Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1976, p. 20

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20The Barrie Examiner Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words cents per word $500 Card of Thanks 25 words ANNOUNCEMEN SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Saturday Oct 30 1273 S500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse pei count line extra 2i cents per line Coming Events BIRTHS niii miittixi IiVlitillIii in TllLl KthJllirtittTLi arutqny riii ins iVSi by CIHIHIII rm klttn which it it nmtimi ta Ix tiiiint icltiai ttiu Iflt wi Illkl iri Dlill Ltlll Imi Lm ii or its iii cuimx siw iLiiilm leiiii Jkt oinci IIE Niti llvr5iiiltiit minis F3 ii it iulittu Hull an it llJrlti Shllltll tnt Horrii liti Its um gt the Grim ral JDCI Cc mixmoo on rTirtt year with itr and Mrs at wt Lars Mrs Rclrw iinrt er Frank Col chtiu the uni Crucntom vvvvv istiitforiv lini Cijrin Hr EnSKi Centric As the result at in HUVTDC MtnOrtFtl Iorontn an October 28m 1976 inwsx Brlovca husband of Gtry Ramask 0t Barrie nm lrcm at Burr and Ed yinu Qrsrnu at the Jan Honii ii Bradtord St iw from Saturday at at Mass at St Johns vinrnr v1 vawitrir ii in intvvr in 5Cutfiitnr itiiiiiiiiiiiiA345w 1121 01 it l9 tliv ssmt aloncl lcs any Q9 ole rumembrreu every day No locum our tr tr snarrv E1 tr irlS sons always there Mina rwnwrnoerna oy brothnr 821 sisvr in ii Nancy Joy and Peter BROWNE Janicc in lawna rm mgr river stepsister and aunt Mr was SMILIPNW takrn from us Oct lirS Vourorc rvrmn ss Your on we treasure viria OJ always Coraiitma you nnvrrr Sadiy insswt Dy Prom Stuart Gcott NE lri lOVlnq memory at aritwr janice who passer away $75 trout you Jan mochaay same to mi rCJ flriCBi 31 ViifiAWDCV too mung memory of rti it irtf who Drtl new fifl nri trrswar pin lirzi mi ii i3 liy rrlllf Iriissiu sons and Lva and mooning HALE in IDVIVTQ riiirrior of MTV strrfiittirr and grandfather who plissmi nwayOct I916 Sadly missed airing lift QUictI VVIIIITIIIFIJ cvciy rtii No Ioriqir in our lift to shariv But in our ticor Hr always IITIII Joan Tariff mrt liv itiili will ll flr of it liiir hawk gum iiivit ill Uri ti lrl 71 iii iigtll in limiimti unlitv5 llt itfl Ii liililiy llirifl turnHr mvll iiii 12 lfll iiivli Mi lllrIV trii lvll llli iiiiflwl ixmy suitorin iiir ti iw Happy tiriiii III on tlliltflTl thWNtiI iiimi inmmn xiiii But Jriilti lirt liitt Iriniiliriimi Ttii wrirtri on now till Sitttly rrisltirt ind iluiis ltfnlnifTl by hlilf Krrlly iriin Jclnlfi Ltvlm BROWNIE For lilflle who was takin so surtdinly on Or tuber 31 i975 The miniriry of your sweet sinilc and loving nature will remain in our hearts always mdly missed by It Crane tamin BROWN In Iovmg mcmory of dear friend Janka who passld away suddenly on Octobcr 31 W75 Sadly misscd by Gitn Ktinlttii nun iii 71 WV EvciynCarliir CREATIVE $37 per column inch comm EVENTS tilNGO EVEWMONDAY 8pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch I47 St Vincent St and Cundlos Rd jJACKPor $400 CONSOLA ION SIOO str BAZAAR AND TEA HUME BAKING FANCY VORK ETC VVELNESDAY NOV Iiu1pni CNJDIILLOWS HALL FuriisLarivi IvoTitlutitSilc grits iAUsplcOs fitVER RLBLKAH LODCF Nu IQU 027 30 ANNUAL FALL ILING November Btli Hi View Plaza Bayview Little Ave Opened to the public $400 per person Sponsored by Parents Without Partners O330N45 Arts and Crafts Show Sunnidale Community Centre Barrie sxrvtcn wii bc lOv rid mommy or ri slw and aunt Janrru who passer November T976 12 noon to Admission SI Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary First Barrie Scouts and Beavers lCraltsrnen are invited to sell and display their work ceramics macranie jewellery wall hangings art work weaving Do your Christmas shopping early 