I6The Barrie Examiner Thursday October 14 I976 TELEVISION GUIDE wwmmmmmmmmmwwmmmm 3BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO I2 PETERBOROUGN BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILTON BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL YNUISDAY EVENING 600 800 1030 247111222News 29Gcniini Man 3Faces of Small Places 3Movie Sleeping tar 4Waltons 1100 To Triestei 3512Carol Buniett 2345794112wNews 524 Houis 7Welconie Back Kotter zzMary Hartman Dcfinitioii Lerick Van Dyke 1130 630 auto zJohnny Carson NBC News Barney Miller eKojak CBS News ll Vic Franklin 220pposite Sexes 7AB News 900 sNews Nous 2llBest Sellers 7Mary Hartman Ilvliill Game Tony Orlando 11Larry Solway 12 Little House on The 1Hawaii FiveO 1115 Prairie 5A Day of Protest sFugitive 22 Adam 12 9Nancy Walker 1150 700 Tony Randall tzMovie The Mad Bowling For Dollars 127 Stamky and Hutch Room Concentration Ls Wiiita rio Lottery 120 Twos toiiipiiny 2er Thi lldd touplc 9110 aMovic My Geisha 22 r$118000 Question 7Movie Stagecoach To Tell The Truth 7w Nancy Walker 9Ironsid5 Grand Old tountr tr Maclcar 22Movie Father Dear 117 MakiIn tllltl liincc 1000 Father 7110 Dick Van Dyke 11Movie Cromwell Strikis Spares and 377 Showbiz 1230 Misses 411Baniaby Jones 4Movie The Hull wood Squares Delvecchio Astronaut 512 clciiiiic Huck Kill rzflNews 100 for 57 Upstairs Downstairs Sanford and Sun 2Tomorrow 7Streets of San Fran 9Movie Footsteps 227 Gong Show cisco 145 Bolih ininn Silt izirMobile One llMerv Griffin ll Loreno iiid lillllltllll FRIDAY AFTERNOON I2ztl0 Iltl 01W 277 3012mm Slum 11 Letiti it To bluntr 211A Days Of Our Lives As The World Turns 2Movie Married Monster From Outer 171 Ncus Slt Crown Court Spacei 57 Bot McLean TFamily Feud aMoira Hunt hide Hulili 9Joycc Davidson 4Merv Griffin Nous For The Money SIZIts Your Choice 1220 200 7Munstels Show 12 Farm Nous SAlan Hamel 22Monkees 1210 SvAll In The Family 9Brady Bunch 27 Gong Show fl0pposne Sexes tlYoung and The 3lIrm Report $20000 Pyramid Restless Search For Tomoran 12All In The Family lZHyndsight 711 II My Children 125 430 97 Flintstones SANews 9To Tell The Truth l2 Flirt tiillllt 230 $542Pencil Box r2 2Doctors 22Gilligans Island in lt itlpoluilltin 3512Edge of Night 7Mike Douglas 422Guid ing Light llDinah 123 Tll One Life To Live 500 27 lilLItlllt 1100 9Emergency New 29Another World 3Lucy 100 lstZVTake Thirty AU In The Family ZBonnie Prudden SFriday After School flLittle Rascals 12l Love Lucy Cross its 57 Ryan tipt Dick iili Bite 3213 530 11 Enn liting Iiiiiitiful 7lleen0ral Hospital 3News 127 Marius lli 330 4Adam 12 tiiiiiliin tIilcIdt 3512Celebnty Cooks Match Game 5l2SRoom EPmk Panther FRIDAY EVENING 79 Dunn and Marie Hartman Zllogans Heroes 11 Hot Hands The Iron Curtain 504 90 45 24 ii 123 New 3311 Tommy um Movie tThO Shocking 17 Stank and Hutch 29r Rockford Files Mm pugnm nun TWRIOVIQ Battle For The 50 Definition Whlll HOUSP 12 one wluard 11Movie Illaimg 00 24 Vows Babiesv Home iBndge on The Adam 9110 River Kwaii ram Lum 247L6Pr8$1denl 7M0le Thc 5L Valem 12 ptlli er lilnts Debate tines Massacre 700 Caught Th Alone Your Money or Hauling For linllar I000 Your Wife iniiteniihtMii 37 Mannut nstw IJudilhI Ir and Tina 5F Pom SL0 01t tblassacre At 1h Idd lniiplv JUhnn 35 Fort Holman1 Tu lIil The Truth 12 Hawaii File 100 PM 3° Zlednlghl Special 11 Shitnitl 100 SMovie iThe Secret 13 ZZWMary Hartman earl 27 inch iiiint 23157911127News 120 Htitlllk 1120 47 Muvte iA Tar et For 37 Diane Staphy 37Late Edition Klmng 77 Break The Bunk Night Beat 55 241mm Hiirst izNight Final 9Movie Outrager mill 30 205 Ln id Stoiiilwrg JOhnny C3ron llvMerv Griffin 11 pm MINI thOVIC You ll Like My 300 121m Motherr 9lr0nsld€ will flSOpposite Sexes flirSaiiinrd and Sun SFinal Edition denuts 7Mary Hartman Mary Mm Emdpo mm 11 Great Iiibate THE DOCTOR SAYS Roseola childhood disease By THOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson My daughter is three months preg nant Just recently her 16 monthold had roscola with fe ver and rash Isnt this German measles The child had his ru bella shots She IS concerned about her pregnancy have read it is dangerous for woman to con tract this during the first three months of pregnancy am very worried Should she have shot of stimrethingIrs ER German measles is known as rubella Roseola is not Ger man measles although like it it is though to be viruscaused and is communicable If roseola is the diagnosis your daughter has nothing to worry about Roscola is