Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1979, p. 24

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24 the examlnar Wodnoeday Feb 1979 7282414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 30 am to pm WORD ADS pm the prevnous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMlDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Acceted until am accommodations to share birth 81 co09 77 farm machinery 64 home to uni 17 lost found 70 opportunity for menwomen 74 propérfy for mtg or 03 gmmobn 38 adoption 82 50° 00 009 l0 5° 23 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wontod to rent l9 lots for sale 04 pasture for sale 61 prepayiv monagmm V03 space for rem 24 opts to rent 16 Min Opportunities 07 cottages wanted 29 th groin 60 lm QOoriom 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 property wanted 02 stamps and coins 45 up wanted to rent 18 WNW TiPm 56 dull 35 financial instructions 69 marriages 84 pasture wanted 63 pubnc noiic 30 30mm propflfin for It 31 articles lot sole °l WM 3° d°9 P9 lt florists 39 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers personals 68 r950 30 swap articles to rent 43 CMlOf SOlO 32 PlOYmWl W°nl°d 76 fruits vegetables 67 landscaping 53 moneytoloon 13 Christmas trees 49 room and board 21 mocha wanted V73 articles wonttd °d 33 9°9°° 83 garages loosing 39 VIEW plants and bulbs 52 rooms to let 2o tenders 78 auction sales Wlng Vm gt 88 Mng 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 VOIOVCYCl 37 POUINY mid Chic 59 rooms wanted 22 trade schools 75 auto accessories 36 mltl°l 09 mm gt 06 help wanted 71 livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 prolessional directory 90 wle hep agar 72 if and shrub auto service and repairs 35 COMIWCWT mohlWY gt 55 Mm lo gt 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 OWCO Slows lOI For 23 property for sale 01 gwico and mp0 54 nod and on 01 pertyior sale IbI tsto rent I7lloims to rent 21r00m and 130396 FM 01 Mgtllewdfl OLVmflmsele 01 property tor sale mm gé lt SENIOR CITIZENS ranlily ch 211v J3c rommodation downtown Meals and laundry Non smokers Write to Sally Nicest apartments in Barrie BOX967 Barrie L9 TAMARACK one and w° b°d°°m WOODS $1 23ottices stores tor rent To Available with many features Awiiiinluli TUWNNUNI mm ¥VV 1200 so FT OFFICE SPACE 54F MICHAEL he 39mm D° J3 162 Maple St Available anytime 728 maiill RHL ran 7370017 lV SPECIAL LIMITED TIM 7p 728 6399 aner pmV WW 73 201 MWFTF ONIEMAININOUNTTS MODERN OFFICE space tar lease small or large suites immediate oc Ulll ltllll ylllvl iiiii ilttllll GSA oozezuagcraigxfgml cupancy short or long term 726 3400 IiI Hi ltli ll AGENTSOR eo PROCEECONSRLICTIONUMITED VV VVVVVVHwy mgro Régy Hr EQyVE NYEN ugi lorocwpelicy OFVFICE SPACE 515 sq ft excellent Nl Ill lllOOM illliilllitlll utiiyi Iiiit Ml7 blding Lease or sub lease Available E5 E5 KHDNURP lttillll iiIttriil downtown lltllllll til Fat Central737 3861V VV VVVAV7 NEW LISTING bedroom store baths and double car INC 011 Iiirlrllttly no Mil min WOOFFICEswr revaoOruwmon Ni llilwrirlM irmilnii iii lllilllllitlll on thly parking and