Woodys wife Looking back Marjorie illlllllt realizes that shed seen little pieces of the puzzle without even knowing the pit zlecxisted The first time she recalls see iiig Iier late husband folksingcrcomposer Woody tIuthrie walking as she calls II little lopsided she assumed it was because he wasnt carrying his ever present guitar on his back When first she noticed him being uncharacteristically ir ritable and irrational she chalked it up to his creative temperament Now she knows that in that awkward stride and those unstable moods she was seeing the first warning signals of the disease that would eventually takcliis life lli ll III lhe illness was Huntingtons disease formerly called Ilun tingfoiis cliorea for its bizarre and uncontrollable physical jerks and Ilailiiigs resembling the movements of frantic dance Huntingtons is genetically determined central nervous system disorder Itefore it kills it incapacitates both physical ly and mentally lts progression is generally prolonged going on for to to Ho years from its onset Ierhaps its most cruel feature is that it does not ap pear until its victims are in their Iltts or tits aftcrli theyve Iiad children who stand Be So chance of inherit ing IIie illness Iltl then those children live for years iii the shadow of the diseise not knowing if theyve inherited II Not knowing if they will pass the blight along For Woody illllllH it was different than it is for his three children including popular folk singer rlo his eldest son Woody didnt know he could itl hcrit the disease His mother had died of it ltut lied been told it only struck women ttlIIAIIT ltI IVUSIS It was years from the time that he first started having trouble with it until Iic got an accuratediagnosis SI an MARJORIE ilTIIRIII pieces of puzzle And then we were stunned says Marjorie Guthrie Wed been told it couldnt happen That was just part of the niisin formation There was and still is so much misinforma tion about thisdisease And thats one of the reasons that alter Woodys death she founded the ommit tee to om bat Huntingtons Disease an organization which now has chapters in eight nations and which is dedicated to providing support and information to pa ticnts families and health pro fessionals It also promotes research into the causes and treatments of Huntingtons and other related diseases Speaking in an interview she discussed the hardships brought about by her husbands illness He lied in 1967 If years after he was first hospitalized for what the doctors originally diagnosed as alcoholism mistake commonly maize in dealing with Ill victims The subsequent years were studded with hospital stays and incur rect diagnoses When it became apparent that he would not get better that he would have to live out his days iii an institution the two were divorced on the ad vice of an attorney in order to spare their meager resources for the care of the children lament for folksinger They were not wealthy Woodys popularity far exceed ed his financial gains Mar jorie dancer supported the children by teaching dance He spent the last four years of his life in wheelchair unable to speak Ilis doctors thought hed also lost his awareness of the world around him Itut he hadnt And his wife proved it to his doctors by demonstrating that he could give rational answers to ques tions by pointing to appropriate cards with words lettered on them That was the worst blow she says Realizing that lie had been confined for two years in psychiatric ward surrounded by hopelessly mentally ltl competent patients while he was still mentally alert and emotionally sensiiive She calls now for changes in the system that allowed that to happen She wants physicians and families better edcuated in the facts of neurological diseases and the difference bet ween them and the disorders in which patients do actually lose their grasp of reality MORE RESEARCH She wants more research Not just research aimed at far ding the causes of and cures for Huntingtons but for related disorders which create the same kinds of problems for pa tieiits their families and the health professionals seeking to help them And she wants cooperative syteiiis of care and social sup port facilities based on the com mon problems of those person touched by such disorders feel that this is Woodys message to me she says Woody spoke about the lltlllllthKl of man and unity of people And speak about those who have common pro WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our bot fast delivery the examiner Frlday Feb 1979 11 ORilliA THEATRES ENEVA lbWEST ST 3266331 Moths Sat Sun 130 pan bleins The name of the disease is only important for identifica tion and for treatment some day The important thing now is help for those with these com mon problems My effort my challenge consider much greater and much wider than Huntingtons or any single disease rater DOLLAR INFLATIII American author Washington Irving