Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1976, p. 4

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Ellie Titanic Examiner Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus 4+The Barrie Examiner DfM Henshaw Managing Editor Saturday Oct 30 1976 Cable 8s argument it is not reasonable Marketing them favor Cable is applying to the CRTC for 75centamonth rate increase The increase is needed says Cable to cover the cost of microwave installation to im rove the reception of Channels an Sounds reasonable Until you remember that Cable is selling its service now on the basis that there is good reception for those two channels The addition of microwave will improve reception of the channels to the point it should have been So the customer is being asked to pay extra for something he should have had all along Then just to make customer is getting anything he thought he had been paying for Cable pulls the converter stunt For $8995 customers can get students at city high schools and Georgian College wou be welladvised to study recent ac tions of Barrie Cable TV Ltd It is an object lesson in how to in crease prices and at the same time make customers think you are doing converter so they can receive 13 channels instead of the 11 now be ing received eems just little steep All Cable 8s peculiarities are not of the companys own makin The Canadian Radio Te evision Commission has decreed that Cable must drop Channels and 12 for Channels 25 and 79 Channel 25 is aFrenchlanguage station and the justification for for cing Cable to carry its programm ing is little thin Channel 79 CITYTV Toronto was once famous for movies The station no longer car ries them and it is doubtful man Barrie residents will want to watc station devoted to Toronto pro gramming Between Cable and the CRTC it doesnt seem really worth it to have its blue cable television in Barrie sure no INTERPRETING THE NEWS Irish coalition government might not field candidate By ROD LRRIE LONDON CPI The sud den angry resignation of the president of Ireland has caught the coalition govemment in such dangerous situation that it may not even offer candi date for successor Indeed it may result in that peculiarly Irish phenomenon of an election without ballot The govemment of Prime Minister Liam Cosgrave has set the presidential election for Nov 24 but has not indicated whether it will field candi date If not the candidate of the op position Fianna Fail arty would be elected by acc ama tion In the past candidates have been elected In this way when the major parties agreed on nominee but there is no hope of such accord in the cur rent tense atmosphere LOSS FEARED The government apparently feels that if it does nominate candidate he likely would lose against Fianna Fall the largest single party in the Dail lparlia ment and already eagerly an ticipating the next general elec tion The Fine GaelLabour party coalition which must call general election within 18 mon ths has sixseat majority but has been under lot of crit icism for its handling of the presidential affair By not fielding candidate it would avoid the likelihood of an embarrassing defeat while sav ing the £500000 $825000 cost of an election which many may feel was forced by government mismanagement The trouble started when President Cearbhaill ODalaigh who showed himself as more sitive in office than his pre ecessors submitted two controversial pieces of an titerrorist legislation to the Supreme Court to test their con stitutionality Usually the president signs such legislation without ques tion The Opposition had been par ticularly critical of the legisla tion which gives the govern ment emergency owers in dealing with the il egal Irish Cable TV operates under monopoly there is no competition allowed and Cable seems deter mined to do its level best to keep monopoly bad word Republican Army IRA The president signed it as soon as the court pronounced it con stitutional RITICIZED PRESIDENT But because of the delay Pat rick Donegan the flamboyant defence minister criticized the president calling him thun dering disgrace Later repentant Donegan sought to logize but the president re used to receive him When the prime minister de fended Donegan against mo tion calling for his resignation which was defeated President ODalaigh resigned and moved out of the official residence Observers were left to specu late whether his action was sim Iy fit or pique or as he sai in curt statement to protect the dignity and inde pendence of the presidency Many thought the govern ments support of Donegan and his refusal to resi indicated that he had consi erable cabi net backing for his criticism of the president The future of Yugoslavia By BRUCE LEVETT WASHINGTON CP The future of Yugoslavia grey area in the world power struc ture is emerging as an issue in United States presidential election surprisingly devoid of issues For years ambiguity has been at the heart of US foreign policy toward the nonaligned Communist country which has no formal military alliances or defence pacts with either East orWest Democratic candidate Jim my Carter however has said flatly that as president he would not go to war there even if Soviet troops intervened after President Tito left power This has touched off criticism Elie Burris Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 72645537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dal Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $1420 year Single copies 15 cents ail Barrie $4420 yearlyz Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year iy National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Router and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this news aper aggright Regis ration Num 203815register61 ll by President Ford and State Secretary Henry Kissinger in Republican attempt to make the Carter remark into major campaign issue Ford who has taken credit for the fact that no US troops are in action anywhere in the world nevertheless said This is not time to concede such nations as Yugoslavia to the Soviet sphere MOVE DANGEROUS Kissinger less terse said Im saying that to declare country of the geographic and strategic importance of Yugo slavia as