Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Oct 1976, p. 4

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Ir 7l td Elli Ilarrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Editor rli ll 4The Barrie Examiner Friday October 15 1976 The sticky problems dealing with vandalism The Simcoe County Board of Education is big outfit right So having to pay $50000 to repair Vandalism for the first eight months SllIE 0F lilllllPtE lllltlltllli Wu MANllilllilllRllllli in Iwmv¢wwtmmowwm¢vwaamuJ iimflngm ¢orrmm© reported between January and August and the total for all of last year was 298 Cost to taxpayers for all of 1975 of year isnt so bad right was $41970 After all the school board has an Clearly trend has been esta enormous budget blished But here The boards administration downplays the cost to taxpayers because the loss is an insignificant portion of the builgct And it is leery of publicity that might encourage moi trouble But there have been 308 incidents And it appears the board is look ing into spending money for costly surveillance systems to fight back It would be helpful if people who live near schools report untoward incidents to police And it would help if the courts made an example of those who are so careless of the property of others OTHER EDITORS The provincial government and its bureaucrats however saw this as ghastly inefficient waste of there is something wrong Think of it as platform that might help us see eye to Upuntilliglidvhenthe provincial government looking with freewheeling nomination meetings held in all rural towns passed new set of rules governing municipal elec horror at those lions elections were fun Revenue and expenditure state ments for the first It months of the dime where it was spent and who got it Nomination balls were packed the year covered every country spent time and ordained that it must stop Patterning its new rules along the lines of Toronto elections which at its best can muster only 25 per cent of the eligible voters on election day it ordained that what was good for Toronto must be good for the It is gradually reaching its objec tive Since the new rules come into effect the percentages of voters in THE wonwzfl Rhodesias future Whats coming ll JOIIN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service What all the commentators portion of the fighting gucr rilla movement against the Smith government The most moderate of the he has the guns and the Hit ii iii the jungle war licsuriiably liccoiild itlciiipi Rhodesian tgtllll mi FROM PARLIAMENTng Not much meat in throne speech lIM ll laclJCOl Ottawa llurcaai national unity as an example There are two pages on that and generosity which should apply everywhere incumbent Council LJUOStlpned and municipal elections has plumeted about the future of Rhodesia threeapiwarstobcMr Nkomo through continuance of lb lhoixionNewssirvicc subject and in that space you liven when the speech makes nomination for Olflce received This and should soon reach that of Tom Wont say about the future of the most likely candidate for guerrilla war ItptdilliL tiic lrapnznmilly throne would expect to learn some an attempt at spectfics they coming about tWO weeks before to In tho meantian local elections that territory is what kind of Rhodesui for Zimbabwcsi long and bitter ivsinn sprint ottlllhs lhc macro thing about what the govern governmentwriterscantrestst chaos the creation of the future first black rimc minister Like ucrrilla war raind the lor IM lriltlt program for ment has in mind But the most the temptation to throw in bit election dily brought out an are no longer fun The government Zimbabwe is going to bring Bishop Milzorcwa the second iugucsc coloiiillll rcginn in new session of Parliament significant paragraph can of poetry about Canada In average 0f bl ll 80 per ccm 0f the mlSSllm l5 accomplished iilmlll leader Nkomo is of course Momliibiquc and rctlcils lll mood of the find says the government will mentioning some forthcoming voters STAYNER SUN lhc Bts David llaltoii on committed to multiracial And iiihas ilicfiill illzlilrll il Alls return from place veryhigh priority upon amendments to the Immigraf the spot lll Salisbury and the societyinRhodcsia the lrclliiiogovvrnnwnl Ililill loranotherseason the promotion of better undr