030 N3 the 8forgigi oun cation p€d©rmrri9 Ail Aémc 44m Presents Mothers bring your children to see Old Man Coyote Creation an adaptation of Crow Indian Folk Tole for K3 Nov at pm 75 GEORGIAN COLLEGE THEATRE BARRIE Tickets at door or Foundation office 103 Dunlop 72846l3 N3 CLASSIFIEII ADVERT iixlli UIJIII tll viiiui air lily insults Method of hurtling tiwm than 74 words count as 74 words Each initial Uhlillrifl tlori mi of numth im iutii us snparuto Norris ERRORS AND CORRI CTIOH All phone iiisrrtioii orders riru acraitud as convniiierirn tn thi advertisers Therefore the Classified AKIVOIISIHQ Dopartrrwrit firlllllrS ad irInrtisurs It Linn mu ii mlmrirwu in itim ii riii ii iiiiiy tii lltl It ltlit sun li lly with in Ihii Billlit lflliltlitl riisiimisitilri lifily Ili ltiIIlfly giiiimit IfiltlIill lily niimiimuiiniii and than littly ilm FIVVI it imiiimi ml ilrii mailiii ttii llll Illfil ffllili win It ll tllil illll Ilil mlui ilii artiiiiminmin mu rim uligihli in mum tiiiiis liy lriULI grinds The Burnt Etllflltill reamus the right to classify firtil If in ion any want ads PHONE 770 74 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day WANT ADS PHONE 72824l4 00 SQUIdaY More frususioriciiis VESPRA TWP ELECTION NOTICE Nominations will be received by the undersigned returning officer at the Township offices 17 Owen 51 Barrie during office hours am to pm Friday Nov 12 and Monday Nov i5 T976 to serve on Vespra Council for the years council seats I977 and I978 for the following REEVE DEPUTY REEVE THREE COUNCILLORS EARL RICHARDSON RETURNING OFFICER 030 N3 TENDERS TENDER FOR FUELS SEALED TENDERS clearly marked TENDER FOR FUELS will be received by the un dersigneiliintiI4230pni TUESDAY NOVEMBER I976 For the supply of the following FuritaceOil DieselIuel Gasoline Specifications and tender forms are availaqu from the un dersigned and must be used Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted LANGNER Treasurer Township ofInriiinl Stroud Ontario 020222730 Teerific Twosome liiiilcil Iullcrrt gt SIZES le l0V2I8V2 Young carefree EASY Simp lily summerfall living with this twosome Sew Ttop of stretch knit to team with skirt Printed Pattern 4531 Hail Sizes IOIlz 122 14162 18 Size 14 bust 37 top yds 45 knit skirt 23 yds 60inch $100 for rich pattern cash cheiiire it money order Add for each pattern for first Eli ilWll and handling Ont residents add 7c sales tax nt ptrnl Size Style Num her your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept Ili t3riirri iiriiriiii so NW Nil lilll Twiii miltilth tints pliz ll Ilif instant Semirg 8er $100 Sew Kriit Book $125 Instant Money Emit $100 Instant inIiinn Book $100 Panavia new name in aviation MiiNlltliALitli chcrnl lAITlllICHn aircraft manufac turcrs arc beating path to Ot tawa sccking $2billiim con tract to supply Canada with new combat aircraft But in thc midst of tho famil litl IIS iizimcs rummou Mcliiiiiriill linuglzis Northrop illltl iiiiriJil llyiiumics is It IIIKK Ilillllt III lllt iIVIiIIIUII III lilulry Iziiiriviri lnrizuin 1i consortium fury Illtfl by IIIIllilI Aircraft Corp Mimscrscliiiiitt Itoclkowllliihm iil Wisl ticrmiiiiy mii Acritziliri of Italy builds thc multirrolc liiiiiiidii spokcsmzm for thc dcfcucc dcpzirtmcnt in Ottawa con firmed Lilitl the aircraft is among thosc being considered to replace fariadas CFIOI Voodoo intcrccptors CF104 Sturfightcrs rind IF5 Freedom Fightcrs Iurchosc of the Tornado would be consistent with Prime Minister Trudczius desire to lessen Canadas dependence on the United States in trade One of the requirements of any deal for new combat aircraft would be stipulation that some work be done in Canada Itcprcscntutivus 0f Ianzivia told Montreal ress briefing this wcck they