ML DOGS AND PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums tlstt plants all accessories Lowest price 143 ArdagttRd 7260094 BARRIE POODLE Salonsham ing and clipping at all breeds ophla Street East 7264141 Saturday Oct 30 197619 PERSONALS The Barrie Examiner Diagonal Details IIELP WANTED ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHTHERE Daily Business Directory NELP WANTED MaintenanceFitterWelder required immediately Experience with maintenance welding repair gas and arc Current rate $6179 to $6573 per hour excellent benefits and working con FLORIDA 23 or weelrs from $9900 per person return POODLE TRIMMING professional BARBADOS 23 weeks grooming all breeds plckup and $219 per person return delivery 72643798 Pet Studio Book two months in advance Printed Pattern MAYS POODLE PARLOR Prat slonabli clipping arkd agoggénlg rea HAYIS TRAVEL SERVICE diyion5 flfl£i£iiï¬v 7284700 Need help JUSI l°°k °Ve he ads 591° The advemsers DOBERMAN PUPS bred tor Show or 030 N2 APPLY To listed are experts In their field and Will assure you of the egglrgghgnstplogï¬ï¬Iggfezlmiotsxgd Canadian General Electric finest iob possible dlspasltlon guaranteed Trgining 80 Bradford St available it desired Call8355556 IIIIN Barrie Ont SALES MANAGER RETAIL BROADLOOM Excellent opportunity for aggressive experienced sales person Barrie location Salary plus commission All company benefits Ap ply Mr Stone 4162944440 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppieSfOr gate months old temales only $20 each Telephone 5389 TRStor salé ROrébFed RB 02930 BEAGLE papers months old Phone 4362093 alters GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mix our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Telephone7262951 N=22x av ALUMINUM CARPET CLEANING SIDING SOFFIT FACIA Also eavas START YOUR spring cleaning today troughing Free estimate from Painswick Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam Aluminum 72649769 cleanin 7266321 GEORGIAN READS 521 523 ISilfttlï¬ BUILDING IIANDTMAN MICROWAVE OVENS GENERAL HOME or Office Repairs Prevented DELI MICROWAVE SMCN Maintenance Renovations Carpentry Pain tln Minor Plumbln 7260038 SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mawlng so ding seeding general maintenance tlowerbeds etc 7268552 HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Poin tlng Plumbing Real and Chimney repalrs Smugglers Notch Vermont Jet DC9 Champagne Flight Transfers Welcome Party nights accommodations based on or bedroom chalets con dominiums Walking distance to lifts Service Charges Taxes Authorized Amano Sales Service to all Microwave ovens 7264177 anytime MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dance Good rates 7289545 FREE USE at Our spreaders to lertillze your lawn this tall with weed control or ordinary tertllizer Start the spring with estimates ARIi609 STEAM CLEANING special $2995 any living and dlnln room Professionally steam aranteea 7267389 DON SIESLING Professional painting In terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction uaronteed 7266808 tlrstclasslawnBrays Garden Centre Quads from $159 5219 PRODUCTS male CAZPEINEEï¬ZAINTER MING rzgztgLWm mum ML Double 318 to 5249 we at 63407 PAINTING It ALUMINUM imam admit C°NSTRUCT° MW °° UNDERWUDD BROADLODM MILLS oorandwalltlllng 7w4 MACHINERY now siding °Eovestrough Wamm Wilson PAINTING Shaman RFFORKLTTQRHTMF my HAYs TRAVEL SERVICE N2 son Windows Gener9 Monienance stiéiiZiotï¬Ã©isTahitiSimf 252enlistaI°ICiIILLiS 72 °° 030 Facio spoofs ANIIQUE gillAIRCANJIrggéoiisrggggozaox