Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1976, p. 2

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21 Welcome new teachers at Elmvale school By PEGGY DOVE Elmvales welcome mat is out to say Hi and Glad to have you with us to all the new teachers who have joined the teaching staff of the schools in this area Mrs Mary Milne has joined the HCES staff to teach grade four parttime and French Mr Ernie Adams has joined the staff of Our Lady of Lourdes to teach grade and At Elmvale District High School they have three new teachers Miss Claire Mullens teaching English and History Mr John Turnbull teaching Science and Geography and Mr Ross Turner who is the new viceprincipal and will teach Science Elmvale now sa good bye to several tea ers They are Mrs Catherine Marley who retired for while from Our Lady of Lourdes Miss Ann Leduc who retired from teaching at the high school Mr Gordon Hogg who left HCES to teach in the Wyebridge School and Mrs Diane Kurluke the French teacher who left HCES to take up other working interests PROGRESS REPORT Its full steam ahead to ready the new tennis courts being erected beside the Flos Elmvale Arena Last Saturday tthions members were out in strong force with trucks dozers and lots of devoted hard work This is going to be something great when this giant un dertaking is completed by our very own Elmvale and District Lions Club and they shout readysetgotoit Hope everyone is practicing their footwork and arm swings in an ticipation because it wont be long FAIR COMING UP Just reminder that the Thanksgiving weekend is slated for the ever popular Elmvale Fall Fair Highligits of this wonderful family weekend of en tertainment are Friday ust after noontime the sch parade leads you right into the fair grounds This is the heart tugging rade when all students from efour area schools ut their best foot forward march proudly with their classmates This is the day the kids et into the grounds free and adults pay $100 gate entry fee Friday evening is going to be big one in entertainment The Frank Leah of entertainers will eadline the sta show All rts have it hat this group is fantastic Show time is pm and also on the evenings program will be the in troduction of the Fall Fair Queen entries Saturday the autumn color parade starts the days events at 1230 pm Entries are still needed to complete this giant rade Your entry need not be ig in size just big in desire to have fun and provide little laughter and happiness to others Word has it that George Allen is working hard on yet another humdinger of sur prize float so be sure to wat ch for it Marching at the head of the parade will be the out standing OPP Pipe Band and they are really something to see as well as hear Inside the arena around 230 pm the crowning of the new 1976 Fall Fair Queen will take place on stage Saturday evenings events still bring yet more out standing entertainment Star ting at 730 pm for the first time ever in Elmvale will be the Dairy Princess Contest Then the well known Mercey Brothers take over the sta for stage show and ance evening Admission is only $300 per person for the entire evening Plan to take in this fabulous famil weekend and bring all your riends and enjoy THOUGHT FOR YOU Perhaps rents would en joy their chi dren more if they stopped to realize that the film of ildhood can never be run through for second showing OVERHEARD Elmvale kids say the cutest things Overheard con versation the other day bet ween little boy sitting on his front yard fence and passing motorist It seems the driver was lost and was inquiring about directions With every question he asked the little boy he was met with the answer dont know Finally the flustered driver said My goodness little boy youre not very smart are you to which the little boy replied Guess not but at least Im not lost Bye Now FIRST AID TIP Severe bleeding requires im mediate attention Direct pres sure to the wound can stop the bleeding until help arrives KITCHEN TIP Eggs are suggested as meat substitute by Canadas Food Guide Auxiliary at Alliston begins fall activities By MARGARET STOLTZ ALLISTON Members of the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary held their first rugular meeting of the fall season in the Nurses Residence on Thursday afternoon with the president Gladys Bruce wel coming three new members Joan Galloway acted as secretary protem Following the paryer for hospital auxiliaries repeated in unison moment of silence was observed in memory of faithful member Jen Connell who was accidentally killed during the summer Apprecia tion was expressed to MrsRogers of Tottenham hostess for the June picnic and also to members for the lovely hand knitted articles for sale in the Gift Shop Correspondence included thanks from ADTEC to members who assisted with their Tag Day and it was an nounced that an Alliston Tottenham branch of the Ar thritis Society has recently been formed with Bob Dickey aspresident Treasurer reported bank balance of $253004 with $716841 in the special account and $13475 in Bursary fund Encouraging