ttonAct very practical docu capitals of Zambia and Tan But he has told the white mi zainbiquc and lllgt it Iv standing among IClltlhspt iii mciit we are told they will be zania seems to have it all figs nority that his future govern movement liczidquartri lin lhi latest offering ing and Englishspeaking designed lo accomplish all of YOUR BUSINESS ured out mciit would guarantee them puto capital ol div Tlti lII ii ll ll very much And dians tliescthings He has already abandoned stability and fair coiiijxiisatioii Marxist rcpiibln of Kim all iémiiit one seems to OLIHIAT Promote Canadas reg the mm Rhodesia mm Omslmmn biqmi Kiwi hat Iarliaiiicnt faces in Other comments on that sub gional and urban development Zimbabwe as though lrime Nkomo has ilicady iximd li meltilw Uhcml And ject could have been gleaned goals promote family unity Great silver bird is laying an egg Minister laii Smiths agreement to the Kissinger plan marks the end of the road Rhodesia is not going to bc comc officially Zimbabwe until the twaycar pcriod for the iii tcriin government leading to black majority rule Bishop Miixarcwa head of branch of the African National Council has said he would give no concessions to the whites in the new ordci as has radical Mr Mugabe head of Zimbabwe African National Union lZANlIl and its military wing public for llllliil of ti pimp leaders and tlllll lIlilw lll followcis of each being typi cally suspicions of thc him AN llllZY lllV ll lhalcvci happcnx the oiic fll tliclii Hll lIilltii well mu llllllllbllilllyl azid iIii supper that this includes the goicziiiiicnt There has llli$ been cor invn amount of vagueness iii lllllilii spewlies but this one apt42s to lit prizewinner in that pict As result you can interpret ll just about my from any previous throne speech over the last 10 years Canada is diverse counii we are told Unity can result only from recognition of that diversity and not from any at tempt to impose rigid uniform ity In matters of language and achieve balance between imr migration levels and employ ment opportunities and pre Scrvc Canadas reputation as an open tolerant society which welcomes the energy and cul tural diversity of people fromv all parts of the world callchaiila triil llllut in ilu ww lx an nah culture it is important to If all this can be achieved It alriady alltd that tlit ll lillll fig flu 53 329133 Tr ii camps of miodtsias mm HIP1 010 llH thltt Rhett Rhodcsia Its racist and solar In 1v Inform11100 01 recognize the personality of the with on batch ol amendments zI lfrlllfslillllll tm lm ting fhtlliltliliitglliil lliinilliQillii ilicidv ll work in other lllljtlr black leaders repeating tho shin leaders who soimhim whites have lllllll5l antic it Ifllm VdIIOUS Pdllh ll mum ll lrm 531m Shape gt3 Thomson New Scrv ici Thc North Aiaiitii urcc lhc graveyard of ships financial gravcyarvl tor of international airlines Losses or transatlantic air services have been climbing year by year because of oviiv capacity public iitlllhltlll over the multitudc ll titres and the unprecedentid hiin cost of op eratinganairplanetoday Last year airlines lust iiioic than $300 million lll tili orln Atlantic route illilllt according to the International Air ransr port Association thi aricl made up ol bil itlllllJ This years lossc will prolmlilj be higher Prestigc is irilél wich in tia twin litst the position taken by the lnited States govcriiiiieiil and llll £iIllI lS airlines has said that it will not automatically renew the bilateral agreement that the two countries signsd lll Bermuda in 1014 The stated tilll4ll of that agreement was the provision capacity adequate to the traffic demands between Britain and thelS The British are insisting that the lariiiuda agreement be lf negotiated on litgtl that would be fairer to lllt llI slate llllllil liiitisli Airways In newly published eco nomic study called New An Transport Policy loi lliv Nor lb Atlantic lllllllllltl ll areas ll lrieilmaii calls for more cllcctivc regulation by govcrii iiiciits Siwcitically he would have them reduce or eliminate sur plus flight frequencies in sched alert service prcvciit capacity excesses iii hillltl services and climiiiati barriers to mix mg of scheduled and chartcrcd passciigcrsoiithcsamcflight Heres another suggestion that didnt occur to llII