vi EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation Classified Advertising All Other Departments ll2ih YearNo 241 7266539 728 2414 7266537 The Barrie Examiner Cilia llama Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Friday OCIObef l5 I976 Reunited after 58 years TORONTO CP brother and sister who hadnt seen each other for 58 years because of 521d fever were reunited Thurs The last time Ethel Benrey 61 and Fred Elliott 65 saw each other was in 1918 when Ethel boarded steamship in Liverpool England for Canada Mr Elliott said in an interview Two years before they were sent to England from Canada by their father because times were hard and he could not earn enough to make living and raise two children He sent us to England to live and he was going to follow as soon as the war was over Mrs Benrey said But it didnt work out that way He got gold fever Their father struck gold in Kirkland Lake and brought his daughter to live with him He left his son in England to finish his education But the father lost his gold mine in the 1929 economic crash and his son was left in Britain where he eventually married and settled down Mr Elliott said wanted to return and see Ethel many times Mr Elliott said But in those days trip to Canada was just too ex pensive When his wife died last year and he retired from his job as administrative assistant in small city he found himself with sufficient leisure and money to return to his home land Mr Elliott said As an extra surprise when he stepped from his airplane at Toronto International Airport he was reunited with another sister Gertrude born in 1919 whom hed never met Mr El liott said Missing one Husky The White family of Midhurst has been missing one family member since Oct and wants very much to have her back Valaska the familys five monthold female Siberian Husky disappeared around pm Oct while she was be ing taken for her evening run White said he believes the 0g has been picked up by someone and has notified all vets and humane societies in thearea Valaska is muchloved family pet he said She is friendly and not inclined to wander which is why he believes the dog was taken She has been with the family since was eight weeks old He does fear however that if the dog is lost someone might mistake her for wolf and shoother Valaska is black with white face white circles around her es and white feet She stands ut 22 inches to the shoulder and answers to her name The family is offering reward for any information leading to her location Anyone who might have seen the dog is asked to telephone 7286007 anytime Recommended by board BELL EWART The reten tion of the name Bell Ewart for the community hall here was recommendation of the hall board not just its chair man Board member Lily Curtis said today the onus should not be placed on chairman Sid Paine because he was acting as spokesman for the people in thecommunity Mr Paine made the recom mendation at meeting of In nisfil tOWnship council on Wednesday Council plans to convert the former Bell Ewart school into community centre Mrs Curtis said the board meant no disrespect to Mr Ruf fett who was superintendent when the old community hall was constructed lf names are singled out there are many said Mrs Curtis reading statement ap proved by the adivsory board Mr and Mrs Adolphus Trombley gave the lot for the community hall for the sum of $1 to be used by the community of Bell Ewart Many residents contributed time and money to the building of the hall Mr Ruffett and the workers were recognized by gala night four or five years ago with their friends in the hall The advisory board intends to hold public meeting soon to discuss use of the community hall Joe and Myrna Toich have bottle of Coke worth at least $10 but you might have trouble recognizing it Thats Coke inside and the cap says Coca Cola but the bot tle sayd Crush brand which was recently purchased by Coca Colas archrival Pepsi Mrs Toich found the bottle last week when she was putting away 10case shipment of Coke at Hilltop Sunoco and Restaurant south of Barrie on Highway27 Can you imagine how many people that had to get past Mr Toich asks BILLKNOWLES on committcc Seeking Ward position Bill Knowles 42 Tall Trees subdivision resident is running for Ward aldermen in the Dec Selection Mr Knowles of 10 Ashdale Court moved to Barrie in June 1W5 and is member of the ci tys minimum standards bylaw committee and president of the Tall Trees Ratepayers Associa tion He said his platform includcs improvement of the tax base in the city active solicitation of new business and industry ex tension of the beach and parklands and negotiating with the surrounding townships without forced annexation Our city needs represen tatives on council whose total commitment is to ensuring that our future is planned and prac tical to all he said Ward is representaed by Aldermen Jim Perri Ed Thompson and Del Cole Ald Perri is running for mayor Crusing The bottle differs from the usual