utilities included garage This home immaculate and must to see Al Beacock ilrlit im hm VIll trill iiiiinliiiy ili My Downtown area Telephone 726 2772 days 737210ler573w ST Ulllllll lllltl llIIDIIIIIIt 716 tiffl iillr Tml8 or 737 7349evenln95 in 22Pleyg 1500 so FT leasesubleaiseimfireserfifi BUILDER TRADE Or 100 toketont This new home has lwo Ill THJOOM martiniiii till nilimp FV nou19° om iiirniiure store Idealtorservicetacility inyercom shyDvahov val car garag deck bedrooms 11it1 ilflllil Slit rtinritliiy irirllitltlll mmh Ovcrmaddoorstronlrear 726 4265 UTllllt AVrIIlfllill itiirriirt alt1y lulu AOVVV baths and much more Seocxk NOT or 483000 09 commercialindustnal iiiipimmnli ildl 24Space or rel AC TRlPLEX 0059 acwtcw with an income of $040 per lxrlpliillrlrlisi frillllll Mlllllllllylllllry 7313992 F2 L522 iéiéziiéliguisiiiiliiil or uni mmlt Tenants bat ew olefin AI 3me 3vioi or THINK SPRING on Iwrilntriinrls till uiiiiiiiu iiii llilllt my rig VVV IV Analloll 4873090 This Imel older brick home with bedlooms living room It VVVIVVVVVVVVVVVVIVVVIV VmVlVV VVVVVV WAREHOUSE SHOWROOMWeTc viaa mum lei mm ailg iloo lamii bom need loi Ommw Wm 222 Ts2 zvirfslinlstnéiura 235323 les for leve bars sw stec 34 90 Make on any Womd 900 PTWd WWIl WW lll WWW rwiv thly Apply Stewartwholesale728 3051 lg tworqmn llltql $788 willth irir llil iii Id Ii yttrrl TIIIplIUnl 716 41116 TWO TIL IOUVI Aniirtmiltl Miirrll It rirtqv ligtvr tilit Mlirt ilit DUDl pr itvrrirl iiri liildrin SIIl iriiitithl plu tlyilrii Tullphone 778 1845 llllvl Ill 1140077 liy lluustn lill ly hlorirllulilrild Nllll trirtrlv tind utovr llflli1 Writitsl Call 776 375 Ni THIN irrjroom bungalow Iflill lilrolluhuvit rillrflld anaum itillsctiilli SIIYZ montth plus ulllllirs Tiliphurii 757 06 or 716 1900 PRIME lNDUSTRlAL SPACE 1000 18000 so it lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive In doors 14 it 18 it clear part at large ex panding industrial mall 726 7130 26accommodations Hamilton 3ICV PSSefi 0R0 4873437 ORO STOREY four bedroom 5135 000 LIST PRICE 165 acres all workable with house barn and shed OWNER MOVED 321 900 starter rtusl sell lully lurnlshed on large lot Industrial CunardI for sale or lease 7263422 BRlCK DUPLEX Nea hospto 9095 income nicely decorated income $470 Listed at $42 900 Rick Hamon SJlol or 28 8695 modern home with double attached garage on over acre lDEAL FOR RETIRED OR YOUNG COUPLE 53 500 cmvoi DUPLEX lot Extras too numerous to lzmMOI lZurorteoou lNlhlirlguVlhrizslllllhfiyil 2lffmflf5 to Share conditioned Rug 9k whi smgse garage and paved dme we No9 available excellent starters Live In one rent the mmlon Asking 559500 Call VVV INNWW Wwlawlwlan unoppinrl RESPONSIBLE FEMALEiusfigreiur H6 In DPOOM HOUSE nrw ionrlilirm hollow liiblt lilIllfllS only or lurllllr in FVTlillIOlI riill 18 1931 hrtyylivtl quit rt wiiirliiyoni Tillzil EITIROON IUDTIU Iroilrllwul illll iiUVl Slrl TILInlyl ll Illlllnl JYI llll theV rushed townhouse Tellphone 72B 3713 to view today THREE BEDROOM ORO Cottage on 100 200 lot Deeded lake access Asking $29900 TWO ACRES and large farm house with car garage on Living room bedrooms