who died iii lttfitt was the first to use the expression almighty dollar HALLOWEEN Itiu Wm iii Iiiittt stilt Free on orders Over $9 00 in Borne Free delivery limits l0° Discount on Pitk Up Orders over $9 00 Phone 72888I 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Guest artists with National Ballet The highlight of the National Ballet of Canadas I979 spring season will be the appearance of guest artists Marcia Haydee and Richard Cragun of the Stuttgart Ballet The ballets spring season which opens in Toronto Feb will also feature the Canadian premiere of two works Washington Square and The Two Pigeons CP Photo W75 ADAM BOOKS INC 74 Dunlop St Barrio Suit against CBC dismissed by judge TtttttiNttt itti my tario Supreme ourt judge has dismissed Toronto lawyers $5million damage suit against CBC television over 1977 documentary on organized crimeinttntario Mr Justice tlriscoll ruled Wednesday that Joseph Burnett seeking compensation on grounds of defamation and invasion of privacy did not give the necessary Ittl days notice required under federal legislation before beginning llls action Ittwasgiven 17 days The judge ruled however that Burnetts action against freelancers iiixolyctl llI produe tion of the twopart program Connections could continue because Iiiirnett had met pro vincial time requirements covering that case Burnett lawyer and finaii Cial adviser maintained that defamatory remarks had been made about Iiiiii and also pro tested televison shots taken without his knowledge of him driving around the city in his 1973 Rolls Royce as well as shots of his home and office The Ontario Supreme oiirt action against freelancers William McAdam Martyn Burke Iames ltubro ticliard Nielsen and Nielsen lcrns Inc will continue DENIES It IJQI IISI Mr Justice ttltilscoll re jeeted request by Iturnett for declaration that ltiiiiictt had never knowingly or iiitcii tionally laundered money ob tained through the illicit ac tivities of organized crime or any other person or persons Laundering is term used when money obtained through illicit activities is diverted into legitimate business to make it appear the money was gained legitimately The Judge also rejected Burnetts request that tltt broadcast retraction as con spicuously as the onnectioiis program as broadcast The ruling Iediiesday was on an ct it application by lohn Laskin lawyer for ltt and the otherdefendants Referring to tiirnetts re quest for declaration that he never had laundered money the judge said that in his view even if the plaintiff were loo percent successful in this lawsuit no court would ever grant thereliefsought li Justice ltriscoll said the Libel and Slander ct speaks of retraction only something defendant does voluntarily Itoiiald arr lluinctts lawyer said lie will appeal li llisticetIltriscollsdecision Global shows rock concert anada Iam the biggest out door rock concert ever Iield in tanada will be broadcast on the Global Television Network Monday at it pm in world television premiere Appearing at the concert which was held at losport lark losport Int Aug 12a 1978 were zark loiintain Dartdevils with Iaekie ItlueC The loobie ltrotliers with Iakin It To The Streets and hina Grove Wha koo with Fabulous Itancer Atlanta Rhythm Section with Not Ionna Let It Itother le Village People with Macho Man Dave Mason with All Along The Watchtower Irism with Flying Kansas with tairy on Wayward Son omiiitxlorcs with Like What You Do and Three Times Lady and Triumph with Illiiiding Light Show and Rocky Mountain Way MI Continues at BARRIE IV APPLIANCES Temporary location 88 Dunlop St East 7284297 vamwo Safety at work everywhere answeï¬ Your lAPA has safety skills to share And it doesnt cost taxpayers penny lAPA The Industrial Accident Prevention Association is totally funded by business and industry If your company is in manufacturing or retail industries very likely its member of lAPA How does it feel to be part of world authority on health and safety without costing taxpayers penny Good Now get your own moneys worth If you have need for information or consultation contact lAPA today Were constantly updating health and safety theory and practice at work at home everywhere Industrial Accident Prevention Association Blunt Street last Int Hutu Toronto Ontario M4W 3C2 Hit 00 HHHI NON IR BtISINlSS HINDI SINCI lot IE BE IAIA was xt nus JOSEPH LEVINE PRESENTS MAGIC ANTHONY HOPKINS ANNMARGRET BURGESS MEREDITH ED LAUTER EXECUTIVE PRODUCER CO ERICKSON MUSIC BYJERRY GOLDSMITH SCREENPLAY BY WILLIAM GOLDMAN BASED UPON HIS NOVEL PRODUCED BYJOSEPH LEVINE AND RICHARD LEVINE DIRECTED BY RICHARD ATTENBOROUGHm 3Q PRINTS BY DE LUXE TECHNICOLOR cm pm II youreone ot the thomaiids of parents who have been screaming for family type ltlllh the kid can watch Without eaiiiiutls and eyesliades SUMMERDOG COULD BE YOUR BEST FRIEND Mt tittttil it Ittl III st st tNt AvoN cAMI ltll Httttk IS Now human Mill itw tiriuiiil