rela tively mild childhood disease which is accompanied by high fever often as high as 104 de grees The fever lasts three or four days and is followed by pinkish rash that can spread over the entire body within 24 hours afterits firstappcarance It is distinguished rather eas ily from rubella which usually starts as cold In rubella the rash and fever occur simulta neously If your daughter had rubella when she was child she would be immune from second at tack It is dangerous to contract rubella during the first three months of pregnancy true It is also dangerous to receive im munization against rubella dur ing that period In fact there is some thought that the danger exists to some degree much later in pregnancies than three months Women who are unsure whether or not they have had exposure to rubclla during childhood can be tested to es tablish whether they have ever had it Immunity is for life Rather than you or your daughter agonizing over this have her speak to her doctor He would understand her con cern and give her direct assur ance Dear Dr Thosteson Do ou agree that if nothing can be found physically wrong con sti ation is mental This in vo ves 412ycarold child who has been on stool softeners for twoyearsAR The stomach and with it the entire digestive tract may be affected by mental states but one would not suspect this in child this age especially since it has gone on for two years The child needs careful examination He apparently has serious bowel roblem and the sooner it is iagnosed the better 11 Larry Snlwav Dear Dr Thosteson Is it possible for child to go through life without eating meatMrs Sure So long as he gets other protein food This would mean sensible vegetarian diet with nuts beans and other proteinrich vegetables Milk eggs dairy products and fish are rich nonmeat protein sour ces Dear Dr Thosteson My husband recently recovered from very painful back ailmenta deteriorated disc Before that he was exercising in an effort to ti hten the stomach muscles an get rid of paunchand with great suc cess might add Since the back ailment he is afraid to do any kind of ex ercise Would it bring on an other attackMrs RB It might have brought on the first one and if so it could repeat Incidentally his ex ercising had nothing to do with his stomach muscles It was the abdominal muscles he strengthened dont like to quibble but there is vast dif ference The stomach is an or gan within the abdomen Until your husband gets clearance from his doctor sug gest he deemphasize back straining exercise and stick to milder forms along with good diet program to lose weight Benefit costs up MONTREAL CPI The cost of employee benefits in Canada has increased by three per cent to 311 per cent of cor porate payrolls in the last two years survey by Theme Rid dell Associates Ltd says The term fringe benefits for nonsalary expenditures to em ployees has given way to the term employee benefits because in no way is 31 per cent fringe cost to em ployers the report said When the firm of manage ment consultants began their first survey in 1954 employee benefits accounted for 151 per cent of payroll cost The groportion rose to 281 per cent 1974 The studies were done every two years The survey covered 437635 nonmanufacturing and 150223 manufacturing employees with 155 employers par ticioating Bomlco Bode Onol For Friday Oct 15 1010 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 An old issue that caused friction in the family may surface today Try to treat it more tactfully this time TAURUS April 20May 20 Your chances of getting others to do things for you today will be very slim if your approach is too demanding Say please and thank you GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Be mere on guard than usual with possessions today Dont leave valuables in your car without locking it CANCER June 21July 22 Youre bent upon doing things your way today This could result in problems Conditions inhibiting your independence should be handled tolerantly LEO July 23Aug 22 Think your moves through carefully today or youll box yOurseIi into corner Above all dont do anything out of spite VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Think twice today bei0re com mitting yourself to anything that could tie up future resources or earnings You could bite off more than you can chew LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Goals you set will be thwarted if you fail to use logical procedures You tend to put