ecl their air craft is competitive with US contenders stressing the versa tility economy and sophis tication of the Tornado Turbo Union Ltd which builds Tornados tilt199 engines said the aircraft has an extremely long tango and can operate in all weather conditions it Says Trudeau should study Mr King By DR RYNARI Ml Simcoc North interesting things happen in politics Just recently wrote 21 ncwspzipcr article regarding thc Trudeau government bringing in legislation which in many instances required when brought bcforc the House either changes or withdrawal of the bill Some of this lcgislotion passed the liousc but often the bills were not well thought out from the standpoint of public opinion Promises moilc during the clcctiou campaign of two years ago were not followed through Many millions of dollars wcrc spent foolishly and ciirclcssly without any thought foritscffccl Thc OIIIIIIISSIOIICI of official lziiiguiigcs Kcitli Spiccr now statics that thc bilingual policy is just not working This is all vciy disconcerting t0 the tax piiycr who has to pay for somcthing which is failure and particularly within the seat of government in the federal civil scrvicc whcrc only one tenth of thcin wcrc ablc to pass thc language proficiency test thn moncy is tztkcn out of thc tuxpnycrs pocket for policics not needed no matter what is yuiir nationality it mukcs you mad because we know that thc grcatcst crcutrir of inflation is the govcrnmcnt itsclf DEFITII PEOPLE In that ricwspupcr article poiutcd out that Mr Trudcau should nitikc study of Mockcnric Kings policies and pructicc his art of bringing pcoplc togcthcr The IlCWSpiiptlS across the country wcrc chcckcd for reaction and not urilil ii fzivorublc consensus of opinion was rcoclicd was Icgislatirin brought before Iorlinmcnt Then and only then did Mr King movc in thc bcst intcrcsts of thc pcoplc of Canada Mr King rzircly if ever defied the wishes of thc pcoplc nor did he gag Parliament It is amazing Maybe just maybc Mr Irudcziu has strirtcd to learn llc may just bc in Mr Kings primcr class Maybe he has tiikcn thc hint and started to study zinzidzi and thc onadion pcoplc and thc longcst acting primc ministcr in Canadian politics In speech given in Toronto on October Mr Trudeau started In my vicw Mockcn zic King is the onc who really orgziriizcd our party who put it iugcthcr in thc 205 after its tcrrihlc split in 1917 And Mzickcnzic King is thc one who rczilly built it togcther and put togcthcr that allizmcc 0f the East and Wcst rural and ur bzm zmd who rccrcntcd that itlllitlin bctwccn English and Iirciich speaking which had bccn tibsolutcly dcslroycd irt Iltli And fccl our party owes an immciisc amount just in strict organizational terms to Miickctizic King itllfl think can say in sonic fziirricss that siiicc thcri ricithcr St l£tlillil nor Icrirsiin nor mysclf hzivc ririlly lttllf thc rcliuilding job that lic did Iriibzibly wc didnt fcil uc had to but this rcflcc icil ill ihc piirt itsclf think nri nlll of touch Willi lnrgi scilions iii thc grass IUUIS cut iii lllt tiitziriii Munitiin bor Itl cxist is third pzirty itlill litlI it strung lilll il that tc liii sciisiu ilmiist lliill pindilution imiiiig tlic Irvinh SIXHkIIifl part of Ncw liliilllh liut wry Iittlc just our liiIIIllttI in tlic IIiiglisli purl of III IIIIIVIIIII Just uric mciii ltt Hill of four III It two lilillllttlS in Nova scotin So thml nu hzivc in worry its Lilwigils about our futurc 15 ii llJIlliillill pzirly II VK ADMISSION This was it frimk iiliiiissmii of thc Iriidiniu gmcriuiicut ziiid whirc II has led itsclf iivcr thi yirirs Mr irudcéiu hiis bccn iit powcr do but Igrcc with his linking of Mr St Lriurciit in this muss Mr St Lourcnt did not Iliin