A37 vii5 TOEThe Barrie Examiner Saturday Oct 1976 IIOUS TO RENT PUGET COURT 27s BLAKE ST BARRIE FOR LEASE Executive luxury townhouses and bedrooms OPrestige location Most overlooking bay Stove refrigerator washer dryer Rental applications now being taken references FOI appointment to inspect Call 7262361 TThSTF AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 0112 Barrie Examiner CARS FOR SALE 1976 COUGAR loaded air speed AM FM tape etc Lots of warranty remain Ing Excellent condition For sale or lease 7371372 atter pm CARS WANTED COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted tor wrecking S25 and up Fast pickup 4245949 atter6 pm or 4356322 Sï¬AkELSTVRECK IMO and TBTvTiiig DONG SOTEITI rAciA ALUMINUM ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Soffit fascia eavestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashioned Pride GIBSON General Contractors 7265609 Alsio Raves raughing Free estimate tram Painswick Aluminum 7769769 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM My SUPER BEETLE In scrapmetaicars boughtover scales$2o asiding Eovesimugh ctr awn i°°r°t°° °° Som wanlows no ee one ays evenings 7280941 asklor Charlie TRUCKS Bi TRAILERS Facia Doors mo LAND ROVER4cylinder4wtteel 1973 FORD tarm truck Four speed Shutters konings drive 26M original miles Heavy duty clutch Very good condition 51500 as is Telephone 7371076 alter so pm 1972 MAzOA ror sale AMFM rale ex cellent condition certilled Must sell Best otter Telephone 7287195 alter pm 67 DODGE Polaris lair condition orbest otter Phone 7287650 alter 1m 50 ss Chev Nova 30000 miles transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale835 2308 TRAILER FOR SALE axle9 ton new electric brakes lights adlustable posi tlons Pintel eye salety chains and Beaver tails $2650 Telephone Oriiiia 3257812alter4and cali6892859 7m 1973 DODGE van mEtalic blue dis30s slant 225 body In good condition In mm cod comumcm Tet one terior customized track stereo 7372948atte76pm stpakers certilied 53500 Telephone £1647 1974 DART Swinger auto cï¬iiEdT $2300 or best offer Must sell Phone 7263143 1970 OLDS Delta 36 low mileage A3 condition certilied $1900 or best otter Mustseli Phone 7263141 1913 AUSTIN Marina asking $1150 Private sale Call alter6 pm 7289649 1973 COUGAR V8 automatic Wer steerlng pow brakes radio vinyl root owner Excellent condition Sale tycertltied Phone 3222714 1965 Meteor Standard door As is cheap for cash Telephone 7267804 195 CHEVROLET Bel Air door hard top gold with black vinyl top power steering power brakes 350 V8 excellent condition Certilied Asking $1250 Call 4812492 1964 FORD SI loot school bus good run her as is $500 lirm Telephone 4361636 altersom 1975 FORD custom pick up 302 automatic with extras Will sell lor $4000 or takeover payments 726 7608 1972 GMC 2TON céFiiIiéd new Drakes newlronterldCall72 6407 77 cubic inch V8 automatic wood platlorm Excellent condition ideal tor hauling $1900 Telephone 7373292 i970 FORD ton TOW TRUCK 1970 F350 Ford ton good condition 360 engine ton winch luliy equipped $4500 or best otter 4363677 1971 DODGEiialitori pickupfautornatic certilied Telephone 4876043 alter tone brownwhile 33000 miles excellent condition Certified $4300 4872027 ask tor Dave 16 FOOT TRAVEL TRAILERJtuin equipped and sellcontained hitch in cluded good condition Stroud area 1974 VEGA wagon PS PB auto 19000 miles 32450 2nd car no longer re quhed Telephone 4589764 1964 DOOR Impala convertible cylinder automatic Best otter Call 7372043alter5pm AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business PERMASEAL Aluminum Storm Doors And Windows For Installation Sales And Service Call JOMAR ALUMINUM RR Thornton 436l518 LUMINUM SIDING Sollet FosCIa doors indows accessories eavaslroughing ustorri building on Contracting 7761710 BUICK Estte wagon power steer cgéviioféfwgwn 580 box ALTERATIONS power bra mg livtqéels automati 9801 mngm candle insulatedWinabagacap 350 cu in 55 LADIES AND aenllogtens alterationds 25 tioaTelephone7280749 dald transmission mags and radiais Mary 51 Telep one 373432 or iii once were APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX iCanada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd 778 3397 Daily Busine COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout etc Plesa coll collect 416 9362631 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Ltd patios Sldewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 7260081 CUSTOM TENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Supplies Phone tor estimates Free delivery Barrie Fence Co 7763068 Lambert 7787670 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood lences Improve your property 7371507 DECORATING