SI RLOIN STEAKS I48 Cut from Canada Beet TBone or PORTERHOUSE LOIN STEAKS 15 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Fresh Young Veal Shoulder Chops Wieners LB PKG Gosh Ch ea OICle Cutlets boneIn LB sehnelders deal 3° SandWIch Rolls Ch°ps Fresh BoneIn Lazy Steww Sausages Veal LB lb pkg Frozen Breaded Reameal Chicken BaCk Cutlettes Bacon lb pkg either and Proton Beef Schneiders Steakettes lb pkg Previously Frozen Beet Liver Steaks Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS 92 Cut from Cut from Canada GRADE Beet The King of Roasts PRIME RIB ROASTS Canada GRADE OTHERWISE IN BARRIE AT BAYFIELD Round Bone Shoulder or SHORT RIB ROASTS 68 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Boneless Bottom Cut ROU STEAK ROASTS 128 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet 58c GRADE Beet Predressed Fresh Frying Chickens 23 LB SIZE Swifts Premium or Lazy IWapha Bacon ILB PKG Cut from Broken Sliced StléttonLvEmlaEatA Schneiders Cube Cooked Ham Steaks LB 02 pig Cut from Empire or Pioneer Sliced Canada GRADE Beet Prime Rib 132 Bacon lb pkg Cut from 77 North Atlantic 2233 PM 8° Highliner Bralsmg Cod Fillets Rlbsm LP lb pkg EEiédEWGRADE Boat Fpï¬zgw F°° Plate Fillets LB 14 oz pkg Schneiders rhrltt Pack Beet Bluewater Pies Fish Chips pk 14 01 32 oz pkg ALL PRICES EFF HWY 00 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMITOUANTITIES This button indicates the expiry date of the reduced price ECTIVE OCT 20 TO OCT 28 EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED MALL BAYFIELD ST NORTH OF 148 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday October 20 197621 Pot or Oven CROSS RIB ROASTS 66 LB Out from Canada GRADE Beef Bonein RU Ni ROASTS Cut from Canada 95 Beef Fresh Leg of Pork Roast BUTT GR SHANK PORTION Boneless Bottom Round Pork Roast Boneless Sirloin Tip or Top Round Pork Roast AVAILABLE AT OUR SERVICE DELI and CHEESE SHOP Mixed Cold Cuts Hudchuu Boomunt roler Blood Ton ue udnger Summer auuoo Mixed Salami Cervolat Hungarlan Pork German Genoa Schlakwursl L8 L8 Unltzed Vtrau REDEEMS ALL SUPERMARKET COUPONS ON TRIAL Wendy Yoshimura almostforg0tten derground companion of Patricia Hearst is pictured during the noon recess as her trial got underway on Mon the un day in Oakland Miss Yoshimura 33 is charged in fourcount indictument arising from the rental of garage in Berkeley on Aug 1971 The state contends she rented the garage as weapons storage facility for underground radicals AP Photo River raft vacation fast one PRINCE GEORGE BC CP When Rob Simms takes group of people on vacation they go the seenic route but its sometimes tough for them to stop to admire the scenery vacation with Simms often means roaring right through the sceneryon river raft This year Simms owner of Cascade River Holidays of Yale took 22 people on raft through Hells Gate when the Fraser River was at its highest point Simms says he is sometimes apprehensive about running rapids Water levels ufrrt raf ting dramatically and level is different on each trip He has several rubber ltfts varying ill length from 17 flit feet the largest capable travelling aboug 40 milcsad It drifts most of the time out Simms uses its 40horsepowor engine to manoeuvre through ra ids to recently took seven guests on GOOmile voyage down the Fraser River from Prince George to Vancouver During the 14day trip they passed through 25 series of rapids in cluding the treacherous Hells Gate which Simms says he has challenged 44 times with his raft Each guest paid $1 200 to drift down the Fraser Simms and an assistant did the cooking and supplied camping equipment for 10 days and the clients stayed in hotels along the way for four nights The people who go on these trips want wilderness vaca tion Silnms says Trips like this have been running since 1935 and theres growing de mand for outdoor recreation Theres new scenery wildlife and nature to exulore Set mail deadlines OTTAWA Cl Greeting cards for distant Canadian points and the United States should be mailed no later than Dec 13 and parcels before Dec if they are to reach their des tination for Christmas the post office says The deadline for local deliv ery is Dec 17 statement re leased Friday said Greeting cards may not con tain more than five words of written message to qualify for the lower thirdclass rate of eight cents if they are to be mailed to destinations in Can ada or the US Cards to these points must be scaled Greeting cards for delivery outside Canada and the US must be unsealed They will be carried by air for 15 cents if un der one ounce or by surface for 10 cents Correspondence in sealed en velopes for these destinations must bear 20 cents postage