BUFFALO TORONTO 000 2451222News aMovie Indiscreet DAmazing Kreskin llBetween Hash Lines 01 22Sports Probe 21nquiry sRogers Report 4News 7Battle for the White House 9News llMr Mrs TV Bingo 12Now 700 22My Country 2Hee Haw 41ts Academic SBob McLean 7News 9Emergency lIlriends of man 12Sports Roundup 730 flScience International 4Treasure Hunt 5Andy 7Dolly llGeorge Hamilton 1V 12Outdoor Sportsman 800 2Emergency SSHMovie Funny Lady tJeffersons 555 9qu5 600 2NFL Game of Week 9Cartoons tlHilarious House of Frightenstein 630 2This is the Life 7Christopher Closeup 9Encounter 700 2Ecumedia News 7Westbrook Hospital 9Uncle Bobby Ilrossroads 22Canadian Cavalcade 715 2Church Invitation 730 2Day of Discovery 3Crossroads +LS Farm Report 7Sunday Surprise 9Cartoons lIircle Square m0ral Roberts 800 2Jimmy Swaggart 1200 zzJohnny Lombardi Festival Italiano 2Meet The Press It SGamerT Armstrong 4Bishop Head 7Movle Blackbeard 12Rex Humbard 9Album TV SLivrng Tomorrow ll 1215 5A Way Out 1230 3Herald of Truth SMoney Makers 2Lou Saban Football JBy The People llNews 1215 lIBusiness Report 2TBA 35i2Campaign 76 9Dick Van Dyke lliagara Grape and Wmes Festival Parade 130 600 +7News SSIZWorld of Disney 9Money Magazine 226230 ZWild Kingdom 4Wor1d At War 7Here and Now 9News llNew Faces nScience International 700 2World of Disney 4450 Minutes $512Beachcombas 7Lorenzo and Henrietta 9Six Million Man llOceans Alive zzBill Cosby 730 3512Superspecial llMovie Widow 800 2Movie Earthquake Part +9Sonny and Cher 7Six Million Man nWildlife Cinema 830 Zln Private Life 3512Tony Randall 900 11 HAMILTON BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL TLEISION 3am aurmo roaomo 12 PETERBOROUGN swarm mam 7Holmea and Yoyo 9Movle The Way We Were nBob Newhart nPolnt Blank 530 111D0c 7Mr and Tina 000 2Movle Breakout IMary Tyler Moore 7itStatsky and Hutch 03 4Bob Newhart 7Movle The Devil at Oclock 9News ltMovle The Mep Waltz 1105 sMovle Stone Killer 1150 eNewa 12Movie Times 1155 3Movle Loss of Innocence 1200 hislo 22Pop Goes The Country ZMovie The Raven 1000 zzMovle The Last of Sheila 4Carol Burnett 10 9ï¬aser Kelly Report 1055 4Polltica1 ProgramD 7Political ProgramR 1100 2345791112News 1105 tlBang Bang Youre Alive 1115 31ate Edition sWeekaid Edition tzNight Final 1130 2Saturday Night 4Movie The World of Henry Orient SUNDAY MORNING 3Day of Discova 4Tanan 7Rocketship 11Camera 0n Canada zzJ irnmy Swaggart ZJerry Falwell 3J irnmy Swaggart 4Courageous Cat 9Flintstones tzChurch Today nToronto Chrstian Cen tre 3Old Time Gospel Hour 4Hudson Brothers l5Any Woman Can Fix 9thLstones llFather Meehan 2Crossroads zzSearch for the Quiet Hour 930 zzEncounter 2Rex Humbard dFar Out Space Nuts sMovie Btst Foot For SUNDAY AFTERNOON 3512Country Canada 4Conlact 9Family Affair 200 3512CFL Football 12 DMovie Bloodspot 100 2Don Kirshners Rock 125 5Movie Krakatoa 110 lIMovie Flea In Her Ear 200 aMovie Joe Butterfly 7Mind Over Myth DMovie The Connection 230 7ABC News 315 iiMovie The Kettles MacDonalds Farm 330 9111ronside ward 12Jimmy Swaggart 9Day of Discovery lIIt Is Written 1000 22Billy Graham Crusade 3Peo les Church 4Wor Conference 7Flinlstones 9Rex Humbard zDay of Discovery llltalian Panorama 12Day of Dscovery 103 2Open Rap 7Gilligan 12 Is Written ZZAvramis Greek Show 1100 2Oral Roberts 3Rex Humbard 512Meeting Place 70ddba11 Couple 9Peoples Church aFmtival Portuguese 1130 2Rev James Andrews 7Animals Animals Out eNFL Football 7Black Experience 22Merrie Melodies 430 4Movie Saskatchewan 3512Sportsweek 7lssues And Answers 9kaing zzGospel Singin Time 230 nMasters Touch 9Star Trek 300 7Mind Over Myth llBewitched zzChurch Today 31 4NFL Today ZZASAIPe 7Building Decent