Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1979, p. 12

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3000 08650090600 12 the examiner Friday Feb 1919 television gucl FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 III NEws HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS ID POLIrA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW ces NEws ABC NEws NEws PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONi 700 DATING GAME EIGHT is ENOUGH CROSS wns MARY TYLER MOORE TIC TAC DOUGH MAKIN IT NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA OUIZ HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CIRCUS Guests Los Orbanos High Wire Act Carzaki Teeterboard Art The Kent Hand Balancmg Act and John Stevens FIH nipulslona INCREDIBLE HULK IE JULIUS CAESAR The Wm or the 8803 production at Shakespeare play about ambition and conspiracy In encrenl Rome Produced by Cedric Messma relevr sions loremost orchestrator ot clessrc plays Charles Gray is Caesar Richard Pasco is tus and Keith Michell is Mark Antony BOB NEWHART snow 800 DIFFRENT STROKES BE MY VALENTINE CHARLIE BROWN Although mm Browns mailbox remarns empty onVaIPntrne Day ihe opllrmslic little Peanut Celebrates slightly bruised heart lull ol hope if MAKIN iT TURNABOUT Sam and Penny Alston are rust getting the hang ol being the other one Inwardty when the calendar tells Penny pre Rant 35 MOVIE COMEDY Whats Up Tiger Lily 1967 830 BROTHERS AND SISTERS FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE RIKKITlKKITAVI An animated epecral based on Rudyard Kiplinge story at the mongoose who saved from storm toaeed drowning by boy and hrs parents rator Orson Welles WHATS HAPPENING Dee 18 held for thelt by Store manager after she tries to exchange birthday present lrom is Earl DELTA HOUSE Ill MOVIE DRAMA ma Flatbed Annie and Sweetpid Lady Truckers 00 TURNABOUT Sam and Penny Alston are rust getting the hang at barrio the other one inwardly when the calendar tells Penny Rant TOMMY HUNTER COUNTRY THE DUKES OF HA22ARD an and Luke pick up pretty hitchhrkcr to add to their woes while trying to escape the highway rol moonshrnars car 60 rnrns it HEROES OF ROCK ROLL This special entertainment event utilizes lascrnairnq rum and tape lootaue lrom the careers at ol the rock worlds bioqest stars including Elys Presley The Beatles Janis Joplin and Chubby Checker combinrrrt with never belore seen clips from concerts recordrng seasons and motion picturs Host Bridges his THE LOVE BOAT Three Vignettes Dream Ship Stars Hans Conned Dr Joyce Brothers Besl Ol Friends Sims Carol Lynley Ben Murphy Altormalh Strirs Iii chard Anderson Drana Muldnur 60 rnrns 930 HELLO LARRY 1000 SWEEPSTAKES mm rows lrnalists in the sweepstakes tor ii rnithon dollars cope with comical and emotional problems as they awart the outcome at the lottery Guest stars James Coco Joan kelt 60 nuns STARSKY AND HUTCH Pam believesJ lrnmed her brother Clilt tor the murder ol Julio Grey and moves out at the house Conclusion 60 CHALLENGERS WHAT IS TRUTH NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 FLYING HIGH 1030 KOWALSKlLOEB REPORT PETER APPLEYARD FERGUSON SHORT AND SS 3630 886 1100 to £8 NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEws Ill EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE COMEDY Up Your Daughters 1959 110 ll NIGHTMUSIC 1120 NEws NEWS Lock 1127 1130 THE TONIGHT snow Host Johnny Carson Guest Martin Mull 90 it cos LATE MOVIE me NEW AVENGERS Emrly Steed wants to learn the Identity 131 an agent known as the Fox alter Purdey nearly loses her IIIO alter an escapade with him STREET KILLING Stars Andy tith Bradlord Dillman MOVIE WESTERN Sun Serenade 1942 STREET TALK 1140 ID QUESTION PERIOD 1145 THE PROFESSIONALS 1150 MOVIE DRAMA It Black Gunn 1972 1200 MOVIE HORROR wwttn tn the Woods 1971 IE SUSPENSE Grand Slam 1963 1210 MOVIE WESTERN Honky Tank 1974 1245 GOODIES 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL