The Barrie Examiner ThursdayLOctober 197621 Newspapers Get Things DoneFor People CommunitiesA dvertisers 7282414 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOM OFFICE AND THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY TOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE MORTGAGES =rr First and second EMORY CHOLKAN co LTD Mommastamer Reasonable Rates REALTOR Existing mum Mort gages r0yg 00k rQQ Ty Nd floLflfln 10 Collier St Barrie 7234401 PIncréosIaId LIMITE or as REALTOR Direct Toronto Line 364 0625 REAL ESTATE LMTED Mongoge IIIII Insurance 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 Hum 3mm mm 001 19 oumor 51 726 1938 TORONTO 364 6636 fli Available ONLY $39900 Brick bedroom brick semi with walkout basement who as 7371223 APPRNSNC AND FNANCINC FINANCIAL to fenced garden lot Bank financing available Call Ron Jones SEMIONLY $28500 bedroom brick semi McGeorge subdivision OPEN UNI LITTLE OLD FASHIONED But as strong and beautiful as when it cm 35 900 Angus$100060 will handle Don Allan 4872411 TF E6 7EI 30 was new 210 Bradford Street has large bedrooms on second floor PEACE QUIET IN WOODLAND SETTING $53500 For years of BEACHWOOD HEIGHTS Anne Street bedrooms circular oak staircases central vacuum system choice of broadloom many ex with oak hardwood floors Large entrance hall and open oak stair Office Hours am pm case all trim is in its original condition Lot is 67x195 with mature serenity raised brick bungalow bedrooms cozy fireplace in trees Price reduced to $48500 Call Ken Miller or any Miller salesman REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Now just $47500 and immediate Three bedroom furnished home with fireplace Large lot with lake access Call John ONE ACRE FENCED LOT tras Phone Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 EXECUTIVE HOME storey bedroom home fireplace in family room double garage on 75 142 lot Beautifully decorated To family room lots of storage space On deep fenced lot Please call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 7284865 MLS No 2526 SHANNON ST bedroom bungalow full basement paveddrive lovely large treed lot $45000 and owner will hold mortgage To in by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF possession bedroom split level home with family room fireplace patio doors and double garage Dont wait call now Ron Jones HIGHWAY 90 Two houses for one price lot 120 by 155 one bedroom house with one piece bath livingroom kitchen utility room has septic and two wells on property second house 420 sq ft price $39900 Call Gerald ONeill $36500 ALLANDALE Older bedroom storey brick large kit chen and dining room Lot 50 by 165 low taxes new roof and chim Three bedroom home and separate cement block building with 22 dog runs Has been used as kennel Zoned M3 Call John spect please call Pete Switzer 7261938 or 7286435 No 1021 313 LITTLE AVE bedroom frame bungalow full basement Large lot 60 200 All for $42900 Call Wilf Vezeau 7261938 or 424 6358 No 993 CLOSE TO BARRIE Mature trees almost acres of land Would make ideal hobby farm attractive spacious bedroom home with fireplaces hot water heating extra large living and dining room finished family room Vendor will hold first mortgage Please call view call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 7284401 13 TOWNHOUSES all rented and bedroom appliances garage baths showing good return 94 per cent first mor tgage $50000 down Vendor will hold second Asking $32000 per unit Try your offer For details call Derek Vernon Browne 726 5551 EAST END PRATT