Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1976, p. 6

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Jul sexuality Dr Asimi eral guests at tb family anning wOrkshop Sfihsored the Simcoe C0u Healt nit in cooperation the nistry ofhealth About 120 che soéiél workers workers attended th xi session Dr Asim id are three basic ual activity or pleésure se of its sake sex ii or ual rmancegif nec for of til per thi Canadians must look at socie tyand establish set of ethics to teach th rgchildren says Rev James Sllgttrnpsoimf Knox PresbyterianjChurch Brace br g6 nless unifiEd ch is to morals the con to bega open ria of conflict ics nethicsf for told 15d red Héaith try of alent ly he d5 ere is atbfinpe ngle offlifiersonal fiimhi everybody it ctive out wanton at Catholic castration the northe Womens Mar Whela rs m1 lw are st ation It adhdritd to its itsdlealiabl oftbopilia milUm It mcycle in It ayof or her thefbomen th oily do wgbn The to tch for fir Friday act 29 i976 cond day of twoday family planning workshop spon sored by the Simcoe County Health Unit with the min istry of health at the on tinental Inn From left Dr Nancy Armbrust medical of ficer of health for Simcoe County Judy Morrow Irey County Marilyn Wilson Simcoe County Elizabeth Petrie York Liz wen Bruce and Dec Glennie lVluskokaIarry Sound Ex aminer Photo overindividualized formance sexuality or the con cept that person must per form in an expected manner dictated by societys norms Most of the problems of sex ual misadjustment today are result of mistaken attitudes hesaid REsuaoF And mistaken attitudes ac cording to Dr Asimi are the overindividualization of sex needs He said the psychoanalytical view of sex supports the in dividualization of sex Sup porters of this follow Freuds thinking that social institutions are tyranny to the indi vidual Freud said sex was the central need of the human be ing Sociologists and an thropologists however think sexual behavior is largely learned person integrates his individual needs and adapts them to society Chaoszprevails when there We give up too easily he said People get together with the preconceived idea that nothing can be done NOTOYHRNIUIII You cant expect solutions overnight he said The longterm plan he sug gests involves redefining the role of the family and sexual at titudes Making contraceptives more available to young people is too immediate an approach sim ilar to using bandaid for major problem That would be like saying teens are involved in traffic ac Examinei Stories by Roseanne McCabe Staff Reporter her dry days again or infertili ty When woman is learning the ovuldhon method she at tends demonstration clinic The nexfmonth is spent as trial ru which means sex ualabsti ce The wofnan must come back after thatumonth with full chart of own observa tions McCabe said The instructor over it with her to make her observations are unde andoccurate The hufibands should par ticipate by understanding the method she said The method approved by th Roman Catholic Church is be ing used by others who have no religious reasons Mrs McCabe said mid iayl SINGLE llKE MEETING PEOPLE Enjoy Weekly Parties Dinner Don ces Dance Instruction Trip Outings and much more is overindividualization Con flict prevails when the institu tions are too rigid he said Right now we are in the throes of both This individualization or selfishness is evident in at titudes toward family planning today he said What we need in Canada is more than just planning or population for economy We need to strengthen the family after all why should we plan for something if we dont know what it is weare planning for LARGE PART Sex values play large part in family he said Lack of harmony is often result of and cause of sexual identity problems he said His example the girl who has grown up in conflict with her parents might be the one to become pregnant Also husband and wife who feel their sexual life is un satisfactory might carry this disharmony into the total fami cidcnts so why not give driving This would in more teens courses in school result in ac Many women are turning to natural methods because they simply dont like the artificial met odsshesaid Commonly known as the Bil lings Method the ovulation theory was developed by Drs John and Lyn Billings of Australia In 1955 Dr Billings in vestigated the rhythm method the first natural method of birth control The success depended on regular men strual period The first Canadian Teaching centre for the method was established in 1972 in Mis sissauga by Itev John Buckley formerly of Barrie Now there are centres in akville North Bay Ieterborough and other provnices JOIN BAIRIES OVER 30 PARTY AND DANCE GROUP PATS DANCE CLUB Call 7373610 lylife If we take family life into family planning then think lot of these other problems with which we are so assionately involved with wi fall into place While laws often make our values Dr Asiini said institu tions need not be tyranny as Freud says think there can be workable compromise between the needs of the individual and the needs of society Profes sionals have role to play to solve the institutional vacuum existing because of the overindividualization he said In question period Dr Asimi was asked for an ap propriate model for family life in Canada dont think there is an ap propriate model existing But do think there is enough of the Judeohristian thinking left in society to reconstruct our family life Bracebridge minister tells meeting cidents because more teens are driving he said Those concerned with family planning must be concerned with more than just the mechanics hcsaid major flaw with profes sionals concerned with family planning is that they limit solu tions and the problem within their own field and exiwrienccs Doctors nurses ministers and teachers sec family planning from different ptisptwtivts Because everyone is seeking solutions within their own ex perience suggestions conflict Now we have confusion and paralysis in the