12 the examlner Friday Feb 1070 television guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 II ID ED news HOLLonoo SOUARes CAROL BURNETT AND menus on POLKA DOT DOOR 630 nac news MARY TYLER MOORE ow 085 news we news news PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME EIGHT Is ENOUGH CROSS wITs MARY TYLER MOORE snow TIC TAC DOUGH MAKIN IT Two heads are usually better than one except when they belong to brothers Billy and Tony who are Concerned about Tinas sater in the company or the hborhood onl NEWLVWED GAME KIDSWORLD GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER newLYwED GAME TRIVIA OUIz HOLLYWOOD SOUARes DIFFRENT STROKES THATS HOLLYwOOD Comic 11 Heroes MAGIc SHADOWS raw erica soa newHART SHow 800 DIFFRENT STROKES It 13 ALL In THE FAMILY II THE new ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN gullible Air Force Ollicer investigating an apparent UF0 invasion receives end prepares to Iollow instructions lrom strange beings to launch vo ol nuclear missiles 60 min HAPPY DAYS The Fonz creates an Instant craze when he displays his unique way 01 dancing to the sensational new hit song Do Fonxie DOwNRIGHT DIsco INCREDIBLE HULK IN SEARCH 0F 31 Foot 32 TURNABOUT Sam and Penny are trying to make the best OI things when they are iolted by surprise visit Irom Pennys lormer hesrtlhrob MOVIE COMEDV Happy Irthday Wanda June 011 330 BROTHERS AND SISTERS FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE NAKIN IT Two heads are usually better than one except when they belong to brothers Billy and Tony who are concerned about Tinas eater In the company ol the borhood wolt WHATS MY LINE DIMENSIONS IN SCIENCE 900 TURNABOUT Sam and Penny are trying to make the best oI things when they are iolted by surprise visit trom Pennys Iormer WwLOTo CANADA SPECIAL Tonights special built around the million dollar Loto Canada draw stars the Famous People Players with narrator Gordon Pinsent Interpreting the Saint Saens work Carnival at the Animals with verses by Ogden Nash 60 THE DUKES 0F HA22ARD FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE The GM In The Ollice 1919 Stars Barbara Eden an Saint James 1979 CANADIAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS Canadas best Iigure skaters vle Iorjunior and senior national titles lrom Thunder Bay Ontario Featured tonight will be the Mena Free Final event and Championship High lights Hosts are Johnny Esaw Debbie wesDarroch and Otto Jelinek hrs WINGS ED THE Love BOAT 930 HELLO LARRY 1000 SWEEPSTAKES STARSKV AND HUTCH DALLAS Julie Grey decides once and tor all that JR Is only using her and decides to repay him by spilling his secrets to Clitl Barnes Pt at twopart episode 60 CHALLENGERS wHAT IS TRUTH ï¬t FERGUSON SHORT AND Ross news UPDATE news 1001 FLYING HIGH 1030 KOWALSKlLOEB REPORT PETER APPLEYARD ID JOURNEYS IN TIME 100 In news CBC news CTv news EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE SUSPENSH Retlectlon 011F126 1073 ID NIGHTMUSIC TheLittIeGIrIandIhe Dreadlul Snakes 1120 II news 1127 news 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Host Johnny Carson Guests Lola Falana Tony dall David Horowitx 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE me new AVENGERS The Tale Of The Big Why man luat released Irom prison is anxious to sell some Important secret intormatlon to the highest bidder PSVCHIC KILLER Stars Paul Julie Adams Hard MOVIE DRAMA Yer 1073 STREET TALK 1140 10 OUESTION PERIOD 145 THE PROFESSIONALS 1150 as MOVIE DRAMA is Set This Town 0111533 1060 III MOVIE COMEDVADVENTURE ou Cant Win Em All 1070 MOVIE DRAMA Lady Caroline Lamb 1012 12 10 MOVIE WESTERN Desperate Mission 1071 1245 GOODIES 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 150 MOVIE COMEDY Romance 01 Horse Thief 1011 200 In MEDICAL CENTER 210 MOVIE MYSTERY Last Hours Before gagging 1015 MOVIE COMEDY Holiday on tlaeouses 1014 III MARCUS WELBY MD 340 MOVIE DRAMA Out of the Clouds 1051 355 MOVIE DRAMA South Riding 1035 400 Ill sewrrcueo historically speaking today in history Feb 1979 The Great Swabian League one of the last international police bodies of medieval Europe was dissolved 445 years ago todayin 1534after 200 years of moreorless con tinuous existence The league was formed by Ulm and 21 other cities as means of defence against neighboring kingdoms in south Germany 1876The National Baseball League was formed with eight US teams 1882Irish author James Joyce was born 1901Violinist Jascha Heifetz was born I922James Joyces novel Ulysses was published in Paris I969Actor Boris Karloff died barries stog February 1971 Mayor Dorian Parker an nounced the city and the pro Vince had reached an agree ment as result of meeting