wth broodloomec floors Good 529 kitchen with chino cabinet bath Basement lull and In suloted with beautvlu tinshed Lshaped rec room wet bar wrth saIOOn syle doors Immaculate throughout Babied by the owners with tender laying care Low heating cost and taxes No upkeep With this one we unlock the door to your happiness John Kuipers 7372101 or 7286724 $150 monthly F5710 IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vocation and commercial properties Wed love to help you 37ca rs for sale Igtlgt CHOLKAN CO MITED T1 71 nous to rent IlTlULlli triclqr lililililu xlii W77 CAMARO power steering power Drakvs 350 V8 good condition Asking $4200 or best otter Telephone 322 2749 me DATSUN F10 tiont wheel drlve on main road in southern Oro Just tlnlrrhgiy or IfVim iFnour lotwrglleagfi maroonwllm NECK imerior 900 limit nm mqu iri iiiltl 11 ii iiv TI an arc in exce ent condition JOHN COLE 7288017 ART MAW 728130 Homs conagos $37 willl tr WilliIlsa rimM Vmwl Am lhoppm Tplephone 737 033 AM 7288698 vlf2 mm 1976 MARK IV LINCOLN TOD7 BARRY COLE 728 7cm EVN$LETVVCSgtON 728V Farms Vacation THREE BeoVizgoM dyeor round IWV UMHSDHW HHWHWWW rVVViiV VVIVVVu an 3n pm or commapWVVOpVVOVVVVchgfizgngns ALBEACOCKWMOH 187309 808 URRY 28 5811 My $31 5009 new eon mm only 70 idlvu nil in mm minim townhnur °$°8°°Tee°°°er7263fl BOB HOCKLEY 726 414 TV VWVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV VVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV m5 mVVVVVVVVV i972 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS JOHN KUlPERS 728672 76 MM rrli iitir ill SUPREME 350 ml barrel power 58 VV Vgg Commgfclql PropgnlesV Rmhor 50 ACRES on paved road near SVVjVVVVVV inq power brakes no rust repainted Hisd°leV 5900 per acre yry excellent condition Craig AMFM locouigp sniEEyV Apmf ilwl til TllN HOME avatiiihli casseiic 13 wan pWer boosten graphic your offer IInllllltllly on it onlth bdJlS close to hm fNH llmri 960 montth all IW vliw OFFICES TO SERVE YOU tQUalIZfr digital clock Best 7287333Kevinllam 7pm me PONTIAC ACADIAN automatic otter PHONE 728 um E279 Call Anytime MN it li 15it9Vh9VCVVI9°L bVetVJVutllul treed lot Dunlap 51V 51 hawl ziveLagfl 512692 glialiitedlrrrldacglaazfid oor to ceiling AnlVomV 24 Hour 37 57 54 DUnlmw extremely economical Less than one litercw Ilvirg roont single garage existing buildings 109 Phone Service Homoout flip 457 yvarolo Radio Telephone72bV79V7gVV psicred heated lor that special hobby Listed at 31 500 Ruth 3634 lll xiiaiming TITIODILJGTITETZSHalt W73 Gloom5 7281409 Res 726 4401 Oil um uni ongafio Mona amp AnocV if Twiggy 41° 88 llOIl A51tngéfiiéiideéiiaiiéé$272323 MUPRAVI cpESCENT COLONIAL BY lor lhs b°dr°0m 007 Illv Lil 78007 ronuomitlllim 1677912LYM0UTH FuRyibodmmd 4200 so or heme one at Barrios finest This IBODUNLOPSJ VVVVVVV4 Wm Ifll3lilmmhmfrV2 30 Seller condlllént Ceylllalgd 89 BAYFIELD s1 BUY SELL 8V LIST lxrt0rus hadnie ha 39 ImpVQInDoble eFxtro including sauna and 7269933 6UPV ML $79608QSAKITTVQ $225 or Designer at 2152 RON JONs 7268997 KINZIE 11 geostnmeai °£¥ilffli viit 711 stow liti liir1IIltll in 7190077 TOWNHOUSE Tamarack NO DOWN PAYMENT