The Barrie Examiner Saturday Oct i976I5 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE mom FOR SALE CARRIAGE PARK INVESTMENTS BEDROOM APARTMENTS 414 BLAKE ST BARRIE The Smartest Spot in Town PROPERTY FOR SALE MINIMUM DOWN 990 st MTG Mortgage Trust 21 233 21 233 990 21 233 1990 Broadloomed beautiful white shag throughout PRICE 25500 28500 28750 UNIT 101 UNIT 707 UNIT 807 His and her saunalaundry room etc Bus route minutes into town CARRIES $212 Ist Mortgage Princ Int 37 Est Taxes 249 JUST HANG YOUR DRAPES AND YOURE HOME WELL EVEN DO THAT FOR YOUI REGISTERED CONDOMINIUMS BUILDER GUARANTEES PROF THE BUILDER WILL BUY BACK THE APARTMENT AT THE END OF YEARS FOR THE PURCHASE PRICE Total PIT WE NEVER CLOSE DROP IN OR CALL 7265182 or 7285273 PLUS $1000 $068 LIMITED TO NEW PURCHASERS AND SUBJECT TOA $50 AGREEMENT FEE TWO BEDROOM UNITS ALSO AVAILABLE SEE JACK LOWE if you earn 510 800 1007of spouses income can be included you can own the most elegant and desirable townhouse in Bï¬RRIE You may also qualify for additional grants of up to $750 per year That will further help you lower your costs of ownership your monthly payments STF to AHOP qualified buyers carries for as low as full price $39370 ï¬HOP Call Collect Barrie 17057262621 We Pay All Charges in Barrie THE BUILDER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL OR CHANGE FINANCING PRICES AT ANYTIME WITHOUT NOTICE financing available RM LOWE RIAL EST LTD BMKER NORMAN REAL ESTATE 34 BEDROOMS 01 BATHROOMS FULLY BROADLOOMED FINISHED FAMILY ROOM FIREPLACE CAR GARAGE Baillie Phillie Silii 7051783177 lllllllllll Ulliliil Illlilill 700 WISIWIIUL IIIALTY Ill REAITOR Brmstton Residential Farms Acreages RODERT ARMSTRONG LIMITlD IIALTOI FAMILY HOMES lN BEAUTIFUL BARRIE Reduced by up to $5000 FROM $1995 DOWN to qualified purchasers FROM $54900$59900 FULL PRICE Terms and Prices Subiect to Change Without Notice PROPERTY FOR SALE Model Home 04 Toni Lane 30 our ll TF Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER I49 BAYFIELD ST Marilyn Mason 7262895 Thomas Brolley 7282994 Grace Brolley 7282994 Bradley Watts 7287209 Terry Vogan 4562544 Wayne Dobson 3222838 Paul Dumoulin FR CRASRA 7370731 PROPERTY FOR SALE STOREY House rooms baths hardwood tloors ceramic tile in kitchen and bath attached garage paved drive lot Io 112 $39500 $7500 down Mor tgage can be arranged Phone 728 4059 LOW DOWN PAYMENT bedroom hnmi at 2111 Patterson Rd Iaroetreelot on the edge at town For lurther inlorma tion call Al Bracock Rep Unigroup Inc Broker at 776 7949 or 737 1771 PRIVATE SALE ol large bedroom home 1800 so It at reduced price Separati dining plus patio workshop doubli garageon big lot ust outside Bar rm on St VincentSl Ca11778 4615 THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE ex tra large rooms sliding glass doors to patio broadloom throughout tastelully decorated ITTITTQIUla Call 776 3111 or 728 5405 Saunders RealEstate SUNNIDALF ROAD beautiful bedroom year old 5100 split tinished rec roorn completely broartloomed treed lot Overlooking the park Asking $58900 726 3111 or 487 3148 Saunders Real Estate LAKESHORE ROAD Concession Oro year old bedroom brick bungalow electrir twat LOthplllely boradloorned lull basement lrretl lot 101 700 deeded beach rights Asking $59900 776 3Ill or 487 3148 Saunders Real Estate CF NTRAL COMPLE TE LY modernized storey brick home three large bed rooms extra pc wash room on main tloor Two garages lull size basement $47000 Down payment $10000 balance on one open mortgage vendor requests principals only Call Russell Carson Frank Nelles Realtor Ollice 7761405 Res 776 6161 BEDROOM cosy and neat stone tinplace large dining room all ap pllflTNPS steel storage shed close to shopping Telephone 436 3669 llTH 0F INNISFIL mile to lake real beauty bedrooms deck base ment wall to wall lireplace Wall Real Estate Gord Wright 436 3669 LILLIAN CRESCENT bedroom bathsgaraoe Financing available City bus atdoor Wall Real Estate Gord Wright436 3669 BEDROOM all electric Ideal tor kids Dead end street Wall Real Estate GordWright436 3669 LAKE SIMCOE 9th line at lnnislil 50 tt watertront bedroom cottage sale sari dy beach $35900 Telephone 456 2960 CEDAR CHALET beaulitully treed acre lot in private subdivision walk to sWIm or goll house complete with all broadloom drapes and lixtures floor to ceiling lireplace buillin dishwasher TV antenna and rotor also car detached garage with workshop Asking $42900 Open lor otters Call 776 7198 alter BEDROOM backsplit with tamin room and lireplace car garage Must sell moving west For inspection phone 7281781 will arcept any reasonable at ler PROPERTY WANTED APARTMENTS 0R townhouses or more units wanted by private Investor preterably in Barrie or local city In lormation will be kept contidential