Mrs Helen Vipond received the insignia of member of the Order of Canada from Gov Gen Jules Leger on behalf of her husband Leslie Vipond of Stroud He was unable to attend the presentation during ceremony at Rideau Hall the governorgenerals official Ottawa residence when 62 Canadians were honored for their contributions to society aSsw STROUD RESIDENT IS €33 73 znrs Mr Vipond is former na tional secretary of Young Mens Christian Association YMCA which he has serv ed continuously since 1938 He was praised for the leadership he has given Canadian youth not only in the YMCA but as chairman of the national conference of voluntary organizations held in 1974 He was one of 43 COUNTY GLIMPSES Midland mayoralty contest MIDLAND There will be contests for the mayoralty in both Midland and Penetan guishcne this year Midland Reeve Moreland Lynn and deputy reeve Catherine Dion are vying for the mayors seat vacated by Harold Boyd Brian Wood carpenter has also said he will run for mayor Penetanguishenc Reeve Li onel Dion says he will run against incumbent Mayor Vin cent Moreau Mr Dion has been reeve for eight years Zt5THANNIVERSARY ORILLIA lStaff Mr and Mrs Lot Shaughnessy of 46 Gill Street will celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary on Monday Nov BETITOV llltiE ItlIlZlON Staff Once known as tlarkesville this growing South Simcoe com munity has bad village status with its own elected council since 1884 Simcoe Countys oldest home for the elderly Simcoe Manor is located here This home dates back to 1898 PLAN BAZAAR DRILLIA lStaff St Marks Church Womens Guild will hold bawar on Friday Nov from to pm at the church ADJALA DEPLTY LORETTtHStaffi Russell Sirr is now serving his second year as Adjala township deputy rcevc Previously he was municipal councillor for eight years LONGBYPASSED COLLINGWOOD Stafft ollingwood hasnt had representative elected Simcoe tounty warden for 40 years The last warden from ollr Plan harvest services at Cookstown Sunday By MARJORIE ELDRIDGE OOKSTOWN The annual harvest home service will be held at Cookstown United church on Sunday Oct 31 Mrs Emily Marquis of the department of stewardship ser vices will be the speaker at 1130 am and Rev James Shilton will conduct the evening service starting at 730 Manitoba Masonic lodge had its ladies night dance last Saturday following dinner at Thornton community centre Having sold thcir George street home Mr and Mrs Roberts are holding an auction sale on Saturday Oct 30 Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hughes accompanied by Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ioborn of Newton Robin son left on weeks motor trip to Washington DC Mrs Reg Morey of Sean borough visited with her sister Mrs George Herbert last ATTENTION week Second instalment of proper ty taxes for 1976 is due by Wednesday Nov says notice from the villageoffice Mrs Albert Kell is home from hospital after been ill with pneumonia Our village was saddened to learn of the death of Mrs Ar thur Hansen who passed away at Alliston Oct 21 She was predeceased by her husband Art Funeral service was from St Johns Anglican church Cookstown with burial in the adjoining cemetery Also deeply mourned is Mrs Ernest Gilroy former resi dent of Tecumseth and Innisfil townships who passed away suddenly at Barrie last Sunday Community condolences go out to her son Ralph of Barrie The funeral was held on Wendesday from the Hughes Funeral Home HOME OWNERS its nonunion or FIREPLACE cumugvs Please be advised that the construction of chimneys and fireplaces are control the City of Barrie It is led by building permits in essential for all home owners to be aware that the Building Inspector must inspect these installations to ensure the work meets the requirements of the Ontario Building code The home owner is responsible to see that their contractor has obtained permit to construct If you have any questions regarding the above or require further information please call City Hall at 7264242 Planning Development Department City of Barrio HONORED ï¬g members the third level of the order Sixteen were made officers the second level and three persons named companions the highest level The order was es tablished in 1967 to honor Canadians for oustanding achievement and service to their country or humanity at large Ottawa Bureau Pho tn ingwood was the late Tom in 1930 Reeve Don Spooncr and Deputy Reeve James Helcher are the current ollingwood membcrs tllNlYtENlRli MIDHIRST lStafft Sini coe ounty administration cen tre will mark its third an niversary hcrc shortly after having been moved from Har rie which had been the courtly town since 18411 John White then provincial treasurer of ficially opened the building here on Nov 17 19711 when James lalcs ot lowronlio was count warden lorincr warden Arthur Evans lll for Simcoe Centre was among the spea kcrs Ernie Miller of tol dwiitcr the litlii tltltll in trodtictd other trdtnx prc sent at llttttt illl BAXIlIH llnsa tltlllltll will send one representative to Civic Night sponsored by the Kinsmen Hub of Alliston on Thursday Nov MIDIlthSl Staff Often mentioned its prospect for thc 1977 wnrtlcnslttp Deputy rccvc Alltui Glassford said here he was skeptical of new tax reform pro xisuls lhc Wclknowu lccumscth bccf farmer stated flatly llt lclt apprehensive about bcncfits from the pro osals to