BUILT bedroom bungalow detached garage CAMPBELL STREET Three bedroom brick bungalow with br apt In basement MORTGAGE LOANS Quiet area with mature trees Vendor will hold second mortgage with $4000 down payment Call Ellen UNIQUE WITH STYLE neyI Fenced yonIII mease phone JenY McNubb 7262356I Everything is on one level formal living room separate 232982333Inzflgifï¬grotzgzszasewingEysggoegcxz Wilma Bidwell at 7261938 or 7269135 No 986 COUNTRY WEEKEND RETREAT 36 acres and old house in need of d9 Imgm waif H°Iw°°d wm paymentflexible Hannah Pentlgnd 7288038 O7 repair good for hunt camp snowmobiling or naturalist Just 30 igpgrfhfeerezï¬ozs 10 on van l°r°s Head Office TOIOIIIO miles from Barrie Asking $35000 with terms Call and ask for Ron established 90 presgzzagzmï¬t zlzzz my NORTH PARK Oakley Park school area bedroom bungalow cor PROPERTY FOR SALE 95 NHA LOANS Jones 000$qure fee OHMng spa cough or ner lot rec room and bedroom in basement 1a baths Hannah 0R RENT FVSmorigages from GILL ROAD MIDHURST bedroom one storey with ft crawl pomiandI72emgI Second mortgages from 122 ace has bath laundr room off kitchen livin room with FOUR LEVEL SIDE SPLIT FOR SALE or Rent Pratt built 2year old 3bedroom semi detached bungalow Resdemlalr commercal In fireplace dining room sliding doors to sun deck For information °IIY 790 9P 09 l°lY b9dm°msl SANDY COVE ACRES bedroom modular home Royal model 9ACollegeCrescent9percentlirstmor dustrial Cottages Farms callGerald ONeill PrV°CY fence 9mm P°°l °d 90 dOCkllm 60 b0 stove fridge air conditioner included In low purchase price of wage will now sec°d Avalabe No Apartments Hotels Con becue Early possession Asking $54 800 Call Karen vember 539900 or $300 monthly For NEW LISTING Income property 41 bedroom apartments 22 $28500ldealfor retired coupleHannah Pentland7288028 o7 Eggjfllntengjfli II II dominiums Builders Loans bedroom ortments 11 acres of land Total income presentl at Land Mortgage Construction II 1100 per mont ut as room or increase xce ent con ition usiness Loans throughout First time offered for sale at $87500 with easy terms Karen Hugck 7265303 COMMERCIAL FOR EXISIing M°ngages Pumhased neee phonehumanism2386 11 7371223 the home folks VISTA Wm NH and ARDAGH ROAD Large treed Iot 80x356 with bedroom bungalow Ellen Norrena 7372929 ventlonol loans for maior extra large kitchen full basement large garden original owner Dave Thomson 7372569 development Planning and Call Al Rose 72881160r7261881 Dwight Norrena 7372929 ca ea financial analysis assistance 07 O7 COLLIER ST Maigttenance free homes lm ModerIn ngfice witl it provided Ross Miller 7260563 Ron Sproule 4873715 CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS °° cupmq from on 8W overdoo mg fernI OPEN ONLY Al Rose 7288116 Mike Lysabild 7266054 8ARR1E 7262611 250° M°d° dsplfY Penk éP°d 9°° 513° Pym Harvey Weber 4363815 CeC Cook 7283036 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR °5 9° °d 59 am °°°e ThUSdW enmgs Ron Jones 7268997 Ron Thorne 7288714 REAL ESTATE NEEDS Cum b°l°re Dec I976 Wh w° dr°PeS °d sWdaY bY °PP°ime Percy Ford 7257930 Les Lovegroge 244289 One monthly charge of $80 in fully broadloomed Call Bill can Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett 7266096 COUNTRY HOMEN nos Twp fwd mxes Utilities and 3333 Nmona mm CO 728 WM DISUMMERS Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 55 comer Immediately availableI bedrooms Iwo full bums Iwo replaces beasIe etcI CIITIJS I10 Hflshlgg TI same ofï¬ce Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNabb 7261881 Mo