Fertillzlng and Trimming WAYNE ZOLEY Professional pointm Ex snowmobiles 19735kiwhi1 model 4oowT shuners Awnings mg Painng terlar an Interior Free estimates Work twin cycllnder and model 300 slnge TELECARE Whygm Your problem cylinder Asking $1000 tor both 726 0389 after pm COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Plese cal collect 416 alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7367922 ainytime ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS7286581it Trosh hauled trees cut AdditionsRooting Smaum OVInglO Porch Enclosures Stonework required FARMERS MARKET 9362631 Far free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING tternoon or evenings Kempview Bowl terlor wallpaperlng custom textured walls and rentals 7261551 PP P01 Donahue 7289761 ysgopso7ences mprave your propery andcellln sTelephone7068355387Iocal HORSES BoARDED Creemore area UNWANTébHArer rroblérrn Révre ROY DOIRON painting contractor lnterIOT er month Call Sheila 466 5017 Local Family Business DRESSMAKING wk ban In 5303 removed solely permanently medical Anus P°d HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip Iy approved Lydia Hrenchuk Certitied 1458 d5 AIIJxINUM SlalNG Solfel Fascia dgors DRESSES JOSE AQUNO PdhzlNï¬zzmi l33°° ment repairs saddles andtack Hender Electrologist 7372671 wl accessories oovestrou in ma ntaror exterior asta Is 101 222C St Pans arrie Custom building Fox Contracting 711619710a Specialising in Pantsuits gawns and altera TRUCK WITH CAP on MU DVD 25 700 FIG ullmolfl WOTk IUOT SEEK 7387 2952y AMAZINGLY QUIcS rem dlscomor om Won 726m anything large or small anytime anywhere om 7mm ot mouth sores white canker spots den 7281885 Reasonable rates 7283419 WELL TEMPE RED registered Holstein tal plate sores tender gums with Flet QUALITY DRESSMAKING Rams and altera hm PAVING bull 17 months old sired by Elmcrolt chers Sore Mouth Medicine Available NI LADIES AND gentlemen ahemuonl 26 tclonsngalgasonoble rates Fast service Pontiac Chieftain excellent conception at Cusdens Pharmacy and all druggists Mary St telephone 7373432 or residence Lflkwm IILOTTA CONTRACTING Patios 391700 P°m 3813 WHY SUEFER agony with Corris and 7288446 INTEROR EEMOPELLNG Kh° sidewalks steps chimneys curbs New HORSE AND Tack Auction First and Callouses Reliet now is yours trom PTIb 07MAC0 Ur l36365°613°PA work and repairs Fro ostlmptu third Mondays at 600 pm Stouttville England Carnation Corn Caps have 19May °E 4584235otter6 Stockyards Dorens at new saddles been sold tor over century with etlec GRAHAM EA ESTROUGHING In NEED MORE living ace rec room extra tack horse egmpmentsold byauctIon at live results medicated pad that really WWWS WWW 99 bedroom playroom oundry oltice storage wholesale prices 50 100 horses does the job Corn Caps or Callous Caps Mon Fri COLORED Aluminum eavestroughlng All space Also paintlng wallpoparlng Murray breeds Canadas number one Horse Ball 7288906 Auction We get them sold All buyers nu II 51 limml7269769 AM IromIn at all types We stock man sizes mm or me Chrismas draws for 993 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement Pb 9m 3m INTERNATIONAL Investtgation Ser kin down mce No Hence SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists planning and decorating privacy screens fwd eCmeiIef Tact °n vices civil criminal marital investiga 99° mle p9 Con now be repaired in Barrie Roofing and rooting repairs Free estimates and patios aluminum door The number for ff Sign ma lions surveillance Discreet and can reqUIred all you need Is pleasant