Furniture stuffing spreads fire Barrie firefighters were called to fire in unit 360 Blake St about 920 pm Monday Fire Chief McAllister said today Chief McAllister said flames from the fire cracked window and burned shingles on an adjacent unit Foam stuffing in furniture is believed to have contributed to the rapid spread of fire in Blake Street town house Monday night Examiner Photo January jobless figure l07 000 over December OTTAWA ills lhc litieinplojitict in ture worsened iii the new year with iTt two persons reported out oi work in ltliiy compared ith ittitooo til ltttlltlill The Stitstiltétllillli$litl uneinployiitciu rate remained at its December lc cl oi it per cent Statistics tanada said today Young people were hit hardest by the lat of available work The iedeial agcnc sod the unemployment rate among those to lt years old was 17 per cent on sczisoiiaitj adjusted basis The actual number oi iobless always rises in January following the thrisiiiias tliirix tli job activity The first iltree months oi the year are tiutrli tionally the worst ior unemployment lhiit why the number oi unemployed rose llst month so dramatically while tttc seasonally adjusted unemploytiicni rate remained iltc same In spite oi worsening unemploy inept iio ooo new jobs were created during the month bi inging the number oi those working to to million The federal agency said it percent oi the population now is in the labor lottc tillltl working or seeking tttls lliis tottipdtcs xi Hit December participation rate ot ttto pet cent Todays figures show the number oi iobless last month was the same as the previous tuesday is for COUNTY Military funeral special military funeral will beheld in Montreal for ittyearoid student oi tiit Bordens language school Michael William llufault of Montreal died Sunday wheit he was thrown from the car he was driving after it left tlte road aitd then rolled over him just east of Believilie Private lluiaiili had just completed English language training at the tilt Borden language school said spokesman for the base TFB St Hubert will coiiduci the military funeral said the spokesman Penetanguishene fire llINlIlANGllSlllINll Sunday mor ning fire gutted hotel rooiit here biii there was little other damage to the building Hotel Brute employee said today Penetanguishene firefighters were called to the hotel about to am Sunday when fire broke out in one of the rooms fire department spokesman said firemen extinguished the blaze iit about half an hour lie said no cause for the tire has been determined Grants awarded More than $26000 in grants has been awarded to six area municipalities under the governments community planning study program The grants are designed to assist municipalities and planning boards in preparing official plans aitd zoning bylaws to bring them to ait acceptable level Beeton will receive strum Lansdow ns aiid lneds township $3157 North Wellington and feniral Wellington $3610 Markdaie 919 lliindalk $4046 and North ianark $1875 ii iiii iinii ttifltttt were also out oik En laici ill lis wiicr the iiiiiiitier of litlltlillllllllllilllllll lllllllll ii mitoiiiztllriiitl ts dmm ttltitllltl the linJltts seasonally tillllsltd tiiicinpinjiiciit rate lii pct ceit sitgtllji worse than it let iiiliciloclot Hpei ciit tttiployttictit ttsitttil it oi Scot to it per ct itt iioiii to lit ltccciiibcr went to ti per cent ii isltitchiiiit trout it til cicascd to it tttt cent tit lrtticc lItliid island iioiii it and win up to pet ceiii ittgiitbtctioiii in lltttlitt iepoiting ilccteased iiiicitiploy no it tutti ttt tittistit oliitiibta tittt1iici cent lioii Jti Manitoba with titt ccit iioni tl llieiti with to pet iiitl fioiii titttl lttiitiittt it iit itti tilitii It lll llilc it illititl it ttpcrccn lli czi lliiltitl liisl ioiecaslcis itt itilllii tiit lttili tilt lilttHltttttl iii the uneiiploytiieiit iate the year pitdieting ycaictitt iate varying lioiii thc llzink ot ova Ntilld per cut to thi pii ccii rii iiiicsici iitotl tiiiiitty ltd lotontobascdconsultants Last years intragt iiiicmployiiiciit tote was ipcrcciit the New Itciitoiiaic lari has been predicting since early tail that iineiiiploj nicnt will climb over the till tiitlltoii mail ttii iii the new yeai Blaze razes 20 homes illt Mliltll hie itl general alarm lire whipped by iicicc winds destroyed coiiiiiictcial block and