the ogamlnor Frlday Feb 1979 Unions threaten stronger action in UK strikes LttNlitiN rtti Strikers are threatening to tighten their stranglehold on British hospitals in their bid for higher pay The development prompted an outcry in Parliament and an appeal tor restraint by Pririie Minister James tallaghan wiio said strikes by publicservice workers amount to tree collective vandalism lialf the hospitals in England and Wales were only ac ccptirig emergencies because of action by ancillary workers whose National Union oi Public IIntployecs INPPFII called all out strikes at two big childrens hospitals Many other children were unable to attend classes About itiItrtio pupils were locked out lhursday from strikehrt itritish schools targets of wildcat action by other NliII members million lowpaid state employees stepped up their disruptive campaign tor pay increases of up to it per cent allaghaii called union leaders to meeting in three hours of talks at to Downing Street late Ihursday night he expressed his gmernments anxiety over picketirig of hospitals and cemeteries informed sources said he called tor the urgent Implcmen tation of pickets code or conduct The goal Is to permit adequate care tor those in hospital and to allow the bereayed to bury their dead taliaghan placed special emphasis on strikes that are threatening hospitals including east Londons Queen Eli ilei IItsttlal and londons tamoiis treat tiriiieie ct astiT wk ilnldreri Called to answer dollar critICIsm 01 iaiJid itetrey who runs tht countrys wcy as or at the bank or tariada has been Lia in committee to arts er growing ife ite decline or the tanadian dollar in spite of neisiires dectsori to siiiiimon itoney before special ill party conunons finance committee in luesday came on the eye oi the monthly ttt the federal banks toreign currency dealings iis stieinerit inch shows the country official reserve noLtiings of gold tnited States dollars and other currencies itecs the sensitive market in Canadian dollars So do pot cal nioy es such as the decision Thursday to call liouey an accounting after his management was questioned in me tomrni ins and by some businessmen The last time the head of the federal batik was the centre ot major political controyersy was toot when James oyric quit alter public argument with the Progressive ton sery atiye L7H ernrnent oi loiiri liietenbaker May now bill OHIP directly lttittiNlt rii Doctors may now bill the intario Health insurance ilari directly for patients they treat in an outpatients clinic oi non teaching hospital even If they have opted out oi tilli iii priyate practice Ilcalth limstcr itennis lniibieli said in news release Thursday that the change is designed to make the regulations appl tiriitornilj to all hospitals Normally patient pays an opted out dot tor directly the patient then cotterts irom tlill lint doctors treating patients in clinics in teaching lispitals and in lheeriiergericy departriients oi all hospitals liaye been allowed to bill the plan for these patients tHtl it they ItI dropped oiiI ot till in pro ate practice vvi Hr Surplus move will cut taxes for Albertans Illlttlti tli Years oi pressure paid oii tor lbeita will get aboirt $33 iIdnionorr and talgary cacli million municipalities liiiirsrlaj with the announcement irciiiicr lcler Irtlllfllltltl tlia $1 billion lll prmiricial arrpins iil br listII to irtnally are tril local goyernmcnt tIr bi loads lie ltltrt could rediai prop ert Mixes ii to to 1o pr ttltl isiiiticliis$ltri excorio tilll fapyrs llIirnorie will beditribtrterl to all rural and urban ttlltrttr paliiw on Sritttla lsltltll Itt to pay off debts that cost more than eight per cent in il lttist iliiitt tii pet rryit til all municipaldibts ilnr centres Itli smallerdebt loads will hac their debts erased entirely with money lctt ri tit sortit cases ttttlltotis tiI lotiars iorothciproiects ilic Iiioiicj comes from la general rcieriuesirrplus ll rltiot illtllttitl not from tln st Ti billion Heritage sazirigs rust lund loirgheed iitl tougherd said the timing oi hi amorriaement was affected my ptiblii sentiment against growing goirrnment and the sudden accumulation oi unix pectedoilandgasreyenue PARKING OSi OFFICE Mill Iiiiiiiiirrii An eighttoot high mountain of garbage stretches along Berwick Street In Londons Soho district Thursday The walkout by