Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1978, p. 10

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10 the examingr Saturday Dec 18 1978 Dawn Porter at practice Racers lose money battle INDIANXIHLIA Ii In dianapolis ltaeers team that lost its iiist eoaeh helore the ltlgtl gaiiie lieeause he deeided to work elsewheie Jilittttl length list ot ioiiner Utlil lltxke ssoeiation teains Iri Ila Iiidiaiiapohs whieh hegan WIIA pin in liTI had lost its tiiial hattle tor tiiianiial stahilr ity when representatiie ot ItLtJtIttl owner Nelson Skalr hania read short statement saying the eliih had plaed its last game IUCS Sthlll Illtttklllt SAN IiItItii alit Ali The Indianapolis Ital it ie gret toannouiiee that ot Ittltl night tonight Iridti the eease operations said titltlltttt Itohsoii ho was lltlt repie sentiiig owner elsoii Skalhania in negotiations tllt tlieeliihsliniitedpartners Indianapolis joined length list at detuuel WII iliitis the list ot elulis tolded siiiee the WI hegan in lltTL iiiizluiles llllltttltlldllit Itlaeis New York Raiders thiiago oiigais ilevelaiiil liiisadeis lloiistoii iero lhoiiiis Dirk Dodge lit eai old toi mer telephone installer put an advertisement in Ioeal paper otiering to trade his 12377 Honda Aeiord tor good samurai swords Hes Japanese sword tanker and says the swords range in value from Sioo to Stogooo depending on age and eondition and ean he sold toi twiee the piiie in Japan Iii ft aiii luh IZssa ltd 830 in arena ti aiu pin Stain 12L piii Ste IItti iii tarrie arena IiiiilopSt Izittt print John lllhs Aurora Aurora arena if piu ii piii eiinarket IIHIJL liiiitopt pin arena sum ILIII Aiigiisireiia mo prni Sharon vs lIast ltVt arena am iiiglliih llsstt ltd tttt pm piu arena tpni Illtlll Ihornhill arena I3 pni IuiilopSI 713 pm Harrie ttttttéi ItunlopSt Hzitti LIIL Harrie arena liinIopSt 7Itt piii arena sports calendar SllllY Harness Itaeiiig 1o iaeeeard at Harrie Hartway IIssa ltd iirliiig Itistriet Illr Senior iiiens Iltittllgt IIoeIe Ihiinder Itay Iwins vs anaditiiiInternational Iloeke League gaiiie First annual Ihorntoii iiiidget toiiiniinint shirts Ihoriiton vs Iihnvale Ihoriitonarena Slessor and Ieiiard Midgets vs SilierStiek qiialilieition toiiinanieiit twenisoiiiid Slessor and leriard Midgets vs Ilioi iiliill Sharon is Iiions Ntnttts Harrie arena Iiiinlop itiillia tiitten httttlt IIqiiipnieiit littttlttttls oiisliiiitioii Newiiiarket vs aidiiial ash and tari Minor Ieewees Itairii arena ItiinlopSt tell laiiada Midgets Iariie ewinaikit vs ivilaii Minor liaiitains Angus lnioiivilli vs Metropolitan lite Minor Midgets iltttl and Itoss Minor Itaiitains SUNDAY urliiig Mens senior playolls dor division tttA Itarrie url Hockey ltoltoii vs MeltonaldsAtoms Ilastview arena ireen and toss Minor Bantams Vs Itotton Itoltoii oniniuuity Tredit Itniou Minor leewees vs Thor Newniarket vs Itotaiy Ieewees Ilarrie arena lhoriihill vs Sarieants Iteady Mix leewees Ihoriihill vs lfnited Ituhher Worker Itantanis York Sinieoe Minor Hockey Association league games Stayner Siskins vs Bradford Blues Iiradtord tarriet iiiliiig tarrie ll ers lJIIt ie llttl Sound Minoi Atonis vs Roadrunners lios Aiigeles sharks and San Diego Iaiiieis IltllllllKlIIl Ihe tiiial deeision to told the team reaehed lollouiiig do long talks lltlltll Itohsoii and ttptliltlttlths ot the Inn Ilttl piitiiiis lhose iiegiitia tioiis eaine atter Skalhaiiia gave the limited partners length lilttIItttl iiieluding eliarges and deiiiaiids lor iiiitiiiued operational the eliih he piiielrwed iii iignst ot lilsl jeai how lllitlti