DESPITE TENTATIVE agreement reached Tuesday night between United Auto yorkers and the Ford Motor ompany picketing con Iinues Wednesday outside LlIll 41 DETROIT API Following tentative settlement of the strike at the Ford Motor Co in the United States The United Auto Workers union says its next target for contract is Ferd of Canada If the threeyear US agree ment is approved by the UAWs National Ford Council today it then goes to vote at the 99 Ford bargaining units around theUnited States Union officials have said they would not disclose terms of the agreement until after the coune ciI took action The agreement that could end the threeweekold strike again Fords mammoth Dearborn Mich plant Picket Jim Rothe right wrapped black plastic in effort to protect himself from driving rain st Ford was approved unanimously Wednesday by the UAWs 26member in ternational executive board After Wednesdays meeting UAW VicePresident Dennis McDermott said the union will turn next to contract with Ford of Canada then move to General Motors or Chrysler in the United States ANADIANS LAID OFF About 10000 Ford employees in Canada have been laid off because of shortage of parts caused by the US strike Union officials have said the general ratification would take at least week But contract Crunch has come Heath tells UK BRIGHTON England Reu ter Edward Heath with stern warning that the crunch has come for Britain is sud denly back in the political spotlight joining in 21 Con servative attack on the Labor government The 60yearold former British prime minister received tumultuous cheers at the Con servative annual conference hére Wednesday when he made apublic reconciliation with the party leadership He also told Britons they must face severe hardship to restore foreign con fi ence in the pound sterling here had been coolness be tween Heath and the new Con servative regime since he was ousted in party leadership election last year by Margaret Thatcher Around Heath had gathered group believing in the necessity of wage and price controls and worrying that the party was go ing too far to the right with its call for allout free enterprise But Wednesday the silver haired figure took the place of fered on the conference plat form with party dignitaries and in speech he expressed con fidence in Mrs Thatcher Although this may be Con servative wishful thinking the rty has been told to prepare Four an election on the theory that the Labor government can not last longer than six months And the 5000 delegates were delighted at the display of un ity There was speculation Heath may be offered top job in future Conservative gov emment MADE FEW POINTS But some party members said Heath did not go far enough in his reconciliation He made few party points in speech that concentrated on the national crisis Some said he may be holding CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot taut dollvory Free on orders over $700 In Barrio I07 Discount on PickUp Orders over 8700 Phone 72888l 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE back to offer himself to any emergency coalition govern ment that may possibly be for med in the future Heath also stressed that his policy ideas were unchanged He praised Britains trade uri ions for restraining wages to combat inflation and said that the hardest hit people must be protected during the period of austerity Speakers here have stressed the need to cooperate with the unions despite calls from the floor for tougher line In his speech Heth said Britain had come to the end of its present road and its friends abroad were no longer Willing to help Urgent stringent measures were needed he said adding hope this country will realize that once again am telling them the truth FAMOUS PLAYERS TNEATRE Wgeeken she was just trying to stayaive WM 46 Dunlop St Barrie Ont 728468I talks with laidoff worker The nationwide strike will not end until settlement is ac cepted by rankandvfile UAW Ford workers AP Photo Canadian operation next target of UAW snags at the local level could block renewed production at the 102 Ford facilities in 22 states By Wednesday 42 of the 99 local bargaining units in the US had reached settlement with local management on work agreements Even after national agreement is ratified workers at plants still without local contracts probably wont return to their jobs The other three major US auto makers have extended their contracts with the IAW indefinitely But the agrecmcir ts can be cancelled with three days notice from either side Sources said key element in the pact is provision for 13 more paid days off spread over the threeyear life of the pro posal in addition to the 33 holi day and vacation days Ford workers now receive each year They said the additional timc off provisions are tied to attend ance requirements