rE PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 140 MOVIE DRAMA The Cardinal 1963 145 MOVIE ADVENTURE Island of the Lost 1968 200 MEDICAL CENTER 225 19 MOVIE DRAMA Saintly Sinners 1962 300 MARCUS WELBY MD 335 BMOVIECOMEDYROMANCE Copacabana 1947 historically speaking today in history Feb ii in Character actor Icorgc IGabbyI Haycs died 10 years ago todzryrin 1969 in Hollywood at age Ilzrycs starred in vuurlcvillc for 20 years when talking picturcs were developed he went to Hollywood He appeared in countless cowboy films playing thc trusty crusty sidckick rolc hc pcrfcctcd with William Boyd IHopulong tassidyr Roy ltogcrs icnc Aiitry iitlfl Iohn Wuync lilll Frcnch colonists rcucli cd Louisiana Illtht stutcsnizin llcun ltusk was born IJII hurcliill told thc IKS Iivc us tlic tools and wc can finish thcjob ltllit llic ltipziiicsc t£ltlllltl Guadalcanal ltlil Sun Francisco rockcd by In cartliqunkc Wilh barries stag February I961 Childrens Aid Society ap peal from County Council for increased funds for protection work fell $15000 short of its mark The appeal made at the January session by Councillor John Small councils representative on the board was for $65000 At the time Mr Small pointed out that if the society had recievcd 305000 in the previous year asked in stead of the $50000 received it would not be coming in with deficit in 1961 The pleas went unheeded however and the council again approved just the $50000 It was hoped that youngsters would be swimming in the pro jected Barrie Community Swimming Pool that summer local Lions Club official told The Examiner Details of the pool wcrc relczrscd as the cullin date for opcn tcndcrs approach ed at thc nontlis cnd Located on four and onc half acrc Barric Parks Board properly northwcst of thc irovcBziyficld intcrscction the pool would bc lSllinl consisting of rectangular area 82 by 40 feet and an adjoining square area 35 feet sidc Without discussion Simcoc County Council approver zI 3216951268 budget for 1901 by aiming at gcncral lcvy of eight mills lonc up from the previous year and 21 It mill road lcvy This is the tightcst budgrt have ever seen lrcusurcr Jack Coleman said in prescri ting the budget He added that canadas stog Cobourg To Peterbomugh Was Exciting Railway Ride In 1850 more than 9000 miles of railways had been built in the US but only 66 miles In Canada In order to stimulate construction the government guaranteed the bond interest of railways of 75 miles or more and this led to boom Railways began to spring up everywhere althou some ended In the woods Smal communities borrowed huge sums of money Port Hope got $700000 Brantford and Cobourg received $500000 each while Brockville dipped Into the fund for $400000 The Cobourg Investment was for railway to Peter borough and the leading romoter was the colorful stagecoach driver Sam We ler The first sod was turned on February 1853 and the company was called Co bourgRice Lake Plank Road and Ferry Com any One of the bi Rice Lake whic roblems was to build dge across volved three miles of treaties sup rt ed on piles It cost far more then estimated an the railway was usually being chased by the sheriff to collect un aid bills bridge swayed and shook so much that Edward Prince of Wales was not allowed to cross it when he made the trip in 1860 It was closed soon after Nevertheless the railway led to real estate and business boom The value of land at Harwood on Rice Lake rose from $3 to $400 an acre The village of Baltimore became thriving community Cobourg develo ped Into busy port and handled 14 million feet of lumber and 200000 bushels of grain in 1856 The railway chargin fare of $1 for passengers to Peterborough also ca ed enough freight to cam 11 profit of nearly $30 000 in 1856 but this was only three per cent of the capita expenditure The Cobourg no was knocked out eventually when new route was built to Peterborough from Port Hope