Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Oct 1976, p. 6

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Ww 6The Barrie Examiner Thursday Oct 28 I976 Dilemma of mentally retarded associations outlined for meeting of Barrie and District Association By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter The Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded is at crossroads in its evolution It must decide soon whether in tegration or the separate com munity concept is to be its philosophical priority for the future That dilemma as outlined in KATHY LOWINGER of Tor onto makes point about the proposed future role of the Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded to ec Moore executive director of the Barrie and District As Three authors Visit library Three Canadian authors will visit the Barrie Public Library Nov at pm to read and discuss their work Phyllis Gotlieb writer of poetry and sciencefiction novels will share the stage with Ted Plantos and David McFadden All three have had several volumes of poetry published and McFadden is also novelist and journalist Phyllis Gotlieb has received recognition for her work since the 19505 She has been widely published in magazines and an thologies and has had work on both the CBL and Blit Her latest novel Master teihluni has just been Illllllltl nit fall Plantos is best known as performing rather than publishing poet Sound he maintains is the most essential element in verse II poem cannot be read any value it has one the page is purer me chanical His books include The Seasons Are socialiteo and She Worr Streetcar to 3m Wedding The third author McFadden has wr numerous books ot potlt cluding Knight in liricri Plums recently published by McClelland and Stewart llns Hamilton writer is also llt author of twopart lfx perimental novel lhi Uriat Canadian Sonnet The program sponsored li the Georgian itay curtain Library System and llllltlitl bf the ministry of culturi and recreation is open to llir public Admission is tru position paper entitled The Future Role of AMR Re garding Advocacy and Service Delivery by David Mactoy was explained at special meetig Tuesday ot the Barrie and District Association for the Mentally Retarded by Kathy Lowinger of loronto an IAMR regional consult ant Miss Lowinger summarized sociation for the Mentally Retarded during meeting Tuesday at the Adult Rehab ilitation entre Miss Low inger regional consultant for the OAMR outlined position paper commissioned the challenge facing the GAME in question form How do we move from services and pro grams in the community but spcaratc to services carried out by society so that mentally retarded persons are in the mainstream of community liv ing ccording to llic report the UAMR fedciation today is ex hy the assoication which recommends that it shift toward an advocacy role and away from its present cin phasis on direct provision of services to the retarded Examiner lhotoi BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC COLELLA DT Complete Denture Service 7264721 I05 Dunlop St Barrie Member Denturist Society of Ontario TaxFree rrr it To itrrri Mr MCLEOD YOUNG ll WEIR We 14 3$u wrzrfrl Ns if its llll ll l7 ililtlri lli1it llt wll llill Ralph Lutiriheml LA Yi eriiiiiti IdllhiltfliL fiurl tourilwed You ll diocovei the moat interesting selection Planters at The lantirindloi Earthenware ceramic and seethru crystal in Mac riatinq array of sums styles and colours and corn plernented by expertly crafted knotted llilllqtfli ll inilli tiornp wool Jttitl tlllllylill lunt thr lllil of qut to make in ordinary morn laxIr Wllll rlttllltlI lIIlllltf they to lltrll quit llI your lrirnlly lriiiiirl or as special limit tor yoursrrll Great ideas can allord iI prick you In tho Mow BAYFIELD MALL 73723 THE PflNHflNDbER periencinga role conflict that is based on gap Iictwccn its stated goal and the actual goal that guides its operation The stated goal as cxpresscd ill philosophy committee pa per iii 1973 is that rciardcd pcoplc share in all clcmcnts of living in the community and have the opportunity to pzir ticipalc ctlcclivcly to lllt teiit each is able The report contends that the chin goal of the OAMR can be interpreted as increased governcmcnt grants for local association operation of pro gram and provincial associa tion support services According to the report the responsibility is to provide as well as push for support system that will assist retarded people to function in the ex isting community Reality has shown however that this sup port stem has become an end in itscll rather titan means to Ilieend Miictoy claims the IAMR federation of 122 local associa tions and central arm has trillcii victim to iiicrctiientalism and has lost sight of the basic principles ol the movement That is UAMlt is more iii lcrtstid in gradual increases or improvements in its service operation ti cliighcr grants more workshops etc which is lllt creation of separate com munity than its original goal of finding place in the existing community for retarded peo ple lie states if the 0AMR federation wishes to influence the course of public policy it must realize that their in fluence will be minimized as long as their hands are held out for money Also if the OARM federa tion wishes to realize its stated goal and objectives it must recognize that it cannot do so by creating separate coni tnunity for reatrded people Miss Lowinger told the 20 per sons in attendance that the goal should be making them lthc mentally retarded whats accessible to you in the com munity Why should Canada Man power which provides