more than 15o homes Monday night licilighters brought it undereoiitiol The tire was started by lll cvplosion in the bbscnient oi restaurant in the downtown area oi tliis industrial city oi motto about Hit ktloiiietres northeast oi Montreal the tire department said Spurred by winds gusting at about to kilometres an hour the lllllttts swept through live business esiiblihitictits itlitii minutes and then went on to destroy the homes causing about Sfitlooo damage tire oilictalssald it took the citys to lltlllttll helped by 1M others trotn nearby Shawintgaii about lit hours to master the tire No iniurtes were reported The cause oi the explosion has yet to be determined On trial in stabbings ttllvr itli ltycarold youth charged with the stabbing deaths oi liIs two sisters did not want to be discharged iiom local hospital where he was receiving psychiatric licaiiiicitt an tliiiarto Supreme ouri iiiry was told Monday Hospital records read iit court showed concern by medical stall about Shawn Stuart lliirwaids mental condition as his date oi discharge approached llurward has pleaded tioi guilty by reason oi insanity to two counts oi first degree murder in the March it ittttt deaths oi liis sisterstlatl and Karen The girls were toiiitd iit separate bedrooms in the iaiiitly lioiitc tlatl was stabbed 27 times Karen 21 times Their parents weieoiit at the time The youth was treated as an in patient and as an out patient at the Royal tlttawa Hospital iroiti August 1976 until last March Failed to stop train KlltlllINlIlt liii itli lit year old titan rode ltts snow mobile toward an oncoiii mg train late Monday in bid to stop the traiit troin running over his unconscious triettd but tailed in the attempt police said lttlitll and head snow mobile accident 115th your No ll ARIA llelilRSli and DENNISIANlllllClt The Examiner hike iii bus fares recommended by Harrie ieiteial oininittee would make it ntore ex pensive to ride buses iii Barrie than iii other southern tntiirio cities about the saute sic lcneial coininitice iccomiiicndeil lit cent across the board transit tare increase ettec tive March at its meeting Monday The recoittinciidatioit will increase tates to So cents tor adults 33 cents for students and 33 cents for senior citizens Final ratification is expected to come ltltttl itl council at the meeting Monday random survey by The Examiner oi itiiic southern ttniatio cities shows the increase would make Harrie lares the highest None oi the cities involle the survey charges more than lit cents tor ttlllll and lit cciiis tor students and senior cit iens The cities are tcllevtlle Jiiiltltti aiii bridge Tritooot tornwall cliitottt Midland 12tliltt ttrillia Entltttl ttwen isoiind 200002 Sarina quoting siratiord LfiiJltttIn and hi lhoiiias Jittltttl tarrtcs popiilaiioii isabotil tfooo petition iroiit about it senior citieits pro testing the lee hike was received and tiled by ltarrie city council on Monday lliilt to see ti happen tt Id Ross Tuesday Fobvury 1979 Stephens oi the increase ltiit oiic has to icalile the cost oi everything is going up The cost oi operating the traitin system this year has increased Sioiiiloii from $1itttiltltt to$1tttiiooo tn 1517a In another move general coiniiiiitee recotitmcnded that the one year cottiraci tilt lravclways be renew ed tlcneial coiiiiiittiee however also recom mended the city apply to the provincial government for subsidy to buy buses inder provincial government program the city is eligible to receive per cciii lun ding lty buying the buses tairte could ilieii tender them to area coitipanies to operate lhe city would save about Salmon year it the city purchased the buses said tierry laiiibly ll city adiiitnistritot tiiy costs have increased due partly to the Iricwiy drivers salaries lriets receiv ed it per cent increase this year The cpiiided transit service itiio Letitia Heights and the itiiproveitieni oi transit in liitdile are other causes oi increased costs itiis tates mother cities in cettis loradillts students and senior ciiiciis Ill tellcv illc lit to iatiibtidge lil toiiiwill it to Midland to ttitllia it 31 thciiSoiinditJi in to siraitortl lit 31 to aitd St lliotitas tti to Guntoting schoolboys terrorize classroom lli lli li cocked revolver pressed to lttl head liymiold lctcsa llill listcitcd tiiitl looked at lici ll year old assailant He had it