author Let the airlines be more straightforward with the travr lling public rather than com pounding the confusion about fares Illustration ioth Air aiiada and tl Air have recently an samc kind of opposition to each other which finally torc Angola apart In civil war Two of the black leaders had dickcred with the British ovcr date for Rhodesian con ference and refused totally to deal directly with Smith MIXED LEADERSHIP Ihcy repi s¢ iii mixture of charismatic appeal shrewd por llticzil leadership and control of other have to get together and work together in the new state of Zimbabwe Will they The previous Afri can lcadcrship record on cmcr gcncc from colonial rule into in dependence indicates they will not Mugabe for example has no wide political base among black Rhixlcsians of the kind held by Bishop Muzarcwa But QUEENS BABE Cleanest win bly against great Olll ill Lu world itlllillllt llil in iil iialsciiibargos What David llilllilt and ellw ncwsmcii iii Rhodesia should be assessing is how lIlIL it would take Rhodesian blaclL Iconic Ill contention to let It run down leaving their cspcitan lullnv crs shell of an economy lll no one around to rim if prop erly llll iiv lull lllllll lSllllll AAl AS STORE Sir Hugh Allan it new the way in non izoivyiAN lliiiish éoliiinbia joined an tl =1 lliTi on the under fine that railway would in llllll twin Montreal to the It lllt cont iii llycars without departing trorn tuii dameiital principles of justice fail me Answer today Allan got the contract to build the railway and organich company on Oct 15 1871 McMullen got revenge by or ganizing sort of Watergate op llllifx ATTEND in previous years attended all the background briefings as sociatcd with the throne sixechwrthats when officials actually talk about legislation But this time deliberately avoided attending just to see what could learn from listenJ ing to the speech and later readingit Thats when decided it didnt tell us very much The government attaches continuing importance to meeth ing the aspirations of Canadas native peoples and in particu lar to the just settlement of their land claims was one ob scrvation ii equal importance to the il we Fuzhou thU tum iti anada by vlctlillanil and bounced chartered class There was keen competition ClflthII on Allan office that igcalll adellugfiénsguoglcaogag£ keep their unlit than zliil Stewart Ltd Washington farcs on scheduled flights to mum The leading led to the exposure the calm dame hurling in sgftisfacto am in niitliirlll ilan mummy Juggp Friedman certain cities in Europe Io applicants were Momma paign funds and thereSignation ry tic puts much of the blame for thr qualify you must book well in tuiiii Sir Hugh Allan of the Macdonald government community environment was Evcntually ho W0 current problcin on the Oll fllllint will Slay lfUSl 23 Byl OIIICARN education Mltillllll1ltlIl Willi llmlll ll DiVll Allan al001lr59 lllst coni llllfllllls not in Canadas ecoi prestige llrlil lll ex petition created by the Hill dill3 QueensIarklturiau The Liberals applied the But if he and his pull ma Maiphi Itsill and an American tract thUIldihtlillWilY nomic pomical or moralinter pensive Sonw civicis IH scheduledorcliartcrairlines Both companies trumpet the ThunlsunprsSprvico pressure And his ended up chinohudhudlhoolvctiunskillfi company headed by George OTHER TJSIIVENIS eqt toanow the ga to widen beingreducid By flying on routes and at fact that the fares are roughly TORONTO Politically the with the most striking reversal of the Nll one can wonder liMulicii newspaper man HZChamplain was made baween the wealthpof the few Just the othciflii lAlr ém times of heaviest pilsscnlfll hi1h15m0lelir cleanest win in recent times in government policy in recent just how far they might have Illllllillfi from Ontario lieutenantgovernor 0f tallada md the rover of the man nounccd that ii WM Wm mand the nOllSkLflK are as which has no minimumstay rc here would he the triumph of AliMullen had no chance he 54lMillSOIIIKllVO was memory ROIH ap was still another Pomrllfv SUSPIHli 50 It surcd of being able to sell vii ulliltmtlltS the Liberals when the Ontario BOTH lt iic the tanarlian govcin Wlmm grlll Mmlreal Ami there is growin transatlantic mums Itslllt tually all seats on each flitlhl only Vitlltl Ollllirmll governmciit