when double °° 9° WY 17057373451 garage $49900 call Bill McCreary 7281865 Ken Miller 4873365 TF Ph 7371771 °5 5°Y 9i BoyIeld St bray Rd turn left and follow T° 3508303 BUNGALOW signs to TARA VISTA ESTATES Alehm Located in Village of Everett has beautiful family room With full open days week aImI 4240776 168 Mortgages Appraise Consulting wallftreplace4bedrooms large lot callBtllMcCreary 7281865 pImI For further informaï¬on Tl call 7053240142 LAKESHORE FRONTAGE 019 DUNLOP 728 3293 WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS With w1nterlled cottage at Minets Point with fireplace $35900 call ESnffenmolhemIqedShoï¬pmg EAST Bill McCreary 7281865 Comn wood T° I°W 12231 KINZIE EA CLOSE To TOWN Brilrry CampbellNash 7371324 Corby Adams 7286829 LIMITED type operations Hours Weekdays to9 Bi McCreary 7281865 Helen Hopkins 7281662 SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE Fireplace in living room large eatin kitchen three bedrooms Doroth Mo 728 58 ll SOTUIdGYS9IO5 broadloom throughout treed lat complete with utility room and couome 63 my on 36 2822 SYLVIA ST we STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN workshop Ted Young 7265193 or 7371771 BARRIE ONT EL ELL games on Man IN°W 99 d°ble 9°r°9° 3000 SQUARE FEET oi prime in BARRIE for sale or lease at $375 per month bedroom storey 07 R°°l Eme om mlzishrz£$g $0000 322 3332 gagrï¬gecomgweegï¬gg new home Far results without confusion 737mm°al°pm7m 53° For Sale near Killbear Park on °9 umng 9p 05 WE HAVE IWds Immedlalely IHAVE BUILDING LOTS om pr Prced mm suooo 50 With Rose Island Big 250 ft heOllng and h°l waler 1000 SQI TI available with competitive rates HOUSE ON ACRES on the Ridge Rd with excellent view of Lake shoreline lots Well treed $55 $49 000 The best at modern store or office Space of interest prompt com Simcoe ft Terms Call or write RODNEY 906 IMORTGAGE IDOIEIEMCSioftiieasdundevpnef632nm milmems and compleie con For more information on the above ads plese co Jim Cross 728 noenr anusrnoue uulree nuuan REALTOR WATT DEVELOPER 705746 IOI Telephone 728 5738 ILdegltIOllty for first second and 3293 TF 8308 PO Box 214 Parry Ir mortgages FOR PROMPT ATTENTION 07 Residential Farms ACTOOQOE sound on JUST HANG YIOUR DRAPES AND SPACE FOR RENT ALL TYPES of property residen LL 728 1071 John Crawford 4875955 Pu sholsw 72349 O22 YOU RE HOME 1101 commeTCIal and vocational Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Th 5T Phil Franchette 7282619 Rog shw 4372910 FULL PRICE $49000 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 3l00 WE ALSO bu exisï¬n mor DalId 139 875560 Ralph Wilson 487 3609 Busnesses Mortgages and Appraise COU NTRY HOME ISI loo ghlgoï¬isgqhtntrlléliy lsoprdinglerdedlkanisbpoflit tgages for cashy QC SI Jim Cross 7262159 BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER Low VALLEY DOWN I900 CARRIES $409 clear part or large expanding industrial 5991Igrlgovlilicirvellfggilgge282331 PIT ESIILQIONEJLXIOO suitable for store OUR ADVICE IS FREE bedroom heme 51231 Patterson 8056 ceilings and hall beths large Monthly garage warehousing etc 21 Mary CO IAN KERR 4o MAPLE AVEI BARRIE son Tongs Lara treed lot on the edge oi town garage hail acre lot with trees Barrie Street very central Apply Valley Bus 7371881 OPEN HOUSE It predominate in this bedroom side split Basement completely 39271 331° Sing 5359933 173 $331 Horsemoe van evenings CALL 7374256 7222266°me Maple Avenue HOME 4875385 finished with den and recreation room which includes acorn 737177 99 NOW 55 Yo CAN LARGE HEATED BAY on main KNZE