriculture Minis Eugen When the part1c1pation to the people in the answers to impose economic restraints on farmers for immediate area They are the only very concerned Citizen JOHN Mummy swung equnmes like army Ecuador El mmgixï¬gcggiumers gratis who receive written notifica Alex Maggi army Salvador hlleandArgentina The outlook is for continuing increases in It would appear by limiting input and participation statistics could be worked up that would look good when expressed over the total population and support city halls decisions decisions which had been formulated beforehand would like to quote from one of our city fathers Property owners within four blocks affected by the project will be allowed Note will be allowed as if there are no democratic rights to hear how the project will affect them Note will affect as if the decision had already been made This is quote from The Examiner of December 19 1978 That is your typical open public meeting Is this democracy at work The latest meeting held this week on the widening of Dunlop Street is another good example These meetings are burial ground for your ideas and input So many things are being battered write your mp mPP It you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses It you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FIDIIAI lynerd MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont In In DearSir Since thc Barrie Examiner newspaper to serve Barrie and Sim coc County did not make prompt effort to report the success of the Tcachcrs Theatre Music Workshops productin of the Sound of Music held last weekend at Georgian Collcgc feel compelled to pass on the recognition they so rightfully descrvc Many weeks of preparation on the part of teachers in Simcoc County as well as students from Barrie schools assisted by people in terested in the challenge that the teachers presented culminated in full house performances that were nothing short of bcing spectacular Along with those who filled the theatre and rose to standing ova tions at the completion of each per formance applaud everyone from the children who acted their parts so well to every member of the cast orchestra stage crew numerous support committees the produces and the director for job so well done These teachers displayed to the public their commitment and dedication to an awesome task but more importantly reached it with resounding success Yes they climbed cvery mountain and followed cvcry rainbow until they found their dream This year which is proclaimed as the International Year of the Child let us be thankful we have teachers in this County who can unselfishly share their talents with the public learn by these experiences and thus train our children in their ex emplary manner The Latin American bishops of the Roman Catholic Church are still in session even though Pt John Paul II has returned to the Vatican ter his visit to Mexico They are pondering his stance by the role of the church in hemisphere marked by deep poverty by millions of economically and politically disenfranchised Latin Americans and Indians and much politicization within thcchurch at the level of parish priests The Pope knew he was coming to part of the Catholic world nominally the largest in terms of numbers where the Church has been split on how to handle unresolved social Much of the episcopatc has remained conservative linked to the rightwing regmes of generals and businessmen while more and more of the priests at the parish level have gone over to radical political so lutions to end mass poverty and deprivation Indeed Latin America is the only place where the Catholic Church has experienced priests as guerrilla and Marxist heroes chiefly the late Father Camilo Torres of Colombia The ChristianMarxist dialogue is prac tioed openly and at the risk of much per POIIC JOHN IAll llciids for the masscs Newspaper pact offers $512 week MONTREAL CP The longest strike in the lldyear history of the Montreal Star has ended with ratification of new contract by manbers of the Newspaper Guild covering editorial circulation delivery and advertis ing employees Senior Star officials say the pa will be back on the stands next Monday or the first time in nearly eight months Some employees will return to work today Marketing director Chick Amey said Tues day The Star will put on multimedia blitz to inform readers that the paper is back Members of the guild were the last of threc unions at the paper to accept new contracts Two production unions ratified their agreements 11 days ago Guild president George Light said the new contract includes wage increases amounting to 33 per cent in four stage over three years pressmcn walked out They wcrc the only ones officially on strike but 200 composing room and mailroom employees respected their picket lines Managcmcnt thcn laid off most of the remaining staff The guild contract expired June 15 the day after the walkout by the pressmcn Under the new guild contract reporter with five years experience who previously got $38350 week will receive $42850 That will rise to $460 on June 16 $490 on March 19a and $512500n Jan 11981 Night editorial staff will have 322hour week in four shifts Other guild members will havca fiveday 35hour week but will got five extra paid holidays as compensation Prtssmcn and composing room staff had at fourday 32hour week in their last contract which now is extended to mailroom PAPU STRATEGY Would the new Pontiff whose church is in the forefront of the struggle against Marxism in Poland demand the end of such political endeavours in the Church And if he did not what