Take over mortgage payments yr old raised brick bungalow with bdrm basmt apt unfinished lion Bestotter Telephone727 3015 CONVENIENCE mo HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACK tour LlLWlLKlNSON 7289326 COtiENENCE storey home near RUSSELL CARSON 7266161 ltl iii tillii munm Hr itll tmwt Llllllviloll $300 monthly Nl Ill mount iu finialIv Mar liolllrivs 137 195k hams bdrms dbl schools churches opp walk park Three bedrooms With vlCKl KENT 2365598 VVV WW Vi cm my0 my mom 35 VSggdaggd lPdnsVTrVglséfirls 23°00 vewaY broadloomed lm one On rr Cclnr em an ac with its lenced liiii Ii we miliw Am mil Till lyl lull mi viiivii Slilivnontn Ijll mediate occupancv Full rice $47 000 on mm w5lF it iii 557 80° Teep°°77°737 It hedged 66 165 at gle garage ntll boat storage In town NW HMJill lllyk1lti4011fi no NSURANCE and home it it iv INCOME PROPERTY Excellent investment good location PODery Ruth Incs 718 409 995 728 401 Oil iiillli1l Iw nil unit vimi tumm hm Ill $2Utotill1lyn gugfimfnsi$ceg5fiSell32 du ex 59 ANTI1 gtil in lrill wt well Itlh ii iun ii moms rm by 46 Vekemmncesl Paved drlve dble garage lull niOOLIIio HEIQH acres bedroom custom built hi iiiii nmm iv RSISECOND vii still up llllHIAOPl was FORD FAIRLANE tor sale ve rut home tel 50 rooms teploces central air heat pump Ml VV til lil lLIl iwit llll il lil Valium liriilai low mimityu fiVVJVlélyggléj cer MIDHURST bdrm storey baths eating area dish 399 IQGmi 500 Ordscaped prolesslonally Owner lust mr lLII wall MW VVll llz Vflm mm washer wio to cedar deck largetreed lot low taxeg Pm moved to States and war acton Doug Ferguson 7286172 gVV 54 INIUMTWW VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VMVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV 76 Volare TUdOl Deluxe AVVV ii Vifl VV VV cylinder gear wutn overdrive power REDUCED $475 bdrm new split entry bungalow fun 75 LIVk Tullf it in VV TV VlVV VHVVV VVVV VVIV ymeng stiitrma radio white haltvinylroot and ltlllxivly ii Tu broodloomed master with ensulte large private lat low taxes SPVUT ENTRY SUHGALON HLLSDALE 2° dim mwi ii ill 585 anaetsaifir 323 T255133 easy terms Try offer Pot minute drlve makes it worthwhile to purchase this almost new liiplliii iiiii yltll siii in BUS 737 188 at im TitRFE iii tumor nan lttpil ri pm we price 53465 Bank terms WV VV it It mu 191mm F7 or bedroom home eatIn kitchen large partially finished rec nvy111 it Res Toll Free 4872990 337 tai V932 237 00 Badmd room with roughed in fireplace and glo glldgnV attach lidtirfiil Hip llittN It iii NZ lil iilti rODD LTD auVomaVVC garage all this on ill 214 lot dead end street Ruth Gibbons ll HELP vrva owe brakes Good ondition vl Nl kl lil iii in mm iiiv NANCIAL sepnonena 1882 mum 93 728 stint tiiiiwv yum rmv him MA ME SOREMEMBER BUYING OR SELLING ViiVVl Vt ii SERVICES 33cars wantedto buy CALLCHOLKANTHE FORWARD REALTOR mm WHO fig ecct F7 inns liltlr Iil liiiliiin Iit iit DUHIOD St 05 ll lllnt av llll imll rtllIll illiwi II In ttiil irlHyIT ii ii Hi ll imtimil tilllill than hm mi Ar HVVVVVVVVVV lIlVi liVIIVs lVlIJlVVEIVlVThV V1 ilitiliii Iitiiililiytuiiviv iyl ii till Ill triirii Siyixkl