LMTED boa highway iUSt south of Barrie Large REAL To Complete Reohor Service 99 0C9 owner 03 Vuy 00 fantcorner CHARMING spiltlevel house Located New single family home with attached ANY TIME lroni bay doors 905 Side entrance 07 Dunlop SIu EOSI basement Large sundeck at rear with miles of View South of heavliytreed Sunnidale areaFeaturestl garage and cold storage area Under James Flewelllng 705 456 3031 or BARRIE Barrie $59 500 with conï¬dmd No 5813M Ad for bedrooms living room lamiiy room construction Vicinity at Georgian Col Taxes approx$56 0le 4562119alt0r6 Agent for Pineview Estates of Midh rst Graceor Tom Broiley 726 9262 or res 728 2994 kaw 960630 52 bittlaaglgggw beef Telephone Fran Homes 7284251 Bunder will take back small 2nd Member omono Maï¬gage MEL 1919 WEBERSTTIEEATIaEa new 00 Brokers Association 012 PRIVATE Laroe4 bedroom sidesplit linished brick home double garage JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 72824 SUNNIDALE ROAD AREA 001 ntr 11 es mono Als thI re MORTGAGES Almost acre of parkIke grounds with 175 ll of bush back drop fgï¬fogzgolzérgsggapwill gglwacoast ortssgfooo Phone Tororitm482I2 eTCen 79 TOP pm ngs SUNNIDALE ROAD bedroom brick bungalow with rec room and enhances bedroor droam hou Bounfl ha cmomn OLDER BARRTE brick dupTexjow ren PRIVATETWITO sEuiFtaTTVSBRF83m MoanE HOMES TRAILERS ï¬repoceI mooted on beaumuny 98d lo car garage Priced room This beautiful setting must be seen to be appreciated Asking gnu atIIotéer S400 rItIor mkorthIssagooIcEasll side spIIIt Ikltchen IgverIlrIioklngI talIrlInilIy USO arson ran 93 room re DEC W8 DU at $59900 5900 N° 8838M Ca Gm °r T°m Bron 726 9262 728 tate Ltd Office 7261405 Res 7266161 lioorlauncily room Jbaths Fï¬glshed rec RUSSELL CHURCH $1000 DOWN will buy this nicely decorated older storey home 2994 LUXURY Territomuhitmï¬ 15 53335533331153333331231639er Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans 3bedroomswith fullbasement and thevendorwillhold thelgt mar NEWUSTNG4500 stainsaznï¬eglrooht tarmeaal dime sxmflrgflgtem MObIle Homes Anywhere on all 1100195 cottageS farms vacation Flowers and shrubs enhance this com bedroom bun alow with room living room tamlly room LAKE SIMCOE 9th lineal 1nnislil50lt and commercial r0 erties Igoge d9 tlrepleces full baths many extras ln watertront 7bedroom cottage sate san Ld asemen an pane recrea on room owwn ow rt thg dudedIv do wlholdsmomag°I IgasImIT 64on 237 R055 STREET over 2509 51 ll 0i lV9 517° With bath room verandah Refrigerator stove washer dryer are Included In priced atefiziopoo To view cell Leon cyeoexaquLgfIeu$nuï¬g 17 SALE RENT To consolidate debts low montth payments fireplace patio doors upstairs and downstairs many other his exceptional mm 94 mortgogt NOI HI co cm or Tom Garrick Limited 733827 am prlvme subdlvmom we to artsIand SerVICG Home improvements any wanhy reason features this nicer decorated home is priced ot$67900 BroneyI 726I9262 or rasI 728I2994I Egaï¬azeahï¬oogromhtflmgyoémgmom gigsIggrgpgéamsgngzfleï¬gï¬hmrï¬g EchuSlve Dealer For To My IIIIISIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIorIgIIquI NDUSTRAL LOT no x14oIzon9d M3 and priced 09529 gooI 07 room with replace piece and piece ceiling fireplace builtIn dishwasher Bendix And Glendale Constructiml lunds free advice try us bath Vendor must moveby Octoberailt TV antenna and rotor also 2n car til 0712 Marilyn Mason 7264895 Mam Aimr 7284762 and the price Is right at $49500 To View detached garage with workshop Asking MOdUlor Homes we re ms pun use longdges this immaculate