obstacles in your own path to day SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Dont pry too deeply Into the al fairs of others today or you may discover and misinterpret something youre better off not knowmg SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 The outcome could haunt you If you recommend per son whose busmess ethics youre unsure of to friends Boost only known quantities today CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Youre vulnerable to being used by others today Select COmpanions careiully AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Youre apt to try to force round pegs into square holes at work today Rely on your brains not on your brawn PISCES Fob 20March 20 Tread warin today in any Situa lIOn that smacks oi specula tion You could risk more than you should Your 13 Birthday Oct 15 976 Youre likely to have in volvements this year that Will bring you before the public Conduct yourself so as to enhance your status and op p0rtunities GABRIEL RETURNS PHILADELPHIA AP Free agent quarterback Roman Gabriel signed contract with Philadelphia Eagles on Tuesday after passing series of physical tests that confirmed his right knee has recovered from fifth operation Gabriel 36 was the National Football Leagues top signalcaller for last years 410 season OUR BOARDING HUSE UMYA5 Wises In COMPLETING THE Fitter VOLUME or MY Aura so BIOGRAPHY TriE 5TORY WILL BE was HAILED AS THE DEFINITIVE WORK on AMERICAN IFE LABORé FOLLOWED BY CANDLE LIGHT STUDY T0 DEPICT MY BOYHOOD THE L555 THEY 00 AS AN ADULT TiiE MORE THEY CLAIM FOR THEIR BOYHOOP Hl5 scueoutsl JIl on NATURE oN Iy By Poll Cramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY Somehow unsupervised children got into our church and spilled copying ink we think it is mimeograph ink on our beautiful red carpet We would like to know if it will come out If so how do we do it We church ladies are eagerly awaiting your reply Also would like to know how to get silly putty out of my carpet Both these are low pile with nylon MJ DEAR MJ Without knowing definitely what type of Ink this is it would be very foolish to start experimen ting with large church carpet Permanent inks are usually permanent after they dry and set and should always be blotted up with water IMMEDIATELY When quick enough about doing this they can sometimes be washed out feel you need the advice of professional rug cleaner who will come and look at your carpet You said children got in and spilled copying ink and that made me wonder If that would be considered van dalism Perhaps it would be well to discuss this with the agent who carries the insurance for your church It MAY take care of such problem know of nothing specificlally for removing silly putty but you might try hardening the putty with ice and try to ball it like gum Then roll gently to pull away from the carpet Or you might try test first dry cleaning fluid then detergent water and vinegar solution and then more dry cleaning fluid as the American Institute of Rug Cleaning suggests for chewing gum Dry and then brush gently POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with restaurants that serve salads but not diet dressing unless they charge extra for it Regular dressing just adds unwanted calories for dieters MAY DEAR POLLY My twoyear old son was drinking punch when he managed to spill it down the front of his white tank top thought it was ruined but dyed the shirt completely in some of the punch Now he has perfectly good and wearable punch colored tank top that even looks good enough to wear when we go out LINDA DEAR POLLY My mother mixes half bottle of that often advertised green liquid shampoo with an equal amount of water This makes it go twice as far Our hair seems just as clean and we get the same amount of lather To remove tough greasy stains we remove them by squirting on some of this shampoo rub little and then put in the washer as usual DIANE DEAR POLLY never had enough hangers for Barbie doll clothes until discovered they were easy to make with pipe cleaners JT DEAR POLLY Hangers that some ties come on make wonderful hangers for Barbie doll clothes PAM NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN 207611AIIN0 lli MAY A6K WHOM you lNTEND IC VOTE FCR 5H3 WINTIIROP you MEAN MWWIAéK mam you INTEND SHORT RIBS BC BORN LOSER soar OF FOLDEKOL SUVNQR BUGS BUNNY HEY Listen To Tris HOT ITEM IN This momma PAPER TOP THE MORNING THAT ltHELLOM READ EVERY SthLE writ 1N THAT