swnml in il in Nil viH wt 119 DUNLOP St 7261938 TORONTO 8844133 itii uni in ii WM in in APPRAISING AND FINANCING iiii vii liii it mu it Oil LIMITl Hi AI Till Virillitiii i4 atr bar In OPEN UNTIL pm 36 95 33 LAKE FRONT SPAC mo qaq it tiw in is OUS EAS END HOME we momomed osleluny lrlviiti siilr lily Iol illirin Int Ii In hp 143 out decorated two levels of luxurious living Central air lully him Jams trilllllll lVYI iiiiii iii iII it ul ii 2i it st broadloorVned baths car garage and much more To mew VVVVVVVVinVVV VVIVXMV VliViVVVVVVVV VVVWVVVV VVVlViVl mu ii lVlii iii it iv 00 please all Harold Davis 7261938 or 7287543 MLS 290 AJiiilislrylliill His Illli ill xiirum tJT VV VKlVi AV 0qu Hum VV min mm Iiii ii iii mil llflitt tttil ll it OUTSTANDING VALUE ls yours to have in this bedroom 357 BAYHEH Sr BARRIE tinnii Jllllll ui Iiiiii llllli imiilmil WM WNWIV bungalow on large lol Illmg Oom eplce lamIY room clean initl ltlllll tiiiiili lllitll ti lltll with lllllll Ix VltilliV lVllVl Il VVmVVVVVVVVVIi 5V VVVlVVleV lAltii iii Illll wall imi ii um rl vli For Barries Newest or 0000 1938d Os7gllu5llgecowled Yo mspec CO 50b Henderson 726 BRICK 8UHGALOW $53900 Bock split bdrms larnily rm iinuium iii in min iiiw in tulip si iii JNli win rm minimi or MLSW ideal immaculate condition Owner ironrevved 11trail 2213 mill TOP CASH JUST REDUCED $445m bedroom brick bungcow wnh Dick Pollork 778 8300 Res 7252544 89015881 ltii llllllll llllly lltlilllllltllii iiii linty in llll iii inr in il llii mi Mil GOODCLEAN LATE MODEL histh iiim illitiv ii iyi wit lil girl llii V5 VA VV rm KL iVV VVV Vud decV End lV°Unh bedroom Vn basemenl COUld be BARRIE EAST END $52900 Vendor Will rent wtth option to WI Antillii SWVIM ill llrlillil 71 13Viww JV ll Ni ii iiii wiiiilii Ill twi thn tiy AUTOMOBILES ord enllk Is gaunhfldhome has balhs large laundry buy $380 monthly bedrooms sunken TOMMY Oom single lilijlil iii tillAlllill In WI lvlllllllliv ii iii mil rum in vt ORV HARDY MOTORS room an we out to ottoc 90rogeCal726I938 MLS 395l will ml WW at MAMl 90090 JOY 50501778 830058409Ml Ill2V liw ill Ht Tl tIVllil ii il ii Ni flu I768RADFORDST 7284272 97 ACRES BRENTVVOOD RD with recenfly renovoed house ROYAL YRUST CORPORATION OF CANADAV REALIOR VillVVttVVi TVllllrlllll liiiiiii yitli lillllllt wimpyi lt Huh IN In ItIlleIil tlltllLylliiJ 1w iliV Vi iV Vi 11 f7 ond 40 60bankV barn River runs through this picturesque tread F7 Illu mum iiiiinli mu Mini or ity llll pill Illtrucks and trailers 19nd on paved highway Asking 375000 Pleasecall 7261938 or ii3 Linn WM ilk Es Nou in Bill Barr 7280744 or Harold Davis 7287543 No 1661 RUSSELL CHURCH lvw Ill ileumu mi 33w ii Illil isim lliilll III limitui VV VV VV VV VV VV at er elephant lit lll ll F7 nl fir lat ill tlltll tilivi IIiiil With MOD HomoD liwn hyitin ll Anni ltltnllfllil nriyi Lilithl mi EW iiiii iskiilq lill ill iiriritN li Contact an HOMES BY SALE RENT lUIlN lllI ll ilNi ill lllIILIM II iwiijiV Till 7V5 53 lliilltir iv Iiil it tt ltllii iiiv tltl WW kvsma on ll lll AVl Nlll illiltldllllll lllll Ports and serVce so or SSiu snow tires on Dodge device cohen homes Buman