lying outside an American security interest however we may want to vindi cate that interest is dangerous and inconsistent with our North Atlantic Treaty Organization policies The art of foreign policy is to prevent crisis from arising an not to create ambiguities which the opponent might be tempted to probe Despite Kissin ers stand however experts ere say the US policy toward Yugoslavia has been nothing if not am biguous for nearly 30 years That country has walked political tightrope between East and West ever since Tito broke with Stalin to open the first crack in the Soviet dominated bloc in East Euro US administrations as ar back as President Truman have affirmed commitment to Yugoslavian indvi endence and at one stage for 15year period poured in military and economic aid Policymakers in Washington however have always stopped short of pledging troop commitments FUTURE CLOUDED Foreign policy experts point out that Tito at age 84 is ailing and they question how long he can remain the strong man of the Balkans To the Soviet Union power vacuum in Yu oslavia could so an irresisti le temptation bring the inde ndent Marx ist country back nto orbit To the West Yu oslavias re turn to the Soviet old might be US election issue strate ically and politically in tolera le Meanwhile there is feeling here that Carterand to some extent the Republican reac tionmhas enunciated clear Balkan policy and severely damaged the cover of uncer tainty with which US adminis trations have traditionally cloaked their intentions in that area BIBLE THOUGHT And it shall be when liq shall be guilty in one of these things that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing Leviticus 55 If we acknowledge our sin to the Lord His love will absorb it and it will be no more If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us THE EXAMINER FORUM Barrie gets ahead despite best efforts of council Dear Sir Lowest and saddest are wor ds that orobablv best describe this past week in terms of the history of Barrie civic politics todate history that has not been marked in recent years by any degree of distinction The whole mess would seem more the tragedy it is for the electors of Barrie and for the democratic process if it werent for the Alice in Wonderland ridiculousness which is the norm of Barrie city politics Two features of this alltime low week are the resignation of mayoralty candidate and decision on inanciai matter The withdrawal of the one candidate for mayor who has consistently been the best vote getter in aldermanic elections and whose experience in coun cil work is second to none would be serious enough but the particular circumstances are what is most disturbing All of this talk of fulltime versus part time mayor teacher ubiic employee versus public ficial is only so much political effluent It seems that any time for cefulpossibly progressive per son emerges on the Barrie political scene who may not suit the various vested interests smoke screen of non issues goes up tb cover campaign of private character assassination that is unbelieveable in its scope and viciousness The people of Barrie the voters are the losers here because we lose valuable element of choice It is now clearly established that civic affairs of any significant role is strictly limited to the basically idle or financial affluent This is not good Mr Perris departure is loss to us all and say this as one who likely would not have voted for him We needed him in the race for mayor So part of the tragicomedy of this weeks civic circus was the refusal of the city to vote $30000 on an arts centre so that $300000 might come to Barrie to be invested in what has been recognized now as valuable part of the rejuvenation of the city centre This would have been $30000 spent for every one in Barrie to get them 10 times or more in return But the funds have been denied by Council on the illusion of saving tax dollars These were dollars which quite reasonably to the funding agencies esent small but necessary ow of sincerity and interest The question still remains the face of this persisten oolicv are our taxes significantly lower by com parison wi other more pro gressive communities Ask Peterborough Are they low enough to offset the loss of thousands and perhaps even millions of dollars in social recreational and cultural rograms and facilities ich would have been here if this city had not consistently kept them out with its saving ways Who saved Other communities received the dollars instead All said was terribly sorry your seats were lukin by Consertatiits FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Is there that much di between Bourassa and Levesque By STEWART MaclEI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Before the current Quebec election campaign got under way it all seemed so simple There was the Liberal party headed by Premier Robert Bou rassa which was dedicated to Canadian unity In the opposite corner there was the Parti Que becois dedicated to an inde pendent Quebec And in between were the Creditiste the Union Nationale and other smaller splinter oper ations Traditionally these groups have paid little at tention to Englishspeaking voters If lived in the province always thought would have to vote Liberal Anything else would almost be unCanadian But the longer the campaign goes on the more confused am becoming and right now am glad dont have to cast ballot Even allowing for the fact that may have low de ee of comprehension still ont think there is all that much difference between Mr Bourassas form of federalism COMMONS CAPSULES The Liberals blew it on motherhood issue From The Ottawa Bureau Of Thomson News Service OTTAWA Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau named Allan MacEachen his deputy in the September cabinet shu fie say ing the move would allow him more time to travel while leav ing the Liberal overnments Ezrliamentary af airs in safe nds Knowing this one w0nders how Mr MacEachen felt while briefin the PM on what hap pened uringhis trip toJapan CANADAS STORY Britain helped nation with BC By BOB BOWMAN It took three years to bring about Confederation in 1887 fol lowing the Charlottetown and Quebec conferences It