sanitation men in Loni dons Westminster district was lost one more in the series of wildcat strikes by l5 million British public service workers that delayed burials shut schools and hospitals and halted other essential services throughout the island nation AP Photo lnco talks to resume today ltlIttNlt itll lalks between reprcsciitatIcs oi Irtco Metals Co and the lnitcd Steelworkers oi mcrica con tinued Thursday in an efiort to resolu contract dispute between the company and workers in Sirdliirry tint who have been onstrikesinceSeptember Ray llling proyiiicial mediator aiding the negotiations said the talks ill resume today illing said the main issues being discussed are Iiioiietary but refused to elaborate Wants dissolution of arts council ltiitthIt ttIt Iiogrcssiye onseiatrc member of the legislature has called tor dissolution of the tintario Arts ouncil but the cabinet minister responsible for the agency says that would be regressive icorge iaylor Simcoe entrcr said the councils pro grams should be taken over by the ministry oi culture and recreation and be financed through Intario Taylor said the councils budget has grown to more than $12 million from storinoo til tom and council stall has in creased to 43 irorii one in todays budgetary restraint this iretirrrnng direct ri sporisrbility of the councils iiirictiori to the ministry would be an assistance in saying actiral tax dollars by using In tario timds winch ttitttist is to support culture iii telephone tillttt irom lidiiionton where he is attending conierence oi proyirrr ial culture ministers lteubcn liarU tlntario minister oi culture and recreation said he wottld be loath to see political itlltttlllttlt or tcrieriIicr In the arts To say we should wipe out the tll Irllllt il tlltl make grants oirrseles frankly don think is the iilit tip in said lliat would be retrograde He also rejected lillr Iiitario llItlit to programs The coimcrl proyides Llriois to indiyiiioal and companies tor the snppor oi tlrtlrtt illll literature noiJc tlie itieand Iii tit lit ttt irrizro rsrrr rts plirirrittilr OFF ADAM BOOKS INC 74 Dunlop St Barrie MW Wont carry weekend supplement By THE CANADIAN PRESS An Alberta newspaper has joined growing list of news papers which have decided against arrying Saturdays edition of Weekend Magazine which contains two illustrated articles on strip tease lori Pillinft managing editor of lrcthbritgc Herald said Iliursday We feel the story and photographs are in bail taste and have absolutely no place in our newspaper that goes into the homes of our sub scribers Publishers of six ntario pa pers Peterborougli Examiner Kingston WhigStandard Wind sor Star KitchenerrWaterloo itecord lirantiord Expositor and St atharines Standard also have said they regard the articles as being in bad taste and will not carry the maga IJltl Weekend publisher liewis lioiithood said Wednesday he views the stories by freelance writers Bill Gladstone and Win ston Collins as acceptable for family reading He said how ever that in retrospect some of the words and phrases probably should have been removed lirucc ltudd publisher and general manager of Peter borough ilxamiiier said the articles contain passages many readers might iiiid ofiensive We have responsibility to RCMP should be dissolved says law union spokesman VANttlllVIllt rtPI Ihe lttMI should be dissolved and its police functions assumed by provincial forces spokesman for the Law llriiori of ltrit isii to liiinbia told royal commission intoIttMPaflairs Thursday traig Paterson said those who believe in the ittilis coir tinued extstence should be re spoiisible tor proving the force Is necessary iiir vtew is get rid oi the Mounties completely he said lhrow the red uniforms arirl the plastic Mountie dolls In the garbage bin forever You cant clean up paramilitary organ i7itiori with few acts oi Par liariierit He said provincial forces would provide more effective policing and would be easier to control In sometimes acrimonious debate with the three commis sinners headed by Mr Justice liavul Melionald Paterson elaborated on the brief of the leit leaning union an activist group of lawyers law students and legal workers Paterson asked that the com mission support the unions luoéu°lun contention that the main thrust is domestic iridtvuluals and groups that have ideas and engage in