reports were also submitted by committee con veners Ruth Wright reported on the fall conference which members attended at Kem berley and annual convention will be held at the Royal York Hotel Toronto October 2427th The October let meeting will feature an auction sale and other events were discussed in cluding the annual meeting of the auxiliary in January FLOWER AWARDS The September meeting of the Alliston and District Hor ticultural Society took the form of pot luck supper held in St Paul auditorium on Thursday evening Approximately 75 at tended and there was an abun dance of good food Mrs Cillins opened the meetin extending welcome to al after the singing of Canada An nouncements included the seminar in Beeton on October 2nd color tour on the 7th and Simcoe County Arts and Crafts display and sale on Thanksgiv ing weekend Mr Kleinkkink of Salada Foods Ltd presented the trophy and award to Mrs Tiltin who had second highest number of points in the June flower show Mrs Anna Plesumes was top exhibitor but won the trophy the previous year Prizes to winners of the August Show went to Anna Plesumes Helen Shibish Tiltin Beatrice Baxter Beatrice Horsburg and Caroline Collins The Society also provided prizes for the three junior exhibitors Robbie Anne and David Adams W0 Roger Turcotte of Base Borden who was guest of the Society in May made return visit and presented more in the series of slides of Egypt and other parts of the Middle East and had on display beautiful wood carvings and other curios he had collected Members are indebted to Mr Turcotte for sharing his experiences with them ROTARY CLUB Alliston Rotary Club held special meeting last Monday when the District Govenor Nor man Guild addressed the meeting on the subject Put ting Rotary to work where you work Another guest was rotary efchange student Henrik Villumsen from Nakskov Den mark Henrik is one of the young people who arrived in Canada last month He will live at the homes of All iston Rotary members for year presently at the home of Mr and Mrs Elgin Blakely and attending Banting Memorial High School The wives of the Rotarians also were guests at the meeting which was held at the Curling rink and followed roast beef dinner The congregation of St An drews Anglican Church are making plans for their 100th Anniversary to be held later this fall in preparation for the Centennial several events and ial services have been panned starting with con gregational sup at the Com munity Centre his Wednesday evening Guest speaker at the 11 am service on October 3rd will be Dr Stackhouse Princi al of Wycliffe College and ormer Rectors Rev Versey Wigmore Rev Bridle and Rev Herbert will bring the messages on suc GEORGIAN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION Get to know your Community College in I976 Just two exam ples of the many courses being offered by the Continuing Education Division this Fall and Winter MATHEMATICS PLUS ll Studs October I976 INTRODUCTION Misemhmwmmdtebflnmstefielfld dWflthtWmmfuewbm mum mo two In October 1976 For information registration and brochure call 705 7281951 Ext or visit us at Georgian College ceeding Sundays followed by the Rt Rev Gainsworthy Bishop of Toronto on Novem ber 14th The present Rector Rev Symons and the con gregation would welcome visitors to any of these special services successful bazaar and bake sale was held at the Good Samaritan Nursin Home re cently with me to provice outings fort residents Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Lee Kennett on the recent accidental death of her sister Mrs Martin of Barrie on Monday Septem ber20th Representing the local branc at the international con vention of the Eastern Star in Cleveland Ohio this week are Thelma Hawes Margaret La tirner Evelyn Thompson and Irene Holland Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Tom Wilson nee Kim Ed wards on the birth of daughter Sarah Jayne at Stevenson Memorial Hospital on Tuesday September 14th Mr and Mrs Murray Floyd visited his mother in North Bay last Thursday on the occasion of her birthday Mrs Hazel Morrell has returned home after having spent couple of weeks with relatives at Guelph Mr and Mrs DeBacker are spending two week vaca tion with their daughter and her husband in Halifax Mrs Jean Leonard and Mrs Stoltz of StJohns United Church accompanied large group from Barrie and area United Churches who went by bus to Toronto on Sunday after noon for the Jubilation ar ranged for the Toronto Con ference and held in the Varisty Arena Mr and Mrs Ellis ac companied by Mrs Sarah Hal bert and Mrs Bessie Halbert attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration for Mr and Mrs Stanley Halbert held at the home of their son inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Lennox at Painswick on Sunday Mr and Mrs Delmas Somer ville accompanied Mr and Mrs Bert Murphy of Mansfield on motor trip north recently AIRPORT PLAN OUTLINED AT 0R0 MEETING Barries lan to build an air port in ro township near Guthrie is explained at public meeting in Cm i3 Don McNall chairman of ci tys