involved relatively small area of presentday Canada Ontario Quebec New Brunswick and Nova Scotia However the subsequent de velo ment of Canada was re mar able In 1870 the rela tively small Dominion took over the area controlled by the Hudsons Bay Company Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta the Northwest Territories and Yukon Then in 1871 Canada became nation from sea unto sea when British Columbia joined When Lord Carnarvon in troduced the British North America Act in Parliament in 1867 he said We are laying the cornerstone of great state perhaps one which at future day may even overshadow this country But come what may we shall rejoice that we showed neither indifference to their wishes nor jealousy of their as pirations Britain lived to this prom ise and helped anada to ac quire the territory of the Hud sons Bay Company Then Brit ain helped Canada to add Brit ish Columbia The government sent message to British Co lumbia on Oct 30 1809 urging Confederation with Canada At first this shocked many people in the colony including political leaders AttorneyGen eral Crease described the ma sage as callous and added believe England is sick of her colonies number of civil servants asked to be transferred to other colonies including Trinidad Sierra Leone Bermuda and melee What happened is very sim ple The Liberals blew it in the Commons One da and were forced into voting own moth erhood issue higher pensions for widows of public servants Stanley Knowles NDPWin nipeg North Centre proposed for the umpteenth timea stan dard motion urging the gov ernment to review the pensions Its often thought the Liberals no longer listen to such mo tions This observation gained credence when they forgot to One group of merchants in Victoria urged annexation to the United States and sent pe tition to President Grant However British Columbia joined Canada in 1871 OTHER OCT 30 EVENTS l778Meeting at Montreal sent petition to King George III for an assembly HtsGov Carleton was de feated US force trying to relieve ege of Fort St John linoGreat Western Railway was authorized to operate be tween Toronto and Hamilton IonMontreal and Toronto stock exchanges adopted min imum price system 19290ntario voted to con tinue government control of ii quor Nova Scotia voted to end prohi bition tauCanada voted not to seat Red China in United Na tions and Rene Levesques imme diate political platform If the ultimate goal of the Parti Quebecois were achieved Quebec would not be technically part of Canada But that is not basically an issue in this campaign that is for later referendum And in the meantime the vot ers of Quebec are not simply making choice between Cana dian unity and separation The Liberal party is overdoing it bit by proclaiming that vote for Bourassa is vote for Can ada deny the unanimous consent necessary to bring the motion to vote Commons Speaker James rome ruled vote should be taken The division bells rang for nearl one hour before enough Li rals could be sum moned to the chamber Finally they defeated the motion The Speaker moved on to other business ruling that the time allotted for the daily oral guestion period had assed onservative House eader Waiter Baker protested He asked the jeering Liberals for unanimous approval to hold question period Recovering his poise Mr MacEachen explained that we on this side of the House have welcomed the opportunity to take stand for fiscal responsi him ile the Liberals apgauded vigorousl Mr Mac achen conceive second zinger With re ard to the question riod ave no intention of ealing the honorable mem bers Mr Bakers self inflicted wound he said When the Speaker asked whether there was unanimous consent for Mr Bakers motion the resulting chorus of No was probaby heard in Pem broke 07 mi es up the Ottawa Valley did not hear any No joked goodnatured Tory whip Steve Pnproski Senior citizen Ged Baldwin PCPeace River complained in the Commons that after he received his first pension che que got letter from firm of funeral directors offering me their services Dont feel boxed in Lib eral member advised fference The Quebec premier talks about federalism in which his province would have much greater powers than at present The province he says must be given the responsibility for the safeguarding and promotion of the French language and cul ture within the territory of Que bec There must also be greater provincial authority in the field of communications he says And he also wants more jurisdiction over immigration In fact most of his campaign has centred around more inde pendence for the province Meanwhile Mr Levesque an avowed separatist has been talking about his proposed common market relationship with other provinces That is there would be no trade bar riers between an independent Quebec and the remaining provinces Canadian money would probably be used in Quebec and all Canadian cor porations would be encouraged to carry on as usual We dont see the English as new hostilities but as healthy living links with Canada There will be no Berlin Wall on the Ot tawa River At one meeting Mr Levesque was applauded by an Englishspeaking audience when he said the PQ is closer to the democratic and social outlook of many of you than any other party in Quebec But the party leader candidly admits he robably wont get many En ish votes MORE ACCOMMODATING However with the actual question of independence now relegated to referendum there are many of Mr Le vesques attitudes which would appeal to English voters Even on that thorny issue of school langua for immi rant chil dren Parti Que is has been more accommodating than the Liberals And Mr Leves ue has cer tainly made bigger effort than Mr Bourassa to patiently explain his views to not only the English electorate of the prov ince but also to Englishspeak ing Canadians in other prov inces He accepts invitations to speak from coast to coast and while most of us probably dis ee with what he says its fficult not to admire his stam ina and style cant recall the last time Premier Bourassa went to an other province and tried to eliminate misunderstandings and misconceptions And he has shown remarkably little in terest in the problems of other provinces Like say