and new county courthouse would be built by the province in Barrie on the existing county courthouse property The building was expected to house an enlarged registry of fice and courtroom facilities for the county provincial and family courts Toronto newspaper reported the Canadian transport commission would order train commuter service in the near future between Toronto and Barrie including intermediate stops between the two cities contest to pick the 1974 winter carnival queen took place at the Consumers Gas building on Ferris Lane Judges were Mrs Wilma Pavlick Peter Emerson and Milt Con way Dianne Shepherd 23 of Van couver St in Barrie was chosen as queen competition to select teen queen was held at Cundles Heights school Contestants were chosen from the ranks of canadas stogy HH Stevens Charges Forced Political Crisis On February 1926 former Vancouver grocer HH Stevens precipitated one of the most exciting political crises in Canadian history As leading member of the Conservative opposition he charged in the House of Commons that the Customs Department was rotten with graft and produced great deal of evidence to support his claim Mr Stevens also charged that the Minister of Customs Jacques Bureau was guilty of incompetence or worse yet had recently been appointed to the Senate The Liberals led by Mackenzie King were in power as minority government In the previous election in October 1925 the Conservatives led by Arthur Meigen won 116 seats to 101 for the Liberals However Mackenzie King was able to form minority govrnment by getting the support of 24 Progressives Stevens charges of graft were followed by 16 nonconfi dence votes but the Liberals managed to survive However special committee that had been appointed to investigate the Customs reported on June 18 that thc graft guilty charges were correct The government was This led to the Progressives withdrawing their support although there were wild debates one of which continued until five in the morning Mackenzie King realized that his government was bound to be defeated in the House of Commons and wanted to call general election Governor General Lord Byng would not agree to this procedure He believed that Opposition Leader Arthur Meighcn should be given an opportunity to form government Mackenzie King then resigned and told the House of Commons that the Governor General declined to accept my advice to grant dissolution to which believe under the British practice am entitled The result was the constitutional crisis the last time Governor General refused to accept the advice of Prime Minister Arthur Meighen did form government which was defeated in few days and the Liberals were able to win the general election later in the year because the CUS toms scandal was almost forgotten in the excitement of the constitutional crisis OTHER EVENTS 0N FEBRUARY 1628 King Charles gave William Alexander islands in the St Law ence 1800 Philemon Wright left Massachusetts with settlers who founded Ottawa 1807 Upper Canada legislature began session that pro vided schools in every district 1848 JB Uniacke formed first Liberal government in Nova Scotia 1869 Sir John Young Lord Lisgar became Governor General 1892Canadian Red Ensign was authorized for mer chant ships 1905 Citizens of Calgary held mass meeting to become ca ital of Alberta I945 Hol inger shaft cage at Timmins fell 1500 feet killing 16 miners 1947 Temperature at Snag Yukon fell to 81 below zero the lowest on record girl school safety patrollers The judges included Mayor Dorian Parker and Fred Parker Police Chief Edward Tschirhart and Mrs Tschirhart and Eldon Greer chairman of the Barrie police commission Nancy Latimer 13 of Oakley Park school was voted the Junior Teen Queen of the car nival Barrie completely dominated the Simcoe county high school finals of the Oral Communica tion Festival held in Eastview Secondary School Mark Bren nan oI Eastview won the prepared speech division and Louisa Devries of Barrie Cen tral collegiate was the winner of the impromptu division The Innisfil Historical Socie ty had begun plans to move the Warnica House from its location near St Pauls to the Simcoe County Museum by ear ly summer Hugh Jackson president said the society had applied for two grants under the govern ments Heritage Canada and Opportunities for Youth pro grams to help finance the pro ject He estimated the cost of moving the onestorey brick building at $7000 and the cost of restoring it to its original condi tion at $28000 The house which was built by George Warnica in 1851 was donated to the society by developer Frank Itodcro on the condition it would be removed from its location SnoDo 100 