IIolp vulmd TI lIoIp Lilnod YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES roor EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 DUNLOP DONALD AREA SANFORD BROCK AREA EUGENIA HIGHLAND AREA BLAKE ST Yes Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks 5550 maximum 40 words additional words IO cents per word Births In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events 88 oorning events sIbiFIIis TROWBRIDGE Bob and Judy are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Harmony Sarah on Saturday November 25th I978 Mondays Child is lair oi lace Tuesdays Child is lull of grace Wednesdays Child IS lull ol woe Thursdays Child hastar to 90 Friday Child is laving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for ts living And child that is born on the San bath Day Isiair andesc and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep tins and other important intormation tor your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement witi include the name at your child the day at the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital Intormatcri printed messiiue can become permanent rirord to Babys Boot or Fromm Albums The rate for an Examiner Birr ttotre isonlySS 5t PHONE Wild 8560mm ROSSITEF Jane MiCallurn At thi Dundurn Halt Nuran Home Coll ingwood on December at It to Jane MCCallurn Possttcr of Owen Round in her Blst year Jatiqhte tin to John Rassitcr Ill Margery tidllr Predereascd oy l0ilirf Jazk Jami hall brother William and Sister Elizabeth Survryld by neon4w Jitin tit Barrie lirrlince at Detroit and Johr Leslie at Marquette ttChIerii Frieriri may rall at the tanmriit uni rat Horne 1178 Fourth Avenur Went Owen Sounr from and on Friday irn plete SCTVIt In the nape at ti Saturday 80 public notice TWHAT IZYEAROLD BUSINESSPERSON CANT LEND MONEY ANSWER Your Examiner Carrier on Collection Day TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY ThTF KINETTE VARIETY FAIR PRESENT BY THE KINETTE CLUB OF BARRIE THURSDAY DEC mi 69 pm CONSUMERS GAS BLUE FLAME ROOM EERRIs LANE BARRIE ADMISSION 50 Loothorcrofl Riddle Kornor Crofts OII Pohthgl Bulrhg Froll Flown Jonlory Christmas Gifts DIrthI Embroidery $550 $550 cents per line 53 22 per column inch coming events D7 CHRISTMAS TEA Barton Avenue United CIIIIrdI BAKE SALE CRAFTS DISPLAYS Sch Doc 9th l304 75 TURKEY SHOOT Sponsored by THORNTON ARENA SAT DEC 9th 12 NOON mile south of Thornton on Highway 27 12 GAUGE SHOTGUNS ONLY SHELLSSUPPLIED For inlormatiori rall MIKE WEBB 4589279 NADi67 Tile family of MRS LILLIE CALDWELL GUTHRIE on holding OPEN HOUSE on the occasion of her 75TH BIRTHDAY SUNDAY DEC IT 25 pm at tho home of George and Edna Well Line Ora BEST WISHES ONLY 07 BINGO REBFKAH AND OOOFIIIOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRISLANE Jackpot SI 00 refreshment booth ThTF EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 87 In momoncmx COWARD In lovmg memory of dear brother Bradley who passed away December 9th 1977 We often sit and think 0t him When we are alone For memory is the only friend That griei can all its own Like ivy on the withered oak When other things decay Our love for him will SIIII bi green And nech tarle away Forever remembered by brothers Lon and Rod sisters Brenda and Kara andlamilics BERRY In toying memory 01 dear brother Victor who passed away December 197 happy hours we Once emoyed How sweet their memories still Butdeath has left loneliness Theworld can neverlill Sadly missed by sister Alma orrie LAM 4T6 Reprimanded BELLEVILLE tlnl tll The local post office is sending letters rcprimanding workers who defch federal legislation ordering them back to work during strike in October spokesman for thc workers union says Mark Lucas president of the Bellcvillc local Canadian Union of Postle Workers said Tuesday that none of the 90 workers have bccn suspended for taking part in tnc national strike Lucas said the letter warned workers that they would be disciplined if they lid not obey such legislation in similar situatIon in the future Your action in not rcportmg for work as scheduled and zip pearing on picket lings was il legal and will not be condon ed be quoted the letter as say ing Mrs Downing 7285614 News is scarce around Holly this week Wont you give us call at 7286614 with your items and help keep good coverage in the paper Sympathy of the district is