GRUMMY Rite FROM THE BANNER 0N THE FRONT PM To me M91 0N The BACK Me INLLuoiNev THE DATES AND We NUMBERS BUMS WITH YEP MOOCHIN euooy WIN AT BRIDGE Many ways to bid and play NORTH V107 OAKJ10632 494 WEST AKQIOB VKSI 004 4K732 SOUTH Ail VAQJ9063 O7 ï¬AQJlO Both vulnerable North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead EAST Q975432 V2 0985 865 West Pass Pass Pass By Oswald James Jacoby The less said about the bid ding of todays hand the better Not that six hearts isnt reasonable contract but there must be as many ways of bidding those North South cards as there are bridge players South went up with dum mys ace of spades led the 10 of trumps and finessed West took his king and laid down the queen of spades South ruffed and went into executive ses sion There were three ways to play One was to lead trump to dummys seven and take the club finesse If that worked he would draw trumps discard one club on high diamond and repeat the club finesse The second line was to cash the ace of diamonds ruff diamond enter dummy with the seven of trumps and assuming trumps broke 22 South decided on third line of play that didnt offer quite as good chance mathemetically but gave him an portunity for lots of thoug tat the end of the play Neither of the first two lines would work His line did He simply ran off all his trumps while discarding down to four diamonds and club in dum my Then he went after diamonds and since the queen was kind enough to drop was home with the slam he An Illinois reader wants to know if Ely Culbertson was an American citizen by birth He was actually born in Ploesti Rumania but was registered with the US Con sul as an American citizen so the answer to the question is divest One of three alcoholics woman NEW YORK AP Women ges and walks of life now nstitute third of the es timated nine million alcoholics in the United States the Health Insurance Institute reports This one out of three com pares with past estimates that indicated that one of every five alcoholics was woman Ac cording to government sur vey womegemake up the larg est increa in the problem drinking population in recent years Women who drink to excess experts say tend to blame fam ily disagreements Men are more likely to attribute it to job problems Women alcoholics are also more likely to lapse in no How mite mambo BEEN HARBORle This WCULAK hope to be able to run the to deep depression than men diamonds and often suffer greater social isolation FUNNY BUSINESS CMON CHARLIE lTIS TIME Fora LUNCH ©1976lrval lnCYM Rec US Pal flit 1r Jdi ANDY CAPP KERRY DRAKE Complete Office Outfitters 29 Dunlop St VL Ionic WIZARD OF ID CEDRIC MUST HAVE COMPLETE PRIVACY FOR HIS DAILY PERIOD OF MEDITATION LOOKIWHOG BORROWED FIVER OFF mu TWICE ESE MST Two WEEKS AN PAIDYOU BACK EACH TIME DAILY CROSSWORD Literary Bit ACROSS English essayist One of Porters Little Women English pool 12 Persian post 13 Candlenut tree 14 Adloln 15 Memorandum 16 Nothing 17 Painful 18 Actress Garbo 20 Renters 22 Ontario ab 24 The Rover 25 Produced book 29 Heron 33 Chest bone 34 Among 36 Roof edge 37 American inventor 39 Ache 41 Charged atom 42 Squander 44 Spider cookery 46 Hawaiian DGPDBI 48 Bombast 49 Weather 53 Feminine appellation 57 Speech impediment 58 Gibbon 60 Girls name Answer to Previous Puzzle man mama BEE aunm Eanm Ema mmmg amgmm NEHEE amnsm namaï¬agmmaga mama nun EHME mmnm mam mung gummuma aanma gamma QKEEE LEMEN ummm Ema nmau Emmg nag ï¬gam HEB man Ema 61 Shield bearing 899 CY 62 pee Gynrs Masculine bacchanals moms appellation 32 Canvas shelter 63 Short jacket Windswms 35 Levee 64 Legal Northwest 38 imprinted document 40 African river 65 pigpen Woodwind 43 Uncle Toms 66 Hodems 10 Unsullied friend 11 Summers Fr 45 Scaling device 19 Pilasier 47 Book of maps 21 Bishopric 49 0011 DOWN 23 Temperature 50 Italian coins tab 51 Small island Protracted 25 Ships bow 52 of Eden Roman god of 26 Cosmic order 54 Greek ieuer love 27 Wading bird 55 Horses gait Spouse 28 Mexican 56 Christian Native of painter Andersen Brittany 30 Sore 59 King Sp SIDE GL DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS It mun OFFICE OUTFITTERS ANCES assure you Mr Wilkins that youre not the ONLY adult who enjoys Sesame Street can turn bar room Into completon decorated and fumlzliod of fice Call 7310201 to consult Professional Office Planner 7370201 won III Mat cover we HAVE me CELEBRATEO Dit M16 HIMSELF FIND IlIls one RISP°NDS menu To READINGS FROM EDGAR ALIAN POE TI ommilekï¬uzï¬wm 04