CPL WES PROSSER of Bar iie OPP talks about safety on Halloween itli Scott Dr Dawncy eight and Kim Dawney nine of COOKSIOWH The OPP is reminding all motorists to use extra cau tion Halloween night while youngsters are trick or treating Examiner Photo Safety rules for Halloween Mischief and motorists dont make for safe road conditions so Barrie OPP is reminding all motorists to take it easy Halloween night by watching for trickortreaters and driv ing more slowly The average motorist especially those who are parents are usually more cautious but others arent says Cpl Wes Prosser OPP community services co ordinator for the district The OPP has also offered several tips when costuming their children for the evening wear reflective material costumes should be flame resistant and short enough to avoid tripping tell children to keep on one side of the street avoid masks which obstruct vision young child should be accompanied by an adult parents should check all treats dont talk tostrangers safety reflector can be made by tapilig bicycle reflector tape on by piece of cardboard 6The Barrie Examiner SPECIAL GUESTS Rev and Mrs Glen Davis will be the special missionary guests at Westminister Presbyterian Church Oct 31 Rev Davis is pastor of the Fukwoka Korean Church Japan He will talk on the satisfactions and obstacles with his work in Japan Services will beheld at 10am and at8pm coffee hour will follow EQUIPMENT Barbara Smith head physiotherapist at Royal Vic toria Hospital will demonstrate physiotherapy equipment at the meeting of the hospital aux iliary Tuesday Nov The auXiliary room on the eighth floor of the hospital Coffee will be served at 730 with the meetingbeginningattlpm Frustrations of aging and disability graphically shown at home workshop Empathy for the disabled is knowing the irUstration of dialing phone witfi your ar thritic fingers Its feeling embarrassed when you pick up cup of cof fee with both hands and spill it because its hot Walk Day in My Shoes was the nail of the workshop Ihursday when 43 staff workers from area nursing homes took on the frustrations of aging and disability The workshop held at Grove Park Home Barrie was spon sored by the ministry of coiii munity and social services Greta SpaldingMartin Joan Hickards and Helen isthoft of the senior citizens branch led the exercises Staff workers attended from Highland rest Iloiiie Mindcn Trillium Home and Sunset Lodge tlrillia Simmc Manor Beetoli York Malior New liiarket Georgian Manor of Penetang Lee Malior Owen Sound aiid the Independent rder odedfellows Barrie Iii the morning participants broke into groups Valuable possessions such as watches bracelets and rings were takeen with no questions asked The result nxicty said irove Park Home adriiirilstrator David Johnson participant Often valuables arc takcli frolii residents temporarily in case they are lost Its not good feeling Mr Johnson said WRONG Ill The next exercise involved writing with the wrong hand This gave its the frustration of having to think about each letter as we wrote it Mr Johnson said ANNIIl WRIGHT of Alllidcli feeds staff worker Melinda Wood at Workshop on tile problems of aging arid disability called Walk Ilay in My Shoes The Workshop was held at iftHff Park Home Miss Wood spent the afternoon not Using her arms Exaninirrlliotoi MILEIINIEANCIZLLIII The Barrie Itotary Club will not hold its regular noon meeting No 18 The meeting is cancelled because than even ing the club is holding an assembly WASH HACKS EASIER TUHONIO rfli device that makes backwashing easier has been put on the market An Ontario Christmas tree grower has devised sliding bead inside tube of plastic netting which holds bar of soap in place Two loops at the ends of the tube are used to pull the soap back and forth The new product is called Soap box Ieople with arthritis deal with it daily Just before lunch par ticipants simulated various disabilities Stroke victims had one arm in sling and tape over their eyes They had the use of one arm and oiin partial vision And because stroke victims suffer paralysis of jaw muscles theSc participants liarl limited vocabulary People just quit talking to you when you can only say words such as yeah arid well said MikrJarvis senior citizens consultant for the ministry At lunchtime disabled purple lined up iii the home cafeteria for food Have you ever tried picking up fork with oven mitts on That is what its like when the sclisll lvlty leaves your hands Those with tunnel vision had cones over their eyes and had to be led around STATS lI Mark Schell staffer with Highland rest Home iii Mmdeii summed up many of the feelings lie was stroke Victim You feel embarrassed Ill fact it is too much trouble to