serious taci shcsatd iatet lle kept say mg he wasn tool tiig around Miss Hill learned taili that the calibrt icolei had built haiitnici which could have caused the gun to ltlt any time iitcr lltt rcolvei was cockei whether or tioi thc trig geiwispiilld vntl tor llltlt Miss lltll about to otlici pupils and teacher were shocked by lltt pistol packing schoolboy and another knitc wteldingclassmate The two boys were iii custody today held by youth services olttctals lolice liict Ilt litiiiiaii says iltc boy were inst vying ioi attention but there will tie charges lilcd aggravatedassault tl lclist miuries were reported iii the incident inside today lifestyle ontartalnment county sports 10 oonflcstv guide 12 classiï¬ed 1315 KMart 12 pages Tovvors 12 pages Iohii ltottciiy tl oi hllilltltt was iii serious coiidiiioit in hospital with leg tn iiiiies ieceted when he was hit by the train lltjlltlts from ait earlier ltlitty ltaii oi lJlmtra ttni escaped iti tiny but the snowmobile he was riding was detiioltshed when it collided with the iraiii about iit1 metres troin where lloherty lay Police said lilt toiiitd ltoheriy lying uii conscious on the train tracks his tilttlltt ed sttowiiiobite beside him ltali left on his own snowmobile call an ambulance iroitt nearby scivtce station When he returned he saw illt iratti ap proachiiig police said He iticiiipied to flag it down by riding down the tracks toward it but his snowmobile collided with tile train Accused remanded ttlillilJA Antonio Scopcllitt 57 was teiiiaiided in custody to belt in liillia provincial court Monday oit two counts oi tirsi degree murder in the Jan 22 shooting deaths oi twot liillta teenagers llte courtroom was heavilygiiardcd dur itig Scopellitts appearance iliere lie was later taken to ltarrieiail Scopelliii was charged alter Michael Mcltac aitd ltavid Sutton boili 17 were shot aiid killed tit ait lrillia variety store inaiiag ed by Scopclltii Dollar disappoints ttlitt itlt terald itoiiey governor oi the Bank oi anada said today uncer tainty about the possibility oi Quebec separation from aitada and irresponsible talk about the possibility of exchange con tiols contributed to the dollars recent decline Appearing before the ominous itiiaiice coiniiiitiee the central batik governor told Mls he has been surprised and disap pointed at the size of the dollars drop in valiiediiring the last year The dollar opeited on world markets at 373 cents Last January it traded iii the tticciiis range eotiipiircd with its counterpart loiitl at tlic Middli school tit this lortdi civittiiiitiitty west tit laltilias tll ll the boy wciw ttt idctItlicil by iittlii litcaiisiot llttl out litiitipaE tr will Miss llill trade honot stiitlwi wco to the ittttlllltlllt illl lissiooiii to it lllsuiEW to ltttltl Kaicizlliiiiie tliii ninth llillllii iip lttv titv littttt it lit Altss llili lilll polite stiill lts lltiiliis shoals lrt ltoj ti lt ttnlli ittd told itioilici point it oi the pi on ipit ltii when ilio iicd to lit another tllllt titieatciictl tiiti itti tll ctilht itich hittt lttillxtitlc littllit itil lliritttilltllttlttlltt lii wi tlintliittti lit iiiotliit stiitlciit Stokes said it lvll litiy Utw ittikttl tip ilitiit right lilili iilitliiittlttitlttttltttllit1ttttttttllt Shutdown hits inco profits ltlllttltl tl ltttin ltil tItlJil til stillsc with it titlliiiij tlt workeis reported ltltttldj rcdiiicil ptits oi Vii It iitilltoti or cent llilt tor itl tltlltttitttil w1ib Wt million or sltitti til ittf llc pile ilie itttltl decrease the nickel pro illltil announced that quarterly dividend oi llI cents share will be paid to shareholders March If 5° Per Copy the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Carrier Horn Dollvory 90° ookly recommended for Barrie Premiers poised for rights move tiiWA tli Provincial premiers poised Monday to turtt aside Prime Minister lnideaus latest attempt to write tiili list of guaranteed human rights iitio new uniquelyanadian constitution lliit there were indications after private talks at twiHlay constitutional power tradiiig session that the 11 leaders would iiitd accord on four or five lesscontentious lll trentier Allan Blakcney of Saskatr chcwait described Irudeaus push for charter oi guaranteed rights and new const ttiittoit with iorinula for changing it as mayor stumbling blocks in the latest at teiiipi at