vrrwfl Orillia artist exploits drama of bold color By STEPHEN HALTER If The Examiner The current show of oil paintings by Ingrid Seyfler at the Barrie Art Club Gallery on Dunlap Street is an intriguing sometimes bixaare look at the percep tion of color the ways it can be manipulated and distorted for dramatic effect in painting The Orillia ar tist uses technique that at first glance seems crude and coarse exposing the shapes and strokes of the painters brush in way that calls at tention to technique In shape and form Miss Seyffers style is realistic the human figures land scapes and still lifes she prints are familiar and recognizable images but the way she uses color sug gests kind of violent im agination Seyffer creates new color schemes that are often bizaarre and strange as though shes looking at the world and seeing colors of another spectrum The heavy blues greens and purples in many of the paintings com bine with the thick textured strokes and daubs of paint to create an effect thats almost repulsive as raw and as coarse as wound In her portraits Seyffer breaks down face and figure into areas of color keeping the forms realistic but substituting her own col ors for natural flesh and skin tones In Nude for example the figure of the women is recognizable but her face is made tip of planes of green the lips are purple and the body is patchwork of color The brush strokes are strong and uncmnpromising and seem to push the viewer aw ay from the painting before drawing him back in again Seytfci technique is like shock ettcct strange colors superimposed on 3iiliar forms that forces wit to see familiar images iii sttiiligtlit ways liric another portrait gtl1trs child staring straight at the viewer with his arms propping up his head Again the form is conventional portrait pose but the colors are something else again the boys body is made up of blties and browns his arms are various colors and his face is blcii ding of oranges purples and golds The painting is dark almost nightmarish Scyffer has transformed boy into strange image of color he becomes an alien figure front another world or the artists imagination not simply the familiar image of young boy This ability to make the familiar seem alien and otherwordly is even more pronounced in Little Boy which shows sleeping child transformed into bizarre pattern of strokes and swabs of color The boys hair is black heavy strokes the face clownlike mask of pinks and greens and purples Instead of the sim ple innocence of sleeping child Seyffer gives tis caricature of color distortion that is frightening in its strangeness and bewildering in its intensity The landscapes and still lifes in the show range from appealing scenes of meadows and fields to very blunt and crude paintings that suggest Group of Seven influence Summer shows three people in field of light and dark greens and heavey white flower blossoms The faces on the people in the paintings are virtually blank and featureless the effect is mysterious but relaxed and tranquil too Rutter tups still life shows vase of yellow tlowcrs The paint has been applied III heavy strokes and the flowers seem to float on the surface of the canvas freed ot stems holding them to the confines of the vase Yellow and Blue pain ting similar to Summer shows two people sitting in tilti tiieir laces are tillttll obscured ind ltJllIltlt UM til tiillllttl lliiiliis llll through the green fields in front of tho tigiiic abou lhcni theres lighter lliiiiltt color lltltl ol slltiikid and SIlll1i paint strokis showbiz The last word N15 YUKK MAP comic oked about ILlizabeth TLHIUIS string of marriages during party in her honor the audience booed llil Miss Taylor th last word The liaih ews sly lb New gins this account oi In lllLliltlll oinic Larry Best ad dressii ht tilulUIit gathered Aaltori sioiia IIotel After mt said It sii pleasuretobehcre to motor Mix Varncr Ililton lot tisni llinton Burton ai it II it it out hi second its husband the lan acioi Inliwl ilding lic atidienw loom and hissed and someone yelled Vln don oii apologize Miss Iayior lllt lt oi Scnatoi Iohii Ivainei oi ir gana just stariwf When she got to the micro phone the Academy Award winning itctlcss inoditicd theli nal llllt from the inotie Stat Is torn tlet that last llilli it itorniazte llItll sa this lrs orinan liiitic Iy tiaini lullzit liiyini Lainvr llien llt lctt early sat ing HELD OVER 3rd WEEK AT PM AT PM SAL sun moms mo Eiï¬gt ï¬g Tali IECHNICOLOR nwm MAGIC This painting is more subtle and more relawd than the other works in the show The eye comes to rest on the two central figures ptllsttl in the centre of green DIAM IO DUNLOP ST Illlll Butter Cups by Ingrid Seyffer one of the Orillia artists paintings currently being shown at the Barrie Art Club Gallery The show continues until the end of February fluid world oi Scyffcr allows its to tings Icla with this painting