sponsored by the Barrie Civitan Club was cancelled for the second suc cessive weekend The reason was an insufficient depth of snow over parts of the course the snowmobiles in the event were to follow and also due to mild weather and rain It was rescheduled to take place two weeks later Warnica school won the Thomas Trophy in the third an nual School on Skates speed skating final at the Barrie Arena Warnica beat their nearest rival Guthric School for the trophy Barrie city council welcomed return guest to its session in the person of Charlie Wilton the citys first mayor of the week when the program came into being In 1968 As Grade 13 student at Bar rie North collegiate and presi dent of the student council Charlie was selected lorepre sent North as mayor of the week Barrie Flyers extended their firstplace lead in the Ontario Hockey Association Senior series with 31 win over Orillia Terriers The Barrie Colts started off threegame weekend on winn ing note with an 84 win over Newmarket Redmen in Mid Ontario Junior action at the Barrie arena The doctor says Some need less sleep By PAUL RUBLE Ml Dear Dr Ruble am 20 yearold student work about six hours week and take time for extra activities that interest me eat pretty wellbalanced diet and get exercise Thus am active enough in normal day But often cannot get to sleep until 230 or 330 am Then am tired when get up at 730 am and am useless un til noon At night its the same story have never taken sleep ing pills and dont want to start hope you can help me under stand why dont sleep My last physical exam showed Im healthyMiss JM hope you dont want me to run off list of physical ail ments that might cause sleep difficulties It wouldnt be very long and they account for only tiny percentage of cases of in somnia and then in persons much older than you are Some people may get by on five or six hours sleep night You obviously are not one of them nor should you be Your sleep problem is not uncommon among young students Your mind may be too filled with academic matters when you re tire after an evening of hitting the booksl wonder how well you sleep when you are back home during breaks from lclasses This should tell you ct Now that you are back at school try this just before rc tiring find some reading matc riaIstrictly for enjoyment value Put todays study and to morrows examinations out of mind for the moment Ill bet it helps doubt the need for sleeping pills and Im glad you are not considering them They are of tcn counterproductive and can even make person sleepier during the day than lack of sleepwould If the sleeplessness con tinues you should be examined again Chronic insomnia can lead to other problems Your doctor might want to run some blood tests looking for bit of hyperthyroidism which can contribute to sleeplessness For the present look to the factors mentioned above Dear Dr Ruble Does child who has eczema have greater chance of having asthma than one who has not had itMrs Another one of those iffys It is apparently true Figures Ive seen place the asthma odds for the child with eczema three times higher than for the noncczema child Again no direct evidence that it is always related Dear Dr Ruble Can you ex plain for me why diet for person with low blood sugar should be the same as for per son with diabetes which as understand means too much blood sugarJA The two problems are not the same although granted each emphasizes careful spacing of food One reason sweets are not to be overdone by the person with low blood sugar is that the presence of sugar in the blood may prompt activity of the pan creas which secretes substance insulin Insulin is important for the metabolism using up of su ar Thus heavy sugar mea might ro increased production in in and the burning of sugar excessively For the per son with hypoglycemia pro blem this might cause re bound low blood sugar level producing symptoms Hence proteinrich diet is recommend ed BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag once and always master Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South Pass 39 Pass NT Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead OK In 1932 that bridge genius Ely Culbertson conceived the idea of using the four notrump bid to find out about aces and the king of genuinely bid suits The convention had two weaknesses 1It was ex tremely complicated 2iIhe four notrump bidder needed to hold either three aces or two aces and the king Of bid suit in order to bid four notrump North and South had no trouble getting to seven with this convention Of course South did not know how good Norths trumps were He did know he had the missing two aces since the fivenotrump