airport committee The committee has asked Oro planning board and council to rezone 242 acres of farmland and amend the townships official plan to permit the airport Residents Hydro rates increased at Cookstown COOKSTOWN Ratepayers here will receive notice soon of 32 per cent electricity rate in creaseinJanua That information is to be in cluded in letter from Cookstown council Clerk Mike Seehan said the villa will pass on the increase whic Ontario Hydro has sought from the Energy Board Coun Dennis Partridge com mented Its no wonder people are upset about the AIR Anti lnflation Board when wage in creases are limited to eight per cent and these electricity costs go uphigheir be Rate ers so wi in formefigout special garbage picku for fal cleaning on Saturdby Oct 16 Final tax payments are due Nov municipal election nominations will be accepted Nov 12 and 15 and election day is Monday Dec PLAN PARADE COLDWATER Staff The Coldwater and District Lions club has agreed to again spon sor Santa Claus arade in Coldwater with the ate to be set later GOLF TOURNEY CREEMORE Staff An nual golf tournament of Creemore Lions club will be held at Springwater golf course in Vespra township on Sunday with teeoff at pm Ted Hanv nan is chairman of the commit teeincharge CHURCH CENTENNIAL SUNNIDALE CORNERS Staff Rev Finley Stewart DD formerly of St Andrews church kitchener will be the special speaker at centennial anniversary ser vices at zion Presbyterian church here on Sunday at 11 am and 730 pm Rev MacDonald of Elmvale will conduct special service on Monday evening TO All BLINI COLDWATER Staff Annual canvass on behalf of the Canadian National institute for the Blind will be held by the Lions club in Coldwater on Saturday Oct 25 OPEN HOUSE CREEMORE Staff The new Creemore Legion hall will be open for insepction at an open house tomorrow from t0 pm Official opening of the new ball will be held later on Saturday Oct 23 with special ceremony and parade WACBALSIIENE WI WAUBAUSHENE Staff 77 Members of Warminstcr Womens institute have been invited to attend dinner of thc Waubaushene branch on Wed nesday ct 20 Mrs Charlotte Gerdes is president of the local branch SENIOR CITIZENS ORILLIA Staff rum mage sale to help the winter recreation fund is planned by the Orillia senior citizens club at the Prcbytcrian church on on Oct 31 The club plans bus trip to Marineland at Niagara Falls and two trips to Toronto MEET AT ARDTREA ARDTREA Staff Guthrie group attends Varsity arena service By VILDA CAMPBELL GUTHRIE Ten from the Guthrie United church attended the jubilation service at Varsity arena in Toronto last Sunday service of celebration on the new theme for the Toronto conference it was impressive The theme was Man is not alone he lives in Gods World Miss Cora McArthur has returned for her second year to McMaster University Miss Bonnie Coulter is nursein training in Soldiers Memorial Hospital at Orillia Miss Nancy Chute has accepted position in Lavette Louisiana and Miss Margaret Chute has enrolled in Western University London Fred Latford who worked at Chutes all summer and stayed with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Fred Huggins has re turned home to Brantford Congratulations to Guthrie COLLEGIATE CONCERT SERIES presents THE SHEVCHENKO MUSICAL ENSEMBLE Central Collegiate Auditorium SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 800 pm return engagement In Barrie by popular demand The ensemble of I20 performers Includes male chorus mandolin orchestra and dance group An electrifying performance Admission by series ticket or $500 ea $300 student Call 7261657 for reservations First of Four Series Concerts school students who came first for their banner and to Shanty Bay school for winning the marching competition at the Oro fall fair parade recently Mr and Mrs Camp bell Mr and Mrs George Campbell Mr and Mrs Howard Campbell and Mrs Love of Grove Park Home Bar rie enjoyed family reunion at the home of Rev and Mrs Osborne in Oshawa on Sept 19 Recent visitors were Mrs Sandra Orain of Montreal Allan McMillan and daughters Cherly and Susan also of Mon treal Mrs Cottam of But tonville Mr and Mrs Murray Webster and family of Toronto with Mr and Mrs Mason Mr and Mrs Don Clcmmcns of Southampton with Mr and Mrs Eaton Annetts have until Oct 15 to send their written comments to planning board Many res idents said at the meeting they object to the noise and Members of Hampshire Ardtrea Womens institute will meet on Tuesday ct at the home of Mrs Ray Telford They will be guests of Washago branch or Saturday Oct 13 VILLAGE STATUS TOTTENHAM Staff This pioneer south Simcoe com munity has been an in corporated village with its own council since 1884 The nearby community of Beeton also at tained village status the same year MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ORllllA Staff Original ly known as Orillia General Hospital Soldiers Memoiral Hospital has completed 68 years of operation it com menced operation in the spring of 1908 The name was changed after memorial addition was constructed following World