okc container not only in its label but in shape hcight and capacity The Crush bottle is straight at the bottom is fraction of an inch shorter and holds 300 millilitres or it 50 ounces conr pared to 284 or 10 for rcal Coke bottle But somehow It got through capping and othcr machines and past lot of employccs anyhow which surpriscs the Toichcs no end sincc oca olzi employees thcy havc mct can usually spot cvcn non Most US mistake for Coca Cola rcturnablc okc batch of rcturns At prcscnt thc bottle is sitting on the restaurant countcr whcrc it draws plcnty of com mcnt Weve had lot of fun with it Mrs Ioich says What docs Coca ola propose to do about it bottle in Ihcyll givc mc another hot tlc to replacc that one says Mr Ioich who isnt tripping over himself to accept thcoffcr Im dickcring with guy for $10 for it and hcs not going to get it says Mrs Toich centres resume flu shots By THE ASStKLYIIII PRESS fcdcral official says most areas in thc Initcd Statcs that halted swinc flu inoculations are resuming them bccausc studies show thc dcaths of cl dcrly pcrsons wcrc coincidental to their rccciving shots think most pcoplc who have stoppcd and cvaluatcd the information arc going back into immunization activitics Dr David Scnccr dircctor of the federal Centre for Discasc on rol told news confcrcncc in Washington on Thursday President Ford his family and some federal and statc offi cials rcccivcd thc shots Thurs day to dramatizc thc safcty of the vaccine The program to inoculatcd 200 million 75 rcsidcnts had comc to standstill in most areas of nine states and parts of others aftcr Tuesdays an nounccmcnt that thrcc cldcrly Pittsburgh rcsidcnts died after rccciving shots Somc clinics that continucd offcriug shots rcportcd reduction in thc numbcrs of pcrsons rcqucsting thcn ASINCIDENCE Thc official explanation is thc thrcc dcaths were coinci dcncc Dr Frank Clack dircctoi of thc Pittsburgharea Allcghcny ounty health dcpartmcul said Thursday Altogcthcr thcrc wcrc repor ts this wcck that morc than 35 pcrsons in scvcral states died from fcw hours It fcw lays aftcr hcing vaccinatcd Of ficials in every case said the immunizations wcrc not to blzimc Says milk producers may have more say GENEVA PARK Ont CP Ontario milk producers should not undcrestimatc the influence they have on the milk industry Gcorgc McLaughlin chairman of the Ontario Milk Markcting Board said Thurs lay Speaking during the last scs sion of threeday conference in this community 15 miles east of Orillia he said he thinks pro duccrs will be allowed to par ticipate more during the next two years in federal govern ment decisions on marketing and milk quotas Mr McLaughlin said produc tion quotas established by the Canadian Dairy Commission earlier this year will not be rc laxed overnight We arc in helpless position right now hcsaid Years ago Canadians don like interference in media KITCHENER Ont CP Judy LaMarsh chairman of the Ontario royal commission on violence in the media said Thursday most Canadians pre fer selfdiscipline to govern ment interference in the media Miss LaMarsh told news conference that this was her impression after receiving 1000 briefs on the issue She said Canadians are very concerned about sex and vio lence in the media but what ev erybody would like to soc is selfdiscipline within the media She said public concern is zeroing in on television then films and daily newspapers with radio and magazines way down the list Miss LaMarsh said that with violence there is great imita tivc factor particularly among young children They watch cartoons and then start bashing cach othcr around yet thcy are amazed and upset when someone cries or bleeds as result of their ac tion You see children cant dif ferentiate between cartoons and real life Cartoons are very real to them There is no question the media is big factor in the in creasing amount of violcncc and that it can causc somcdau gerous effects in society she said Miss LaMarsh said the com mission will complete its re search in December and hopes its findings will be made public by the end of March the board would havc bccn able to transfer quotas as we saw fit to anticipate what was hap pening in the marketplace This has all been takcn out of our hands Mr McLaughlin who rctircs as chairman at the cnd of the year after 11 years on the board encouraged producers and county milk committccs to takc an active role in the devel opmcnt of milk marketing boo An estimated 350 marchers travelled from Centennial Park to City Hall Thursday morning to protest the UNTIL LIGHTS HVSTALLED CodringtonMulcaster in tersection until traffic lights are installed Barrie Police Chief Earl Snider said Thursday the of ficer would not actually be stopping traffic Hell just be there to re inforce the student safety patrollers he said The intersection has come under fire from parents of children at St Marys School becauso of the amount of traffic and the speed at which it travels Because of Officer on duty at