actions that are opposed to capitalism and iiiiperiairsrri Mr Justice Melioriald said the commission would make known its opinions in its iirial report WANTS ANSWERS in its briei the law union dc mandcd answers to questions that it says the commission has left hanging since an earlier presentation last January Mr Justice McDonald said some of the Iltlttlitltlliltilt could not be made public because oi the Hi ficial Secrets Act ltt MPs against Cigarette firms to boost prices Itiitthlt tIIl Smokers may soon be paying more for cigarettes following an in crease III wholesale tobacco prices by two companies spokesman for imperial lobacco Products Ltd one oi the companies which raised its prices said the impact on con sirmers will depend on whether retailers pass on two or three cent increase ior small packs Large retailers to lctropolr tan ioronto said it Is too early Ilil illll Mi Mi ltAilillllti to determine how much oi thr increase Iil be passed on imperial makers of Players Peter Jackson dti lairricr latinee and taineo Iilillltls said ihursday that on Monday it will increase Its wholesale price by 17 cents on carton oi Litlrrigtircttes lariionalrl lobarco Illt maker of lTxport and rclatr ii brands said Thursday that et teetiyc leb to it will increase Its pr ices by cents car ion THE MUNICIPAL OFFERS iii REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS it icli lthE municipall lliiiilop at trweii tuoigiar Iali Mrrnoer taiaria ternmt ow iII wt rr hrhpi rl it 400 Del Farm Rd IIrrIo Ont He said the commission wtll examine the ttflicial Secrets Act In the course of its investi gations btit would respect it as long as it Is law sarjeant insurance 701 Im MMs CHOCOLATE CANDIES our subscribers that anything we deliver to their households is suitable for family con sumption in Winnipeg Richard tiMalone publisher of The Free Press said the magazine will be carried although it re grets the content of the articles Gordon Murray publisher of Niagara Falls Review said he finds nothing offensive in the articles or pictures The pictures are attention grabbcrs but not intended to pander he said The words bosom breast anti bust are used few times but can live with that and expect that read ers of The itevrew can also spokesman for the Thomson Newspapers Ltd chain said it is leaving the decision on whether to carry the magazine to its individual newspapers Weekend magazine printed in Montreal and with editorial offices in Toronto usually is in cluded in the Saturday edition of 21 daily newspapers in Can ada giving it circulation of about t7 million Weekend editor John Macfar lane said one of the articles in cludes about is pictures and is called 50 Years of Stripflease The other is about American stripper Sally ltand who at 75 still is working COlEllA DENTU RE THERAPY CLINIC Complete Denture Services 7264721 149A DUNLOP ST BARRIE MEMBER DENTU RIST SOCIETY MUNE AVEIIS FEB 3rd mart Reg Price 137 Gives Satisfaction Alwavs WILLOPAK ASSORTED CANDY mart Reg Price l07 288 ONLY NEILSON 7501 MODE DIAPER CARP LIMITED NEW LOOK for YOUR HOME 96 ONLY DAVID BRAND COOKIES 10 Oz Pkg mart Rag Prico 99 ONLY ASSORTED COFFEE MUGS Imlqhiui37 NOW LOOK HOW YOU SAVE MIR DISH DETERGENT 52801 IIIm logPrIca Lu NOW LOOK HOW YOU SAVE about log homes know about logs and log burttirno that my 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bust log home alternative available today Over 30 basic plans or Well ustr ill design Better Way 01 Doing an Old Thing WIZARD SOLID AIR FRESHENER Assorted fragrances mart Rag Price 18 SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH OUR SUPPLIERS SHEERS BROCADES ANTIQUE SATINS OPEN WEAVE LARGE SELECTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM 25 off Selected Group until Feb 24 I979 I9 DUNLOP ST For Shop At Home Service Call 728199 lIIIIIIllllIl North Country Log Homes eo rim rIis Harrie Iitarii AM Air it Free Brochure lorriplete plan book for which encl $3 50 we pay postagel Please send me National and tiritario Halt itto Harrie trrtarrri Itiriiie lili itr tutr liieam prrot tearlyt Name Store Hours Monday to Friday 10am IOpm Saturday9omI10pm anariran lrortorl Manutat toiert tit tritario and Alberta ALAPIIIVZIS Fir ï¬lial1 it LIIIIIIIIIIII Dulanhlpa Awaitbio Available in Hobart Zriliriiitr Alberta Manitoba tJneioi and itiltiti Available in 1012 diameter lIllI