ineliided hai mg the limited partners ieliiiiiiiish iglits toan share ot ttltltlltltll iiioiie the eluli iiiight ieeeiie ll there was iiiergei between the WIN and NIH whieh did not iiieliide the tater lioiii Iiiiiiipeg WIH piesi dent Howard lntlllWIlt issued stateiiieiit wrung the league was in the pioeess ot dialliiig an alternate sehediile that would he released on Monday with the six ieiiiainiiig teanis ietaiiiinil theirhoiiiedates lle iiidieitiil the league vas sittt to loe Indianapolis as market hut the deeisioii to ease operations was made Skalhania SHORT ttl MONEY Skalhaiiia in his statement elaiiued the team needed Shoo Ito to operate tor the halanee ot the ttiTttTti season He said he would eoniiuit Sittitieoo it the halanee was produeed lt Ioeal sourees John Wilson was hired as the teams first eoaeh hut he resigned tiijoin the no detunet Miehigan Stags of the WII he tore Indiinapohs even partiei tiled in the leagues expansion dratt The organization had gone through tour piiiieipal owners with Etltttl ehanges IIt inanageiuent during its histor hut tinaiieial prohlenis were al ways present Skalhania purehaed the team alter the Indiana National Bank had seized its assets following delault ot loan the previous owners The purehase eanie just when it appeared the team was ahoiit to lold heeause the hank as not ahle to operate it and was iinahle to find anyone to buy the eliih Sandra Jaek tiiiislieil tirst iii the open ladies elass at the Itai rie Figure Skating luhs an iiiial eonipetitioii rlda at Itarriearena tlul iiieinhers eoiiipeted iii the various age elasses tor the many trophies in the eliihs display iiidou at the arena larleiie Neel skated to plaee seeond In the open ladies IllI Kathy Walliii plaeiiig third In the open ladies solo 1111 Winners of all that hardware eategor the tiiiishiiig positions were reersed lllt Walhii tak ing the top award lolloerl Irv Neel iii seeoiiil Itttl laek in thiidplaee Mike liiriiigtoii and Stetanie Marsh sliated toa liist plaee iii the senior ilaiiee paii eonipeti tioii Iaiiiiiitoii also took liist plaee iii the mens solos ilaiiee In the senior ladies ilaiiee solo eoiiipetition it was lod Wood who took the top award tollow Sitting in the showcase at Barrie arena had no trouble smiling after Barrie Figure Skating Club annual competi tions Friday First place skaters in the freerskate category are left Karen Cyr I3 Senior Paisley NELSON SKALBANIA Flyers lose to vengeful Steelers 74 fall to fourth place in league standings airie Flyers may have eon eeded liisl plaie to their poneiits tor tonights aiiadiaii International IIoekey League Lynne at Itariie arena Ihunder at Iwins but now they have to make sure lhe dont eoiieed seeond and third plaee as well Fliers lost to veiigetul eliiiid Stetleis eluli lii da iii Welland and tell to toiirth plaee iii the league stan dings while Steelers vaulted tioin toiirlh toseiotid plaee In the onh other game of the night ttiillia Ierriers edged tanihridge Iloriietstt Steelers hoinharded the Bar iie net with 34 shots while Flyers eould oiin reply with Ztti Stetlets held leads of 47 and 5H lieloie Itoii Lyle and Vytas l3rlias seored three goals bet ween theiii Enzac atoms SCOTS once Iiavid liavies tired the deeidiiig goal in Ytttk Siiiieoe Moiior IIoekey Assoeiation gaine Iiitween Strouils Iliilae oiistruetioii Atonis and Novleton reeently Iii taet it was theonl goal Flyers goals were seored hv Les Burgess Iyte and Iiihas who netted two in the elosiiig moments of the game Iou Nistieo led Steelers at taek with three goals Ierry asey Bully