constitutional reform ltiii he told reporters the it leaders ap pear close to agreement on changes in rules ailcciing faintly law comiiiunica lions iedeial spending powers wealth sharing itiaiigeitients and the monarchy ltcinier ltene Levesque who wants his own constitution governing an litdcpeit dcitt Qiicbcc predicted there would be tew iiittioiaieas oiagreciiieni At ihesaiiic time he dismissed as bit ridiculous proposal by Premier William Davis of Ontario to claim the coiiniiys constitution the tittiT British tttllt iitterica Act trout ltrttain without tiiithctdebaie lllilltlill3l itistiltis1itil he did not want iodisciiss lllll mow lrtideaii idea iii few years ago until the tedeial government titditaicd it would give provinces tar itioadeipoliticalantisocialpowers lttit lrcitiiei lcter loiigheed ol Alberta iid he would go along with ltiideaii bringing the lt ci ltlttll llttlillll oiily it the prime titttitstci attached tio accompa tiyttigcliangcs Bakhtiar defies Khomeini Quebec Premier Rene Levesque said Monday he agrees with other provinces who want guarantees to maintain the status of the manor chy in CanadaJar the time being Long live the Queenunttl fur ther notice he said after day of closed discussions on the constitu tion Turns deaf ear to resign calls llJltltt Al lreinier Shahpour akhitiir illllltl Ayatollah lluhollah Kho tiiciti today and had ilic Itl torce ilcx its muscles as tctis oi thousands ot marchers dciiioiislrateil support ior Kliomeinis nominee to head provisional revolutionary government Bakhtiar told the lower house oi parliament he will remain in olticc even ii all the ttltltiitltltlll deputies resign and iiiiiil he conducts the iici general election despite deiiiaitds by Khomeini that he resign int medtaicly have nothing to do willt governments One mans anger An unidentified farmer sits in the cab of his tractor near the Capitol in Washington Monday after he ran over group of police motorcycles during continuing protest of farm price levels Pollde broke out the glass in the cab of the tractor to arrest the man AP Laserphoto Come home tofflo Examiner call 7266539 for home delivery that exist iii iltc imagination of people and are more of Joke Bakhtiar said oi Kho memis designation of Mehdi Hitargon as tit tertiit premier But it they start minor in ttoit will respond accordingly Bakhtiar also said that with Khomeini and his dreams oi an lslamic republic tan is on ilie brink oi trading repressive system tor new dictatorship new sit and new breaking oi laws The state radio reported that patltziitteiit approved legislation dissolving the dreaded SK secret police and speeding up the cor rupiioii trials oi former oittcials Bank robber was 15 lilKYt all lï¬year old boy slipped away from his high school today held up bank with model gun and knife arid ran off with one ittilltoit yen tSfieoot No one was ltiirt and the boy returned to school showed the money to classmate and said Just robbed batik When the police came he told iltctit lost interest iit school life The bank robbery was the best way to be expelled lrotit school Under trusteeship ltlltitNltt WI The Toronto local oi ilie Letter arriers lnioit of tanitdzi has been placed under lrusteesltip Ray lay lttl assistant business agent for the tlniario district of the union said Monday iinton oiticer is missing An audit on tile locals books was to start today The local which represents 24 loroitio area letter cur riers and drivers was placed iiitder the trlisteesttip oi the unions ittario business agent Ralph Mclvtnnoti on Friday Cambodians fight back HANUKUK tAll iieiiillas oi ousted premier Pol Pot said today they are striking at Vietnamese forces on land and sea Bangkok intelligence sources said the in surgenis have established strong positions along the lhaianibodian frontier Although the Pol Pot forces are reported to be operating in small units the sources said they still possess iteld artillery pieces in some areas report itii the Pol Pot radio said artillery was used against iet namese position along Highway which coiiitects lhiiom lenh and the sea Thai and Western sources said that the guerrillas have been building up in areas near the Thai frontier weather itll be mainly cloudy with little snow today In this area Continuing cold High l5 to l3 Low overnight near l6 Windy with snow Wednes day Highs near