THINKING OF WALLPAPERING For reasonably priced prolassional lab cal were DRESSMAIIING DRESSES FIT ll made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera lions 76Worsloy 7766m0 QUALITY DRESSMAklNG Hams and alterations iReosonable roles East sprvice Call 7788514 evenings DRIVING INSTRUCTION LEARN TO DRIVE delensively with Highland Driving School Instruction by SL graduate Phone 728687I DRYWALL DRYWALL Specialized taping and texture spraying olrceillngsZCall Tony 7781 107 ELLICATING LORNES PRINTING DUPLICATING SERVICES NO JOB TOO SMALL FREE ESTIMATES Phone 7260955 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eovestroughing installed Cull 77876678 COLORED Aluminum aaveslroughing All work done and guaranteed by owner Free estimates 776 9769 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and rooling repairs Fine estimates Call 474 I956 Now Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and sor was 776 4996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial Residential Commercial Forms Siaooorpesioiier 436 3677 no PARTS El lightinlg desisll DUNE UGGY libreglas body lots at ectrica consu ting chime and extras Telephone 7264692 MOTORCYCLES AND ACCESSORIES 20 yrs eXperience Lmï¬i¥°lï¬aÂ¥2fép°mgï¬w° HONDA CT 70 Trail Bike 1000 miles E58 WILLARD Batteries nntl hours all City Masters Lic 118 like new Reasonable Telephone winlor Nd critical0 prim Robuit PDODGE CHALLENGER We 7370466alter6pm engines for most cars trucks Pratt Motor steering power brakes radial tires Supply co 773 59 stereo tape deck Ziebarted Very good 74 HARLEY Sportster 7000 original eeL mi es exce len condition Collingwood 826000rbest otter Telephone ML AUTO REPAIRS EXCAVATING WWW FORD ALAXI vertible ONDA 36° 190 es rebut WE REPAIR Britsh European and Japanese roam aovcnorr Elcavnlin ho Io rna new parGtsexceIIEntcrbtor and 595 MESH Also 1972 cars Coronation Auto Serv i7 Mary St pm systnms mhmg i024 tr Bum no IS Telephone Sklrouie 54m Snowmobile asking $400 726 5441 gruvul 4361558 4361757 7231375 eelhmeawinsnu INTERIOR REMODELLING xiiriiimi rer BUIIDOZINC small and large obi Epson 1969 FAIRLANE In good running order nests body work not certllled $400 or bedt otter Telephone alter 12 noon 456 1966 DELUXE Crown Toyota In running order Good engine and body $200 Phene7262985alter5pm 197 PLYMOUTH SATTELITE slant automatic 40000 miles In good Condi SNOWMOBILES ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES In stock now at preseason on Wlilcertlfy Asking Sl9000rbestot prices QUAILIEIED CABINET MAKER and rarpenlar mï¬iï¬ilï¬benamo HAVEN MARINE mgrLainctzixrtti° reasonable price Call 3222360 alter mIIO 9°510I3ARRIE Appmmy 1963 PONTIAC STATIONWAGON 427 on Shanty Bay Rd MH VI IUTOITIBTIC new parts many extras AND General Contractor Kitchen rec 3075 CF best WET Telephone 7263670 looms renovations additions liraplaras atter5230pm BE OFFER tor 1974 Mercury colony Pa 1974 Volvo station wagon 1973 Gremlin Phone 7260217 between and tar Bob Sander good body rough 3200 Phone 4241674 1971 GREMLIN cylinder standard ARTICLES FOR SALE clean Certltled Best otler CaI17371948 al marm BARRIE TV 1973 FORD Ranch Wa on 46000 miles 319 Teiephone43614g75 SAI it 31 IllIII sh 1966 CADILLAC Sedan Devtlle lull 77 power tactory alr recently rebuilt 7284297 engine new transmission Running but needs new tires As Is 3600 7266208 alter ELECTROHOME models to choose from 029 1971 SKIDOO ELAN lor parts 13110094741674 S75 77 Eu CO 6plh 197lGALAXIE brown door good con dition Must sell $1895 or best otter 737I959 1971COUGAR XR7 64000 miles power stee Ing power brakes V8 automatic bl white top and Interior radia Good condition $2300 Telephone 7281675 r0 rooms Call Russ References available PURPLE MARTIN Houses lor sole Apply at 97 Melrose Avis Barrie or telephone 779 5783 guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER Specializing in rec rooms terror remodelling CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensions etc CABINET MAKER LICENCED CARPENTERS guaranteed and Construction 7767461 CARPENTER will do rec roams renovations GENERAL CARPENIRY Rec rooms etc Reasonable 776 3853 CARPENTRVY painting paper hanging mom block plastering Kidd Contrac ting Co 776 3407 436 3681 alter 30 in euro Nous CABINET MAKING In Him etc Please call 8884 Dltor6p lly experienced 776 9007 776 7609 European trained Kit ens vanities Pine furniture renovations teratioris Domestic Commercial 67948 and GENERAL Contractors Will lrame ingle and trim houses Reasonable prices 4377 Custom homes tloges renovations repairs Satislaclion modelling etc No lab to small 776 1271 tiling novaling drywall built in clothes closets moiMERCURY Marquis door cer CARPET CLEANING titled good