Iiipiiis Reg IreIIay and John Itellio hail singles Steelers took II lead in the first period until Burgess seored troin Iary MaeIVIiIIaii and Paul Regan Nistieo seored the oiin goal of the seeond period and opened the third with goal before Iryte seored unassisted at the six niinute inark Nistieo popped in his third of the night two minutes later for Steelers last goal leaving Ur has to add to his point total with two goals one at 1023 and the other at 1400 Urlias first goal eanie unassisted with assists on the seeond goal going toJefI ireeii and Burgess Ernie Miller played goal for Flyers while Iloh Sneddon look od alter theWelIand goal At rillia Hruee Tairiek scored at the 152 mark of to minute overtime period to give Terriers the win over Hornets The clubs were tied it after the lust period lllI the Iei riers lIIltttttl iii Iroiit ti tlllt to laiiiie Hodge and Jun Mos paeeil the Ieri tt tlli goals eaeh Single poal ttl Io Itill Iteaiieliaiit toliii ood tttll tern lethe to loi the lltittttl llllh liiiliiiaio ltlllltl two goals ih single itoals to ltriiee toil till eIs iillen siiiip ltll Iaeiessniiii iiiil ltriaii liiihtoii Siskins salvage paint from waking Cougars lapse In stdjtiiei HIslitItH in the third peiiod lliiiisdit nearly tl llIlttI the siiiitle point they salvaged in tie iiiSelioiiilierg Siskius llIIIIINtl lo lit lead on three litIIlt goah against Selioinherg liiilits in the last period ol the Mid tiitario Jiiiiioi league game hut ougais storined haek ith four goals in the third period to takethelead oliii Wilson won llll single point torHiskiiis itli his goal at llinll ltotii llill Wesllitiiolte and Itiek Ilaiiiion Itoug tillespie Wayne ltioii and Iiiii Ileiieioss seoied oii wwerplays to give Sisliins their lead itixon lIII Melionald Iillespie Itoii IeIeoii and The leiiieis oiitsliot the lloiiietsim It Hot Mooie issisteil on the play toiiiais seoied then his goal iiiiie ltltlltl litllllt the end ot tliepei iod itoalteiidei Ittl Iilsip upheld his part ot iietiiiiiideis diiel during seoieless sttttllll period oiigars seoied iii the lirst to sAeiinds ot the tiiial period on Nteltll and added two more goals to take the lead lailli Hallitillers lieeil It shots iii thegaiiie Milsap get tell eaiiied iest Moiida when IIliiivales ltuss Slate iiialws his eoiii eliaek in goal lioiii knee iii iiir and taees aledoii Iers Iaiiie ltttti istt in by Marsh and Iaistey Aistrop Karen yr won the senior ladies elass finishing ahead ot hoth Marsh and Wood respee tiell Iaige Aistrop won the In terinediate ladies daiiee solo eategory Susan Iirooks plaeed sHUlltl vith Iainela Ituehuseh in third plaee Iaisel Aistrop won the in terniediate ladies award iilae Aistrop ing ahead ol Itehhie MeAithur and Susan Itrooks Iaige Aistrop won the iiinior ladies eategor with her per torniaiiee IoAiine aneilla plaeed seeoiid Iollowed Irv Iatti Johnston in third plaee The top junior daiiee pair was Jiiu ioriik and Marie Mar ehildoii Mary Anne aneilla and Pamela Ituehuseh topped the tumor siniilar danee eategoiv Iiisa lidvards and Kim Ilar rison plated seeond l3 Intermediate Jill Kelcey l0 pre novice Paige Aistrop ll junior Kim Monck l0 novice Sandra Jack l5 Open ladies front Jim Goruk I3 novice mens Classt Examiner photos by David Fuller Bears hand 77s loss after threegoal burst litaielittdgi eiis iiititeil to lite iii the iiiiildle ot the game lttlt to hand Iro 71s their sitli the lililitltlltlfltfl tiioIapt piieitli ltint ezii plaee teaiii iii the liiltltltltl laii luiiioi limlu lttitlllt until the iiiid point ot the tiit period heii lleais