iii dividuals with retraining SUI vice not do the same for men tally retarded adults she asked PEOPLE PLACES KBINIH loiiight and every Thursday night the Barrie Knights of ioliimhus hold bingo at the limliassy Hall The regular inckpul is $11M but this week the iackpot is $275 RISNIEIIT iilarlys McLaIchey past president of the Ontario Horticultural Association will speak on commuiiicatioiis at llll animal awards night of the ltrirrie Horticultural Society The awards night will he held Nov at odrington Street school starting at8 pm lNIT MEETS The Friendship unit of en tral United Church held its tober meeting recently with Karen Saxby conducting the business Members deiscussed plans for childrens booth at the Christmas Carousel Nov lit The day will begain at noon with luncheon and bazaar will follow at pm There will be minitea at 145 Luncheon tickets are $250 Sears for the special attention you need after mastectomy uyri tiller wrll help you select the on sat DrtllteSlS and bra best sutted to your ltlllIIdUitl needs She wrll answer any questions and to you perfectly without any embarrassment to you Our understanding professional con sultant is here to help you Call today and make an appointment MJ nii Iliu nuiquitiMull unaiiyimuim II Sears Ms Georgia Holbrook profes sional consultant and fitter from Camp Co will show you the unique Breast Form by Tru lite Meet Georgia Holbrook in the Sears Body Fashion Dept Nov 4th 930 430 Nov 5th 930 430 For an appointment 726445I Ext 218 uuo ourr Mon IUI Sol 930 530 Wiid Iliurs Fri 930 930 Charge It Enioy it now Use your All Purpose Account GIVES EXAMPLE Miss Lowinger cited as an ex ample of whats desirable the case of 20 mentally retarded adults living in residence in Toronto They went to com munity college and asked as is their right for course in learn ing to read They got one They went to community college and asked as is their giht for course in learning to read They go one Can they really be part of the community Are the systems in the community do iiig what they should be for rctardcd If not why not These are questions we have to ask ourselves she said Miss Lowinger said that there will cut hopefully by thr ycai Lotto of so per cent of rises ol mental retardation ilriiiy fartors some as indirect as lllt seritbclt legislation will help bring that about the ot the associations priorities should he to press for these breakthroughs for pro per rapid application of knowledge that ontributcs to rlccrcacs in incidence and severity oi retardation said Miss Lowinger lhc lttlttll suggests that tlr hilt llt llllll stlH more as advocate than Illlli ol scr Ittfs It also itcoiiuntrids that HAM Illlitl utilizing the following goal that retarded people live in ttalc ol dignity share in all elements of living in the community and have the opportunity to participate el lcctiwly This goal rccognizcd that retarded people have rights as citicns to share to max imum extent in thc community lite and ham illlll needs met in tliccotiununil lo ittain iis mail it must tttstit tit tlr tcgular systems ol society are responsible to ltlilltlttl people To do so it must riiiphaizti its respon sibilities for directing and in fluencing public policies program services and opinion while devreasing its present emphais on direct rOVision of services to retard people Among the advocacy ac tivities recommended in the MacCoy report are monitoring demonstration of new or in novative serivce forms polit ical action public education and citizen advocacy The re praisal by the 0AMR at the an nual meeting in May I976 77 Series available at the munlclpal savings loan corporation HEAD OFFICE 88 Dunlop St BARRIE ONTARIO 70 726 7200 BRANCHESIN DOWNTOWN BARRIE GEORGIAN MALL BARRIE ORILLIA MIDLAND GflAVENHURST PEMBROKE Member Canada Deposn Insurance Corporation IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE notified Creative Ceramics Centre ltd Alliance it Jud Unit 13 Greenwure Supplies IKiL ll7ICHI and Ertitllfl Clowns 7373522 Artistic Decorating IIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIlIIIIllIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ll COIYHIIHCIOl if Residential Prior Lillan lltL AW Barrie our 737 556 NOW OPEN Vi Barrie Own MISTER corn BEEF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIltIiIIiItlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Witt lttlrlq Cctnrgr of Anne St and Dunlap 73723 NOW OPEN Phils Garage iPhil Bernier Opening Special Free Oil Filter Willil niy Swivirnh luWUUp illll 7260695 mi south on Hwy II Superior Rustproofing lustre Guard featuring lnteriol Shampoo Engine Ropointing Ellgllll Nrishing rll lllllJ itnpziuititl 737712 ISO Bradford New Furniture SALE Every Tuesday pm 49 Morrow Rd Unit 14 Buy Your Furniture of YOUR pi ices Auctioneers lllllltil1itly and lobbers 7370879 7266314 New to Barrie Home Delivorv sor Hrrrrnra If lUI nioiinutiuncoll 73709 Donlo Welt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DONT MISS OUR PARKING LOT SALE featuring YAMAHA Motorcycles Snowmobiles gycle in months Learn on Live Models Mannequins FOi facts on beauty culture career send for free in formation regarding qualifications cost etc Barrie School of Hairdressing 46 Mary St 7283962 Licensed by the Ministry of College Universities Ontario WIN WITH WINTARIO MM Contracting Interior Exterior Renovotions Additions ORepoirs Generol Carpentry Res Comm Olnd Free Estimates SparT 705 726877l 7265579 Wcll to wall broodloom Upholstery Areocorpets lll your home or our plant °Free DICkUp and delivery Featuring 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