vie Lindsay However the old railway tracks still had great part to play They were sent to France during World War and carried Allied troops and supplies behind the front lines OTHER EVENTS ON FEBRUARY lassSecond issue of playing card money was re called 1840 US ended joint occupancy of Oregon by Canadian fur traders 1870 Louis Riel became president of provisional gov ernment at Red River 1879 North Shire Railway was completed between Montreal and Quebec 1883 First free public library was opened at Guelph Ont 1891 Vancouver of Lobe re House opened with production 1915 Twentyone coal miners were drowned at Wel lin Colliery Nenaimo BC 1931 Ear of Bessborough became Governor General of Canada it accounch for $208860 con struction costs including 543000 for thc renovation of the court housc and 3105850 for thc lcnctzing home for thc ugcd onstnnt chipping away zit ounty ouncil conccrning ncw rcgistry builrling finally paid off ouncil rpprovcd prcliminirry plans 1an SIIIIIZIIOS to bc prcpurcd for ncw rcgistry building Idjuccnt tothradministrationquartch Thc approval marked thc culmination of scvcrul yciirs of zippczils by lhc rcgistrar Art Kriccshnw who always mudc 21 point of comincnting that lhc officc paid its own way Simcrx ounty finuiiccs wcrc in good shapc rcportcrl auditor Icd Simpson in his rcporl cori ccrning thc unnule financial stzitcmcnt Ihc systcm of paying dcbts from yczir to yczir rzithcr than dcpcnding upon dcbcnturing was highly fuvourcd by Mr Simpson the 39 mcmbcrs zittcnding tlic nnnuzrl inccting and dinner of tho Vctcruns lub of Barrie 29 wrrc vclcrzins from World War 21an Ill vctcrnns from World War II Thc inccting was held at ommunity Housc Izrking office as prcsidcnt for l96l was Dr Brucc Johnston hc succccdcd Art McLean llcrb Hugth of fiilford was clcclcd chairman of thc Simcoc Tounty ltccrczrtion Board zit thc first inccting of tlic ycnr Mr Ilughcs hurl given strong lcudcrship to thc board during the previous three years Bor niird St Amanl of Pcnctang newcomer to county recreation was clcctcd vicechairman Louise frillcy rccrcation dircc tor was appoinch sccrctary trcasurcr rildwcll chairman of thc liarric Wintcr Carnival an nounccd that duc to thc trcmcndous support givcn thrit ycrirs nrnivnl arlvcrtis ing promotions by thc mcr chants busincssmcn and in rluslrics it was dccidcd to rcrlucc thc iidmittaiicc charge to thc ice for the carnival Admission chargcs of St pcr adult with children frcc lizrd been the original intention to ensure that rcvcnucs would cover costs However it was felt by the committee that $l pcr family would be sufficient In an editorial in The Ex iimincr it was suggested that farmers farmers organiza tions and provincial and Federal governments accept the fact that there would be mnrkct for margarine ir respective of its color Also suggcstions that the colouring of it ycllow bcing detrimental to thc sak of butter assumed the average housewife could not or would not read labels Eatons in Barrie advertised special sale an included such items as stcrco phonographs at $28995 30 electric ranges at $15999 wringcr washers at $9988 and 6transistor radios at $966 The doctor says Rest often helps discs Dear Dr Ruble have been locate the precise problem area flat on my back for month before surgery It must be now My doctorthinkslhavea done It rarely causes any slipped disc between the L1 problem and L5 vertebrae have very minor pain do not want to go through myelogramr or the surgery Is there medicine or other treatment such as mas sage traction heat special ex ercises Is the surgery very dangerous Please comment ILW There are some con tradictions in your letter If the pain is very minor why have you been laid up for month Does that mean you get the pain only when you are up and around No one relishes the idea of surgery but any prob lem that immobilizes person for this length of time requires sonic additional treatment Vcrtcbrnc