workvr must be on thc jolt the day hr fore and after scheduled llfil day off to get paid for it MORE DAYSOFF The union had demanded more paid days off as first step toward shortening tin work week to create new jobs The idea is to force thc Industry to hire more workers to replace thosetakingtimtmff Other provisions sources said include general wage iii creases averaging about 15 per cent year an additional first year increase of about 20 cents an hour continuation of cost ifliving protection formula special cash supplements for retired workers and imprch ments in fringe benefits US Ford workers averaged just under $7 per hour under the old contract plus benefits amounting to about $4 an hour TENSION sooverwhelming so unbearable so uncontrollable youll want to scream out loud IIIIIMAN DUNNING LINK present BRENDA VAC CARO In DEATH WEEKEND STARTS TOMORROW ath LIVELY FORDCARTER ENCOUNTER Debate sets off shock waves SAN FRANCISCO AP The second Great Debate set off political and diplomatic shock waves because of pronouncements by Republican President Ford on Eastern Europe and the Arab boycott and hard line by Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter on the Panama Canal At the same time it thrust US foreign and defence policy into the forefront of the cam paign for the Nov presiden tial election The 90minute debate was livelier than the first encounter between the two candidates Both were more aggressive this time and each attacked his op ponent more freely Highlighted by sharp differ ences on the details but broad agreement on the objectives of foreign and defence policy the debate no sooner ended than both candidates said they thought they did well The third and final debate be tween the two presidential can didates is scheduled for Oct 22 in Williamsurg Va On Oct 15 their vicepresidential running mates Democratic Senator Walter Mondale and Republican Senator Bob Dole will debate most likely in Houston TREATED AS EQUAL treated Mr Ford more as an equal Carter said after Wednesday nights encounter think in the first debate deferred too much to him be cause he was president Ford however was able to use his incumbency to make two surprise announcements of international significance He said the United States has received signals from the Soviet Union of its readiness to narrow differences and shape realistic and sound com promise for new agreement to limit strategic nuclear weapons and he said the ad ministration will disclosc the names of American firms that have participated in the Arab boycott against Israel But the president also may have created campaign issue in an unexpected area when he said There is no Soviet domi nation of Eastern Europe and there never will be under Ford administration Ford was askcd hy panelist Max Frankel of the New York Times if he meant to say that the Russians were not using Eastern Europe as their own sphere of influence and were not making certain with their troops that its ommunist zone The president replied that he doesnt believe the Yugoslavs Common exam in leresling LONDON Ont itII lhc iiiciitj of lvltltl Ontario IS interested in lllt Ifltll of common university entrance examination for high school students its picsidciit Dr Williams said chncsrlay Itesjmnding to tnivcrsity of Toronto study recommending such examinations Ir Wil liains said lic ingts with IIIt principlcot the NIH Thi loronto study said coin inon examinations adminis tered by the universities would givc better picture of student capabilities than the present high school marking systems This has just plagued cvrry body hcsaid He said he dots not favor return to departmental thnl inations across the province saying that was too cumber somc That system was aban donod in the late lfttios WARNING SOME SCENES LANGUAGE MAY DE DE FENSIVE THEATRES BRANCHONTARIO SNOWN DAILY AT 700 900 PM starring DON STROUD CHUCK SHAMAIA cilstarring HICHAHD AYIIIS KYLE EDWARDS DDN DRANIIIRY executm producers JDHH DUNNIHD ANDIII llHlt yioducedby IVAN HEIIMAH written and rlumed by WllllAM IHUII rolui SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION FIRST PRIZE WINNER AT THE CANNES FILM FESTIVAL METAMORPIIOSIS LAST TIME TONIGHT LUSTFUL VICAR AMOROUS HEADMASTER Poles or Romanians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union and that each of these nations is completely in dependent and autonomous STATION TROOPS After the debate Brent Scow croft White House national sc curity adviser admitted to re porters that the Soviets had about four divisons of troops stationed in Poland think what the President wanted to say is that we dont recognize Soviet domination of Eastern Europe he said SEE DHIIAIIC ANALYSIS ON PAGE I7 senior European diplomat said of Fords assertion Its crazy If it isnt whats the North Atlantic alliance NATO