home kindly call Leon $42900 Open tor otters Call 7267198 Noflmonders Thomas arouey 7252994 Allan Thompson 72111024 Garrick representlno Leon Garrick gjjgrgggnï¬gfl MORTG Grace Broiley 7232994 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 Emma 77377 BEDRoIcItM Ibackspllt with falIrInlly T°VI° 27 room re ce ust orsa Bradley Watts 7287209 David Wigley 7268497 To be mm by diam mI Samrdayl sell Idvlng wpesat ForciTlrsgctlg phone the 129 DUNLOP EAST Call AIIYYIIIH Terry Vogan 4562544 Frank Dyke 3269331 October On wostsldootttle 10th line 01 7281701 WIII accept any reasonable 01 Y9° 24 Hour 347 BAY STREET W0 no Dobson 3222933 Maryrour 3221113 Oro only mlnutos Irom Barrle and Ig II Terms Up T015 Years BARRIEONTARIO Tonomrogm PY ID III OrIIIIiléd brhIlsII Is rIlargo FconItIplIeIIolg 331500 Two BEDROOM mummum HiahwovnI Sou 726 0981 Phone Serwce 363 3421 au umou in Ony omeroy 302 bams agrooï¬tuï¬ng rogm IIIIZIQEIGIIQIIIIIII1III38 II 170 Burton Ave 7289666 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc CRA sRA 7370731 Mortgage Dept 7266964 rm 37 00 9mm Bob Ugh 57°36 manage IF II TF REALTOR lreplece large nng room andacoun Eglgygzgéqynor 286mb lry kitchen Large front entrance and hallway with refinished walnut spiral staircase Walkout verandah and balcony This home and storey barn are situated on the 134 acres ol scenic farmland Terms Sale subiect to reserve bid 15000 cash deposit or cer tltlea cheque on date of sale balance within 30 days For more intormation and directions call 7064872202 or 14168336360 PRIVATE SALE laraessearoorn home 13 VINE CRESCENT Exclusive neighborhood Eye catching entry plus the extra Ieatures you expect In home tor the discriminating Eric Dewsnap Realtor 7268366 PRIVATE MIDHURST area bedroom home or large acre well treed lot with creek garage lireplace 848000 7286168 ASSOCIATES 737061 TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes for sale rent Holiday in complete home com ort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Baylleld St MORTGAGE SERVICES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL 58 COLLIER STRE 3T AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES ITS NOT TOO LATE TtTe Hitch House Ltd can meet your trailer hitch re ulrements Call Harold tor appoint ment 7289700 EDEM REAL ESTATE LTD PRIVATE bedroom storey house baths single garage walkout to patio Near Georgian College per cent llrst mortgage $47900 must sell 72131632 OUNTRYUVINOin 0018i park south Barrie New homes Also used homes rom $11000 Call 72116875 $39900 LARGE LOT Separate dining room large kitchen Must be seen inside to be appreciated Good potential 10 mortgage so ante dlnlno plus patio workshop To see call Doro Barreto 017288927 MILISI REALTOR APPRASAL5 2533$Iqerxzhzzml$ngtaz 1975HOUSETTialiérfis long fridge WELDON CRESCENT Ror the dis O7 flfl°ILHELuuL criminating purchaser an immaculate We and cam l°w° 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 889 9487 FOUR BEDRooMSI Wm roomI man bedroom brick back sme Feawes faulpment Beautitully decorated hard Offering Be possible roes Dora Barreto 7288927 Joanne Thomson 7287177 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKOAYS NHL room um roomI urge mam base dude beamed mm lung in mm yusgdIgtoiigL7gell57 John Thomson 7287177 mant parace east end 92000 or rent room walkout lrom dining room to 27 ITASCA motor home Iully equipped mmEdOe Commlimenls tor $450 per month7372729 patio sewing room or lourth bedroom plus many other extras 10000 miles Available 24 hrs day $29000 Open tor otters