Telephone 436 1467 anytime COTTAGE WANTED Clean and ready to move in Close to beach Good dry area in lnnislil No more than $30000 Telephone 436 43214 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT AVAILABLE NOW Country executive estate New custom built bungalow electric heat 25 acres with view over rolling land Adiacent to goll course Near Barrie and main highways Relerences required Pri vate Principals only Telephone business hours Monday to Friday 736 0988 or 363 3471 Toronto L°rs For SALE BUILDING LOT lnnisllt Township Asking $12000 Make an alter Viau Viau Real Estate 726 1771 or 7261603 7269262 Martin Altseimer 7281762 Allan Thompson 7281024 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 David Wigley 726 8497 Frank Dyke 3269331 Mary Foster 3221118 Tony Pomeroy Mortgage Dept 7266964 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF or rent Holiday in complete home corn lort Baylield St Ltd can meet your trailer hitch re goirements Call Harold tor appoint ment 778 9700 trom 3110000311 778 6875 and religerator uncertilied needs lit tle work $7500 Brian 776 7313 1972 24 terry trailer tor sale very clean air conditioned TV antenna Sleeps tour sell contained See at No Jelt Bean campground miles north at Stayner $4500 or otters MORTGAGES Head Office Toronto 95 NHA LOANS First mortgages from NV Second mortgages from 12 °o In Farms Residential Commercial dustrial Cottages Apartments Hotels Cone dominiums Builders Loans Land Mortgage Construction Business Loans Existing Mortgages Purchased Unlimited NHA and ventional loans for development Planning financial analysis provided OPEN DAILY om to 530 pm Thursday evenings till pm Saturday by appointment Call WM SUMMERS Barrie office 17057373451 91 Bavfield St After hours call con major and assistance TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes lor sate Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 ITS NOT TOO LATE The Hitch HOUSE COUNTRY LIVING in quiet park south ot Barrie New homes Also used homes FULLY SHAGGED school bus stove REAL ESTATE IF YOU NE Immediate 1st and 2nd 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 72670981 24 COMPLETE SERVICES 89 COLLIER ST BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG No To consolidate debts Home improvements To pay oft existing or maturing mortgage Construction lunds Call Anytime Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc MORTGAGES ED MONEYF Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties low monthly payments any worthy reasor tree advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 347 BAY STREET TORONT00NT 363 3421 Hour MORTGAGE SERVICES hi im idlidllii RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Offering Best possible roles lmmediote Commitments Available 24 hrs day FOR BARRIE AND AREA 7264491 BARRIE 8630398 TORONTO TThSTF MORTGAGES RENTALS First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES BAYFIELD sr 72671 30 Office Hours om pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF KINZIE LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt comv nitments and complete con identiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Coll IAN KERR 737 1881 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Bus HOME TF MORTGAGES T0 $25000 Big Cash to do Big Things Consolidations and Refinancing Competitive Rates Urban and Rural PrOperties Telephone Mr Gillespie 7285931 or evenings 7287401 BENEFICIAL REALTY LTD TThSN3O COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action conlidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings SECOND MORTGAGE at $10000 at cur rent rate required immediately Good covenant new home For details contact Lorne Hay Real Estate 728 1566 APARTMENTS to gun APARTMENTS TO RENT For People Who Care If you are looking for comfort quiet secluded location llUlXiATIC IIURT HOLGATE and BAYVIEW 12 and BEDROOM NOW RENTING Very large suites Large balconies Equtpped gym room Cable TV Parking City bus service Adults only Color automatic appliances Sauna bath 71389082 rrhs UNFURNISHED BACHELOR apart merit available immediately 400 Essa Rd area fridge stove heat hydro and parking supplied $145 monthly For ap paintmentphone 728 4776 alter 430 pm BEDROOM apartment in older home in east end ground lloor private en water Available immediately 728 4867 ONE BEDROOM Apartment $711 mon thly includes refrigerator stove heat and parking Bus stop location No pets please Telephone 728 4016 2BEDROOMAPARTMENTattractive ly decorated centrally located Fridge and stove $205 monthly including util tires and parking No pets Available Oct Ist Cal7281358 7260570 THE MAYFAIR Barries newest budding one and two bedroom apartments with nice View and many leatures 737 0027 SUBLET bedroom apartment