War l907SIRVEY WASAGA BEACH Staff The community of Wasaga Beach dates back to its first survey in 1907 it was shown by old records The place became an incorporated town in Jan uary 1974 with incumbent Clare Robertson the first mayor MIDIIURSTCIILRCII MlDHURST Staff The Midhursl United Church history traces back to 1887 whcn it was started as Presbyterian church it re mained so until church union in 1925 when it joined the United Mara zoning order dropped BREClllNsHousing minis ter John Rhodes has removed zoning orders on land uses in the township of Mara County of Simcoe The zoning order covered subdivision known as Mara Shore Estates it was lifted because bylaw prepared by the township has received On tario Municipal Board ap proval Thc bylaw ensures that the Township of Mara has effective control over land uses in the area It permits seasonal dwell ings and open space uses as well as existing uses which were permitted by the Min isterszonin order It also alows the second phase of the subdivision to pro ceed WANT ADS PHONE 72824l4 The finest cuisine Lakeview I85 Dunlop 7285151 FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL MONDAY TO THURSDAY BREADED PORKCHOP SALISBURY STEAK with onion gravy $325 Children under 12 s225 increased traffic that could result from the airport which is intended to serve the cities of Barrie and Orillia Examiner Photo Church of Canada Work on the original Presbyterian church building was done by volunteer help EAST SIMCOE ORILLlA Staff In the last provincial election in East Simcoe Gordon Smith Pro gressive Conservative polled 11443 votes to win over Roger Pretty NDP with 10306 and Elinor Bingham Liberal with 7246 NAME TRACED STAYNER Staff When the first post office was established here in 1855 this community was known as Not tawasaga Station The name Stayner was adopted in 1862 after Thomas Alan Stayner deputy postmaster general from 1827 to 1851 who owned landin thisarea T0 STANI AGAIN ORILLIA Staff Chair man of the county planning committee reeve Bill Gowanlock will be standing for reelection in the coming Orillia township voting in December His father William Gowanlock was reeve of the township during the 50s Music Lessons Accordion Piano Beginner instrument available for accordion No enrolment fee Col Mrs Runnef 66 Perhide Dr 7263374 at nogext 2511 McCague seeking views on holding farmland BAXTER This week far mers and residents in Dufferin and Simcoe counties are mull ing over questionnaire seek ing opinions on the reservation of oodagricultura land rge McCague Duf ferinSimcoe MPP sent the questionnaires to 1000 people he thought might have special interest in the subject The threepage questionnaire contains detailed questions on various approaches to food land preservation including municipal planning farm stabilization and proposed changes in farm taxation thought mi get higher percentage returns if sent the uestionnaire to handpicked ist of people who are familiar with the subject said Mr McCague Mr McCague said that he hoped the questionnaire would DISTRICT bet to indicate more accurate ly ow his constituents view sensitive issue like landuse controls The responses will be classified into four differbnt residential categories to get further indication of the dif ference between rural and ur banthinkingon the subject Extra copies of the question naire are available throughtlis office for those who didnt receive copy and want antip portunity to voice their opi nions ltl CHILLY FLIGHT Sir Hubert Wilkins of Britain was the first man to use an air plane over Antarctica WAIST RETURNS Fashions for fall em ize the waist with wide ornate belts III NE WS ZTThg Barrie Examiner Saturday Oct I976 The CundlesHeights Chur Ministry of the Reform Church In Canada At Cundles Heights Public School Sunday School Worship Pastor Jack Ritsema ch22 Ph 7285869 Ottawa September 24 W76 The Canadian Radiotelevision and Telecommunications Commission announces the following decision Decision CRTC 76696 The Commission renews the broadcasting licences for the following radio stations in Ontario from April 1977 to Mar ch 1979 subject to conditions to be specified therein This period will enable the Commission to consider renewal of these licences ot the some time as those of other radio licen ces in the region CKPT PETERBOROUGH 76053 400 Radio CKPT 1420 Limited CKBB BARRIE 760494500 Four Seasons Radio Limited CKMP MIDLAND 760483800 MidlandPenetong Broadcasting Limited CFOR ORILLIA 760484600 Orillia Broadcasting Limited CHEX PETERBOROUGH 760537100 Kowartha Broadcasting Company Limited Guy Lefebvre Secretary General Cenedlen Radiotelevision and Toiecomrnunicetions Commission Conseit de la redlodittuslon el dos telecommunications cenadiennos ra cost When you buy bucket or barrel at the regular price You get mnm of Creamy Cole Slaw French Fries for six Loaf of Grecian Bread tricky Fried chick Colonel Sanders boys and girls make it finger lickln good GROVE AND DUCKWORTII 315 BAYEIELD ST 45 ESSA ROAD 72657I0 7267220 7202501

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