I8The Barrie Examiner Thursday October I976 EMPHASIZING DIFFICULTIES 0F DISABLED Scarborough Ont controller Joyce Trimmer lefti and alderman Carol Ruddell arrive at council meeting ii in Toronto Tuesday in wheelchairs to emphasize difficulties facing disabled persons They were among seven councillors who spent the day in wheel chairs to help Coalition for Useful Transportation cause which Righteousness council grassroots activist group FORT ERIE Ont CPi Society cant seek absolute freedom without it becoming absolute repression says Ron Marr of nearby Ridgeway who is founder of the Council for Na tional Righteousness Mr Marr is also publisher of the gospel newspaper The Christian Inquirer In an interview he described the council formed 10 months ago as grassroots activist movement illustrating the frustration of the people with the trends of today He claims the activist group is made up of about 25000 to 30000 people in Canada and the Lnited States Mr Marr said the organ ization is calling for public mor ality and integrity at every level of society The council he said has two major concerns The first cen tres on the work of the law rev form commission in Canada It has recommended what Mr Marr personally considers to be the termination of the morality of the Ten Commandments in Canadian law He said some specific exam ples were recommendations of the commission on nofault di vorce incest abortion obscen ity freedom in pornography and the shortening of prison terms The other major concern of the council is that in its opinion it is no longer safe to send children to any public school TSE HILDREN The council has in its bro chure Hope for Today laun ched the Save Our Children Crusade to counter the efforts of godless educationists to cap ture the minds of youth in public schools One article in The Christian Inquirer says Parents generally are pas sive about their childrens edu cation Many dont know or care what goes on in the class room others who care dont know what to do about some of the things which disturb them Parents should make concerns known to their teachers princi pals and school boards Mr Marr said the children are being taught godless hu manism often called secular humanism which denies any existence of God and worships the human intellect What this means says Mr Marr is that the tax dollars of most Canadian and American parents are being taken from them to teach their children philosophies alien to the home NOT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr Marr said he prefers to call Canadian Schools state schools rather than public schools He said the schools do not mirror the beliefs or stand ards called for by the general public To be free society must be by choice limited disciplined and directed said Mr Marr but an immoral or corrupt society is incapable of disciplining and controlling it self The council has sponsored two petitions on these major concerns one petition for the retention of moral law and another petition for better schools The petition for the retention of moral law expresses belief that further erosion of moral principles will assure the de struction of the good things our society has afforded Mr Marr and his staff work out of home in Ridgeway where they have been located TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HOMELITES SPECIAL OFFER NOW 00 oOFF No one has to tell you whats happening to farm equipment prices Spiralling costs are sending them soaring So buying Homelite Chain Saw today is an investment youll appreciate for years to come HOMELITE XL12 Packed with power yet light in weight the XL12 handles every farm chore fence post and wood cutting pruning and lot clearing 8th for years of dependable performance ll bar Suggested retail price $23495 Until Nov 30 1976 ONLY $20495 HOMELITE XLAUTOMATIC 38W 11 bar Big fuel tank means faster woodcutting jobs Automatic oiler means longer chain and gUide bar life Felling trees in diameter the XLAutomatic is the ideal farm chain Suggested retail price $25995 Until Nov 30 1976 ONLY $22995 At participating dealers These saws may be sold at lower price HOMELITETERRY Horrieliterlerry liisiori of leytron Canada irriited Partridge Tractor Service Ionic Ont IS714752 Dunn Hillldolo 01 7058352720 Al WM ill ELITE snw comm Albert Roll Son RR No Coohtoiiiin Ont 7054584442 represents groups of ha 11 dicapped in Toronto CI Photo for the last three years They claim The Christian Inquirer has readership of some 50 00020000 in Canada and 30000 intheUnitedStates HEALTHY POPULATIONS OF DUCK GEESE Looks like bumper season for hunters By NEIL STEVENS THE CANADIAN PRESS The 1976 hunting season for ducks and geese is open in most parts of Ontario Quebec Mani toba Saskatchewan Alberta Newfoundland and the North west Territories with high rate of breeding success bring ing healthy populations Hunters were to begin shoot ing in New Brunswick and nor thern districts of Nova Scotia last weekend on Prince Ed ward Island on Oct in British Columbia on Oct and in southern regions of Nova Scotia on Oct 11 It looks as though its going to be bumper crop said John Sullivan enforcement c0 ordinator for the Ontario region of the Canadian Wildlife Serv ice Openingday bags in On tario were real good Numbers of mallard pintail and wood ducks and of Canada geese are all up the wildlife service reports Bluewinged teal scaup and gadwell broods are in good number and al though the black duck is less common in Quebec and On tario the mallard is filling the void Canvasback and redheads have also bred well this year NESTINU DELAYED Snow geese says the wildlife service are showing in smaller fligth this year than in 1975 mainly due to late snow cover in the eastern Arctic which de layed nesting An early nesting season in the western provinces aided by wet weather has increased duck populations There are no significant changes in bag allowances al though Ontario hunters will be allowed to take advantage of the increasing numbers of can vasback and redhead ducks major change in regu lations occurs in Quebec where hunters will no longer be allowed to shoot before sunrise or after sun set migratory game bird hunt ing permit is required