stove trio and all utilities Close to Baytield Mall Telephone 726 6046 HELP We must sublet our brand new bedroom apartment belore the end 01 October Owner translerreo It you like conveniences like underground park Or tober 15 Telephone 776 3357 UNFURNISHED bedroom apartment tor rent $180 per month First and last months rent required Laundry and parking lacilities Available Oct Phone 726 4966 alter ANGUS Available immediately bedroom apartment $205 monthly plus hydro Telephone 726 6271 TWO BEDROOM apartments avail able in 10 plex Bus stop in lront One bedroom available immediately or Oct and one bedroom available Nov $230 monthly plus hydro References No pets 7781035 BEDROOM apartment with lridge and stove All utilities paid close to downtown Phone 728 3487 Available im mediately ONE BEDROOM lurnished attic apart mentwith kitchenlargeliving room and bath Central location Parking Tele phone 728 7568 OVERLOOKING the lake bedroom apartment stove relrigerator Married couple no children or pets S207 mon thly Available Oct Telephone 7781845 EXAMINER WANTADS PHONE 7282414 APARTMENTS ro RENT MISSISSAUGA COURT APART Two bedroom apar MENTS tments colored ap pliances drapes included Next to Simcoe Plaza 7263383 LESTER Emil PROPERTY roii SAIL NEAR LAKE9th Con 01 Oro storey 68 bedrooms well treed lot year old Ask DUNLOP 7280293 l00$6l900Vic DonerViau RealEstate HORSESHOE VALLEY 726 or 77 l7 Beautltul vlew overlooking goll course DOWNTOWN Commercial Location reclaimed brlck llreplace cathedral Ideal retail or oltice setting 10 per cent ceilings and halt baths large REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN linancing available Bob Urry Viau Real Estate 776 1771 or 778 5811 $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum siding bungalow Big Bay Point lm maculate condition Garage Attractive grounds Bob Urry Viau Real Estate726177lor28 5811 BUILDING LOT $12000 100 181 with septic permit Located in quiet village near Barrie Terms Bob Urry garage hall acre lot with trees Barrie 726 7191 Horseshoe Valley evenings 835 2926 $48800 New single lamlly home with attached garageond cold storage area Under constructlon Vicinity 0t Georgian Col lege Telephone Pratt Homes 728 1259 ViauR PRIVATE 1900 square It bedroom John Croword 875955 PIOT Sholswell 7282930 cal ESlalL 728 58 side spllt kitchen overlooking lamliy Phil Franchotte 7282619 Rog shdw 487 29 MIDHURST AREA Large new un room llreplace walkout to patio Main Do ld sh 4875560 20 linished brick home double garage floor laundry room3baths Finished rec PW Ralph Wilson 4873609 llreplaces $39000 Also one third acre room Broadloorned throughout car Jlm Cross 7262159 lots $5000 Phone Toronto 494 8792 even garage paved drlve Allandale Heights LN ings $58000 Im 737 0930 IMPERIAL TOWERS FARMS FOR SALE 4240776 cm 77777 rr mls CONCESSION Sunnidale 100 acres LL with good bedroom brick house out shaped barn artesiisn meltsrsepiinag th ea 52 20523 PERCY to $99500 95 PER CENT Eight1 or 487 3148 Saunders Real HRS MORTGAGE MFAVRVMS For RENT MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For free courteous advice call ACRE horse tarm lor rent or sale bedroom home miles west at Barrie $400 per month Relerences required 487 2412 BUSINESS ORPQRTUNTES SELFCONTAINED storey brick triplex close to downtown showing good return lridges stoves washer and dryer good existing mortgage at 1014 per cent Asking $69800 7263111 or NIGEL DUNN 487 3148 COMMERCIAL BEDROOM COUNTRY home large lamlly kltchen and Ilvlngroom Thls pro perty wlth other storage buildings could be used tor commercial as well Highway location iust outside Barrie Call 416 857 0804 VunaNmnirunInirim M20 BARRIE OVERLOOKING 0Coloured TF FINEST KEMPENFELT BAY Appliances Sauna Exercise Rooms 0Tennis Court °Adiacent to Shopping OUnderground Parking 7269580 7264991 KANEFF PROPERTIES LTD TF r¢a RENTALS HOUSES WANTED TORENT WANTED IN Barrie or bedroom bungalow Rec room no children or pets References Call alter pm 7370165 NEEDED BY November Ist or bedroom house Codrlngton School area with garden it possible Please call 7261610atter6andweekends ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED ROOM tor rent no house keeping Carpeted parklng Telephone 726A1531alter4 pm LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room would suit lady available Oct 7280755 NEWLY DECORATED lurnished rooms shared kitchen and bathroom available immediately $125 monthly 7266371 or 7265470 atter CLEAN BROADLOOMED ROOMS kit chen privileges responsible adults preterred Central location Available immediately Phone 7373931 or 7281922 ROOM FOR rent within walking distance to Baytield Mall No parking tacilitiesCall7281263atter930pm LARGE FURNISHED bedroom tor gentleman only onaquiet home suitable tor shilt worker