CXICIKIHI to Mr and Mrs Arthur fair in the reccnt death of her stepmothcr in Thorn bury Ihc nrrs attended the funeral on Wednesday Mrs Doug MacDonald Don no and Scott oqmtlann are spending couple of weeks with her parents Mr and Mrs Wilson IIit llwy Vcr zrr compunicii on llll trip oy Doug who was in Iorimto on business and will prcccde lhcm homc Ilolly nmmunity Centre Renovations on the bathrooms and lllt new piuiviliing in them nearing coinplctrin The Hall Illinrd nitt for their regular meeting on chncsdziy night and made plans for somc events to lllkC place in thc new year dnncc to chcbrIItc the Factlifting to tlic hull is plannr for January it Box Social was booked for lclirurury and St Patricks Ilzincc for March Ilolly Seventh Day Adventist Church Six studcnls from Kinswziy ollcge in Oshawa conducted thc Iiivine Scrviccs onSabath Nov Ill ill thc Barrie Seventh Day Adventist hurch Ihc Scripturc reading taken from Matthew 13 15 and read by Gloria Weslrop who also of fend praycr Iilhy Montcith captured thc childrens interest with il story cntitlId Caring for Gods Creatures followed by duct rendered by Ester and Raymond Mikzuluv Barry Taylor and Jeff Comunias spoke on Purpose Of Living as sermon Topic The benidic tion was also given by Jeff Kingswziy College is one of 532 Adventist universities colleges and acndcmies throughout the world two of which are in Canada Serviccs at the church located on Highway 27 at the 12th conccssion of Innisfil are held each Saturday with Sun day School at 1030 and worship service at 11 am Faith Missionary Church on joyed group of five singers from Stayner Ihc Swalm reu nion at their evening serVIceon Sunday evening Accompamcd by piano and guitar the group took charge of the service WIth their wide variety of numbers The congregation was pleased to hear that Nelda Phan nenhour is home from hos ital and prayerswero offer for Julio Domm patient thcrc Todays students chasing dollar KITCHENER Ont tCP Theyre flipping hamburgers and modelling Theyre work ing the graveyard shift at meatpacking plant Like everybody else todays teenagers are chasing after buck High school students seem to be starting earlier and running harder and in their paper chase some of them are leaving school work and their adolescence behind Some work 15 hours week but many put in more like 35 or 40 hours crawling into class some days after working until the early hours of the morning Kids seem to be in an awful hurry to get their adolescence over with lamented one high school teacher lccrrzigcrs spend their moncy on clothes cars and records the sorts of things one would expch from frivolous students Sonic also arc spending it on bubics SllltlltIS NEIIIEW June 17 works anywhere Artist obsessed with US IiyllllllllllS NEW tAli Several times mon it John Baedcr hops into hi and goes hunt ing for 11 To BzIedcr thcyrc lttl1illl catcrics theyre subjcct for paintings Im obsessed with diners Bucdcr says Diners are my lifc Iincrs are sort of isolated and unique and guess am too And they arc totally Amcri can scelhcm as tcmplcs For the last six years BzILdcr has captured more than 11 din crs on Ivï¬llVilS Many arc dis player in his new book entitled appropriately Diners lhcyrc part of our social culture our backgrourxl he says have to prescne them they are rapidly being torn down The fast food places the QIIXIIIIinWilyS urban renewal £llt putting them out of busi ncss Iibviously cant afford to buy them all ilIKI start ardincr Inuscum The only way can pltStlvt them is to paint them KEIIIS MEMORABILIA Bucdcr Illl works in New York ity apartment crowdcd with pIcturcs of dinersï¬mxl hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 The annual LL orange euchre and turkey draw was held at Hawkestone Hall on Fri day evening November 24 It was nasty night but 13 tables played Winners in thc euchrc were for the ladies high score went to Gert Jenncy second went to Eva Fran third went to Ilene Caldwell travelling prize went to Mrs LcGrand and low went to Frances MacDougall The mens high went to Eric OBrien second went to Bessie Crawford playing mans 21rd third went to Ed Wnglcy travelling went to Gordon Horne and low went to Lloyd Leigh Turkey draws were won by Phyllis Givens of befroy Melvin Goodyear Buckland of Cumberland Beach and Louise Marg of Barrie Door prizes were won by Don McArthur Frances Mac