condition Asking $995 Telehone7265546 START your spring cleaning today 1913PONTIAC stationwagon 4004 bar rel In excellent condition Like new tinted undercoated certified Good mlleage posltractlan asking $2750 Tele hon932558580rillla 1968 PLYMOUTH valiant Cyl automatic certllied 8600 or best otter 7371063 1973 PONTIAC door hardtop VB autafnatic power steering power brakes low mileage Immaculate candi ton20 miles to the gallon Certilled Bestoller 7288906 1970DODGE Polara V8 automatic sedan power steering and brakes ex cellint condition $1150 or best otter Ph 7286134 1973 BUICK Century 350 vs power brakes and steering automatic door Ms per Wk radio Zlebarted 43ooo miles Ai condl lorllyll leiii tlon Certllled $2700 Phone 4241737 This Price alters pm 197oPONTIAC tor sale new brakes new paint new vinyl tap radio Certllied Price reasonable Will take trade Tele phone 4356322 alter pm 4245949 TA i975 Plymouth Gran Fury taxi package 318 rustprootlng snows 60000 BUYERS CHECKHST wBarrie TV charge account wNo payments till Nov Revitalize your carpets With carpal steam cleaning 776637l WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling endlepairs 7766263 Antique Choir Caning Over 35 yrs parlance Phone Samers 436 7799 CERAMICS CHAIR CANING NOTICE deadline for cIaSSIIicd word ads pm previous day noon Saturday miles 33500 Telephone 7288093 ARIKl FOR SALE 1972 ME RCU RY Montage Mx Broug whee sortie any delivery gangnélgrznieiExcellent CONDITION Teie Wg sgfwcg what we sea 1930 FORD COUPE 289 vs needs work Asking $800 Telephone 3221463 1967 CHEV Belalr Cylinder good man lng brder Interior very good New braies exhaust shocks battery ator tuei mp tires within last yoarCertllied 450 7266134 1975 rMAVERICK 27000 miles green radial tires power steering in good con dition $3500 or beat otter Telephone 7261 95 1968 FORD V8 door mechanically 0000 body good new brakes mulller and tires new snow tires on rims trailer hitch certilled S795 tax In ciudod 7208641 CARS WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH oooo CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS ircsnADrono sr nil42 PRICE tor top aurora Motors L31 19 Bradtord St Barrie msm CARS WANTED Hldlest prices dald Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7368711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor In and arts top prices paid guï¬k ugTe mane847 VEHICLES riled top press 50 tree Immediate pickUp anytime 0644 TThSTF INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sized pools on display Come In today or call 7264606 for tree 32 page booklet ot Inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools BaymartPlala USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable otter will be accepted We need the room for new stock con tinuously coming In Come early tar best selection at color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 Col lier st 7284297 PlANOSMason and Rlsch present this ad and save an extra $50 Neales 30 Queen St Eimvale 3221802 any Friday or Saturday FIREPLACE HARDWOOD Seasoned lace cord16x4x8 $35 or custom cut Free delivery 7264725 DRY HARDWOOD l4 and 16 spilt At work yard or delivered For turther de tails telephone 4361372 $400 WEE LY buys this new 20 super Zenith Chromacolor Television with no money down and no payments tii December Phone tonight delivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Shopping Plaza 73711937 Vwflur SINGER FALL SaleAThan Zig zag machines tram lion Vacuum Cleaners lrom $48 Special upright and Cannlsler sale vacuums lor only 8108 All sewing machines and vacuums on sale EgglanMall Barrie 7287960 co wire mesh bricks and concrete blocks or $350 weekly with no money down no payments lllI December gets you this giant i9 Inch RCA Accucoiour XL 75 par table colour television Phone tonile take tree delivery tonlte and get your tree roli about base to boot Krazy Kel iys Barrie Shopping Plaza 737 1182 SENSATIONAL 26 RCA colour console television can be yours tor only $6 week with no money down and no payments till December Spanish or Comtempary Phone tonight deliver tonlte Krazy Kellys Barrie SheppinoriazaJnilsz HOOVER KENMORE Electrolux GE Eureka usad vacuum cleaners $20andgp Telephone 726 0853 BRAND NEW zsVauasar Colorconséle eievislon lealuring works In drawer and lull manulacturers waranty Now only $593 or pay lust $550 weekly with no money down and no payments December Phone tonight tree delivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Shopp Ing Plaza 737 1182 tII BARGAIN ine barn board for use as anelling and loose aluminum sheet metal lead wire glass ew planks 10 snow fen lor concrete Call 3250400 ORILLIA O2 and Sons RR Minasing 776 7638 DRAG lINE Work Wanted Farm