I2 zlrDaya of Oil Lives 150 Grand Slam OAs The World Turns 2m Mandi Gm aLeave It To Beaver sCrwn Court lIloira Hunt FluNeva 1larully Fund OIerv Griffin Idan cc Davidson sixIts Your Clarice DUade Bobby n5 or The Money 1Inlnatera Show uNevn 20 nIonkces 123 sAhn flannel Fundy Bunch BFarrn News sAll In The Family uYourng and The mu nOppasue Sean nestles zGong Show 118 Pyramid nHyodsight SFarrn nzAll in Tim Family oSurch For Tomorrow 215 71 nAll Iy Children sNeana sTo Tell The Truth me 23 $542Paneil Bu nzParty Game zMrs uGilllgana Island 1215 3512 of Night 1unnre Duran aMovie Fifth Avenue enGuid llDuah Girl 7ll0ne To Live 1255 DW IW altAnother World 1m sNm sonTake Thity After Sdnool ma oAll in The Fondly nthtle Raul tCm Wits nBanie Pruddcn 11 Love Lucy $7Ryans Hope 115 53 9Dick Van Dyke IllGeneral Hospital JNewa llEnjoy Bein Banniqu 13 OAdam ll nMarcua nixCelebrity Cooks SitRoom aCanadian Cavalcade olatnh Game 11Hour Heme 22 Panther llHot Hand wanna 000 uGreat Debate 1luy Hartman Mary 1+1nnnnzNm Km Flam Gm soucram and The Ian nLarry Solvay 51 Hours ll sDdlnition sstzTouuny Hunbr zJdanny Carson Flor2 Never Give An Zlefleld Glfl 141044 Ind flMlm l1 7Holma and Yoyo tzIovie Ban le Game uIhvie The 120 IzTBA Undaground 3Movie lard Jinn 03 7Wb Moth IBwtins For Dollars M1Vicelruidmtl Apes Cuncentratlon Dane sIlovie Bonsai sMr arll Tina uCam in The Act llMmrie Grand Pris 21064 nMavie In Like Flint 72le Truth run and Yoyo sln Connect llShowbu 5Police Story zMdnm 59°C ma uHawaii riveo 5th TM 2mtch Game nNm oStriku Spares nnzaa 4Movne ï¬netn of Mines uMuy Hartman Dem sDiane supney zMnsnnnzNm 7Break The Bank 9Nlovne The Conn 2Movie Carry On JLate Edition terfeit Sm be 9Night Beat News Kine uN Final Fruit 12mm 12 Presid antlal Debate Fwy lnMerv Griffin 2Sadord and Son 4NBA Baiuball nullify 3hr Moore Wit Sam PM Bil MDonny Marie 5le Edition Caps Most interesting in in Canada he says VANCOUVER CP Mario Caravetta the rotund beaming manager of special attractions at the Pacific Coliseum says he has the most interesting job in Canada In one week he had lunch with Phyllis Diller backstage chat with Frank Sinatra and tete atete with Lawrence Welk Caravetta puts together the Pacific National Exhibitions Star Spectaculara twoweek bombardment of the show busi ness names that entertain daily at the annual exhibition He relishes his job even down to the scramble of naming out lastminute details haggling over contracts In the job Caravetta has amassed repertoire of anec dotes that would be the envy of Hollywood gossip columnist Caravetta said lining up Si natra to appear this year was the biggest single moneymak ing move of his career It took 18 months of negotiations first wrote letter to lawyer on Jan 1974 said Caravetta brandishing thick WELL 737051 STROUD file of papers that testify that t0ME sins negotiations indeed lengthy made him an offer he couldnt refuse an offer that would have netted him about $95000 on sellout He said nolt GROSS SET RECORD When negotiations were fi nally completed Sinatra made more on his oneday visit here but not that much more The entertainer pulled in the largest gross in the history of the Coliseum $162000 Caravetta was full of admira tion for the controversial singer were Msnrurr FOUND KENQRA Ont CP ministry of transportation worker says few people in Nor thern Ontario use sugar in their coffee because it is expensive Its also because they use evaporated milk as substitute for hardtoget fresh milk The canned milk has sweet flavor that satisfies the need for sugar War not innate in us +4 One of the religions of modern society is Science with the scientists performing the priestly roles of inte ing the Scriptures arnd con inning our faith But as in all religions there are false prophets who lead the people astray and dur irngthepast ten yearsagroup of such false prophets Lorenz Ardrey Dart Morris Storr linbergenhavebeen reaching the doctrine that vio war are innate in the human animal Ashley Montagus book debunksthis proposition The group of notions which form the content of the innate aggressionists argument in clude instinct ion ter ritoriality genetic inheritance the supposed leftover pro amming in our reptilian rain plus some pretty wild assertions about our pre historic past Montagu takes the notions apart one by one with copious quotations and references to the works of the innate aggressionists as well as ITS SH He pays have special paid $5000 for the honor do it every chancel