arc the sections comprising the spine and the l4 and 15 llowcr spincr sec tions arc chicf trouble spots In fact they arc thc site of about 90 pcr cent of all spinal disc problcins Most disc disorders can bc trcrrtcd conscrvutivclym us with rcst on it firm mattress traction htiil illld gradually increased cxcrcisc This is thc trcntmcnt tricd first But if nonc of it works and if the pain persists lhcn surgcry must bc considered especially if thcrc is ncrvc rlzrmngc Ilic objccl is to rclicvc thc prcssurc on tho ncrvc cnuscd by tho disc prot 111510 You cxprcss somc conccrn too about tlic myclogriim That is spccizil kind of xray of thc spine Ihc pictures arc mudc itflli special dyc has bccn in jcctcd intr thc spinal czinnl It providcs nicc contrast for clcur picturcs rind is rlonc to confirm suspicions and to So if other treatment has failed you would do well to con sider the surgery If you have doubts about the need for it you can seek second opinion Dear Dr Ruble have sinus difficulty and seem to have trouble especially when fly But must fly in my work What can be doneMrs Tl Decongestant drops for the nose or one of the inhalants be fore boarding might help It might also be used prior to de scent variety of these prod ucts is available as well as decongestants in pill form No guarantees but they are worth try Dear Dr Ruble have read about the Kegel exercise to help women who have stress incontinence How effective is this and how long before one should expect to have some improvement had this problem after my last baby was born NJ The cxcrcisc is quite ef fcctivc if the cause of the in continence leakage is weakened pelvic muscles That can sometimes result in lcukugc of urine with certain strcsscs such as coughing snccxing lifting etc Some womcn note improvement in couplc of weeks some in months You do the exercise by using the muscles involved in shutting off urination this whilc actually urinating or in bclwccn timcs The exercises rcquirc patience and per sistcncc Ihc niclhod is always worth trial before resorting to surgical rcpair BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and AleESontag Making game the safe way VAKQHZ QAKJ983 0852 QJ97 Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East South 10 Pass 10 29 Pass Pass 49 Dbl Pass Pass Pass Opening lead UK South Analyzes the lead as from Wests bid suit He view of the bidding indicates that West probably has ex actly six hearts With seven he might well have tried preemptive jump to three In any event South ruffs the heart South can go after six All that requires is that he take successful trump finesse and find the suit splitting 33 South wants to make the 10 tricks he has bid for He has to lose club trick and can afford to lose two trump tricks So when he asks How can make my contract the answer is that he should be willing to lose two trumps but unwilling to let the defense have time to make him ruff second heart before the ace Of clubs is knocked out What is the safest way to keep control South should promptly cash the ace and king of trumps If the suit breaks fiveone he is in trouble but as long as it breaks either 42 or 33 he is safe at home He just knocks out the ace of clubs ruffs the next heart and leads out clubs and diamonds The defenders make two trump tricks but South makes his four spade contract Ask the EXDCMI Georgia reader wants to know if there is such system as the Churchill Sys tcm The Encyclopedia of Bridge calls it the Churchill style Invented by Gerton Churchill it still has few followers The basic style is that ripening notrumps no trump rebids and notrump responses are always the weakest bid lexcept pass that player can make daily crossword ACROSS 45 Nlllltt Sulfi AnswiI to prvlllilS IIilllc 46 They wririlrt 5Ilt hill mu p5l Im 49 Atrociolis Erlt 53 Over limctvr rpniristi lltit 54 mm Sm 12 QUHNW 58 Bituirir iiisrit 12 59 Disconsoldtc 15 60 Large Bria llllJBSS mint Pm