Call 7243111 or 4673148 Saunders Real Estate Harold Davis 7287543 Fronkttooey moo76 CREEMORE CHALETonwooJI$E 2231erngfggggfï¬gflzogmï¬ï¬Ã© lIEIIISIOIgIgigIIIIZLIé993790295770 Poul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7205383 2133Sfrggiagggfmgmjmg melgfllve lnqioyIBIgangrdlaï¬zgiI my equlpgga 2ng 3833 COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DOWlldO 7203253 tlon Heart at ski country Call More $79900 bedroom Irame bungalow ln 190159377236824 726 am Lon 7287 cgwd tomb mm Rowbothem 4662106 or 4663230 beautltul condition on double lot Lots ol 89 COLLIER 57 BARRIE 49 BARRIE Clayton New Ltd Real Estate cupboards lovely garden Phone Kay MIKE WOLLENBERG 8630398TORONTO Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7209745 Broker Methes 4732150 Gerry Meharg Ltd Bert Cuff 7204067 Harry ill 7263864 STAYNERï¬ï¬aJTWe 01187668127113 592M416wgumflyeem ms Toll TThSIF bedroom home nestled In mature PRIVATETrlplexOne 2bedroom two rr 10 Cow 72626 slmon huzmm 73737955 wooded area Fir beams gives lbedrooms One furnished Aluminum too SQUARE ACRES Wm good Doug Baker 7283274 Jim Harris 7267117 spacious sensation with large field agingsastsnd Phono72al415 bedroom hricknouseILshpedbanI15v Lgn°ggplgggt 333011315 3232 323333IQWIIihpggpegvseégglgat BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MORTGAGES per UC km be 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111 Woof c1516 811339 Era 12951 PROPERTY WANTED $3231321 73 5am INCOME Property consisting at 10 Estate Brennan3748 Wsrwwï¬W gleIztI and SIerens2 sggey townhouses 95 PER CENT n9 ess an 16 er unit 5h Photo Multiple Listing Serv1ce IZofloin3offnuï¬goffmtfsei WANTED WANTED 230 IItiturn arctrlIIisR rigflame wlrnogts FIRST MORTGAGE en arms is 7261881 Ma Wood no 01 3m $398338itiilllrliiiapoiulissiiirh WANTED WIW tspEmorLMlllsrRe31E3358 MORTGAGE LOANS 55mg Kennedy 0454 3° swgdin gggagg IARRIE gall 7263111 or 4073148 Saunders gags CIIIIeIztlIrsgfluImIIihgpogog Residential Commercial arlon ry ealEstatev $30M 1d IL Leo Covanough 7281207 Ross Batstone 7263043 145 COLILIEI STREET c1 pï¬wflxnn wow keuï¬jï¬ngï¬y 0965 Ill ers can rooms 77 orey soraoe 11 A1 17267949 7371771 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 mm mm mm mm IgIII muggy Rm mg BIIIIIIII SECONDS FROM 13 without obligation to list We specialize in older and rural Would you like to convert your charge account receivables into PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ready operating capital APPRAISALS MORTGAGES properties at prime rates For flee courteous advice call PRIVATE SALE Allandale Heights bedroom brick back split bungalow II bum IIan cream mom on on SA We have plan which will no doubt interest you 726 586 lully tenced $49 900 10 and onequarter we wouId recime me on BUILDING LOT lnnlsill Townshl pp pp USS USIVG 10n wring °°° Asking s12ooo Make an alter Vlag 00 PIO Will You Your convenience NGEL DUNN Vlau Real Estate 726177101 7261603 NEAR LAKE 9th Con of Oro storey bedrooms well tread lot year did Ask 1119361300 Vic Donor Vleu Real Estate 7167423 or 7261771 DOWNTOWN Commercial BUILDING LOT$12000100xlal with septic permit Located in quiet village near Barrie Terms Bob Urry Vlau Real Estate 7261771 or 7285811 Please direct your inquiries to arrange for confidential interview to PROVIDING COMPLETE PERSONALIZED REAL ESTATE SERVICE 1269200 DUNLOP ST BARRIE For Best Results PO Examiner Want Ads Box 624 Location teal rIetail or slug agnooggypegcex WANTADSM BARRIE ONTARIO mm ALOII VIE123 551 7361771 arm511 °NE 2953414 wolf M20 ALL