Aristocrate Frozen Chmken Legs LB SOLD IN L8 CTN By the Piece Choice Bologna Store Packed End Slices Side Bacon Frozen Store Packed Breaded Veal Steakettes FrozeraneeI Schneiders Steakettes 1Ib pkg lb size Maple Leaf Golden Fry Sausages tlb pkg prices as low as or lower thanthoseof any other major food chain SIRLOIN STEAKS 148 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet TBone or PORTERHOUSE LOIN STEAKS 158 Cut from Canada GRADE Beef L8 L8 LB 124 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Sliced oz Pkg Schneiders Lunch Meats Cut from Canada GRADE Beet The King of Roasts PRIME RIB ROASTS Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROASTS chicken dutch mac cheese pickle 84 pimento luncheon pork loaf Maple Leat All Beet Wieners lb pkg Clillside Beet Pies pack Aloro Cheese Pizza pack Aloro Pepperoni Pizza 6pack 144 148 188 Boneless Bottom Cut CUT FROM Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Quick Convenient Cube Steaks Cut lrom Canada GRADE Beet Prime Rib Steaks Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Regular Braisin Ribs Cut from Canada GRADE Beet Plate Beet boneSin Peameal Back Bacon end portion Cut from Canada GRADE Beef Round Steak Roasts LB II CANADA GRADE BEEF Round Bone Shoulder or SHORT RIB ROASTS 88 Cut from Canada GRADE Beet LB 68 32 80 LB L81I58 ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT 13 TO OCT 19 EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED North Atlantic Empire or Pioneer Sliced Side Bacon LB PKG Maple teal English Style Back Bacon oz pkg Swifts Premium or Lazy Maple Bacon LB PKG Highliner Cod Fillets lb pkg Freshwater Frozen Pike Fillets 14 oz pkg Thrill Pack Bluewater Fish Chips oz pkg Predressed FRESH FRYING CHICKENS 23 LB SIZE 58 GRADE Frozen Predressed FRYING CHICKENS 23 LB SIZE 54 UTILITY GRADE 128 124 154 14 128 188 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday October 13 197619 Miracle steaks 8r roasts are cut from Canada GRAE beef the finest you can buy LEG OF PORK ROAST BUTT PORTION LB Leg of Pork Roast SHANK LB PORTION Fresh Boneless Sirloin Tip or BeotthnSSRound Pork Roast LB Top Round Pork Roast LB AVAILABLE AT 008 SERVICE DELI 5H0 Store Sliced Cooked Ham LB Siena Regular Mortadella LB OTHERWISE IN BARBIE AT BAYFIELD MALL BAYFIELD ST NORTH OF HWY 400 This Imttrm indicates thr expuy Litt rrI Ill reduced price WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES WHAT NEXT Montrealcr Kevin Spraggett studies the board during the final match in the Quebec Open Chess Tourney in Mon treal Monday Spraggett lost the match to Norman Weins tein of Boston CP Photo Prison to close gradually VANCOUVER CP The troubled British Columbia penitentiary in New West minster will be gradually closed during the next several years SolicitorGeneral Fran cis Fox said Monday He would not say when it would be torn down The solicitorgeneral visited the 98yearold federal prison Monday and talked with repre sentatives of the guards citi zens advisory committee and prison administrators He said some of the damage caused two weeks ago by riot ing prisoners is being repaired but no decision on whether to repair the east wing the most severely damaged co block will be made for another week to 10 days He said any prisoners in volved in future insurrectn at the penitentiary will face dis ciplinary action If anybody believes that they can go on rampage throughout the federal in stitutions they are mistaken said Mr Fox If anybody be lieves they can give vent to frustrations and destroy public property or take hostages and not face the rigors of the law they are mistaken FACE IIARGES As far as the hostagetakers are concerned they have been taken into RCMP cells and be lieve they soon will be facing charges laid by the attorney general of British Columbia for the actions they took in the penitentiary About 200 prisoners went on fourday rampage at the BC penitentiary two weeks ago smashing windows furniture fixtures and railings In another part of the prison nine prisoners seized two hostages during the first day of the unrestWalter Day 50 kit chen worker and Wayne Culbert 21 guard Mr Day was released day later but Mr Culbert was held for 8112 hours while prison offi cials prisoners represen tatives and members of citizens advisory committee negotiated an end to the distur bance One of the 16 conditions in the agreement which ended the hostagetaking and riot is that public inquiry by impartial persons be held Mr Fox said Monday that he is delaying formal inquiry in to the hostage incident at the request of prison guards and the citizens advisory comv mittee GILFORU Mr and Mrs Ernest Hughes were entertained at euchre and dance in Gilford communi ty hall last Friday evening Harold Brown read an address and presentation of card table and chairs was made Ed Jackson of Lefroy provided music for the occasion