l6 Trunk of 61 addl body 62 Nfllflllttl 17 Tiger Ior om lane l8 Captor 63 015 20 Posts 64 Female SriIlll 22 Slilklf tribbi Arlirrosmi Ii 39 Woodland 24 Stout plrosiiliriti Inirnal 25 Tristan DOWN tribtrr 41 females beloved 13 RM 43 Beau 28 To some Spring 24 Violin 46 Throw liqhtly IUH Forearm born 15 Fottllrfr was LCrimiI dterl Fume Spanish 32 Common Fm Hwy 48 rEnaIter 33 EIrjem Spams 00 26 Narrow board mm bb 21 med Women 27 Belrrnqirir to 50 fency 35 patriotic us vmg saucers ecausc ribbr 36 Ontmem soCIcty ldlll 19 Distant 38 C0 Beast of 30 Went by Cr Mdedst UIICIIOII sea on Gm burden 31 Sicppcrl 39 pedestal pan Exon 34 World organi 52 EaIV 599d 40 or Focal points rillfilt r2 wrls Slumem 42 Ogled 10 Sovret river am 55 Code dot 44 Arr Force for ll Fishing aids women abbr 19 Snakelike fish is UT 01 LA on U1 56 Esaus wrte 57 Pronoun 37 Covered wrtti moisture CYour Birthday February 10 1979 Many new friends and associ ates could enter your life this coming year and several of them may become close com panions Its even possible to tie the knot it youre available and so inclined AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Your inborn diplomacy and tact are your biggest assets today Put them to their best use and the relationship you were seek ing to cultivate can came about Mnthrop WNT THINK TELEVIsiON 15 MAKING FLILL nee a=dOE Wous ABILITIES ELMEZ AN TH PZICE 19 IZIGHT Dur Im AstraG ranh PISCES Feb 20March 20 Physical tun would do you world of good today If possi ble get out in the fresh air even it all you have time for is brisk walk ARIES March 21Aprll 19 It you dont have plans for this eve ning get on the phone and make some You are going to be in sociable mood and will need an outlet TAURUS April 20May 20 Your family and home will occupy your time and attention today because youll want to exert your energiesinthis direction GEMINI May 21June 20 Youll be eager for intellectual ex pression today so seek out projects and associates with THINK THEY 6HOLJLD MAKE HIM EMCEE or THECIIONG 6HQV DGInrhia Inc ru Rog us On VIEW TH HOUélN DEVELOPMENT GOIN Frank and Ernest INFLATION 15 GREAT TIME 5AVER FIFTY DOLLARS WORTH oF SHOPPING Now TNcE ON LY 10 MINUTE5 7373860 NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St whom you can explore the wisdom of the ages CANCER June 21July 22 Making do with what you have will help stabilize your budget and today you know exactly how to do this for others as well as for yourself LEO July zitAug 22 Take the helm and steer the ship it you wish today Your leadership is at its best and others will happily follow your guidance VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 In quiet manner you can accom plish more and get what you want better than others who make lots ol noise and push themselves on everyone else Stick tO your way LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Bright lights and large crowds hold an Bernlcefiosla 09L appeal for you today Youre good social catalyst Why not organize bash with bunch at your pets SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Sellfulfillment can be attained today by doing something to put you in the public eye Exhibit your best skills Youll receive acclaim SAGITIARIUS Nov 2300 21 The natural urges of being Sagittarian come to the lore today pushing you to widen and expand your horizons Youll find ways to express those ways CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Trade on the knowhow of an associate today He has some thing to otter that could be for your collective benefit OF COURSE THATS omen ONE 3120s OPINION OH TUESDAYG AN THURSDAY9 TH 57 PLAY YER CHOICE TUNES Tfigoa TEWWI5LE sores comma FWOM THE NEXT APARTMENT it 1079 our Itn Nunour Ann our no on Your weddinglinvitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service 731 linearrailwa SHAM POOED MY PLUME AND CANT no We so 9m unmuli

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