ponds dil chirlg grinsnol excavating etc Phone 776 8693 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACE FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 737287l TF COLONIAL FIREPLACES all luol loclory bmlt 30d nil 723 4040 STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Viz Watson lot line estimates 778 l599 GARDENSUPPLIES CHOICE TOPSOIL lor sale Eveliing and Salur day dollvnry vim 776 3928 FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between iOam and 530 pm Examiner Want Ads For Best Results ITIFCLES FOR SALE Clearance Office Furniture Big Savings No reasonable offer refused Call Mr Smith 7263600 or 7261098 08 AIR COMPRESSOR new cylinder heavy duty excellent condition reasonable with spray gun and extra hose Telephone 737 0466 alter6 pJn HAMMOND CHORD organ 96 chords older model with Instruction books and music $225 7284092 BEDROOM SUITE light wood double bed double dresser with mirror chest ol drqwors Good condition $100 Tele phone 7260553 alter pm ELECTRIC STOVE iolricii MECiaryI in good condition Telephone 7289567 BROWN CHESTERFIELD and chair $65 large bullet and table to match S400 Simmon beautyrest deluxe king size extra lirm mattress used only months S175 726 6283 RE NOVATING Used restaurant equip lnentinr sale Broiler twolryers steam table loads lreezer box merchantlser etc Any reasonable otter 3250034 PORTABLE Industrial ail Fired sin Jenny ll overhauled In good condition 1286298 ALL THE HELP YOUNEED RIGHT HERE 83 Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible HANDYMAN AND HANDYMAN Services Renova tions sun decks patios pointing cement wgijeneralirepalrs 7370789 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry renovations painting lumblng Ex ptrlence references rallab 7760008 SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod ding seeding general maintenance llowerbads etc 7260552 HOME AND COTTAGE Mainlananemir l3 ting Plumbing Real and Chimney repairs 4364105 CARPENTERPAINTER W340 it CE77é3t°7 FALL CLEANUP General Maintenance Fertilizing and Trimming Painling Trash hauled trees cut Smal moving iobs Storm windows cleaned installed DAYS 7268424 EVENINGS 4362387 HOME IMPROVEMENTS STONE WORK patios lireplacas landscap Ing Reasonable rates 70 years experience Free estimates 7786064 alter pm INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec roams Call Russ 4363681 alter 630 pm References available NEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom play room aundry oflice storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Boll 778 8906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complelo basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 778 8906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chim neys walerproalirlg brick and stone caulk ing windows and expansion IointsWork guaranteed 458 9346 FOR QUALITY home improvements use our new Tightrock Ior exteriorinterior Brochures available Our showroom is Clapperton Si or call 7769710 7783450 CARPENTRY REPAIRS locking masonry demolition renovations Rooling 70 years experience Free estimates 7769135 CARPENTRY DRYWALL Painting lnsullo lion Roalirig Custom Building Collages Winterized Strickland Consl CO 4567890 ottorbpm CUSTOM BUILDING and additions Cottage lilting and loundalions Aluminum Siding doors windows and accessories Fox con tracting 7761710 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rte area 35 up Dobsori 474 59i0 after and weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared to Kidd 745Edgehil0r 776 3407 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation libregloss blowtiig and patting Eroo estimates Scott Muir 778 I767 KWAN SCHOOL OE KARATE Erlduy av nings Central Collegian Gym for inlarmaiiori please call 776 3654 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING dasigns sup plied Tree removal Custom spraying For lilizur Insecticide Herbicide 4B7 340l 728 9369 SIMPSON Landscape contracting and design by Dale Simpson BSc Agr Quality plant material Complete maintenance Unistone drives and walks 4875680 Evenings 4875386 Barrie Ollice 7267801 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES garden maint landscape reasonable rates 776 4536 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning mowing sod ding seeding general maintenance lloworbods etc 776 8557 WEED SPRAYING lall clean ups lertillzing mowing hedge and shrub trimming rough mowing Vic Triemstro 7760427 MAINTENANCE CONSULTANTS lawn and ICIVICDI Is Your Maintenance Cost Too High DO YOU HAVE TOO MANY RECURRING REPAIRS OR BREAKDOWNS CRD Provides qualified consulting to eliminate your costly problems ORILLIA 3250254 We dont supply parts or labor MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Authorirec Amona Sales Service to all Microwavc ovens 726 4177 anytime MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music lar people who like to dang Good rateg 7789545 ulll ARTICLES roll SALE DESK solid oak wllh chair S95 piece kitchen set modern $35 Electric roller Ironer $15 Huge old chair excellent condition $75 Chesterlield chair 15 Floor pallsher 315 it aluminum boat hp motor plus electric motor 12 volt oars and anchor lirm $350 Driv ing lawn mower hp years old $150 Antique truck $45 Several smaller or ticles Telephone 4873315 MOPED lor sale in A1 condition Telephone 737 1970 alter pm only TIRES 960d condition 6451 41mm tar $20 Telephone 7266174 BABY CARRIAGE converts to stroller and car bed Mesh playpen Sterilizer Nursery curtains Sleigh Rocker with tray Car seat and numerous other baby Items Excellenlcondltlon 7266577 WOMENS CLOTHING entire war drobe size 16 to 52 line condition reasonably priced also extra large mans Skldoosult Phone 7280835 GARAGE SALE Woodcrost Drive lrom 1230 to 430 Sunday October Proceeds will benelil Barrie Central GlrisGAA TWO PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite tradlonal style gold pattern yellow velvet trim months old Telephone 7372648altar6pm NEW FURNITURE Tuesday at pm at 49 Morrow Rd Unit 11 This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbers 726 6314 7370879 TF MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261409 BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Baylield Mall Guitar classes Yamaha method all age 29s 7264973 PIANO LESSONS Royal Conservatory Popular or Sacred Music taught by Miss Par tridge BRE Telephone 7263150 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced months trial instru ment loaned tor home practice Canadian Academy at Music I21 Baytield 7281799 PIANO lESSONS East end lor lurlher In 999192 2919173109 PAINTING PAINTING paper hangin experienced free estimates Jack Richar Ian 7262012 7568874 VELLINGA APAINTING and decorating lrl terior exterior Work guaranteed Eglobllshad GOyears17267609 7769007 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painleEs Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed7767389 DON SIESLING Pralessional pointing in terior exterior paper hanging custom work Solislactlon guaranteed 776684 SPECIALIZING IN all types al paperhanging painting and graining Ben Paernbacher Pointing 7780774 INTERIOR PAINTING aslimato on ARTICLES FOR SALE Gigantic end of the season sale at the Lazy Farmer Trading Post No 11 Highway miles North of Orillia 25 off everything in the store Imported and Canadian Git tware Brass Bells top quality plaid iackets for men ladies and children candles lamps coffee grinders brass coach lights books round tables on tique rockers coal and wood stoves iewellry leather purses and handbags tor ladies and girls iack knives hunting knives soap wall telephone pictures unfinished pine table figurines beautilul wine sets Cruel sets plus literally hun dreds and hundreds of in teresting and unique items Here are few samples Cur ved glass china cabinets regular $32500 sale price $24375 Moose calling horns reg $895 sale price $595 Indian Doll reg $950 sale price $695 Canada Hand bag reg $295 sale price $195 Olympic glasses reg $139 sale price 98 etc etc Beat inflation Buy your Christmas Gills now and save 25 Sale starts Sat Oct and ends Thanksgiving day Oct ll Open daily IOam to dusk LOOK FOR THE BIG RED BARN Phone SEVERN BRIDGE 6895053 02 BARN BOARD and white oak in random widths includes some 24 inch wide Price reasonable Telephone Parry Sound 746 9460 alter pm any room in your home George MacPherson DISHWASHER Westinghouse built in 77334999 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex years old good working condition $50 Telephone 7289205 ANNOUNCINGI Ilf FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOX AND Hound Tack Shop English riding equipment and apparel Robinson Zardware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 728 HORSES BOARDED and trained Echo Spring Ranch 10th line or Ora Phone 4875842 HORSES BOARDED large box slaiIT Windy Brae Farm 4th Oro Hwy 11 Telephone 4073333 SPECIAL CLEARANCE OT Used and New Trailers Several makes Also lease and rentals 7261551 APPOLoosESiBTIIE Colt 15v monlhi old 13 hands high Beauillul contorma tion and well mannered S200 lirm Telephone 7287813 AMERICANT iiill Terrier re gistered $260 value Trade tor best young steer Phone 14 30 HEREFORD yearll eers approx lmate weight 850 lbs Apply Dlnsmore RR No Barrie Telephone 7287940 POULTRY ANDCHICKS READY to lay puliets Also larm lresh eggs Brown egg birds available mid November Craig Hunter Poultry Farm