telephone vOice Ca 7265982 for 05 de en Ca114241956 New Lowell Mum£12899 gt lidential 737 2977 Meet fnends for Iunch linmcl SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chim 6Y5 BAYM091C a05m° DO SOMETHING NEW phone or merVeW Ca 05 make your busy rounds In dable servtce Electrohome neys waterprooï¬ng brick and stone coulk CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING Bay IllY QUIet disposItIon $1200 or humidifier accessories are also Available at CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom work done and guaranteed by owner Free Storm windows cleaned installed DAYS 7268424 PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 lng windows and expansion iointsWotk guaranteed 4588346 CARPENTRY REPAIRS ronoyoToni iEEï¬nT INTERIOR PAINTING For free estimate on on room In your home George MacPhersOn 4886 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior axe OATES 62 Dunlop St East Custom RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SPECIAL CLEARANCE ol Used and New Trailers Several makes Also lease best otter Telephone 728 2422 or atter 30 776 7933 HORSES BOARDEO and trained Echo you drink thats your business It you W0193UIEL9995E0 TEE BOWLERS WANTED to start Sep tember teams couples or singles now available at Cusdens Pharmacy Rendelvous Dating Ltd 1416 4534661 Brampton il 9pmAnyage Barrie will not be responsible tor any WALTER FAETz oI 181 Grove for General Motors Dealership Flat rate shop Excellent medical and insurance benefit plan available above average remuneration plan with bonus 726 After 1000 am Monday November 1976 6110 Note no waist seam fluidfalling dress with slitti ming diagonal bodice detail fl 20 Spring Ranch loth line at Oro Phone EIECTROHOME CONSUMER swcos ctccmc nitLintazli°az°notï¬e 737 0832 Siiéféiiiéiï¬ia ziiiwiihtsxiimnr 02930 Sg°dlgatfg1253g Igssga SERVICE CUSTOM BUILDING and additions Cottage See our ad in the Yellow Pages FOULTRY AND CHICKS ton consent RD IndustrIa Commerctal mung and hwmkmml Muminum ding SIZE 12 Ibust ta es 2A 49 MURROW Residential Farms doors windows and accessories Fax con ARTIFMM CUIIOT PkUO 009 Wid READY to lay pullots Also larm tresh yards 454mm fabnc UNITS Li hin desi acting 7254710 glï¬tlops Factory grc2ea 8431 service 9995 Brown egg birds avallable mid SILVER WATCH 05 Sears Dept for each pattern cash BARRIE N20 EIeCgricoIgconSUï¬ng 24123332 IcartTg Hum POUHW Farm ment Store on October 26th Reward Cheque or money order Add Telephone 726 9849 DIAMOND RING lost in or around vicinity of Cusclens Store on Collier SI 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 15¢ for each pattern for first class mail and handling 0st residents add 79 sales tax HEAVY CAPONS lor sale dressed 85 cents per lb Telephone 458 9513 Cookstown INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bari rie oreo $5 up Dobson 4245910 alter Sand weekends TENDER FOR SNOW REMOVAL RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoo MOW Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned until pm Novem boorded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd 7283397 ML 728 7708 MTW 7288234 INCOME TAX mums paperd am to Tormmom WEE FARM MACHINERY Genmumwar up one ber 10 1976 for the scraping of snow from me orkin area of the Print plainly Size Style Rum ee Auto pARIs EXCAVATNG MLELMEEEED Sum ROOFING RACTOR Massey Harris om 0nd HELP WANTED Credit Union Office at 234 Yonge St North Stroud her your Name gdltltWSSnsegd AND ACCESSORIES INSULATION AND OOHNQ New and old pain loader WIIII 10 WOW and