area of birth control and family planning An example of one solution leading to another is the birth control pill VI INtItICASII The pill has solved some problems But then along came the increase in vcncral disease More young people were becoming sexually active because the threat of pregnan cy was gonc he said As well llt said niarilagc problems have occuicd when thc choice of having the family enters couples relationship He related story about couple who decided when they got married they would have no children Six years later the wife was well on the way to successful career and the bus band wanted children Here we face the problem of whose needs should be met first Life he said is becoming more complex and society can not afford to bumble along as it has been MM HOLLICI INIOMAItItIAGII KENT England itli Nadia Beard of this Birming ham town said her mother recently rtlllttlllttl Just before the wedding day her mother was busily organizing buffet lunch for 20 guests and couldnt decide whether to order it bread rolls or three dozen The big day ariivml and so did film rolls She had ordered 30 dozen by mistake Doctors reluctant about clinics county unit directors maintain When Ontarios pubic health units tried years ago to establish family planning pro gram doctors were reluctant to support it Now year after the provin cial government has funded family life pro rams through its 44 health units doctors are still stingy on referrals ac cording to family life program coordinators of five counties The coordinators were panelists Wednesday at the se cond of twoday family piano Family planning program in 44 health units in province The family affects the com munity That is why the provin cial government two years ago started family planning program now working through the 44 health units in Onatrio Dr Alistair Ihores consul tant for the maternity and child program for the ministry of health spoke to about 120 social workers nurses teachers and probation officers from Simcoe and surrounding countries The topic Family planning today It is not the intention of the government to step into the bedrooms of the nation he said Itather we want to en courage the options for those who wish to choose The government provides proportional funding to each health unit to carry out the pro gram The Simcoe County Health Unit is funded 100 per cent and has two family life co ordinators Judy Widdrington IIt MARILYN McTAVISII and Marilyn Wilson Seventyfive per cent of the $2 million program is for staff 20 per cent for rental accommoda tion and supplies and five per cent for professional develop ment LIMIT FAMILIES According to Dr Thores the ministry placed the program as priority in recognizing the need for some couples to limit their family He uoted statistics from study one last year by Queens University of Kingston teenagers Thirty five per cent of girls and 65 per cent of boys surveyed had had sexual inter course at least once Twenty five per cent of these used con tracepetive devices not discussed in school Seventy per cent had had intercourse at least once unprotected Thirty JACK HARPER eight per cent of girls and 45 per cent of boys considered all methods excepting the pill too much trouble In the past distribution of contraceptives and birth con trol information has been main ly in the large urban areas he said Now we need professionals who have updated information the subjects he said For so long it was considered womens business now we need cooperation between the interdisciplinary profes Sionals Positive results of the pro gram more than 150000 people were reached within the first year of the program he said Im not sure we should take full credit but the abortion rate decreased over 1974 maybe an indication that the provinces program is providing the necessary information RON LAVERNE ing workshop sponsored by the Simcoe County Health Unit in cooperation with the ministry of health Panelists were Marilyn Wilson Simcoe County Judy Morrow Grey Liz Owen Bruce Dee Glennie Muskoka Parry Sound and Elizabeth Petrie York The doctors were handling family planning already the panelists said Now attendance is increas ing but still not enough are us ing it panelists said In Simcoe County the pro gram was started last fall when the government funded it 100 per cent according to Mrs Wilson During the first months Mrs Wilson and Judy Widdrington visited high schools to talk with vicoprincipals and teachers They also looked for research material such as films and books to be used in the pro gram Much of the time was spent in an effort to teachers and parents Mrs Wilson said Now there is family life pro gram in Simcoe County schools and parental involvement is still stressed When film is scheduled for students parents are invited before hand to see the movie The two coordinators have also helped organize the cur rent family life and sexuality series offered through the Family Life Association LILLY JOHNSON Sterilization The Pill lead list of birth control methods Sterilization and the pill are the leading most successful birth control methods ac cording to Midland general practitioner lr Mzirylyn McTavish showed the various methods of birth control used today while giving the pros and cons of each in 43minute speech Tuesday at the family planning workshop sponsored by the public heath unit held at the II RAY STIIIHIAN Continental Inn Dr McTavish discussed suc cess rates of the intrauterine device IUD diaphragm jel ly creams foams the condom rhythm and withdrawl She began by condemning the method of withdrawal for two reasons it is unreliable as birth control method and it sets up sexual pattern for frigidityandimpotence Sterilization can be per IIIIV IOIIN DRESCIIER formed on the male or female and involves preventing the egg meeting the sperm This is ir reversible The birth control pill pro duces the hormones estrogen and progesterone to induce false state of pregnancy so ovulation will not take place The