eat so yoli dont want to And yoli dont play cards nor make your way to the lounge to mix with other residents That is withdrawal arid that is the result of many disabilities sufr ftltil by residents of nursing homes ccordiiig to Miss Spaldingr Martin thesi experiential programs have liit lioliie with countless staff worker par tlcipaiits Miss Spalding Martin was one of the initiators of the pro gram IIl itlTll So far Walk Day In My Shoes has been tried in nine different regions in the province The Tiarriv Examinrr Musical entertainm Mr Jarvis said more than 100 people in this region applied for the workshop Initially there was to be one workshop Be cause of demand another was held Wednesday in Wiarton Mr Jarvis said there are plans to have similar workshop in the hi schOols An Eastview Secon ary School Student Tracy Barker took part in the program Thursday Virginia Hutchinson of Highland Crest Home had trou ble with cream container for her coffee She had lost the sensitivity in her fingers opened the cream with my teeth she said Did she want help No The automatic thing to do when you see someone hav ing trouble is to try and help She shook her head You have to let them do it themselves so keep their independence That is must according to Mrs Itlckard an occupatiolial therapist We feel so sorry for these people we overnurse them she said During the afternoon Mrs Rickard demonstrated some of the devices used in these homes to allow disabled residents to be independent These include rocking knives so the resident doesnt need fork to hold while cut ting meat dampened cloth under plate prevents it from sliding and ring around the plate keeps the food frolli fall ing off The workshops dont teach staff workers to pity residents Mrs Rickard says once they understand the plight solutions are possible Part of the problem is that stroke victim is literally unaware of the paralyzed side she said This can be helped by retraining balance anti reinforcing remaining sen sations she said Presents ent fo Barrie Central Collegiate TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Sam the Rocord Mon 10 Dunlop St Muntz Contra and JP Audio Muster Boyflold Moll Radio Shack Georgian Moll Tito Borrlo Exomlnor lb Boyflold St PEOPL ACES he size38 rants Saturda Oct 30 I976 NSA The Barrie and District Chapter of the National Secretaries Association will meet Nov at 630 pm at Devilbiss of Canada Viola Col lins certified professional secretary and secretary of the year for Canada this year will speak on how to become cer tified professional secretary FORMER LEADER Former provincial New Democratic Party leader Donald MacDonald will ad dress dinner guests at the Sim coe Centre NDP autumn dinner dance Nov at pm at the Independent Order of Odd fellows Hall Ferris Lane Other guests include NDP provincial candidate Paul Wessenger and Jerry Barr chief organizer of the recent federal byelection in St Johns Mfld Mr Barr worked in Sim coe Centre and Simcoe East as an organizer during last winter and spring and is expected to resume this position now that the byelection is over For reservations or information about the dinner dance call Kay Austin at 7264006 Diane Han na 4361004 Carol Bell 4364938 or Mary Lou Wessenger at 7289763 EXCHANGE PLANNED The Ys Mens Club of Barrie is planning to hold its annual Ski and Skate Exchange Satur day Dec from to pm location for the sale has not yet been announced Cochairmen of the event are AI Purser and Gord McLeish DATE SET Final plans have been made for the Menettes annual Christmas Boutique The bouti que usually held at the Barrie YMYWCA building will this year be held at Collier United Church hall The boutique will be held from 1230 to pm Saturday Nov GINGERBREAD TEA glcngerbread tea and bazaar will held Nov 20 from to pm by members of Burton Avenue United Church women at the church Featured will be baking candy jams and jellies crafts sewing and knit ting Ticket convener is Marilyn Letcher For informa lion and tickets call 7262060 SPECIAL DISPLAY special display of original maps will be unveiled Nov 21 at pm at the Simcoe County Museum to commemorate 10 years since the opening of the Silncoc County Archives The maps will be displayed until Nov 27 and archives staff will be on hand to give information Hours for Archives Week will be Sunday from pm t05 pm and Monday to Saturday from am tofipni ilIISISIEilKER Dr Jack Thompson an inter nist will be guest at the meeting of the Barrie branch of the Ontario Heart Foundation Nov at pm in the Blue Flame Room of Consumers Gas movie celebration will be shown discussion after led by Dr Thompson Dr Thomp son is medical consultant for the Barrie Branch entire NOVEMBER 11800 PM famly Auditorium