snow plow Anyone wishing tender forms and instructions may pick them up at to Anne Adams er en ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage FACTORY REBUILT ENGINES for most cars septic systems trenching and trucks facilities to rebuilt your own gravel 4361558136437 engine budget terms avalloble Hours Mon andchdins Asking$150 Callub 1115 the Credit Union Office VEGETABLES WICE TreasurerManager The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowing and putting Free estImates Scott Muir 728l267 FLOO estimates 3774997 after6 pm SECRETARIAL SERVICES loader work INSURANCE pf 530 BUILDOZINGImollondiorseiobsEEmon ww APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con O30 Scarborough Ontario IY EM 73 °° 21122111M2Efllflfl1 NDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIAL Sawtces and 355 1Y0 77907 775 39 0°59 MIP DRAG LINE warty wantd Farm ponds dlt typing Picked up and deltverad Coll undays ourcon amen St les 1015 Of LIIle hing general excavating etc Phone PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup yodmunjnaafl FOTATOES sale Sebagolu 75 lb 7268693 pIted Trearemovsl Custogspéaying For bags Charles Ellsmerc RR No Bar EaSleS In our Wiit kl 6373401 rig 72a 4956 WINTER PATTERN CATALOG WEST GROVE 7289369 esa Willard batteries antifreeze washer CONSTRUCTION poucwn STRETCH elm start Oct lath FURIIZONnixn70 Sigggnébsggfgeor BABYSITTER REQUIRED Monday to jumpsults tops pants plus antifreeze black heaters etc All at com Junior losses Saturday Mrs Callander Bayhmd 728 8527 An unusual opportunlty for on SFIUBY Inalfludc ltghhlhgxsekggplanngd Total wardrobe patterns Free 7351 M50 1° 15 so Badhoe Excav Landscape contracting and ZEiégrrhh rr experlemed salesperson 17 Ialnynisnr TQEngonï¬mï¬Iw after pattern coupon 75¢ 90 933170ENC£21 Trenchlng desigrlb SEWING MACHINES EB°NMS represent leoding Canadian 309 Instant Setting Book Sl00 AUTO REPAIRS IA company selling life insurance PERSON to drive delivery truck in town sew Kn Book OIIZOTT ugerlng Dale sImpgon Bsc Agn 1904 co ialists repairs all tor automotive parts delivery Telei Instant Money crafts WE REPAIR British European and Japanese malt Industrio domestic sewing peIISIons iSO Income on phoneme 0737 ta $1 Sssironation Auto Serv 17 Mary St Quality plant material chin NW4 md Arm 90 employee bane plans NORMAN Sheswe Real Eye is as on no Complete maintenance Unistane drives and walks SewlnlMachIneszv7B7116771 73774185 expanding It you are interested in ioini SEWING MACHINE repair Specoi ho ptl ing professional sales torce please call WE OFFER IS BEST TICKETS niioittrs FIREPLACES sass Clean oil adjust tension Any make AN ESTAgLISHED CLIENTELLE 728 3793 torpea rcgglgdsmliaédinterview 4375 tr ltk 7374535 II ne carriers TRAININ PCVOUSP Evgmngs B7 5386 tglI AVOIOblei on ALL TYPES at persons male or female Barrie Office 7267801 SNOWPLOWING Free delivery Credit cards ac FINANCING Ammy relate children is me 9559 COTTAGE OWNERS MANAGEMENT OP ent Bachelr degree wnh meal serwce ecjalizin no OI one 10000 WHITE spruce trees high ready tor SIMPSON residentlal and commercial cepled ICE OEt0rurt$ not necesgary Call BOT facilities fall planting Free delivery anywhere HAY TRAVEL SERV PORTUNHY Brawndale Barrie 7057268861 Available or reservation 9909 bfiCk 7299404 PAULS SNOWPLOWING residential and 7234700 PROFESSIONAL CAREER SALESPERSONS Wanted by Federal REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUT BUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH commerclal reasonable rates tree estlmates call Poul 