Dougall Eleanor Cameron Vic OBrien Muriel Hart Lucy Ouellette Ed Wrigley Gladys Gotten Gert Jermey and Ernie Gtmtlc The cake was won by Mrs Gaften Christmas ar rangement was won by Norman Emms floral arrangement was won by Dorothy and cologne was won by Mrs Keith Leos Members of Hawkestonc Womens Institute met on Tues dny evening November 28 at the home of Mrs Lloyd Leigh The roll call Something that has disappeared from our din ner tables was answered by 12 mcmbcrs and two visitors The motto Honest Labor disgraccs no one was com mented on by Mrs Janet Cur rie Mrs Baker convcner of agriculture and Canadian in dustries had the program and introduced Mrs Patsy Steeves who showed Christmas decora tions and also showed us how to make ribbon flowers and bows She was thanked by the presi dent and Mrs Baker and presented with gift by Mrs Baker Mrs Hart gave the report on the area convention held in Elmvale on October 16 and 17 The meeting closed with the Institute Grace and Mrs Gray and Mrs Smith served delicious lunch Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leigh and Jeff spent the weekend in Willowdalc visiting Mr and Mrs Crawford Leigh Mr and Mrs Eric Leigh of Barrie were Saturday visitors withMrsJamesLeig Mr and Mrs Bradley Richardson spent the weekend in Ingersoll visiting friends St Aidans congregation was treated to two delightful selec tions by the Marigold Senior Citizens choir on Sunday last Our thanks go out to them Hawkcstone Womens In stitute catered to 40 members and guests of Guthrie Womens Institute on Wednesday even ing November 22 smorgasborg supper of casseroles and salads cake and icecream was served at pm This was the 65th anniversary and three life mqmberships were conferred from 28 to 44 hours week at fastfood restaurant She looks down at her hands when you ask her why have threeyearold boy tolook after she says Its her brothers child ac tually but she has looked after him for the last three years since she was 14 Id really like to get involv ed in school activities but just cant under the cir cumstances More likely though most students work because getting through high school in ster is an expensive proposition these day Sure they still wear blue jeans at $25 pair but they are just as likely to wear dresses slacks expensive sweaters and boots at $99 pair Bmcc onnclL guidencc head at KitchencrVlatcrloo Col lcgizitc said society has discovered once again the joys of materialism Students mcrLL ly arc reflecting whats going on around them diners dincr mcmorabIlia like an old runch menu which offers among other things Lamb Stcw A25cents He says he left his job as an advertising agency art director in 1972 because he wanted to dcvot his time to his rt It was one of those things cvcrylxKly talked about and no body did anything about dc cidcd to do something My feel ing is that you have got to kccp going and growing in life Ilc began paint ing from post cards hc had collected that in volvcd thc roadside its motcls dincrs gas stations Then started doing just diners What do is called iiolorrcalisnn but dont like labels call it rcprcscntationle pointing because so much my love goes into painting that comes out alive always mov ing Bucdcr declines to discuss the prices of his work He says he works mostly in oil watercolor De Havilland penetrates US market IItilt tII Ic IIIII IIInd Aircraft of zmada Ltd has rcccivcd scvcn orders for its hash shortvhziul zllltlillt and purchase options for III more the company unnnunccd recently of thc total 13 urc for export 13 of them to the United States rivc arc to be sold in anadzr Ihc optionspurchzisc ordcrs include three to Wurduir Ltd and two to Ill unidentified Wcstcrn tnnndu carrier The company which rcccntly suffcrcd prolonged strike also announcixl Sitsmillion expansion to its suburban Ilownsvicw nt plant Thc Downsvicw factory employs 4200 workers on Iwin ttcr Buffalound Dash aircraft Douglas Anmm scnior vicIL prcsidcnt said llic IIsh7 pro gram calls for 250 airplanes with more than $280 million worth of subcontract work go ing to factories in Nova Scotiu Quebec Ontario Manitoba and Britishtolumbizi lo Iccommellec thc ch pcctcd incrcusc in Iusb7 sales he said dc IlszilliInd is prcpuring to subcontract Ill additionle $55 million worth of work Bids arc cxpectcd from Nova ScotizI ntzirio Alberta and British Columbia Ic Iluvilland