by all hunters except Indians and Es kimos The ermits are sold at most post of ices and cost $350 Based on statistics compiled by the wildlife service in pre vious years about half million hunters across Canada might be expected to bag more than three million ducks and halfmillion geese by the time seasons close Following is provinceby province summary of the au tumn duck and geese hunting season BRITISH COLUMBIA The season has been extended this year by two weeks Hunters can shoot from Oct to Jan 23 Bag limits remain at eight ducks and five geese daily Because of wet summer hatching conditions in BC are better than usual An estimated 2800 Canada geese have been nesting in the Fraser Valleyfan im provement over three years ago when the season had to be closed for lack of birds new Canada goose sanc tuary has been established at one end of Columbia Lake In 1975 26000 hunters in Brit At KRAZY KELLYS Many items now marked at emergency sale prices Make the buy of lifetime Dont waste minute THREEDAY MAMMOTH EMERGENCY Truckloads of TVs all sizes and makes ears ll lllll Stock must be reduced Weve got TVs coming out of our This is serious overstock problem we must medioteiy the only way we know resolve SELL SELL SELL NO DOWN PAYMENT NO PAYMENT TILL JAN 77 on extended term plan $124123 LYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA im Zenith quimiiuii Iiiiu Iuiimg is ish Columbia harvested 235000 ducks and 13000 geese ALBERTA Eight ducks and five geese may be taken again this year by each Alberta hunter Not more than two whitefronted geese may be taken Alberta has eight zones the season runs Sept 1Dec 11 in the north Sept 8Dec 25 in cen tral regions and Sept IGJan in the south Hatching conditions were good compared with last year Mallard pintail and green winged teal broods were in flight by the end of July The grasslands have had below average production year but the parklands are above average In 1975 the harvest survey in dicated that 69000 Albertans retrieved 85000 ducks and 120000 geese SASKATCHEWAN Hunters can take eight ducks with limit of one each on red heads and canvasbacks and five geese with limits on white fronts varying by district The season opened Sept or Sept for geese in most dis tricts with Sept 29 opening in other scattered areas The sea son ends Dec 18 Duck hunting began Sept in the north and Sept in the south with closing dates Dec 11 in the north and Dec 18 in the south Ilatching conditions were fairly good and duck popu lations are higher this year than last Hunting of white fronted and Rosss geese was delayed until Oct to allow mi yation out of the province Paul Maftel provincial fisheries and wildlife spokesman said 1975 provided the best waterfowl harvest on record and he is expecting the same this fall There were 58000 hunters in the field last year retrieving 810000 ducks and 157000 geese MANITOBA The season opened Sept 20 for geese and hunting now is in full swing with the Sept 27 opening of the duck season Both close Nov 27 except in the far north where there is Nov closing date Daily bag limit on geese is five and ducks eight Whitewater Lake Oak Lake and the AlexanderGriswold marshes were prime sites for flocks at the beginning of Sep tember ONTARIO Bag limits are five ducks and five geese but the canvasback and redhead limits have gone from one bird of each to two of each This change should best benefit hunters along the shores of Lake Erie especially at Long Point near Simcoe and on Lake St Clair Canvasback and redhead flights are ex pected to arrive by Oct 15 Not more than one Canada goose may be taken in most re gions of southwestern Ontario as management program goes into force All areas opened at daylight Sept 25 which was change from last year when hunters had to wait until noon the first day out Seasons are unchanged hav ing begun Sept 15to end Dec 15 in Northern Ontario and Sept 25 to end Dec 15 in the south The Lake St Francis dis trict at the OntarioQuebec bor der opened Sept 18 The 1975 harvest survey showed that 149000 Ontario hunters retrieved 940000 ducks and 51000 geese QUEBEC The daily bag limit for geese remains at five Daily bag limit for ducks is six The limit on snow and bamacle geese has been reduced to 10 from 15 in ones possession but the max imum daily take remains at five Ecologists estimate that the proportion of young birds in flocks of snow geese this year will be only 15 per cent com pared with 40 per cent last year Geese spend month on the banks of the St Lawrence River below Quebec City before continuing south Hunting season for migrant birds is Sept 10Dec 28 in southern districts In the north above the 50th parallel the sea son began Sept and ends Dec 10 The 1975 harvest by 64000 hunters was 470000 ducks and 52000 geese MARITIMES An early spring made for fa vorable breeding conditions and biologist Al Smith of the wildlife services Sackville NB offices says he expects good year for hunters SOME NEWSOME DEMONSTRATORS SOME SLIGHTLY SCRATCHED VALUE 8899 NOW $593 with trade or pay Sb 00 weekly 36 month Rontol Pun hose Plan 26 XLIOO All the Aulmnatir fonwu Wumlgiuin obmgi 1970 ModII troll WIHOHIII Sulid Slot custom 633 or pay 35 50 weekly 36 months on rental Purchase Plan HUGE 25 COLOR 20 or pay 00 wookly 36 month Zenllh iilvlllll Iiiil LOWBOY NIw in tiulo tiiitoil immiiod mm io with had or pay $5 00 weekly 36 month rentul purtholo plan CHROMACOLOR Value 3599 NOW $443 ioiitnl pun hose plan it WiIh had lot you VIII procu lo pin unlit and Mr utth Sheffield and Ilvomou not or ioluo In not or wlty Slalom tonal rocket You III with on of thou Ill be GIANT 26 SPANISH SUPER 20 XLI 00 ï¬ll you Wutulll plan in and Now in 01 or pay $5 00 weekly 36 months Rnntol Puuhose Plan Value ssiq now $488 With node COLOR SYLVANIA Value 3499 NOW Im Solid State lflyr11l tiiwsluud With trade or pay $3 50 weekly 36 months rental purihose STEREO SUPER BUYS RCA Spanish Console s441i MORSE Consolotto 288 RCA IO pc component 219 25 SPANISH COLOR Quasar Wtiihl in cl diowtr Avlvlulll inn and UIOI clull SIQIHEI ill inloil 0A UIII0 oqu lol 588 with liode or pay $5 15 weekly 36 monthl Ruiitul Iiiii husa Plan PHONE TONIGHT 7371182 DELIVERY TONIGHT 7371182