announced its It is interesting to speculate lf tlicy had played It with tlic tacit Hill Wmmll llllMamuS do Tracy awareness among Canadians 0f Ctrtmtimll Jiltllfillitlw imtl which enables thriii toolfcr low however is with the 22to45 the forecast for llll next 12 months The Vancouver lamch Illlln is suspending Its ii zlniiii between anada iladi 41 Its service between Lloiiliral and Tel Aviv will be operaticd 4H could have been read an fan the time being by El Al the enough passengers do turn up And during that campaign but students themselves and at lAWIi llllFIlettl It Will tly raised Stiitltll to pay off 939Prmv Milllsle Bdl cabinet minister on Thi Na lsraelistatcairlinc tocovcrthccost lltéll5 Whmlllefl WT Education Minister Tom Wells least someteachers l10UIISlL Will tléllmlélll Macdonaldsdebts say MEWDOIlflld or 13mm ionsbusinessf Then the pre CREATINGONFLSION PUhlVJallm mu be Original made some bold statements The factthat the government Stillomenl lJileNl Willi JN Sir llugh Allan knew how to beganVISlllOCaniVla Elir Barrie Exmniuir 16 Bayficld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 72043537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoc County $5400 yearly Balance of Canada $16 00 year Iy National Advertismg Offices Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Tathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated fares The scheduled airlinIs on the otlfir hand are committed to flying at spltlfll times on spc lllt lOlllts iio iiifittci how lcv IltlzulltlltlllIll lip liitortunatcly for them not Nearly third of all inter national air travel moves on the NorthAtlantic system The economic ills to which international air transport is particularly susceptible take their most virulent form in the North Atlantic writes Mr Friedman But many of the same dc bilitatiiig factors that have IN day excursion fare WI WA NT YOUR OPINION copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not published Letters which can not bc authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dciisi or reject letter RPRETING THE NEWS change in education policy and the return to core curriculum in secondary schools The Liberals have been fight ing for this fora long time Former Icadcr Bob Nixmi tried to feature it during the last election campaign that now look ridiculous And this was entirely Lib eral issue The New Democratic Party which is loaded with educationists both in its membership and its presentation in the legislature as largely taken handsoff position on secondary now what might have happened if they had been able to skilfully press the issue in the last cam paign ll obviously was good issue and one which had wide appeal across the clccloiatc touching not only parents and employers finally has acted in it itself is at least partial testimony to this But in their campaign the Grits made political botch of it Nixon did try to stress it in one speech But when this ap parently didnt grab partly be cause hc used some incorrect figures he tended to undcrplay it from then on same tactics as Stephen Levi andhispcoplcplaycdtherental issue they might have made big gains llic Mll rent camp course wasa iiiastci pawr histories And he didnt let up Practically every day he had new angle and more case his torics If the NiXoii Liberals had litid the political skill to use the same compelling approach on Lxlucation they miglil even be the government today Is ewishAmerican vote tactic backfiring By GARRY FAIRBAIIIN WASHINGTON CI The traditional campaign tactic of seeking JewishAmerican votes by announcing new arms ship ments to Israel may be backfir ing on President Gerald Ford Although such shipments have been almost routine electionyear feature the latest decision has prompted not only critical press comment but also com laints from within the Also some officials con cerned with military and diplomatic issues say the sophisticated weapons being sent to Israel could disrupt the rough military balance in the Middle East and spur Arab ar msdrives This is clear case of sacri ficing the national security in terest for flu rant political rea sons one ficial is quoted as saying in defiance of firm But the weapons are types that previously were classe as too sophisticated for iii troduction to the Middle East