bid had shown this As you can see the seven bid Is adc lay down All dcclarer gas to do is to play his ace and king of trumps and claim Unfortunately for South 1933 ex ert the great Ely was de ending against the grand slam reached by his disciples When South led his ace of spades at trick two Ely who sat East dropped the queen Now declarcr abandoned the idea of leadin second trump and went tcr hearts with every intention of ruff ing two of them in dummy It didnt work Ely ovcrruffcd with his 10 and the cinch rand slam had gone to avy Joncs Iockcr 85 Eli Canadian reader asks how the Flint convention got its name That is an easy one It was invented by British expert Jeremy Flint daily crossword ACROSS 45 Printers Answer to PILVIUIIS Puqu measure pt Mental 47 Actress component Farrow Oil 48 Beltever Sea lettuce lsullrx Morning song 51 Curvy loner l2 Enclarnarrrm 53 SIOIC l3 Social rlrm 57 Least warm mm 60 Sillllt prellx 14 Rush hour ti Cm tho tilnur pms l5 Malt turkey 62 Ewklli 16 Unmfrlwm runknnrnr reason PM Hi Not ilSIH 25 AIDE 20 Pmmm rrl lid 21 Not many 66 Kku Actress Illllt tnprno 24 limb 26 Ammnto DOWN si Small rllltlritltl 30 llf AJhlr ship 34 Author 8m Homing 0q 35 Slinltrercrl strlt Hwrrr 36 UnrnlinlI yulr 1an Money Mnurm 39 Mac West llrirtrnrmrr lull III tlu IIIIII 41 801 it Now Inulnnrl 42 Remain capo 43 Various Moss ol Inrnrl It lrw trunk 40 Doritrun vil IIIIIIII 43 Court sessIorI Mintml 44 Traitor SI 19 55 NW4 46 SIngir Tortur 73 llrrrkt httrld 48 Amp 25 Fm lrrrsurtg 76 We 49 Stivcrelqn ol 27 Ol the sea in Iabhr 28 irmtlr 50 mufï¬n Ilillll1lli lnrllrtn IIIUIIL illiiiilll 24 lylriririy llslt Bth 55 0th wtlv IM 56 MW out trim Fri rlMHHIIv ll Ilnrrq 58 lysirrqrr rltlll 36 NurIuIva IIItllylnrnnlt IR Irrrnil quilt Know IllIIItIl 16 29 February 1979 Yom leadership qualities erI be greatly enhanced this com Ing year In SItuatIons where you were prevrously content to be follower you WIII now move to the lore AQUARIUS Jan Jan 20Feb 19 The corisctiurenrcs oi your acts could allnct olhcrs adversely today so bt sun your IIIOIIVGS arr pun and noble Winthrop THIS NEW CAI I5 701195 II VOLJ CAN GUE66 THE PRICEOF IT Shortlliï¬bs if SIPE ACCORDING TO MY LATEST CALCULATIONS PISCES Feb 20March 20 Nor mally you are one who lets bygones be bygones and are not given to holding grudges Today however secret resent menls may govern your acts ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Man age your resources wrth ex treme prudence today NeIIher spend unwisely nor make risky loans TAURUS April 20May 20 To day you may be tempted to strive for something beyond your talents and capabilities and it could cause severe lrus trations Set realistic objec lives GEMINI May 21June 20 Do nothing today that you know from personal experience could cause problems It you I70TAOE 0U MAurzrce 6PECIALTV TH IN TWO HUNDRED MILLION VEARS Frank and Ernest DIAL BONG INC Gil1e mu In ten Born Loser NORTHERN STATIONERY YOU KNOW THAT AAARY WHO YOU WERE MAKIN EYES AT LASNIGHT WELL ER USBANDS ON I5 WAY TO seen ANY 6HADOW TODAY Ignore your better Judgment you ll regret It CANCER June 21July 22 domineering associate could try to Involve you In somethIng today you may not wish to be part of Unless you stand up Ior your rights hell succeed LEO July 23Aug 22 Dont make the mistake today oi underestimating your competi IIon Give them credit for being at least as strong as you are or perhaps bit stronger VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 You may be better oll temporarily shelving distastelultaskstoday rather than to attempt to do them hallheartedly Poor work erI have to be repeated LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Bad leelinns erI result If you ex WE PROVIDE THIé 9PECIAL BIBJusT IN CAée YA 61ch EOME VERY THOUEHTFUL THE erE BURN OUT joint venture Or it too much from you compromise SCORPIO Oct Nov 22 Small domestic iss blown completely portion today Ke mInd so you dont start finding lault with your mate SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Lead by example today rather than by trying to be dictatorial Positive action on your part Is more ellective than harsh commands CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Your impulsive urges could be bit overwhelming today You might do something rather tool Ish linanCIaIIy Sleep on It before spending large sums THAT MUST INCLUDE TANKFLIL NOW YOUVE GONE AND AND Al LIFE AS WE KNOW SPOILED AFTERNOON IT WIL EASE To EXIST GIVE IM IS DUE NEVER Array Crop om Flora leeope spraan are Im roeswan no MINDS WHATS COMIN TD IM A5 LONG AS IT ISNT MY MOTHER FOR THE WEEKEND Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service 29 Dunlop St 7373860