on bus route ample parking Apply 180 Blake st anytime SINGLE ROOM lull kitchen iaciiiï¬es available immediately Telephone 7266392 gt LARGE Furnished and newly finished basement room bathroom adiacent Available immediately $20 weekly Allandale area 7288829 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM in gentle mens residence Linens parking share bath $70 monthly Bradford St area Telephone7269718 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND Board tor young gen tleman Lunches packed Meals in cluded Central location Parking Telephone7287568 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 728 9201 TF 1000 SQ FT The best at modern store or oftice space tor rent or lease Dunlop East Mini Plaza Customer and owner parking Telephone 728 5738 SPACEVFOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 3100 19500 sq ft lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 16 It clear part 01 large expanding industrial mall7267130 BUILDING 66x100 suitable for store garage warehousing etc 21 Mary Street very central Apply Valley DriveYoursell 16 Maple Avenue 7266666 LARGE HEATED BAY on main highway just south oi Barrie Large tront bay doors plus side entrance James Flewelling 70545673031 or 459a¢ GARAGES WANTED Double or garage con crete lloor Heated prelerred Telephone 728 89067 ACCOMMODATIONS S700 533 30 lrlJiSTJcWgnearfnhydro ahnd TO SHARE YOUNG MAN hasI bedroom apartment to share with same Telephone 7260439 ONE BEDROOM in bedroom town house Female preterred Apply 63 Fer risrLarne UgitBto Telephone 73772019 HOUSES TO RENT BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT View Large bungalow in Ora Appliances drapes and broadloom Suitable tor ex ecutive tarnin Lease references 416 249 9528 487 5788 weekends NEW THREE bedroom townhouses in Orillia Garage styles to choose from From $350 monthly plus utilities Fridge and stove fully broadloomed to your choice oi color Located south of Hwy 12 bypass between Gill St and Forest Ave Telephone 325 9811 anytime BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse for rent in exclusive location For more in lormationcall 7264544 ing sauna plaza near by close to BEDROOM MOBILE home lor rent Georgian College minutes lrom stove and regrigerator tenced lot 14 downtown Telephone 737 3899 alter 68 It Immediate possession $225 per pm month Telephone 4246578 Two bedroom apartments one THREE AND FOUR bedroom single available now in the Allandale area lamin homes exclusive arealrom$350 The other downtown area available per monthGaragesclosetoschoolsand shopping Barrie 7287 3122 or 4746711 THREE BEDROOM rime for rent Big Bay Point $250 monthly Telephone 728 1628 BEDROOM House tor rent furnished with appliances $275 monthly Ora Sta tion 5th line Telephone 4875101 evenv ings alter pm EXECUTIVE HOME bedrooms large family room with Irreplace and stone bar on acres iust north or Barrie $500 monthly 726 8698 and eeoebom hnriTeE large lots available immediately 4293117 or 429 2920 ram BEDROOM BRICK home broadloam throughout tull basement rec room with lranklin fireplace double car garage near school and store Rentssoo monthly plus heat and hydro Phone 728 2379 NEAR UTOPIA small bedroom modernized home Large lot and garden Relerences required Phone 4241276 BEDROOM HOUSE linished rec room large lenced yard carport large driveway $240 per month Located in Angus 424 0523 FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE Centrally located on bus route immediately available Good tor large lamily Call 7267551 or 737 2699 ENJOY holiday living year round New executive bungalow on beautitul water lront Fully decorated with drapes rugs appliances lease and relerences $375monthly4162499528 BEDROOM bungalow Lakelront on Highway 93 at Orr Lake All convei niences no pets $210 per month includes hydro and water Phone 3221200 UNFURNISHED bedroom country house Approximately miles south ol Barrie Available immediately Teler phone 458A9450evenings BEDROOM detached house with ya rage in Allandale Heights Available November Option to purchase would be considered Telephone 7267959 CHILDMWELCOME BeaTJtitul clean home bedrooms large kitchen living room with bay window Full basement Garage $250 monthly Possession im mediately4872800 TALL TREES Subdivision popular shadow wood model large bedrooms separate dining room lamin room with lireplace garage $350 monthly Available immediately Call 72845645 DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there Is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as od ones satisfy their wants we recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience withmillions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section Phnne 7782414 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414