the view pleasingoni litst contrast she could pro ttli loi lllt color distortions it work Ill lltl other pain is familiar and and thats the lel tol Ollie Wellington 390ml Scy ffer at the iruary llic Iiday IS PROUD TO PRESENT IN CONCERT In at iuyfi Uri 343355 tutuCtstggi BILLY RJIFL lH SimNt Flt bRK ARMFN CHM If Of if ARI Ito itttiiimu mom roWIiouc mvtn om Mil litJtRAll iooi ERIC CARMEN Change Of Newt anti no Your town Mm AT SAMS Stop Worlds Away no 449 INVEST NOW ALSO SIIGWENG ON OUR FT SCR SPORTSMANS LOUNGE mamw menu gammaW bum namzinI SATIIRBA Fill Wilt am on Thu lJImiiinu Items wk ot av $910M SATURDAY ii MONDAY ONE EACH PER PERSON emsW Mn um BILLY IOE IHf HUNGER AT SAM ONLY 6W0 VANNELLI Brothel Io BTUYIwV AT SAMS ONLY 0ND NEEDLES to SAVAGE FR SAT ROCK ROLL gallery open from toAi lll Monday itarrie 7284445 ETHICAL iiIir Ltin nitl ltTf931 vizMd Che 52 31tdSTNEET it it ct II tvi IIy ii in up lI m3 hunt Mannin ShinHi AT SAMS ONLY flllt lllllklll inw Bit luv Wuiiim and Mtitt mond Oil BILLY JOEL NEIL nthNTth You Dont Bring Me Flowers Din CANADAS KATHLEEN AND SEETKNOWN noon 370 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is critical hit she has been shoot AUII THE LIGHT Iotatoes that are not stored away from the Iiglit will be come green and bitter HERBS LIKE POOR Still tlerbs need more fertilizer but most of them seem to do better in poor soil than in fertile one IIITIPERIIKLI Star Wars lurks in the mind Both films portray inytliicallxittlc lwtwecn good and evil and both exist in fantasy worlds where literally anything it ii vat 11 TheLordOfTthiagsisanc oftheepic fantasicsofmir Iitcmryage WWI Nscw Vi tlltvlltllltlllttl visiialachievement rccoinnicnd that everyone see it ing with Tony Curtis in film called Title Shot she will be appearing at the Stratford Fes tival play she filmed will be aired on CBCTV in March and she is even singing in group called Sweet Lips Im positive thinker want to feel like something is going on After play opens love it love it Mrs Hogan 32 started her career at Toronto high school with part as Abigail in The rucible Tharles Iolliffe who directed the play was im pressed with her talent and urged her to apply to the Na tional Theatre School in Mon treal She did and while there met her husband Michael also an actor They went to Talifornia but became disillusioned with the commercialism in the American acting world They returned to Niagararoirther Lake and the Shaw Festival where they were cast in many roles as young lovers Now both Hogans are living and working in Toronto with their two children Mrs Hogan said her family life is important to her and pro vides an important therapy after the pressures of her work Actress began with Fields HOLLYWOOD AP Char acter actress Jody Gilbert who began her movie career with WC Fields and later appeared in such films as Hello Dolly and Butch Cassidy and the Sun dance Kid died Saturday of in juries suffered in an auto acci dent Iast fall Miss Gilbert whose age was not revealed was born in Fort Worth Tex She studied at the Pasadena Playhouse before joining Fields in 1941 in Never Give Sucker an Even Break On radio she was Marie Wil sons partner in My Friend Irma role she later portrayed on television ORilliA TIIEATRES OMATION ANYTIME CALI 7283440 whole new breathtaking worldtliat can be both terrifying and endearing tlic exquisite art ofaniniation with both charm and power is not lost tat uvv in nir Irlti tl JKIAN lt It ItiIKllx They couldnt have celebrated happier anniversaries if they were married to each other llic Minsi ll Corporation presents Ellen Burstyn AI AIda Sn 4° amc nncNext ear ltklhSlVN and MAN AI ITM iii SAMI lle HI YIAR AW Show Times JLOQLMO anhig Lung som pooplo Theatres Brunch Ont Ills ll Itobvvt Minliqan Iioduction MAhmLOO Ninth CITREHTPL CENTRE wage may be offend to Cinema It yams Imphl ALEXANDER SALKIND PRESENTS MARLON BRANDOGENE HACKMAN RICHARD DONNER FILM SUPERMAN SIARRINI AI 50 SIARIIINI CHRISTOPHER REEVE NED BEATTYJACKIE COOPER GLENN FORD TREVOR HOWARD MARGOT KIDDEB VALERIE PERRINE MARIA SCHELLTERENCE STAMP PHYLLIS THAXTER SUSANNAH YORK STORY at MARIO PUZO SCREENPLAY DY MARIO PUZO DAVID NEWMAN LESLIE NEWMAN mo ROBERT BENTON comm cousumur TOM MANKIEWICZOIRECTDR or PHOTOGRAPHY GEOFFREY UNSWORTH Bsc PRODUCTION DESIGNER JOHN BARRYmum at JOHN WILLIAMS EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ILYA SALKIND vacuum in PIERRE SPENOLER DIRECTED av RICHARD DDNNER PANAVISION TECHNICOLDR AN ALEXANDEBANDLIJAMLKIND PRODUFIION AM Entonahmom Show times The story of girl who refused to forge she was once champion Last Showings tonight suiting ROB BY ï¬t is iisNNirisR WARREN Tc®sr BENSON DEWHURSI SKERRITI for 3rd Terrific Week BACKSTAGE mama no Times 700 900 COLLEEN IOM imamK DAVID LYNNHOLLY HUFFMAN IOHNSQINW HELD OVER FORCE TO FROM NAVARONE Last Showings Eer Wilton WAY Bin Loosa Tonighttl rimmun wms Show Thin AM Inmhmm