my lisuiiity in thc prirty whilc ho was primc miuistcr As muttcr of fact thiri was vcry litllc disuuity in Mr Icrirsous timc It bus bccn during Mr lrudcnus yours that the Liberal party has had such low ratings in the public opinion polls Mr Trudeau now acknowledges that the Liberal party is not national party and that this route may be com pIitcd during thc next federal clcctiiin It is uppztrcnl that Mr Trudinu in analyzing his own actions is now iiwzirc of the position in which hc has placed thc Libcrnl party and the disuiiity hc has culiscd across Canada If Mr Trudeau is sincere and willing to take new look keeping in mind the things he has said then there is hope that the Liberal party might remain national party After all every part of Canada should be representcd in any government and in any opposition IllRMACISTS ARMED LITTLE ROCK Ark AP Thirtyone harmacists met at the police apartment recently to learn how to use their guns for selfprotection in pharmacy robberies Charles West execu tive director of the Arkansas Pharmaceutical Association said New Orleans harmacists reduced the num er of rob beries in 1975 by banding to gether and training PROVIDES FOR OTHERS The average farm worker now roduces enough to feed and othe himself and 56 other persons The Barrie Examiner Where does The Examiner get its news like most daily newspapers in Canada we print many different kinds of news For example lOCAl NEWS is our chief concern Our editorial department includes reporters photographers and editors The editorial department is broken in to various fields of interest city district womens and sports But allperform basically the same task they collect write and edit new items about the events and happenings of Barrie and Simcoe County NATIONAL new is provided in large part by The Canadian Press cooperative newsgathering agency The Examiner sends new of this region to CF and receives from it via teletype wire news similarly provided by newspapers in other regions Of course CP maln tains its own staff of reporters assigned to special new beat or events Yet essentially it is through cooporative efforts that creates web of exchanged information This give The Examiner on the spot coverage from Newfoundland to British Col umbia while spreading to those points the latest new from Barrie Also The Examiner receives special coverage from writers such INTERNATIONAL now also comes to us through the Canadian Press CP maintains its own staff writers throughout the world each member newspaper including The Examiner pays on assessment to meet the costs involved 9th Im °° WWIIWI newsgathering agenciessuch as The Associated Press and RautersJor the exchange of news And again The Examiner receive special coverage from writers such asStowart Maclood EDITORIALS are separate function of daily newspaper Written to express the views of that newspaper News items do not express point of view they simply state facts It is only in its editorials and accompanying letters to the editor that opinion are expressed Editorials represent the voice of the newspaper in the community FEATURES come to The Examiner from groups called syndicates These include everything from Ann landers column to the comics and crossword puule They are purchased from various syndicates and generally appear as well in other daily newspaper hence the phrase syndicated columnist Six days week these elements are drawn together in the page of The Barrie Examiner Each edition represents the collective of forts of hundreds of people from Bayfield Street to London or Singapore This it why Simcoe County Road The Examiner 0hr Barrie Examitwr lb BAYFIELD STREET PHONE 7266537

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