7373064 Small Vcamimor clal and residential Reasonable rates Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed COMPANY BENEFITS Apply in writing to LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANAUP Pruning mowing sod Trust Real Estate tor Barrie and Simcoe County For cantidential interview plese call Les Wainwright 737 2300 or 030 CALL 7281866 TThSN4 THURSDAY SANDHAM residence 4367396 dl BIRD nous PETER HENSTRA 737 287T inwamm£nlo 3992 57 IRLE 40 ST CW AVE WEST SUITE hï¬fï¬taisiï¬iiTQSLILELLPIEERIE FRIDAY USED H7ulth Xianzmazgcénlsliï¬zgnrgkéfll$g Aw 910 will be kept conticgsntial SalarY PURPLE MARTIN I9 tabl Pl call raham Wilson Melrosa Barfly teolrextgne REESE COLONIAL FIREPLACE ml new bu WflWflSJyï¬Lcm yélaieiiflaegg°gï¬$ sélosrrgnrs YORONTO ONTARIO Mdv M11124 gagocree at 7373 1081 gt Advertisers frequently ask this DOOKKEEPING Ea$aï¬Ã©axgua We MAINTENANCE CONSULTANTS 9°i° we will be pleased EMPLOYMENT WANTED question Fortunately there is com rowersmmzwe is You TELEVISION IEASING ogpeoiaehotdo Ensaymecnxnzwmpo 3° bes dav Lgsagxgmginiggh PRESS PLATES 13I370ml vow am Barries only House at Leosin Lease your presentation in Your iTnelggggse g3genvlgxiwggs answered pzéeffos oldnofes sagisfg 23lX35 009 CARPENTRY Be 03 °é°ts7328 home at any nme MATURE poison wouia Iiieiabvsii their wants We recommend 30 EACH CUT ENERGY COSTS T00 9993919 For details ting on weekends available to stay over AND General Contractor Kitchen rec Have solid mosonory fireplace Home HAYTS TRAVEL SERVICE 191 BVEBISTWEQS C737977 01 You 50Y°ur 0d i°m°°W AT THE BARRIE ZZLALdI°73f£7 dd° °° at about the same cost as DO YOU HAVE TOO MANY 7284700 SoilgéagrkEcmfgzgaggmd WEEKLY °nd cancel When YOU 99 Erwin 5553123533 Franklin For free estimate RECURRING REPAIRS OR gï¬xgdaï¬fggï¬gfljgé$555339° 030142 results After many Years of ex tgoraarempdelling trim etc Pleasecoll phone BREAKDOWNS ir Id Rd pzrlence kWith millions of want ASK FOR MR NEAR 75r°°PLLv 0y it at Un 95 we now tomorrow is CEDAR DECKS rooms ostensiom etc 7285673 requires best day 50 Your ad and 726 6537 TF Lu$5 at 7393Z7giw All work and materials Provides qualified consultlng LONE STAR deadlIne for ClaSSllIed every day is he be day od hens vanities Pine turilltufï¬ renovations carry 1Year warrany Eliminate Your WOTd ads vertise in The Barrie Examiner g2fg °° c°° mslY POblems STROUD pm Classified Section EXAMINER To oimgicanaaa wni7r anon suppms ORILLIA 3250254 WANTADS Machine dug wells shingle and trim houses Reasonable pricqs Experienced all makes of cars pTGVIDUS day Phone 7282414 PHONE 7282414 776lmg mm CHOICE TOPSOIL for sale Evening and Sotur we donl supply par 052i1glnrrwI The very popular country West T9eph°ne manager noon saturday ma535535iI °°b°gt Virginioiamboree 7264205 21013niedklllfltigrgtructIOQJZQNbl Reserved TICkels 50 Nile mowmA WALNLNLI CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovationc Performance remodelling at No lab to small 7261771 303N113 dï¬ï¬aovpamn AND EbMAkSONRYk Corgplnte block toupdo eone nighfs Quamy In VT hm lions rlc war on rep aces roe r7 cmAeRTEUTcIERY £32ng ETD KISSTLMZ wflkrrfflgrqpqn 79121 IMOfllï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬L hd Return Air Conditloned Bus Completion of OILM Guelph ting Co 7263407 No time off work Fri Dec Sun Dec Quad $69 Triple $72 Double preferred Applications may be obtained from TUDOR STYLE INTERIORS Construction Finishing NOTICE deadline lor classified MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 7264489 Garages cleaned Trash hauled