all about During another exchange Ford criticized the Democratic Congress for failure to disclose the names of companies that had participated in the Arab boycott against Israel and said he had directed the commerce department to release the names However commerce department spokesman said he thought the disclosures would be of firms that cooperate with the boycott in the future rather than the names of firms that had done so in the past US corporations are re quired by law to report to the commerce department any dc mands from Arab countries to participate in the boycott against Israel as condition of doing business in the Arab world When asked for his position on the Panama Canal Carter said he might be willing to IMPERIAL CINEMA share the lCSIXSlIIllLlS for administering the Canal with the Panamanian government to pay higher fees for movement of goods through the Canal Zone and to reduce the US military establishment in the zone MAINTAIN CONIHOI But would not relinquish practical control of the Panama Canal Zone any time in the foreseeable future Nicolas Gonzalenlicvilla Panamanian ambassador to the United States reacted by saying Carter has raised the price tag for new treaty bet ween the two countries Ford said the United States must and will maintain com plete access to the Panama Ta nal the arms limitation talks with the Soviets Ford said he met just last week with the foreign minister of the Soviet Union and be indicated to me that the Soviet Union is inter ested in narrowing the differ ences and making realistic and sound compromise Ford added that if the two countries are unable to reach agreement before the SALT treaty expires Oct 1977 you will unleash again an allout ar ms race with the potential of nuclear holocaust of unbeliev able dimensions arter retortcd that during Fords two years in the White House there has been abso lutely no progress made toward new SALT agreement On other issues Carter accused Ford of lacking leadership and abdicat ing control over foreign policy to State Secretary Henry Kis singer 0n foreign policy mat teis Carter said Kissinger has been president of this coun try Ford said that year ago Carter indicated he wanted to cut the defence budget by $15 billion Carter said he has never advocated cutting $15 billion from the defence budget and be accused Ford of making political football out of the military appropriation rrrCarter said Ford and Kis singer have excluded the Amer HlVlEW CATERING AND BANDUEI HALI or III 77m mums For OctNovDoc Booths WE CHER To YOUR HOME with the ï¬nest food oorvlco TELEPHONE 7268979 IIIE win mt suspense seduction or moat who won me nonunion NAVAL unnumuismnvi ADULT IILIAIIIIN CHARLTONHESIDttHtt JAMES CDBURN GLENN FORD HA1 HDLHROOK CLIFF ROBERTSON roam writit JAiDsAIIioiaii 10in Wit ilV iC so Tonight Adult Entertainment IMPERIAL CINEMA WAI fit tit my ODE on it if MI JIW If iONDA as tiriititiiiit perm MllftHUM 5W lift MIRISCH 1M ur he iove Suï¬ that will scarethe he ADLT INHIIAINMINI 01 own1 motion IHI st HIE hi in it III II IIIUIJIICIII mm niiwt DL PAI MA III CLIFF ROBERTSON GENEVIEVE BUJOLD IN OBSESSION 5IIING JUIIN lIlItW Xi iIIIIVl IItt II In it It Tonight It VIII Il HHLMSUN Ml II RI RNARI HERRN Dont miss the lost dusk to down show of the year at the DriveIn Sun Oct IO ican people from the formula end secrecI the deCiSion ton of forei be Asked making pr0cess reintroduce Iiow he onId pinvglve the the fireSide chats of the Roose people Carter said he would velt era mi Drivevot 910 nit994a GIN On every street in every city in this country Inez who dreams of being somebody Hes lonely forgotten man desperate to prove that hes alive The Borrie Exomiher Thursday October 19765 Shampoo of p11 LIMBIA PK URI prsertls ROBERT DE NIRO TAXI DRIVER Irudur Inn Services by kvonIrhsky bright arren beaIty julio Iiristiii goldio liawn om Zoliiiiilnu lii illlt llI Vishi lweiliiii SUPER FANAVISIONK METROCOLOR yonoacnns emuImus on Behind mamU Barrie Twin DriveIn Theotre 4372212 SCREEN TOMORROW THIS WASTHE Ni irr ii of the Crawling Terror an experiénée in ERIG Adult Entertainment SOUIRMniTrt wanna PAIRIUA mm row EAN so WAN IDISAIIiANSHURV hilluIHHtRUH 3£IiRGEMIlNA°S norm norm iiiruiaiituria uni vvranga BACK BY BORN HLOSERS EliRELEASE POPULAR DEMAND scneghigpï¬elï¬gnice or nmm gt As BILLY JACK AnwinmNrrtiuou at ath Adult Entertainment SCREEN TOMORROW II Iliorrie Twin DriveInTIieotre 487 221 THEY WERE THE GIRLS or OUR DREAMS Hy mums ROBERT CARRADINE lENNIFER ASHLEY MICHAEL MULLINS ll maunvr moucu MARILYN IENSER mowers URICIID no mm JOSEPH RUBEN sue THE MOST DANDEBOUS sruurs even FILMEDI Deathfllders IN Itmu lot Hull 01 VIII Jumnnu Ir hum Ioninsh IOANNI lb NM HIIMNAVJ Mutt mo IulbIV SNIIN im cmsuï¬ogigiLJigggs HAI MANN FROIMCIIUN CROWN INILIINAIIONAL PIIIUI RtitAst Ml wrathnlIUXE In Au