construction homes wrsrr will IMILV mar cononAVIow neauou RlAl HEAD OFFICE All ANDALE OFFIC 47 COLLIER ST Barrie 7262611 REALTOR UTAH ill APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL pm STOLLAI ONSTIUCTlON SCNULI CONSTRUCTION MIONURST ESTATES WILLOW LANDING MIDNUIST REID IUILDING LTD lilIllltlHH linirii vittli llllill lirimrtlrinlii liiliii llllllll Ivllll tlTlKlll IVI itlii lllllil Willllllll lill itininll iriI to llllll itii lliit lTHIVi Hitllllll print or illtll ll ll lt tiiiiiI iiiil llllltlll wrll lllilllllilllllll lltllllt Willi lltllllll Viiw nt Iiii Ily Auiiliil Finlrilll Lil tinilri iyi III Hli ililli Hlp lriWil lil lllitlllti property wanted Xl llll All Ellllltllluv iiilllirl riiiw wr In il your Htlpll ly ill Milli liIIti llii kniiii Ali1975 tiiiw lulln Millyllln lltill llli lltnkir 03 property tor salu ICIIT SALT R1 NI Iliiyrrlst litivn Qillvt sriIiii tllillll liuillii slllxllll USTUITI tliiilt hy lWlllr vtry tulii tiniml liivllul Viiw by flllllllllllll 716 16 04lots tor sale Ibepts idiom Exclusive Dealer lor Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highwayll South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF ill NIAI ll it lTlIllll lilillll iliiviv rt SLIi Wtlkly rill11 lilil illi llll ill 71 771 WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS limit and hydro uiiiiiiliiit lTIIlliilitl llltllllittll lil ltially tiivii lll Ii tllllNin RODV1 lllllil titlt Olliilllllli lllllllltllll 776 N4 TWI ll ROOM rlvmliilili iiii IIii nllly lipIlllllllll Llllll xiiiiiiy sivliirIti Illll inlt lllllllllly liliiliiilit tlllllill iliilll Mtult Nu pills lilil llllll Illnl 51 plus tiyrlrn hiya tlé lllll iiililrl Hr vlA 7l Iili Nll lwn lltillllflllii liIlium llilllldllly SHiv liinntllly iiiliiiliiiil Lllllllii lipillimiils iintkilill lllall lllllllltllll ilim til illlllllllllll liiliiitiy tii llllllgt lmli litiy Illll ti iiiii lll illllllllllllllllll 191 IWII lll ltlliTIlVl ll AIlllllilil lWll lIl ROOM lllt ln itnwnliiwn Iliiiii lllivi llllllli lIillliily inlllllllt llll illlll IiiI monthJ iiiit Nil llt lll illlll llllp 111 IM MM llNl Ill ll11lAllillllllllll IlliI liiit liyiiiii Sllln Iiiiliililli Il lthltil Mi lIi tllt Ilrililill litli lilililll lURNISHL HttWt NS llilil own IIIIVi own piitkiilu LIISl lit ué liIirplnlli LTITWtIl am 18 Ntll illN lllhNmHl vliilll hath till incititivk av iatjii imm ioi om Downtown vsiiklv Tillolc TAf iAA lAhLil llN BRIGHT YOtli hit tlllli linit lillniml Inillillis madnhh lillllill In iliiin Nllxiolill or work no tVdlII niily Tlltpllllnt NH 5134 IIHNISHL ll ROOM Gentleman DVlllV Ill iintmlly lllldltll nurkiliu 535 wiik lilitlllonv7nl61llnr 778 3717 ROOM Hi ll NI nil blls routi lldft iili ll1 inll liIllll HHHT iJrklltu Wiliimn lltilii riit lhniii 717 who 24 splice for rent SI latterep In go 2418 FDQD PCsuP crew cat vs ademat immaculate condition Make otter Telephone 526 8451 DODGE ton 319 automatic pulwr Strrllg and brakes $3000 or best alter Call Us osmiatterb 00p Nib DODGE TRADESMAN 200 Max van condition 3l8 power steering povivr brakes heavy duty battery alter natrlr Intrlol Inirtl 25000 kilometres