IUD is device which is inserted by doctor to prevent the fertilized egg from nesting in the uterine wall ELAINE STEllMAN 350 couples nowregistered for Women Alive conference The third annual couples conference misoer by Women Alive wi he held again in Barrie Nov 12 weekend at Central Collegiate auditorium The conference has already registered 350 couples and 500 couples are expected to register by registration deadline The three speakers are well known authors Dr ltay Stedman is the pastor of Peninsula Bible Church Ialo Alto Calif He is widely acclaimed as gifted Bible expositor pastor and counsellor He is the author of 13 books IIis church emphasizes strong laymens program and ANNOUNCEMENT IUTN PIIIIN The House of Bellini is pleased to welcome Ruth back to our Allondale location For complete UniSex hair cut ting please give Ruth call of House of Bellini The Holrcutilng Place Allondolo Gown St 1268571 he is now developing an intern and pastors training program called Discovery Dr Sted mans wife Elaine has written two books for women and is also much in demand as con ference speaker Rev John Drescher of Scott dale Pa is pastor of the Mennonite Church He has also been editor for years of the widelydistributed Mennonite paper the Gospel Herald He as written five books for the family and series of booklets for ministers chaplains and doctors He is listed in Whos Who of America The theme of the conference is The Balanced Life The Stedmans and the Dreschers travel extensively speaking at family and married couples retreats Knit Hook Wool Shop Free knitting bag with every $2000 purchase of wool wool accessories CAI WOOI WIPES W001 NIIDLEPOINT IUG NOOKING MACIAM PATTEINS IOOKS NEXT DOOR TO THE PLANT Pl ACE BAYFIELD MALI 737227I BARRIE The diaphragm is device which prevents the sperm from entering the uterus by covering the cervix With the jellies creams and foams Dr McTavish said the foam was most successful All three are inserted to prevent sperm from entering the uterus The condom made of rubber or skin is the common method used by males Rhythm the method req ing regularlity of the menstrual cycle was the only natural method discussed by Dr McTavish The disadvantage she said is that womans cycle is so changeable There was panel discussion following which involved Lilly Johnson chairman Jack Harper Barrie pharmacist Ron taverne an Owen Sound school viceprincipal and Dr McTavish Mr towards contraceptives have changed in 10 years since they hid devices in the bottom drawer of the dispensary The pill IUD and most foams jellies and creams are prescribed by the doctor Some are bought with the advice of the doctor or pharmacist and others are available overthe counter Mr Laverne quoted survey done on high school students teachers and nurses to judge changing attitudes toward sex The most broadly accepting grou was the nurses with Gra and 10 students next he said Teachers and senior high school students had narrow at titudes about such topics as homosexuality masturbation and intercourse As father of five involved with education he said double standard of sexual values still exists in society uir Harper said attitudes You Are Cordially Invited To Attend THE SIMCOE COUNTY CONVOCATION OF WiLFRlD LAURIER UNIVERSITY AT BARRIE CENTRAL AUDITORIUM On Sunday Nov beginning at Public reception at For further information call Cooper of 737058l PEOPLE AND PLACES SPECIAL GUESTS Rev and Mrs GlenDavis will be the special missionary guests at Westminister Presbyterian Church Oct 31 Rev Davis is pastor of the Fukwoka Korean Church Japan He will talk on the satisfactions and obstacles with his work in Japan Services will be held at 10 em and am pm coffee hour will follow EQUIPMENT Barbara Smith head physiotherapist at Royal Vic toria Hospital will demonstrate physiotherapy equipment at the meeting of the hospital aux iliary Tuesday Nov The auxiliary room on the eighth floor of the hospital Coffee will be served at 730 with the meetingbeginningatspm WIENER ROAST The annual wiener roast sponsored by the Blue Moun tain Bruce Trail Club will be held Saturday beginning at pm at Duntroon Community Centre six mile hike from Singhampton Caves to Devils Glen will preceed the roast EXCHANGE PLANNED The Ys Mens Club of Barrie is planning to hold its annual Ski and Skate Exchange Satin day Dec from to pm location for the sale has not yet been announced Cochairmen of the event are Al Purser and Gord McLeish DATE SET Final plans have been made for the Menettes annual Christmas Boutique The bouti que usually held at the Barrie YMYWCA buildin will this year be held at C0 ier United Church hall The boutique will be held from 1230 to pm Saturday Nov GINGERBREAD TEA gingerbread tea and bazaar will held Nov 20 from to pm by members of Burton Avenue United Church women at the church Featured will be baking candy jams and jellies crafts sewing and knit ting Ticket convener is Marilyn Letcher For informa tion and tickets call 7262060 MEETING CANCELLED The Barrie Rotary Club will not hold its regular noon meeting Nov 18 The meeting is cancelled because than even ing the club is holding an assembly KEEPING FIT Keeping fit will be the subject of public meeting held Tuesday Nov at pm by the Barrie Chapter of the On tario Heart Foundation in the Blue Flame Room Consumers Gas film called Celebration will be shown and this will be followed by discussion on the effects of todays life styles and diet Coffee will be served PREPERENTIAL TEA Beta Sigma Phi Sorority is holding its preferental tea Nov at pm at the Barrie Golf and Country Club The tea will honor all new members of the sorority BOUTIQUE The Barrie Menettes Christmas Boutique will be held Nov at Collier Street United Church Hall from 1230 pm to pm in Your Future Welcome Wagon is planning Special Party for bridestobo on1 Tuesday Nov 99t the Blue Flame Room Barrie For your ln vitotion Wbmoe 7161454 Voul be til you did George

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