city intersection There will be uniformed at the intersection but Chief policeman on duty at the Snider estimates it will be its location many children must cross City Council cided to install the intersection on their way to and from school recently de traffic lights some time before they are in Until then just before school starts and just after it finishes there will be an of ficer on duty $2M fire cripples TORONTO CP The To ronto Transit Commission TTC organized makeshift shuttle service on the eastwest subway line today following fire early this morning which causcd an estimated $2 million damagc The TTC had subway trains running on one track which was not damaged in the blaze that destroyed at least four cars of thc last castbound train of the day It was also using buses to Disease kills 300 GENEVA Reuter dis ease that has killed more than 300 people in central Africa has been identified and has no known cure the World Health Organization WHO said Thur sday Laboratories in Britain Bel gium and the United States identified the killer strain as variant of an extremely rare viral infection for which there is no known antidote The infection known as the Marburg disease was first identified when 30 laboratory technicians at Marburg in West Germany fell ill in 1967 after handling organs from dead African green monkey Seven technicianslater died Since July the virus has been reported in southern Sudan Zaire Nigeria and Sierra Leone The WHO laboratory tests were taken from samples sent from Zaire and Sudan where the first outbreaks were re ported Sudanese authorities said 59 people had diedamong the 137 people infected by the strain Unlikely Shack here The Whitby Warriors are in town today to meet the Barrie Flycrs at 830 pm at the Bar ric Arena but its unlikely that Eddie Shack will be among them Ilyers general manager Stcvc Tripps said that efforts to get The Entertainer to join the Warriors in Barrie appear to have been unsuccessul Whitby is 10 on the season having beaten Thunder Bay 63 in its home opener ExFlyer Don Pagnutti is in their lineup Flyers also 10 will be strengthened by the return of three and possibly four players who missed the first game because of suspensions Return ing to the lineup are Doug Ferguson Bob Monteith and Bob Peppler Steve Sly is eligi ble to return if back from Ken tucky in time for tonights con test federal governments wa and price controls Rough half of Barries unionized TAKING PART IN DAY OF PROTEST move passengers around the area hit by the fire Christie station where the burning train stopped was closed First reports from officials at the scene said the line would be closed to rushhour commuters because of the damage Nine persons suffering from smoke inhalation including four TTC employees were taken to hospital after being brought out of the system by firefi hters Seven were treat and released and hos pital officials said the others were expected to be released later today At the height of the blaze 100 firefighters were on the scene The fire which broke out at about 130 am EDT was first noticed when the train passed through the Dufferin station but the train could not be halted until three stops later at Christie station CARS DERAILEI Fire Chief Charles Chambers fire were off the track He said they had expanded in the in tense heat of the fire and were jammed in the tunhel There was no way the system could be cleared for the rush hour he said Desmond Thompson 30 of Toronto passenger on the burning train said he was one of four persons riding in car near the end of the train He said the car behind was burning The train came into sta said the cars involved in the tion the place was filled with Metro subway line smoke Mr Thompson said train employee ran back and pried open the doors All four persons in the car were taken outtwo of them to hospital Mr Chambers said the firefighters first priority was to look for people They entered the system from three subway stations equipcd wih breathing apparatus People couldnt live down there he said Firemen were having breathing trouble with the intense heat sodas Mayor upset with comments Jl Ch dearl Thats another crack Ive trod on Princesss pregnancy rumor LONDON Reuter spokesman for the British royal family described as just ru mor today report that Prin cess Anne was expecting baby early next year This is just rumor the spokesman said All can tell you is that she is going riding this weekend and has full ca lendar of engagements right up to the end the year You can draw your own conclusions from that Published reports here said the 26yearold daughter of Queen Elizabeth is expecting her first child between Febru ary and March The reports said the royal gynecologist Dr George Douglas Pinker has cancelled lecture tour to South Africa scheduled bet ween Feb 14 and March 14 We are not prepared to dis cuss it at alleven if we knew anything Maj Peter Phillips Princess Annes fatherinlaw said today The princess was married