exempt farmland ant buildings from municipal tax He also won dcrcd about any overall itd vnntngc to taxpayers of having the province pay property taxes on government property smcc they would have to makc up this revenue in taxes Mr Glassford mentioned clausc under which it farmer would luth to pay back llic govcrmncnt for tax paymcnts if the property was ever sold for other purptiscs than farming IWNIIHSIIII It would make one wonder whether he owns his farm or not said thc deputy rccvc who is now serving his scvcnth year on county council The general idea of helping the farmcr was commendable but with in hcritancc and capital gains taxes the proposed new exemp tion was something to raise more questions The Ontario ltcdtration of Agriculture has been studying the farm aspect and spokesmen havent appeared to be too en thused Farmers should be wary of the implications when the provincial government of fers to pay all property tax of farmland Tctcr Hannah first viccpresidcnt of the Ontario Federation advised at recent meeting in Thornton He said proposed tax reforms could afr fect rights of ownership and municipal autonomy As farmer am very mtich interested and concerned too said the lccumseth deputy Iccvc when reference was made to vtcws of federation of ficinls As for taxing government plopcrly lhcdcpuly reeve said it would be the tax iiyers who would lie paying the ill in some otlicr form The 15 tax reform projmsals should all be con sltlcrctl with ttllt and caution after all the implications were fully cxplitmctl it was sug gcstcd These would be made effec tive whcu property assessment is channg to sales value basis slated for 1978 Assessors have been preparing for this change sincc the provincial govcrnmcnt assumed respon sibility for property assessment aftcr taking this administration from tlic municipalities and countics in 1970 The Simcoe of ficc is located in Barrie TOUT EXAMPLE member of the county finance committee Deputy Itecvc Glassford played his part in supporting the countys policy of holding the tax line this year The overall levy was reduced somewhat due to the good coojxration and efforts of the memebers and officials The achievement was requent ly commended as good exam ple for others in this era of higher taxation and increased tax spending Before his appointment to the finance committee Deputy Reeve Glassford served five years on the county roads com mittee including the chairman post He is serving his llth year on lccumseth council having been councillor for four years before moving up to deputy ALLAN GLASSFORD warden prospect when Reeve Cross became reevein 1970 Before that Mr Glassford was school trustee for five years He has also served on the South Simcoe Conservation Au thority board WARDEN PROSPECTS Others most frequently men tioned in county circles as warden propsects include Reeve Ingram Amos now serv ing his eighth year as reeve and his 12th on county council as Medonte representative Reeve William Gibbins of Innisfil who is current chairman of finance and Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny former resident of the Ontario Soil an Crop Improve ment Association who had Alli STABILIZA TI 0N BILL Walter Miller not impressed GUELPH ttflt The Na tional Farmers Union said Wednesday that Ontarios pro posed farmincome 4H club meets at Gilford By RLTH SAWYEM GILFORD rr Different types of flower arrangements were shown to members of Gilford 4H Homemaking girls cliib at meeting at the home of Angela Hughes The girls decided to call the club The Gilford Entertainers How to set table the formal way was shown at another meeting at Lynn and Janet Jacks group of 14 kindergarten children from Mrs Morrisons school on Iunc Strcct Toronto visited the farm of Gordon Knecshaw and Icrivan Sawycr recently At the Knecshaw farm they saw how corn was grown and dried and at the Sawyer farm they werc shown the calves pigs and bales of hay and straw in the barn Outside they viewed the farm machincrv stabilization bill will not provide any real security for farmers statement from Walter Mil lcr vicepresident of the union said the bill introduced when the legislature resumed Tues day is more illusionary than real The bill replaces one rejected by opposit ion parties in June It would provide for voluntary contribution plan run by rown commission to protect larmcrs incomes in had years It would supplement federal farmrincomc stabilization plan which guarantees farmers 90 pcr cent of thc fiveyear aver age price of designated com TITtKllllts The provincial bill would provide an additional Yivcpur cent coverage to those commodities Mr Miller said that although the bill will cost tip to $70 mil lion year there is no provi sion to guarantcc that farmers who opt for the plan will get enough out of it to cover cven coslsof production He lllltlttl the use of the five year avcrage price for coiiiinoditits saying that the bottom has llttll kicked out of Wouldnt you like to meet someonewho wants to meet you PATLS DIAL For years weve helped many people like youmo son Inexpensive monthly rate 29 MomEll 7371361 Oct 28 Draw l9 All 19 tll 32400 Pittl Next €1th til on FIRST PRIZE NUMBER to 43 PHI1 tl j10434 iii +71 71 Ht MN All 04 576 tott till Ht 34 5632 lilothin SECOND PRIZE NUMBER 68 ltItot tli 74 Nettitum Int at 576 Milt ll rir All 5832 wilti itll