away MNDSTAND MUSIC die Ba ll Id Mall word ads 575 MRS YORKE OI Inlerors Guitar classes Yamdho Methoriall age 3p Coll Kathy Royal Victoria Hospital wallsceilingsrec rooms YOUR CASTOFFS MEL7764973 HAYS WAng SERVICE Barrie ACCORDION it TBVIDUS For mIormaton please call 4875525 7263441 mi a£¢23£i°tt m3 7284700 noon Saturday ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy olMuslc I21 Bo Ield 7281799 7372412 between 10 am and 530 pm Christmas is Time of Joy and Bills LE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ART CLES FOR SA NE Accenume me ioys OIL BURNER complete 5100 Electric BOATS M01035 Eliminme he bins gemrlmg SLR whim slsui by becoming an AVON me blgytcslessfg wheelers aTl S15 each 15d°Y5 Hong Kong Represemoive in your sigh iiil ll IIVII 73129995729079 $82900 ow 7239652 or rdWS 453° FRIG AND STOVE suitable tor cottage °r °° 12 14 ft Aluminums Hyatt Regency $279$379 Every Saturday The holiday of am t0430 pm $35 each Telephone 736 77379 write AVON PO Box 485 SNOW TIRES one Balihtihiï¬sédérié Barrie IIIIIIIIIIMJ ANGUS wlntemas hone72itl2i9 33 hp boutRtroller $1195 lifetime Every Saturday ylcCLEERikiégilgéfdflï¬fï¬oodcdngi 55 hp boatwtop $1395 HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE MU am to 430 pm Ignaz egocentismtzzisnwz 4313i °°3ISINJE °° 030 CDOKSTDWN INTEREST FREE SALE SALES CAREER ON 19 Rg ARTICLES WANTED $2299 Male or lemale or couple It you own wcsimouousc °° arai b°° 50 PMmDm MET $3122ii30IIIIYLIO$2OWIEII COLOUR TV TF old pictures clocks oddS and ends Pre 295 basis or $5600 or more part time 50 year BUY Now °° C°°m°r°n 5°b°°°°m° HAWAII it designated INSERTS PAY OVER I2 Mo PERIOD ARTICLES FOR SALE AllTICIES FOR SM 295 film °° Vew BURTON AVE WITH No INTEREST CHARGES SPORT HAVEN MARINE February tour sold out How °7MGai72 647l ON BARRIE TV CHARGE AC Shanty Bay Rd Barrie about our tour to islands Mar ï¬xï¬glgflï¬kgï¬ï¬sggk 32 gaze coum 72°°° 2° AP °V°Y 52517555252I1°LanXLI$ai°5JIL WILLOW LANDING MIOHURST 030 Moona Hotel in Waikiki and the Good for November only Examiner fun Hotel Kaanapali Beach on Maui Yes we escort this one COMPANY requires Iull orpartftlme 22 FT SHEPHERD help with car Work days or evenlngs10 mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS sate clean and reasonable Telephone 7280915 18 CUTTER Deep runabdut I66 hip airtime 2323232Cé3 too no ratshznaiiztsazzair Emma EPAR COTTAGES AND OUTBULDNGSI megsmmenema7 HAYS TRAVEL senice Emegtfgfrï¬mLiueggsgmmh Please ï¬ll out the applicatlon be ow an return VIIII cocou LINE GRAINAIRIES 3le OR BUILDINGS WITH Mm 23 21751523 Mtme Teephone THE BARRIE EXAMINER iiiiliéeiziiinii$375 Lf TARMTIIs MARKET ritutts VEGETABLES Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬ald St Barns $9 95 BOAT STORAGEfIttsIde andmdutslde From or Phone 7266539 PRESS PLATES APPLES lust $3167 monthly over 12 nonths Higcéféï¬rnehï¬v153331311FETAL Fresh irom our orchards You BUYERS CHECKLIST 23 35 009 THICK flï¬gï¬iï¬flghflhflgl 73 MACINTOSHDELICIOUSSPYS I974 EVINRUDESnï¬Ip new laud 7090 99 7914 Special this week SPYS Bring your own containers Weekends until Oct 31 next to Bayfield Mall JONES WILLOW GROVE ORCHARD 5195995741 otter Telephone days 7282016 or even 0232930 TF 13957263944 WWW Address wBame 1V charge account No payments illl Dec whee same day delivery wWII service whal we sell 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 CAMPING EQUIPMENT flgt TRUCK CAMPER lor V2 ton pickup prov pane stove 110 volt relrlgerator suitable tor people Asking $900 or best STF WISTINGNOUSE TelephoneAge