would he have to say to church leaders who remain aloof to the endless human crises of Latin America But the wise Polish Pontiff did neither He counselled against intense political action within the church to obtain social goals But he also attacked the rich and com fortable of the hemisphere and warned them they must share this to include his own church which in some nations is still rich in land Early and profound action is called for he said in an open air meeting at Oaxaca in southern Mexico Daring and profoundly innovative transformations must take place Urgent reforms must be carried out without delayf He warned the rich and powerful it was their job to bring these things about as it was the churchs role to be involved in social iustice but not in open violence This was reference to those priests who in frustration openly join guerrilla and militant workers movements and take to the streets and jungles with them to overthrow rcac tionary regimes Yet by neither condoning the guerrilla priest nor the conservative and unfccling prelate in his palace thc Papal concern for the oppressed of the Americas may carry no weight In Oaxaca he was surrounded by the truly abandoned of the oncc dynamic Mexican social revolution which was supposed to be all about them the Mexican Indian in his rural environment These are indigenous Latin Americans the Indians about whom the feeling Pontiff also said the worker whose sweat feeds his despair But the Holy Father said nothing and did not enter into any public discussion on the crisis of humanity which is the most serious the unbridled population growth of Latin America WHEN BIRTH CONTROL This is most severe in Mexico the country he visited where the population of Mexico City alone will exceed that of Canada by 1990 When will the Catholic Church ever face up food prices probably until about 1982 barr ing any dramatic change in foreignexchange rates and energy prices Although grain supplies and reserves throughout the world are high the effort of the less advanced countries to improve diets and to build up livestock herds will place heavy demands on grain producers in the growing countries Strangely enough Canada still maintains quotas on beef imports from Australia and New Zealand to protect our farmers at the expense of Canadian consumers But even if those quotas were lifted as they should be it wouldnt help the consumer much Frozen beef from Down Under is quoted at $160 pound now vs 60 cents year ago At the retail level last years prices will soon be nothing but bond memory Hamburgers that staple of the adolescents diet are breaking through the $1 level at fastfood outlets and proportionate increases are in store all the way up to the best cuts in the best restaurants Interpreting the news Iran charts new COUISG WASHINGTON CP Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini appears ever closer to achieving his goalof turning Westernoriented Iran into an independent fiercely nationalistic Islamic republic Within week of his return to Iran from 14year exile Khomeini has named Mehdi Bazargan as provisional prime minister and warned that anyone acting against his regime would violate religious law and face harsh punishment In setting up the provisional government Khomeini has put the army and the govern mett of Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar on notice that he is pursuing his oftstated in tention of charting new course for Iran one that would take it away from United States and Western influence The crucial question is what the army Will do over the next few weeks Bakhtlar The strike be last Ju 14 wh 90 lothis crisis displayd hilmenti°n of remainingin POW MPPoelDulterinSimcoe Nelson mp was by sending jets and helicopters over Tehran Parliament Buildings Barrie on Tuesday in show of strength while Kl Ottawa Ont Sidb Stevens MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings DcarSir On behalf of lhi Barrio and District Christmas hcir organiza SCOOPS WT IF YOU REALLY WANT l0 SHOW THE RUSSIANS ttl0 YOUVE GOT TO HAVE DISNEYLAND meinis supporters marched through the streets below There have been recent indications that Khomeinis efforts to swing the military away from its Iongstandin loyalty to the gaff tion would Ilkt lopuss along our MAG shah arehflvingsome success MPGm5imcoe sinccrcthnnkstor11obwclldonc Irans generals mam loyal 33km parttammmuttdings Over $23000 in lnoncy food and but among the rank and file reports indicate Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL George leybr MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon SIM MPPSimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Ioronto 0w Heb00 MPPDutterin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto toys wcrc collcctcd and distributed to over 400 nccdy familics in our area This is lnndc possiblc through pcoplc likc you Whether wc gnvv or lillcd or pack cd or dclivcrcil wc zlll aided to mzlkc this fifth yinr it succcss Thank you vcry much Paul Arbour Barrie and District Christmas Cheer xx Ga f7 is V3 that loyalties are blurring discipline crumbl ingand authority breaking down WOULD AFFECT WORLD If Khomeini rides his wave of popularity to absolute power repercussions would be felt throughout the world Irans importance to the US and other Western nations lies in its huge oil and natural gas reserves and in its strategic loca tion as buffer between the Soviet Union and the Arabian Sea The current cutoff in Iranian oil produc tion which arose from the strikes and civil unrest that contributed to the removal of the shah is already affecting oil customers