seored the it st ot threegoals iii io lttii oitlsiiiieil Heats tit llIt third period hot the lttlllitllt liitllttlllllllll liieeliridge opened the semi iii on ti pilttli eiil iii the tiit period lttll loiiie tooiiei oied on powerpla tor iiiiiiiitelatiitotietlieseoie Iteai took the lead again at he llilll uzi iiiziik ot the period iiiil opened the seeoiiil period tllt goil ltetore tlii peiiod tltlllll llti lIltIttltl llti It liiil tothieiitoiils Itie laoi Mttlttl troiii llt iiinniings to titliiti the lttttlllllt eat in the third period ltiss til season tit Htitltl 830 Dunlap Arena ttiit liltll tttltl ithllll to undo tiiiitheii lead llllt hate the lIIIIl Lltdl ltlllllllttl II tioiiilole tiiiiiiltetlietiiiilseore1 lion ltieiiil in goal toi is hot ll It the ltl iii these ioiiil period ttt litl ol Lair lamina stirteit started ttiii ieiiiiil is iiou lltttlltllltlt tJ iiiis All of the above events were held as part ol the South Georgian Bay Interieluh Tour petition In the noviee and prenoviee eliih events Jini ionik and Kim Moiiek led the way loruk plaeed lirst over Jason Monek in the mens category while Kiin Monek won the noiee ladies eategoiy over liisa Ildwards and Tathy Hargreaves raig Nohle took the award tor ttrtttiVlttitltlt Iii pre noviee ladies eoiiipeti tioii lill Keleey topped the tield Itehhie Ierr and Wendy Laniliert plaeed seeoiid and thirdiespietivel the Itttttl lluioiiia lree skate eonipetition held in ttiilha several iiieniheis ot the tairieelulipeiloriiied well Iaige istrop turned in the best pertorniaiiee oi the div with list plaee in the juiiiiii ladies tree skate IoAiine zin eilla plaeerl seeond Kariii tyi elainied seeond plaee award in the senior ladies elass lollowed liawn Ioitei in third Sltltiltti Iaish plated sixth Sandra Jark alo elaiined seeond plaee inish in her senioi ladieselass Iaiiisley lltttti on loin tli plaee award tor her skate lit the iiiteiiiieiliate lailiesilass Noviee skater athjt llargieaes tinished titth in hei lass with liiia loiter seventl and ini Harrison ninth triaii user and Iiehellt siiiipson have won the right tr represent the teiitral intaiii distiiet at the IIastern taiia than tliiiiipioiisliips to he held inst Laurent tgiiilieiJan ttisei native ot leiiitangiiishene easil tzon oer thiie other tttIItIMlIlttts iii the ltlldtll ineiis ehaiiipioiiship Simpson aii IIliiixale dent plaied thiid out ot to Hill petitors It the llltttttt ladies ehainpionsliip ltnth skaters are Htttltttl iiritliii slittlllilitltlli liaie tolieitsoii ol Utillia put on an estitiiig pertornitinee and skated HRH with the pre noiiee ladies litle against It othei eoinpetitois ttotieitson ill ioinpete in the itiitario Winter games Itee It in Kingston airie aii Klink ot Iidlaiid as seeoiid Weiid llaseiiiir ot Midland tittttttttil1IIIIIII and slzated toa tittli plaee iii the pre tititit ladieselass tthet skaters who represented the arm well were sundae Itaehiirii ot itiillia III Handle ot lltlltttltl Sandra Iaek oi Itariie ll eonipeted in theiioieeladieselass Stetaiiie Maiin ot Harrie and Stephanie lliorliuiii ot trillia Iis inrtoriiied tll iii the pre IltItiltttlllgttltt the Barrie and trillia skaters are starting prepara tions ilietid tor the entral tliitario Seetional eouipetitioiis tohehelde 1i Itiiiittiillia PARTY TIME IS ANYTIME AT MR CORNED BEEFS PENALTY BOX DINING lOUNGE HONKYTONK PIANO SlNGAIONG AND AN AMATEUR NIGHT EVERY EVENING Reserve your office party 7372351 RIE lYERS gt VS Ist Place THUNDER BAY TWINS now by calling 280 Dunlop St

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