find the whole scene bit confusing The only thing know is that wish Rene Lev us was on the side of federa ism The logic that is applied in these decisions defies the un derstanding Money is at with abandon on facilities at relate to few and is not invested for the value of all Almost every useful ser vice or facility that has come to Barrie in the last few years came despite the best efforts of council It is incredible and saddening to count the number of en thusiastic and intelligent citizens of Barrie who have gradually dropped out of in terest and participation in ggojects and activities for the tterment of life in Barrie because it is just too frustrating to be continually butting your head against the stone wall of civic indifference self interest and down right fuzzy headed ness That enthusiasm and QUEENS PARK standup fight for the favor By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO If you have any strong interest in public affairs you must have wondered from time to time just what the devil politics really is all about We see words and words end less words Jurisdictions not only our own province and country but other jurisdictions all over the world landing into crisis situations as so many are in today without any ap parent advance awareness let alone action by governments and parliaments Just what is this science craft or whatever you want to call it What is the core of it How do you describe it Anyone who has thought much about politics and par ticularly written about it has been bound to ponder much about this FOR FAVOR short while ago there was piece in The Globe and Mail quoting Lord Blake who in turn was quoting Prof Finer And it contained definition which could be what many of us have been looking for This was that politics ac tually the reference was to ad versary politics but to any of us under the British system this applies was standup fi ht between tw0 adversaries or the favor of the lockerson MUST CONFORM Isnt that it Isnt that the nub of what is wrong with our political system today where it iswrong Politicians are so concerned so very much concerned with winning favor and through this taking popular positions that where possible they shrink from the actualies of problems YOUR BUSINESS Canada Japan an odd couple By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service After Prime Minister Pierre Trudeaus eightday visit to pan the air is once again fuil of optimism about greater eco nomic cooperation Mr Trudeau obtained from Japanese Premier Takeo Miki an undertaking to encourage Japanese companies to import more processed and manufac tured products from Canada And statement signed by the two leaders seemed to promise that the Japanese would try to remove some of the protectionist obstacles to the sale of Canadian goods in Japan For score of years trade between the two countries has been largely of mutual benefit if somewhat lopsided Japan crowded island star ved of natural resources has found in Canada dependable source of coal for its industry wheat for its food processors lumber for its houses and so on Canadians in turn have taken wholeheartedly to Japa nese cars motorcycles to Pan asonic and Sony TV sets and tape recorders to cameras and THE PICK OF PUNCH telli once is channeled elsew ere to the citys and tax payen 1088 would be reasonable if say that every ma or issue and problem facing arrie today is largely the result of the in transigence of vested interests and the cooperating backward ness of city government in the past There is infinitely worse to come for the same reasons Is there any taxpayer in Barrie who feels he gets full value for his tax dollar now Would it not be better to get more mileage from that tax dollar than just to clutch at it What year next year if things continue as they have been Sincerely Arthur Store Barrie On and their solutions where these solutions could be unpolpular and wont face them unt they are actually forced to by condi tionsas at present we have wage and price controls acted on much later than they should have been And the politician who doesnt conform soon loses favor The signal example is Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau Last New Years Trudeau looked ahead to possible changes and threats in the eco nomic system He was greatly misunderstood and his fall in favor dates from that speech Here Ontario Treasurer Dar cy McKeough has had the courage to do the unpopular things which had to be done such as regional government which should have been done long ago and which wouldnt have been nearly as drastic if it had been done then and there is more resentment against McKeough probably than any other member of the govern ment On the other hand years ago Ontario brought in hospital in surance as our first big social insurance venture To the nonpolitical observer it was obvious that this should have been started with deter rent principle But then premier Leslie Frost knew both that the deterrent would be attacked by the oppo sition and that completely free system uncontrolled by deterrent would be more popu lar with the public And so we had and have nondeterrent plan standup fight between two adversaries for the favor of the lookerson It is definition to remem ber host of other hightechnology products The chronic problem of cour se is that out exports to Ja are chiefly raw materials at will be turned into finished goods by Japanese workers Our imports from Japan on the other hand are fully manufac turedgoods TRADE IMBALANCE In 1975 the Japanese bought $2115 million worth of Canadian ex rts We bought 512074 mi lion worth of products from Japan It would be highly super ficial interpretation to describe that trade as being in Canadas favor Not only is the labor content almost entirely on the Japanese side but on percapita basis Japans purchased from us were about $1840 vs our im ports of about $5240 from Ja pan Still on Canada is ket for cars uipment ut when the Japanese are buyin the ictureisnt always rosy ana an pork producers for instance complain of the er ratic fluctuations in Japanese purchasing patterns percapital basis ns largest mar sets and sound

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