notably device termed fuelair explosive That explosive is designed to activate at proset height spraying circle of flammable Ii uid The liquid then ignitCS kl ling people in foxholes and bunkers either by initial con cussion or by the rush of air into released include modern anti tank missiles and nightvision paratus that has not yet been distributed to NATO troops As well Israeli forces may be bol stered by as many as 120 more M60 tanks QUESTION TRENDS The Washin ton Post sug gested in an itorial Wednes day that this latest collection of weaponry should spur even the Israelis to question present myth asserts that the single way to force their Aral neigli bars to come to acceptable terms is to confront them with overwhelming power They should be asking it it is to their own interest to be purr suing preparedness and pro curemenl policies which require them evcrv year to go an extra $2 billion into debt and beyond that to seek $2 billion in aid from the United Americans from controlling the company that built the railway It was feared that they would ltlfl the projch to protect am Him railwayinterests dunner Macdonald wanted Tvlaiplieison to get the iontrait because he had rcccii iilll counteract that situation There was an election in 1872 and Allan poured in money to defeat Sir George articr in Montreal lliis put the screws on Macdonald and he tried to Let Allan and Macphcison to form joint company to build the railway Itlacphcrson rclusid whn Allan insisted on liaviiiitroiitrol lll order to get Allan to ease the pressure Cartier endorsed him as the head of the company to build the railway Macdonald gave in and Allan contributed about $225000 to the Con sciviilivc election campaign Most of it went to Macdonald Cartier and Lcngcvin During the campaign Macdo nald made the mistake of send ing telegram to Allan must have another $10000 Will be the last time asking Do not BIBLE TlIOIIGHI llciirkcii now unto my voice will give iliic counsel and claimed New York for France 1874A warrant was issued for the arrest of Louis Riel 1885A free public library was opened in Montreal I930lltllll lilllis and llcctoi Dougall began busirpilot oper ations froin Winnipeg l954Hurricane llazel killed 82 people and caused great damage in Ontario especially near Toronto THE PICK OF PUNCH the need for more careful con4 servation of vital energy re sources such as petroleum and natural gas Maltr of fact the throne speech consists almost entire of obvious statements whic vious session of Parliament could have continued without all the trappings of an official opening os£ sn QpAIIOJLISIvva the explosioncreated vacuum trends States mil slltill lll with tlicc Be thou misngasllfififihgfill13kg lh llllln5lrall0ll l3 It does interesting things to They should be asking why Implicit in the li tilllilll lu ii pilpli not lltl that The Bartlie anrnincr cliims Part of the criticism is fill discussed mmhanlmll parls and lwoplll mm the socullly 0le my ls llw suilllllllMl llm ll ll VimN CO flight in all original Ithr ly that the muw was too APPROVEill iays bs Army lllfndtscrllf hanced by Americandiplomacy icyanakcrs should give moic iiillimd lluxllls lhll ttis ng and editorial material blatantly political constituting The cost of the weaponsis not mg the exploswe blllhl and Arab disarrilY they need 10 welghl 10 SUChlWvllunsNIl0 YUU may fit hear from God builds ressures We ld the Hht kspt 1p laeated by its employees and hey reversal implemented at issue smce they Will fall eep mg arimmiyw fc 9V dldUi ll db you Wdlt On In reproduced in this newspaper sollelly because Democratic an within the $1 billion in direct tesled Shee Plaed lox Is already the mightiest the With its large Jewnsh population llim sometimes what you hear fc Co yright Registration didathimmy Carter appeared military aid already approved hales and mu than mnards Mideaswaseverknown can supply 41 or the 27 elm Wu lm Ming ls eve Obllouly ban in an Num r203815 registvrm more pnrlsmm uh can for mm for themrrom mm burst They should be asking if is toral votes needed to elect louder He Will guide you into obscene enough when you itntoi buu an Other weapons newly really true as official Israeli president Nov2 all truth dates lasttelcvwddibati yr vl iv

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