to Capt Mark Phillips in Novem ber 1973 She represented Brit ain in the threeday equestrian event at the Olympics in Mon treal in July Early this year she said her main ambition was to compete in the Gamesand then have baby ti factory workers stayed home Thursday com lying with the Canadian abor Con Promising young home buy ers $1000 grant is good vote getter but its inaccurate says Mayor Dorian Parker Mayor Parker told The Bar rie Examiner this morning shes upset with comments in Thursdays paper by Ald Ross Archer Ald Archer candidate for mayor in the Dec election said the city could give young first time home buyers $1000 federal grant for Assisted Home Ownership Program AHOP houses Not so says Mayor Parker The mayor said according to information gathered by the planning and development committee the provincial government which administers the federal money gives the grant for the benefit of all city residents The money is to be used to put in new services such as water sewers and roads she said and cannot be given on an in dividual basis without proving real justification to the pro Vince The whole article agree is very good vote catcher she said But its inaccurate and misleading City council voted earlier this year to put the grant money for AHOP units in common fund for capital works Mayor Parker said the pur pose was to cut the general tax rate which usually pays for the hard services of water sewers and roads This is according to the terms of reference set by the federal government and not me or anyone else in Barrie she said guards reported killed BELGRADE AP The Yu goslav news agency Tanjug re ported today in dispatch from China that three guards were shot and killed during the ar rest of four Chinese radical leaders including the widow of Mao Tsetung but neither she nor the others arrested were harmed Quoting what reliable sources it the called agency said the four had plotted coup and relied on the help of Chen Hsilien the commander of the Peking garrison but the military leader told Premier SIIII EARLIER STORY PAGE Hua Kuofcng Hua has since been named to succeed Mao as Chinas Communist party Another Metro airport only way says Lang OTTAWA CP Another air port in the Toronto area is the only way to handle future air traffic growth in that part of the country Transport Minister Lang said Thursday in the Commons He referred to stacking of air craft waiting to land at Toronto International airport the main international and domestic ter minal with resulting inconven ience to passengers of yess day of protest For story and more photos see Page Examiner Photo We are doing the best that can be done he said The fact is an additional air facility in the Torontoregion is the only way we know of solving the problem of increasing traffic which will be presenting it self Mr Lang said his department was making every effort to en sure maximum use of existing facilities including those at Mirabel the new Montreal in ternational airport This was necessary in the absence of new Pickering airport To rontoarea project recently abandoned CA PS ULE NE WS about homebuying grant MAYOR PARKER leader various reports said In addition to the arrest of the four leaders others were arrested at the Peking univer sities of Peita and Tsinhua Tanjug said It said that Maos widow Chiang Ching had prepared the coup while her husband was still alive and that she had sought help from navy officers but failed After Maos death meeting of party leaders proposed Hua as the new chairman but the four who were later arrested Chang Chungchiao Wang Hungwen and Yao Wenyuan in addition to Chiang Ching were reported to have opposed the move ARGUE ABILITY Tanjug said Maos widow told the meeting that Hua Kuofeng was incapable of leading the party but he rctorted that he was capable and knew how to handle problems Hua was said to have told the meeting that Mao had advised him in conversation of three important thingsnever hurry never get excited and work in accordance with the established principles This statement was later published posthumously as Maos last quotation Civil war the topic NICOSIA Cyprus AP Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and five Arab heads of states will meet Saturday in Riyadh Saudi Arabia in an attem pt to end the Lebanese civil war the official Saudi Arabian radio reported in broadcast monitored here today Predicts economy growth HOT SPRINGS Va AP The US economy will grow by five per cent next year but there will be only slight progress in reducmg inflation and unemployment the Business Council predicted today Gales sink two DOVER En Bohlen and the ships gland AP Two German ships the tanker small coastal freighter Antje Oltmann sank off southern England early today in hurricane galcs and 32 crew members are missing the coast guard reported No Peace Prize in 76 OSLO AP The Nobel committee of ment has decided not to award the 1976 was announced today the Norwegian parlia Nobel Peace Prize it