stroud 436 1811 FEED SEED ANDGRAIN ACRES 0F standing corn lor silage In Guthrie area Telephone 7289647 alter HAY FOR SALE lirst cut good quality EIWPIG are 9121037 FARM MACHINERY MASSEY FERGUSON Tractor model 165 diesel good condition $4000 or best otter Cockshutt 35 gas cylinder hydraulic LPPO good condition $1300 or best otter Telephone 4589489 NEW HOLLAND number lorage box and wagon number 26 lorage blower 717 lorage Harvester all in excellent condition Telephone 4872348 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Kooie and son Con cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Sundays Your containers POTATOES FOR SALE 336665775 pound bags Charles Ellsmere RRII Barrie 7284956 PERSONAL TELECARE wriy tight you problem ierior wallpapering custom textured walls GAS FURNACE suitable lor Toom alone Le lend hep ca Teecare and ceilings Telephone 705 B357614ocal PAVING PAVING MANIERI PAVING LTO wParking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for 16 years PAVING ORIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 7370179 MANIERIPAVINGLTD Patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 776008l BILOTTA CONTRACTING Patios sidewalks slaps chimneys curbs New work and repairs Free estimates 458 4733 alter PICTURE TRAINING OATES 87 Dunlop St East Custom framing at all Iypus Wu slurli many sizes Phone778 3770 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages Driveways ARTIFRAM Custom picture hunting Wide selections Factory price lost sariIce Sotislaciian guaranteed 77B 8633 RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie two minutes Windy Haugh Form 7760l97 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and Old Repairs Free astilnales 377 1897 altarbp SEWIN£LA$SES SEWING CLASSES Bnglnnin October Beginners to advanced AI andale area Qualified Instructors 726 0l87 or 7764739 SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH CO octalists makes industria domestic machines New used Agents Sewing Machines 737 1671 7371185 TELEVISION LEASING Darrlas only House ol Leasln Lease your new color from $375 per or Barrie TV 22591 iv new WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug wells Homes Cottages Farms industry Specializing in Concrete Tile Steel reinlarced concrete tile lengths lot sala Diameter 71 48 737051 WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Specialists in houses apartments and stares Telephone 7781914 repairs all sewtng Brother ARTICLESER SALE REGAL For well known quality in Christmas cards gill wrap novelty items and Crownware as advertised on TV Regal Representative Mrs Urry 776 2243 ONE NEW TAPPAN Microwave oven used Mollatt dishwasher used GE automatic washing macine both require repairs 4241276 BEDROOM SUITE custom made solid pine queen size poster bed Jenny Lind table cedar lined wardrobe drawer dresser with mirror Phone 4563707 GARAGE SALE FriaayJsaturdayiiid Sunday 206 Pine rive Painswlck GARAGE SAL Grove Street East lrom 12 to Sunday Oct Beds childrens clothing toys labrics and misc GARAGE SALE Willow park Motel Highway 11 mile south at 400 and it lunctlon Saturday Sunday 10 am pm Furniture electrical llxtures Clothing ski boots skates etc some an tiaues SPANISH BED and triple dresser year old $200 piece Spanish dining set swivel chairs year old 8150 Phone 4241674 SEWING MACHINE Singer por lo with carrying case straight stitch with attachments Excellent condition 380 Phone 7267860 GARAGE SALE Crystal Water park on Gill Rd Mldhurst Starling 1o am Saturday Misc house etlects Including new draperies and clothing 7280508 PIONEER Stereo System and till records 828 Receiver Tuner PLA35 Turntable CS63 speakers Asking price $1550 Phone alter oclock 7372977 DUNE auooy built lrom Voiisiï¬ï¬eii runs well Ideal lor moose hunting 3125 Telephone 7286576 house good condition For more in tormation call at 20 Perry St or phone 7260510 NEW IRMBACH apartment size studio and elt°39919°55 73539590 20 PORTABLE Modular Color TeleVi slon with stand Needs new line tuner Asking $400 Telephone alter 630 pm 7269979 SEIGLER Oil Heater super lioor heat built in blower cast iron sun tan enamel 60000 BTU 43 26 inches Glass lined 25gallon water heater 728 4296 DOGSAND PETS Street East 726 414i grooming all breeds delivery726 8798P7etisitudio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sionai clipping and grooming rea sonable rates Telephone 726 0061 36i 1106 RR Eimvale Free tagood name male dog mdnths medium sized Phone 456 2637 Lelroy PoooLES registered months white toy lemale year Telephone 726 2056 PUREBRED Miniature Schnauzer pups no papers weeks old $135each 737 0468 old lrom purebred stock 525 each cross tree togood home 436 2309 ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR old lurnilure books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 728 8214 SILVER COINS pay $185 Tor Every dollar Phone 34077 GAR DEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govl tested We mix our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Telephone 726 2951 FREE USE at our Spreaders to lertilize your lawn this tall with weed control or ordinary lertilizer Start the spring with tirst class lawn Brays Garden Centre 7762951 TREES AND SHRUBS TREES Nursery stock lor sale Con ilerous and Deciduous Very reasonable 776 9795 BOATS AND MOTORS WINTER PROJECT Relinish this inch mahogany plywood runabout Beamy l2 loot cralt has taken all Georgian Bay could otter Comes with trailer Hitch up and take it away tor $200 Call 728 4967 alter4 30 INDOOR BOAT STORAGE on trailer October to May 31 i2 leet and up $10 per foot Under 12 price on request 726 3183 business hours BOAT 14 Shakespeare Wondercralt 25 HP rating unsinkable with 805 lb maximum load seat 5750 726 7910 BOAT SALE 12 Hit Aluminums 52793379 33 hp boot trailer $1195 55 hp boat wtop 51395 6O hp boat trailer $1595 New 14 boat w4th Johnson 52299 I7boatw150 hp MarcDemo 54295 IS Catamaran SailboatDemo $l295 SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd Barrie 726l00l 030 EXCEPTIONAL BOAT BUY l8 runabout with 165 hp In terceptor inboard engine and Volvo outboard drive Marine plywood hull with mahogany deck Vinyl leather seats Hull in good shape and motor has less than one hour running since complete overhaul Deck needs refinishing and someone who has space to work on it over the winter can have an ex ceptionally fast and smart looking boat ready to go next spring Asking only $1500 Call 7280768 after pm 04 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 BOATS 9749168 End of Seaso 22ltSilverline1975 18ft Peterborough I75 hp 15 It Peterborough 10 I20hp 16 It Pelerborough 135hp Evinrude iolt Cutter 70 hp Mercury BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping ol all breeds Sophia POOOLE TRIMMiNO pmiessiom pickup and POODLE PUPPIES male andlemaié black miniature registered Call collect JULIES 33 ESSA RD We trad white toy males weeks apricoy my male Vices CiVII criminal marital investiga Geman VACANCY AVAILABLE iora 7767977 anytime wwwmm Freyuwviz armrry IIELP WANTED PERSON FOR ALL round attics work Must have pleasant telephone voice to take telephone orders type use telex invoice and tile This is re able carn pany located In Barrie or int ment call 7264902 Thursday and rlday October 7th and 8th PERSON FOR WAREHOUSE and parts department tor ma lor snowmobile company located in Barrie Must be ag gressive and willing to loam Good star ting salary and benefits For Int rnent phone 7264902 Oct 5th and FULL TIME GAS BAR CASHIER Reliable mature individual to work 412 shill Monday to Friday Must be holiest ralerencas required Apply Essa Baytleld and Cundles 10 to Monday to Friday or call 7267132 WAITERWAITRESS lor dining room Evenings only Willing to train Own transportation Apply In person to Maltre Nottawasaga Inn Alliston HOUSEHOLD HELP 12 hours weekly Adult lamliy Codrington and Nelson area Reierences Telephone 72879 evenings CHAMBERMAIDS required lull and part time Apply in person to Bayshore Motor Hotel EXPPERIENCED FARM HAND tor plowing needed tor to weeks To start October 4th Telephone 4872006 or 7286796 CARPETTTER PAINTER handy man wantechelephone 7263407 YOUNGAMDITIOUS person required immediately tor lull time sales Apply In person to Belinda and Brother Georgian Ma EXPERIENCED body man woman re quired good wages Telephone 3222763 lor lurther details ORDERTAKER Male or lemale ll quailtied and own late model car Neat appearance $300 per week Please lorward resume to Box S47 Barrie Examiner CASHIERS needed tor sellserve gas bar 11 pm7 am days or 73 and 311 alternating weekly Apple am12 noon 360 Baytield St 7264205 BOOKKEEPERS experienced only lull and parttime Apply to Box 548 The Barrie Examiner LAURA SECORD requires mature per son lor cheese department on part time basis Hours are 1230 to 930 pm Thursdays and Fridays Saturdays 9530 Training given Please apply in person at Laura Secord Shop in Georgian Mall on Oct or No calls please Interviews to be arranged RELIEF Warn pain soreness tensioï¬ due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit man Reg Masseur 7264092 piano Weber upright piano reï¬nished ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 it you drink thats your business It you mantle quit thats ours Call any time aowLERs WANTED t6 TstirTTSér tember teams couples or singles alternoon or evenings Kempview Bowl 7789761 UNWANTED HAIR problem removed salely