taken over by the federal government in 1974 is plcuscd with its pcnclrution of the market Industry Minislcr lchk llorncr told it news confcrcncc Ilorncr said there arc no im Illllll plans to return the company to private industry rl Waiting for Santa Waiting for old Sint Nikolaos to arrive at Victorias inner Harbor during annual Christmas festivity sponsored by the Vancouver island Netherlands Association is Damera Fry all dressed up in Denies prisoners complaints led to his transfer to BC OTTAWA CPJ prisoner who complained publicly about the way guards at Millhavcn maximumsecurity federal prIson In UnlarIo handle vis itors and mail has been trans ferred to British Columbia Icnilcntiary Vance gobetween in MidEast move WASHINGTON tltcutcri US State Secretary Cyrus Vance hopes during visit to Cairo and Jerusalem next wcck to persuade Egypt and lsrucl to bridge their differences and rc sumc peacetreaty talks The decision to send Vance on his fourth diplomatic mission to the Middle East this year was made by President artcr after reviewing an Israeli rcply to Egypts latest proposals Diplomats hcrc saw the deci sion as signal that the United States does not feel the reply contained in letter from ls raeli Irimc Minislcr Mcnuchem Begin to Egyptian In at Sadat the President Anwur sufficient to get talks going again The pcacc treaty tleks began here on Oct 12 amid high hopes that thcy would be concluded bcforc the Doc 17 deadline set at the Camp David summit con fercncc But they have been dead locked almost month particu larly over two key issues on Palestinian sclfrulc on the Wcsl Bank of the Jordan River and in tlic Gum Strip and whelhcr tlIc pcncc treaty with Israel will takc prcccdcnce over Egyptian accords with ollkrstnlcs was stalled Ancient artifacts resemble spacemen Sandy Gibb of the National Museum of Man at Ot tawa views two ancient pottery dolls found in Japan which appear to resemble splicemen They the examiner Thursday Dec7 1978 27 traditional Dutch costume She was under the supervision of George great Dane owned by Victoria Mayor Mike Young CP Photo The transfer means Howard Brown 33 who helped revive Millhavens prison newspaper last summer probably will not get any more visitors for some time His parents live in To ronto Millhavcn director Henry wacld said in an interview Tuesday the transfer was in the works before Brown made the complaints in brief trialled to MPs and newspapers Sept 29 Neufeld denied the brief led to the transfer but he would give no reasons why Brown was moved Ncufcld told Horace Brown Howards father and former Toronto alderman that Brown was transferred because he was cwnterproductivc think hes victim of the fact that the prison system doesnt want to change the el der Brown said in an interview The Browns visited their son regularly Now wc wont be seeing him at all We didnt even know where to write him until we got his letter yestcrdriy Im 70 and Id likc to scc my son again are part of an exhibit of artifacts some 50000 yearsold on display at the museum CP Photo N0 PAROLE His son believes the brief was behind the transfer Brown was placed in Millha vens hole for two days in early October after news story about the brief appeared Nwicld denied then that the brief was the reason But pris oners who intervened on Bmwns behalf said they were told by another officer the brief was behind the lockingup The transfer took place few days after Brown was ques tioned by lawyers Oct 20 at Millhaven in case against the prison based on its handling of mail and visitors Allen Manson Browns law yer described the brief as healthy and constructive en deavor to bring about change in the prison troubled by vio lence since it opened in 1971 Brown was founder of na tional prison justice day in which prisoners fast every Aug 10 as part of peaceful battle for justice within the prison walls ACTIVE IN GROUPS Last summer he helped re vivc the prisoners publication Odyssey at Millhaven and was chairman of the Odyssey group His brief mailed Sept 29 made specific allegations against the visiting and corre spondence department at Mil Iliaven Among them man who came from New Brunswick was turned away by guards without seeing his brother in Millhaven SEE 03R AD PAGE for mom Moos CLASSIC GIFTS Arrow Dress Shirts Dress Slacks Ties and Socks BRASS GLENN Downtown Into other atom kcoly