get said Cleveland businessman Robert Weiskopf just love music and love to conduct EASY TO INSTALL $5 000 just to conduct DETROIT AP The De Weiskopf was buyin one of troit Symphony Orchestra will the guest conductor sometime this year And he to those of the many scientists whose studies contradict the findings of the aggressionists In all of this Montagu who is himself distinguished anatomist and anthropologist is scrupulously fair and gentle as well as rigorous in his criticism Although written for the general public the agru mernt is in the best traditionof science DEVASIING The results of the criticism are devastating Human animals dont as matter of fact have instincts in the sense thetennmustbeusediftheag gressionists case is to stand up Agression turns out to be very imprecise term and the com plexities involved make non sense of the simple answers the aggressionists advance The notion of territoriality demonstrable in the case of some birds is not true of all birds and of relatively few animals and is clearly not true for the primitive peoples who still exist on this planet The fact of genetic in but the notion that we are genetically programmed runs counter to the evidence Our genetic inheritance deter mines the capacities we have our environment and the socialization processes we go through determine our behav nour The fact of the matter is that our plasticity our educability the fact that we can learn is the reason weve created civiliza tions The bit about the reptilian brain depends more on belief than anatomy or neurologyTo cap things off the innate aggressionists ignore the evidence of the many primitive gathererhunter peoples who still exist and who most closely resemble our primitive ancestors These peoples are amiable cooperative dont sanction violence and look on its appearance when it does turn up as an aberration Logic as well as evidence should make clear that if our ancestors had spent their time gagging each other over the with the leg bones of ante as Dart asserts wed noneo usbehereCooperation was essential to survival then as now andmnr ancestors had senseenoughtoknow it 0N BELIEF iums offe irn the Why W00 reputable second annual Detroit Sym scum as LowZ Dart Tinbergen Morris are rzsidirimaz mm as we anasm psychiatrist come out so mfgkog hut ï¬wfle strongly fora proposition based three times with the Clevelana more on belief than evidence Perhaps the fervor with Symphony and once each wrth the Akron and Cincinnati or whChuey aygu mom be than lnght gnves the answer lllln uIIIltl The Barrie Examiner lFrid lneritance is of course sound ZBRICK fl lHl ll Hum lt llRl ZBrick is easy to install You only need few simple tools But you dont need any special skills ZBrick is lightweight but durable And its completely fireproof and weatherproof so you can use it indoors and outdoors Come see everything you need to install easy beautiful Certainly it is no mi war finstowed first formed ricultuï¬l villages and rob ryflhztth violence was profitable ï¬qualf ly clearly it is obvious historical wars have mated by the people WM togain from them So why the fuss dwperate attempt violence and war anew that the human anomaly it help itself Why do scientists argue ignoring the acts for position that was hardly shred of scientific valldityffflslt that modern war is so tive thatthe scientistshtllhc most of the rest of us ions to escape responsibilltï¬or behaviour that is so crazy and immoral with the possible extinctirï¬njof our species we desperi ly needan excuse Of course the apolo is or wars have always in vide rationalizatio gress religion nation racism have served at or another asexcuses to the economic reasons for edThe innate eyes have supplied the comf way of someyery unsci rubbish about instincts genes Ashley Montagu show us how ruban is andhe can that our ancestors the answer to live ourprimitiveforbears Reviewedby DavldSmltlï¬ theBarriePublicLibra lBRICKS Iketender PROJECTS With this plan book lumber and Zllrnck you can lltlllfl any of thew projm ts In one or two weekends 10 easy poeCts yo Planter Hows Portabil Holiday lnrvplnnu NLitilv can buld Yourself Brnrk llouw loy Hmltll Range lllPldlll Stznnrls llmnrths tor innstanding lnrvplnntvs Jlu roptdll Sulvwnnlk Tnl lim and Stun Nn innit momss Room lllltl llnnrn Suppliox lnmntorl llahdale umber 737 1821 Your Good Neighbor Decorating Er Building Centre Donna Cornish decorating Consultant on staff AT 49 ESSA ROAD FREE PARKING