THIRD PRIZE NUMBER lPtot ll +174 Ii 71 llttt out 11 15 l3l8+l+ 576 ttot out All 5832 llttt ll FOURTH PRIZE NUMBER lltll ll 7t tltlt ll 91 576 etai 5832 lltIl oi FIFIH PRIZE women ttttnt Ill 7ltitut to 576 ttoiui 5832 ttnt ONTARIO lOTTERV CORPORATION 79 TE llthe right par 3100ooo ttl ltltlt ltltlj ll J31ooooo $100000i llllt Hill 49100000 litti liltl VTJIVY $2511000 Draw Nov II from Cornwall only it tltlItlll it at lllttll ill tll ttitiittiit ltltto lt1 it till rlt ttltlllltlt the market for beef and other products in recent years SEES SMOKESCREEN ln Windsor Liberal Leader Stuart Smith described the bill as an election smokescreen that may not give farmers the pro tection it seems to offer He said in an interview Wed nesday that the bill needs clarification He said it seems that com modities not designated in the federal plan may get only the fivepercent provincial supple ment He said he also finds it hard to believe that the new bill might cost Ontario between $60 million and $70 million year The bill rejected in June would have cost about $7 million Tecumseth deputy skeptical of new tax reformproposals headed the Tiny township coun cil for the past six years The last county represen tative from Tecumseth to be elected warden was George Lisk in 1960 the last from Medonte was Dalton Jermey in 1964 from Tiny was Montcalm Maurice in 1961 and from In nisfil Orville Todd in 1943 The present county council has two former wardens in Reeve Lloyd Pridham of Sun nidale who held the office in 1972 and Reeve EdgarCurrie of Nottawasaga last years war den Crafts group plans events STROUD At the October meeting of the Innisfil Crafts group Kay Wice did an ex cellent job of teaching how to make fur fabric flowers Everyone attending had fun and learned new and rewar dingcraft Due to overwhelming interest in the group the membership now numbers 60 Coming events include the Christmas Workshop and an evening of gift wrapping with Trites For those attending the Crhistmas Workshop dont forget to mark Saturday Nov on your calendar It starts at am Bring your lunch well supply the tea and coffee Please bring big and little scissors white glue thread and we would ap reciate any bits and pieces trims lace se quins beads etc you may wish to bring to help us decorate our projects Please note the dates for an evening with Trites which will be on Tuesday Nov 16 at 730 pm Death takes Arnold Beers ANTEN MILLS Arnold Beers who passed away while visiting relatives at Kingston Sunday will be greatly missed News of his death cast shadow over the community where he had lived for others and was respected by all who knew him Deepest sympathy is exteded to his widow Carolyn their children Kevin Ahlana Darren and Adrian and foster daughter Susan An upright and community minded citizen he gave much to make this better place to live His nieghbors friends and fellow employees at the Barrie Plumbing were all deeply grieved Plentious repast for 80 at supper SHANTY BAY The Oc tober meeting of the Oro Township Horticultural was in the form of luck su per held in the ristian uca tional Centre Hall of the Anglican Church here About 80 people enjo ed the plentious repast on Octo r16 The members of the Oro Council were guests for the gathering Reeve Wallace Key brought greetings and thanks for the invitation He also thanked the Horticultural done the past Oro beautiful The evening speaker was Mrs Murna Kosowan of Barrie Everyone enjoyed the practical information she gave on her topic Gardening Under Lights Mrs Kosowan brought many examples of her hobby and gave them away as lucky draws at the close of her ad dress Mrs Reta Caldwell ex pressed the thanks of the socie ty to Mrs Kosowan for coming and telling about the fas cinating process of growing plants year to help keep Society for the Work they had 2The Barrie Examinsri CUSTOM MAUE IIIIAPEIIIES tu 10 Total Uecoratoraml Coordinating Services excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking Phone LOIS ROBERTSON or drop in to the Studio FIR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill ï¬FrjdngQQtJ 1976 and BEUSPBEAUS Choose from an outstanding selection of and installation as required Only Miles North of Barrio GEORGIAN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL An introductory course for potential ATC employees students andor private pilots and general interest students The course wtll expand understanding of the applications of the ATC system and provide panoramic view of civil aviation and the system under which it functions The course will include conducted tour of the air traffic control centre in Toronto STARTS Thursday Novemberd I976 700 l000 pm IO weeks FEE $3500 Maximum class size 25 For information and brochure call 705728195l Ext 3T7 DIE MEWE more $100110 grand prizes have been Winning luau Num added to the Dec draw 15123091 IIIIILLIIIIII prizes of 11 prizes of up to more than 33 total prize money Buy your tickets now Sllllllll Hr Made possible by the transter of $1 Million trom the Olympic Lottery Drawn at random In any at the three series Including as specual tor the tirst draw three extra one million dollar gland prizes to be drawn at random in any at the three series Loto Canada IIII Loto Canada The number at prizes and the total amount at prize money available are based on the sale of all the tickets issued