i4The Barrie Examiner Tuesday October 12 1976 Candle Portable Acloc PURCHASE SPECAL lunein AM IM PB air weather broadcasts on this compact entertainer lopimotmted olume and squelch controls rolar tuning knob with slide rule band indicator telescopic antenna detachable carry handle About 93 high CGE FanForced Heater ere in proyides instant sale hcat ysli litlllwatt model lcatuics Be prepared lor the now and sac irculating and when you need it ellicient parabolic rellectot cold weather ahead buy EAMILY HAIR CARE BY OROOMATE GREAT GROOMING ADw AT GREAT SALE PRICE versatile value that styles combs and dries hair quickly and easily leatures thermostatic control and comes with brush plus two comb attachments Hurry lor this Winter Beater buy Safe utt l8c Slips er butt end ol hoe key stick lor salcr play Reg 24¢ 5Pc Wrench Set 444 ll lllR oinlunalroti open and lio cnd set in it and Special Purchase iooil hu lt Adults Lunch Box 239 llllRlS etii latgc moch in hi impatt po IZ 5H Regular If 77777777777 WINTER BEATER VALUE SAVE ON 55 COOPER SUPERLITEf Hocke WN TER BEA TER VAL UES SHOP EARLY FOR Wood Chisel Set 488 llR 4pc set llll and Drop loigcd Ictl llttlt Specral Purchase slcs Vacuum Bottle 66 1501 Regular Aladdin Maple lcal design 3601 size Reg $529 $469 5m16Ft Tape 388 metricstandard Special Purchase ombination tape ill plastic case Vltlls metal blade hlacls markings DoiibleSided Tape Regular Si 99 ll 13 lt roll ol in tape ldeal lor catpets CONTINUE UNTIL SATURDAY OCT lbth Stick 3pc construction with epoxy resin lin ish White ash handle glass reinforced hic kory blade Left or right hand models and lies Utility Knife Special Purchase lJN contoured metal handle can he used for blade storage With two blades woos we zflmm FuelOil Conditioner Regular 99¢ 1602 lot domestic oil burners Senes tip to 300 gallons 6Pc Bake Set Special Purchase l59 assorted sicd plastic howls Xav measuring cup llexible plastic spatula Use your CANADIAN TIRE CARD Measuring Cup 39¢ It clear plastic cup also has metric markings Builtin lian dle spout Special Purchase PIIONE 7266418 RUSSOCIRTE BROWN BARRIE no BAYFIElD MAll DAYFIEID ST IIWY 27 Toastess Fry Pan 699 Immersihle bullet model in Avocado oi llllcl iold colorsflellon pan hi dome lid Regular $2999 SATURDAY 8306 Indoor Clothesline 466 ll retractable braided nylon lines giye 484i ol drying space Mounts on wall Regular $598 Extra Savings Cash and Carry BONUS COUPONS HOURS MON TUES 96 WED THURS FRI 99