KEEPING FIT Keeping fit will be the subject of public meeting held Tuesday Nov at pm by the Barrie Chapter of the On tario Heart Foundation in the Blue Flame Room Comumers Gas film called Celebration will be shown and this will be followed by discussion on the effects of todays life styles and diet Coffee beserved BOUTIQUE The Barrie Menettes Christmas Boutique will be held Nov at Collier Street United Church Hall from 1230 pm to pm PREFERENTIAL TEA Beta Sigma Phi Sorority is holding its preferental tea Nov at pm at the Barrie Golf and Country Club The tea will honor all new members of the sororit BARRIE DENTURECLINIC COLELLA DT Complete Denture Service 726472 105 Dunlop St Barrie Member Denfurisf Society Of Ontario ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE THE EXPBOPRIATIONS ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN YHE MATTER of an applicaiion by Ina Minister oI Transportation and Communications for approval to expropriale lands bemg in the Township of Esso in the County of Simcoe to accommodate the construction of bridge on Kings Highway 90 over the Canadian Pacific Railway NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN ihai application has been made lor approval to exproprioie the land described in the schedule hereto Any owner at lands in reSpecl or which nolice is given who desues an inquiry lfIID whether the Iakmg of sum land is fair sound and reasonany necessary in the achievement ol the unlecrves of the expropriating auihoriiy shall so new irie approving authority in wriling far in the case registered owner sewed personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice or when he is served by pubfrcollon Wllhm lhitly days alier the first publicaiion of ihe notice lot in the case of an owner who is not registered owner within thirty days after the first publicalioi the notice THE APPROVING AUTHORITY is the Minisier ol Transportation and Communications Parliament Burirriiigs torgriro Oniario M7A128 NOTES The Eproprialrons Act provrdes that Minister of transportation and Communications rar where an anUTy is requested ii shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister Justice and Attorney General ibi the inquiry atlice ii shall give ovoiy party to the IIlQutTy an opponunity to prosool owdence and argumeni and is enarnirre and Cross examine wilnesses oilhor porsmnlly Or by his caunsel or agent and Ill may recommend lo lhe approvmg authority that party to the mainly DO 900 iiiiaa amount for his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and tho worming authority may in its discrelich order the expropriatihg authority to pay such costs touhwilh owner and regisleled owner are defined in the Act as follows owner includes mortgagee tenant onecutrbn creditor person entitled to hunted eslale bi interest inland committee of the aSIale of mentally incompetent person Dr of pawn incapable of managing his atlairs and guardian executor odrninistrnlor or ITUSIOE in whom land VEST registered owner moans an owner of land whose interest in lhe land no defined and whose name is specified in an mslrumoni in the proper Land Regislry or Sheriff ofï¬ce and includes person shown as lenanl land on the last rewsod assessment roll The enoropriating authority each owner ho notifies lhe approvrng outburin that he desires hearing in respect althe lands iiended to be exproprialed and lny ownor 0006 as party by the inquiy officer are parties lo the inquiry SCHEDULE All right title and interest in the lands described as follows In the Township of Essa in the County of Simcoe in the Province of Ontario being parts of the West Port of Lot 32 Concession designated as PARTS and IQ port of the East Port of Lot 32 Concession designated as PART 12 and part of the East and West Ports of Lot 32 Concession deSignoted as PART III on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan P3242940 depOsired in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Sim coe as Plon SIR5867 THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE loth DAY OF OCTOBER I976 Ministry at Transportation and Communications Create your own special portrait from our new selection of scenic and color backgrounds Shooting Days NOV and Ookvllle Tues Wed Thurs Fri Photographers Hours Tues thru Sat 108 We Never Slop Saving Vou Money towers At all Metro Toronto Stores plus Barrie Brampton All lflrl Bolder chlldrtn and adults Ono strung per cubic Addltlonal nuban group or Individual In some family Slm per oubkcl No proofs choou from ï¬nished mm pomm Iposuour selection You may select Mllonol ponrolu offered or room prices Guaranion rompllfl satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded No handful up Sat 456 rouuaon