Asking st 950 Telephone anytime 136 3181 1976 lORD J90 tour speed Stan itnrit puwvr SlPlrlng power brakes hmvy luly SUSDtnSIOTT dual wheels 12 it DJllLVIIT With nicks Very clean Tlllpllnlil 716 WWI specs for reliL nnou lmV laswelhgon lVill til lilciiItiil All liiiiiit ixiilill DorothyMocQuarrle7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Mn MMMV Mp hm III il in it ii Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Leeder 7269245 mm Null lllbylfléngllflléur IllJJllltllfllll 352 CIT Tludfsom Vlllllliiliuii HI llll iiiuihlli Jim Quinlan noan Rita Brewer 7286257 Bill Evans no loll 322l575 chuck Lambert 728800l 07busmoss opponunmm C°° Carl Emms 7285124 Roland Jean 4361859 Bert Cull 7286334 Jim Cancllla 7371597 VVV bfim Tommi ins 937 EMT in 11 1II srAllRANi row Alr Bob Ford 726 5627 Frank Haoey John Colwoll 726 7726 Larry Brewer 728 9745 Your own boss Busy 00 Hem Ugh WumV POVVVVVVV iiViViiVVii llVilliAlllt thll liVIVlVVtVlVilV Ill Don Allan 48724l2 Harry Moglll 7263864 rlslauriinl excellent lociillon all now Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 lquinrnenl TPHnllY moifiled Mm mve and Frdge ilrillyihililmymw mmmm MERAC MARI 36r000 nirnl splls John Strulk 7263555 Lorry DeWilde 7283253 Int Askihsuilsrt900705 iaiamézmmm 0373 519059 726 3827 ilMi me Alli AN iiumuimi 907 DRUG MART 5500 Bi Hocklev 3655 7267 ITx TlMii781513éFi5fi3 tr illfiiliilGrill3315liiliTii33133 Downtown locetlori Intersection of Coldiltlrter Reed all Peter Bracalente 7263916 Fred Re nolds 7285333 am VA 726 3897 YM MVVV 726 8957 luvmi an 7580 hum on Front Street Parking for 360 can au our orman an RANT FAM Tom Cairns 7280653 Peter Gubbels 7282425 logssllly FU EQVP7ll lgxlrlmfsl BARRlE ANNE mm Busy all year round Vlor appointirlmit lliillt vllll iv DUNLop WESTBARRIE 726V1881TORONTO 79 galsmoVnEVggéVVzVVmVSerious bllylr Wlll GA lVlVVlVilllVlVlVVlViVVilVVV VIVlVV VVfiVVIVlVVfluid33 crust load restaurant tovern VarlotY Store 259 Dunlop SLW tti lilll lllllllllll Hr lllilllllll ill Huiidlesser Hordwafe Ken Miller 4873365 Bob So do 590k 595 °V°l°bl° Hannah Pentland 7288028 Ross Mil 726 commercalmdusnal Utilities included convenient IVWI CIOlmg Shoe 509 8K oc or 7260563 PROFESSIONALS who rrrquiro uiiiqur ran on lllil it will ilull Illi lllltll iii Al Ron 7288116 Bruce Dangerfield 7284959 VVUVVVV gersonal ottlces in thoroughly and oculon 7265771 tntm iimiiiin all All li1l It mm Hmoy wbr 363815 Marg wood 4873148 cautiqultVy restored downtown cnnlury TF lliiiii ii VII old to rig It It th mum in Lorry Wood 4873148 Esther Kennedy 424547 emezsliolass Carat 53P llawkmllnllxuTmlhlm llllllll 31 WEPSTLSEUN2RITE°N°NT° an Arbumno 7374720 Gomd ONJ 72637713 elepiione Mrs McMaster 726 902l Mississau C1 lilroiim wlili lim Alan Llllt iii Im iit AP MA 00 ga Apl5 Helen Burns 7262386 R0 Burwell 4589248 mu VMV u515311JSESZgLWatoxDLongglgyI Two bedroom flprlrllnlnl flvdllilllll ill IHI Hlfillulm IM mm mm AlCalhoun 8352742 Poul Mallory Beans 4246358 VIVASugar point Phone in out trorn Veggr2grimlgVnzfigVnpyégm in mm VVleVViViVIlllVVinxillxliVIVyVVViii iim MWFF2

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