COUNTY GLIMPSES OMB hearlng on zonlng MOONSTONE Staff An Ontario Municipal Board hearing on the township zoning bylaw has been arranged for Monday Nov 15 according to notice received by Medonte council The hearing will be held in Moonstone community hall starting at 11 am The Medonte council has agreed to proposal that it ac cept responsibility for main taining portion of road south of Orr Lake on the Flos Medonte townline Land use change from rural to ski resort use for parts of Lots Concessions and has been covered by an amendment to the official plan which was approved by the Ontario ministry of housing DRAW WINNER ttLDATER Warren Sweet of RR Coldwater won the 3250 award for the 5050 draw held by the Coldwater public school parents association at Coldwater fall fair APPLE DAY GLTIIRIF The First Oro Cub Pack will be selling apples on Sat Oct 16 in Guthrie Shanty Bay Oro Station and Hawkestone About 30 boys will take part The group is also seeking Scotti leader ItIi1EIIiIINIC ANGUS re Remembrance Day will be recognized here Nov 11 when the Angus Legion members march from the Legion building to the cenotaph at 1030 am Essa council has been invited to attend ULNtIL MEETING SIROLD Innisfil council will hold its first regular meeting of the month on Wed nesday at 10 am in the municipal building 8th Line at Highway 11 The public is in vited to attend APPLE DAY ALLISTON The Boy Scouts here will hold their annual Ap ple Day on Friday Oct 22 and Saturday Oct 23 LEGION PARKING ALLISTON Council has agreed to lease to the Canadian Legion Beach Street east of Dufferin Street for parking Terms of lOyear lease will be considered by the Legion TPIRBII ALLISTON VA The Emergen cy Measures ranization has turned down Allistons bid to buy the radio tower at the town hall for $2 The organizations request for $300 has been referred to Allistons police committee SENIOR CITIZENS CULDWATER lStaffl Meetings of the Coldwater and District Senior Citizens club are held on the second and four th Thursday of each month at the Lions club Riverside Cen tre building on Main and Mill streets here rl ï¬vl jumpers to 15 BUILDING RULES ALLISION Staff The town council has authorized the buildin inspector to attend three ay provincial con ference at Mississauga opening on Tuesday Oct 26 with the municipality paying the usual remuneration Building rules and regulations will be among topics to be discussed COOKSIOWN COUNCIL COOKSTOWN Staff Reeve Norman Cook has an nounced he will not be can didate for reelection in the coming municipal election af ter heading the council for six years Councillors completing current terms are Fran Romano Bob Geelan Jack Dedert and Dennis Partridge WINS $300 PRIZE COLDWATER Mrs Edna Pratt of Port Severn was the winner of $300 prize from reightons Electric in the Coldwater anadiana spon sored draw in aid of the building fund PLANNING BOARD ORILLIA Staff regular meeting of the Orillia city plan ning board will be held on Wed Toronto Direct BARRIE Resales Homes Permanent Vacation Water fronts Building Lots Acreage Farms Call Les Wainwright INNISFIL call Les Wainwright J9 Anne Spencer Junior knits sale priced Boost your wardrobe with one of several acrylic knit dress es Fashions include cowl and scarftie styles corduroy Federal Rtealtar 87 Baytield St LAKE SIMCOE 226 ACRES 160 616 Sandy loam over gravel Close to Lake Simcoe $35000 Please OPPORTUNITY Bedroom cottage lot Full price $15750 Please call Les Wainwright A33 JUST REDUCED Bedroom 2Storey Large rooms Close to schools and shopping $35900 Please call Les Wainwright 538 FREE INFORMATION Inquire about our Guaranteed Investment Certificates and Registered Saving Plans Just call Les Wain wright Bill Purvis Manager 7260452 lesWalnwright 43623 EIvaMilIs 7233149 romrimimmins 4562620 AndyMeInyk 7267369 Dorothy Finsimmins 4562620 anoncoo IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIi boutiquegtquCK nesday evening Oct 13 in the city council chambers starting at7oclock Gilford WI to make trip By RUTII SAWYER GILFORD Members of Gilford Womens Institute will travel to Barrie on Tuesday Oct 19 to view several places of interest Mrs Greg Davis Egbhc relations Convener will in chrge Twelve members from Gil ford UCW visited the Stroud group last Wednesday Mr