permanently medical ly approved Lydia Hrenchuk Certilied EIectroIogist 7372671 HAVE YOUR Christmas Vespra Chalet Park Hwy 93 now tak ing reservations 7267388 boating course taught by the Barrie Power Squadron can make the dil season and disaster Learn elements at sale boating and seamanship by atten ding ciass one night week during the tail and winter Registration September 21 and 23 to pm Eastview Col iegiate andgl used pocket novels We also have sand weekly INTE RNAT iONAL aneétlgation Ser tions surveillance Discreet and can ligential 7372972 pie in Stroud Telephone 4362288 HARE RIDE to EilsmeFe and Kennedy DACHSUUNDSV mimamrésl 1me in Scarborough daily Bethereat7 am leave 330 pmVTelephone 7268335 puppy weeks old male Collie Spaniel TATUM Brent lather ol Andrea Evelyn and Christine Lynn or anyone knowing his whereabouts please contact Mur phy at 14162398131 Monday to Friday tos pm AMAZI NGLY quick reliet tor discomfort at mouth sores white canker spots den tal plate sores tender gums with Flet chers Sore Mouth Medicine Available at Cusdens Pharmacy and all druggists GE NTLEMAN would like to meet widow age 60 to 65 Obiect companion Ship Have late model car Write to Box 549 Barrie Examiner lNSTRUCTioNs PIANO LESSONS East end For further inlormalion telephone 7287102 HELP WANTED URGENTLY REOUIREO swtvel MACHINE SHOP FITTERS Apply Personnel Dept or write DORROLIVERLONG LTD 174 West Street South Orillio Ontario L3V 614 02 CLOCK REPAIRMEN WOMEN NEEDED Internationally famous floor Clock company needs ser vicemen parttime to install new clocks in consumers homes and handle minor repairs Easily handled after work and on weekends In terested and qualified persons contact RIDGEWAY CLOCKS Ridgeway VA 24l48 USA At tnDavis 02 FINANCIAL SECRETARY Required Ior OllICB at 355mm controller at large national lirm Applicants must have good secretarial SlllIS Submit resume to Box 845 The Barrie Examiner O2 WANTED Reliable person who has raised own children to work nights week in home with children In it Call 7268346 OPPORTUNITY for steady employment with small growing business interesting work in trophy and iewelery shop Learn to operate pantograph machines engraving and trophy assembling Some sales work Own transportation Should be artistic and able to operate small machines Write giving details to Box S42 Barrie Examiner LICENSED MECHANIC prelerably lrontend experience lor Firestone store Salary plus bonus Call Mr Smith at 7266505 COOK required lor two am shllts am to 230 pm and two night shllts 230 pm to 1030 pm Also short order cook lemale male lull time hours am to2230 pm Telephone 7260208 BOATS AN MOTORS Clearance 12 ll I6ltDonzi150hpMercury S$995 16ftGrew100hpJohnson 70 hp Evinrude including controls SI895 MOCDONALDS MARINE LTD 73 Yonge St Barrie Phone 7282940 02 Have Tt Party at IS vouRLlEE WORTH 44 hours The lerence between an enioyable boating wich bar Open am to 10 pm days MATURE PERSON to babysit 14 month old 330 pm to 1230 am weekdays or live In my home 330 weekly Call 7269718 MOTHERS HELPER for young Toronto tamily Light housekeeping exper Ienced references 14162236216 EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY CARE available in my home Highway 11 at 4th concession Oro Previous experience Telephone 4873486 MATURE MOTHER will babysit child in my home tor $3 day In the Queen St area 15 Queen St Barrie LADY WILL do cleaning by the day or hour he weekends please Barrie area Reterences Telephone 4362043 even ings MATURE reliable mother will babysit in own home days Monday to Friday Tollendai Mlnets Point area Please phone 7280868 anytime Jump for Joy Printed Pattern it TivrytliyRStexq Sew this um and sleeve less jacket or the pure joy and flattery of wearing it at holiday dinners dances lit home Layer it over blouse Printed Pattern 4746 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 jumpsuit yards 60inch fabric $100 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 15¢ for each alterntor first class mail an handling Ont residents atitl 7e sales tax Print plainly Size Style Nlllll ber your Name Address Semi tqililne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avendt Scarborough Ontario Mil 4P7 150 stfles lots of Quick EaSIes in our NEW FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG Jumpsuits tops pants Ius Total Wardrobe patterns ree attern coupon 5¢ nstant Sawin Book $100 Sew Knit ook 125 Instant Money crafts 100 Instant Fashion llooli Si 00 NOTICE deadline lor classiï¬ed word ads pm prevrous dav noon Saturday While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbars to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay In lonivardlng such replies however otherwise 54 an