and Mrs Nick Hurdman of Sudbury were visitors with the latters parents over Thanksgiving weekend Mr and Mrs Robert Kell ac companied by the Iatters cousins from Clinton made bus trip to Peterborough area recently Mr and Mrs Sawyer attended the convocation and graduation at War Memoiral hall at Guelph University last Friday rust 7372300 line 3620332 New 4589211 starts Thursday at 1000 am sharp $21 avings on pce suits Vested tailored suits pant or skirt styles 65 polyester 35 gabardine Checks and plains sized to 13 Black green brown blue Reg $90 Lottery grants to aid seven area projects MIDHURST Grants totall ing $26701 have been approved for seven projects in Simcoe County from the proceeds of the Ontario Lottery The amounts range from $12500 to $32 The corporation of the village of Creemore is to receive grant up to $12500 to assist in the purchase of the centrally located Legion building for community recreational ac tivities grant up to $6000 is to be made to the city of Barrie for renovations to the second floor of the Barrie arena to provide space for community meetings and recreational activities WYEVALE GRANT The Wyevale Recreation 25 saving on Denby Ovent0 Tableware Glassware and Stainless Oct7ththnugh Oct Ithl976 5301130 Quagsonliotlrl Bayfield Mall Ronnie 7262380 sIii Chargex Mastercharge Accepted umrtn um um WT FRASER for the young the fashionabl WV Committee is to receive grant of up to $5036 for the installa tion of field 11 ts to the com munity baseba diamond The culture and recreation minister Robert Welch said the new grants are part of the ongoing Share Wintario pro gram for the support of cultural and recreational activities To date the ministry has allotted $607 million to more than 4195 groups and projects across the province BORDEN HOCKEY The Base Borden Minor Hockey Association is to receive hockey equipment directly from the Wintario pro jects office for an approximate value of $1663 Oi cï¬NNIVERSARY SALE with super savings Anniversary priced sweaters shirts pants 1488 1288 1588 the girl ab Cardigans in 100 acrylic Stripes plains navy brown black SM Reg $20 Holiday shirts In 100 poly Gay stripes colors on white beige grounds to 15 Great looking pants in blended gabardine fabric plain colors 5t015 Reg 321 grant of $938 is to be made to the Alliston Concert Band to share in the costs of uniforms Soccer balls and one pair of soccer nets will be sent direct from the Wintario projects of fice to the Midland Minor Soc cer League League for an ap roximate value of $282 The eague will also receive the sum of $250 to assist in the costs of inprovince travel and uniforms for total grant of $532 The Barrie City Soccer Club is to receive soccer balls direct from the Wintario projects of fice at an approximate value of 32 gnaggonlielld China Gift 680 Maple Barrie 7371319 fligtlt Ls out tow it Elan 3Speed Coupon Ii DISTRICT NEWS 2The Barrie Examiner Wednesdav October 13 1976 mite action 12am CLIP COUPONS TO BE VALID Clip this Khart With the purchase of one with the purchase of one Ladies Sizes 1220 Without Coupon Coupons valid Fri Oct 15 Sat Oct 16 1976 gt with the purchase of one Mens Ladies 8997 Coupons valid Fri Oct 15 Sat Oct 16 1976 Clip this Macrt with the purchase of one Without 711 Clip this with the purchaseof one Without Coupon c4 18 MARI PLAIA MItHWAINIOAHIIIDSI Emu Clipn Save ma ri Gives Sarisaction Always without The Portable Fitness Gym Coupon Coupons valid Fri Oct 15 Sat Oct 161976 gt Body Exerciser PANT SUIT Coupon Save 300 Action Hockey Game Continuous action magnetic control Coupons valid Fri Oct 15 Sat Oct 16 1976 Coupon Save Recliner Chair Straight arm supported vinyl Coupons valid Fri Oct 15 Sat OctJ6 I976 x3 ETTI ï¬tldï¬ Canada Life Appointment David David Reid has been appointed representative in the Simcoe Branch of The Canada Life Assurance Company Mr Reid joined the Canada Life in Toronto in 1966 Since then he has had successful experience in advanced life underwriting Mr Reids appointment will expand Canada Lifes representation in the BarrieHuronia areas and enhance our service to poli cyholders In his present capacity Mr Reid has taken up residence in Coldwater With Coupon With Coupon Bike 69 With Coupon BE ltI Vi til itt gt2 With Coupon 411 With Caupon 7000