Future 91ronside lIHee Haw 400 2Movie Fear Strikes SUNDAY EVENING $512Sidutreet TilMovie The Way We Were HKojak flCaught in the Act 02$ 22Mixed Doubles 2Qulncy tlPolice Woman 1000 3512F1ightzPaaaionate Affair 4De1mcchio 9W5 nExecutive Suite 1030 tlWhat la Truth 1055 4Political ProgramR 1100 flMoney Talks 234541112News 1110 7Political Program 1115 3Late Edition 5Weekend Edition INews lzNight Final 113 9Nigm But News 1130 Ti1E DOCTOR SAYS Calcium level 9Question Period llTiny Talent Time ZWalt Till Your Father Gets Home 7Todays Woman 500 3512Hymn Sing 7Space 1999 91ast of the Wild llWild Kingdom flBugs Bunny 530 3Mr and Tina sHowre Meeker 9Brady Bunch lllawrence Welk 12Sporls Roundup 545 sMr Chips 2Movie The Spy Who Came in From The Cold kMarcus Welby llIdea Machine nSputa Probe 1145 5Movie The Younger Generation 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman 1150 l2Movre Elephant Boy 1155 SMovie The Longest Day 1200 9Univeraity of The Air llOnedin Line nMovie Sunset Boulevard 1215 7Peter Marshall 12 tMod Squad 100 2With This Ring 105 7Sunday Surprise 215 7News By GEORGE THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson had se vere aching in my legs My doc tor said had high blood cal cium After they removed tu mor and four parathyroid glan ds the calcium level dropped Now wonder what the con nection was 1S Calcium is stored in bones When the level of calcium in the blood dips the parathyroid glands in the neck area re lease substance which raises it by removing it from the bones storehouse When the glands are too active too much of the substance is released and consequently excess calcium is taken from bones The result is too much of it in the blood hy percalcemia Sometimes tumor tissue growth can mimic the actions of the actual parathyroid gland tissue and produce the same substance The effect is the same The answer is removal of the gland or tumors This problem is twice as com mon in women as in men In your case it could certainly have caused your leg pains Un treated it can lead to osteopo rosis weakening of bone sub stance You now will need to monitor your blood calcium level to be sure it doesnt go too low Dear Dr Thoateson Can you please recommend something to help me absorb protein Each time eat protein foods get heav feelin and am mesmerize with eep and fatigue My doctor said did not have enough protein in my system and gave me hydrocholoric acid and digestive enzymes and more protein am bulging wrth 30 excess pounds because am not getting enough protein Taking iodine as recom is important mended has done nothing to re duce fat either However weight loss is not my primary objective Feeling wide awake and up and at em iSMrs GJ The hydrochloric acid and enzymes should help you digest the protein and hence absorb it but doubt it is your real long range answer You seem to have strange obsession with this protein busi ness Remember it is calories in food that puts on weight In fact carbohydrate excess could be more of problem with you than protein deficiency suggest you work off your 30 unds with sensible lowca orie diet It you eat more slowly and chew your protein food better you may find ab sorption is improved have no idea what the iodine was for unless you have been told you have an under functioning thyroid gland The gland needs iodine to produce its hormones which in turn controls metabolism how we use food An underfunction can cause weight gain regardless of what ou eat If this has not beenc eckeditshould be But if as suspect your problem is purely and simply too many calories you will need some willpower to change things Youll find many 00d and sensible dieting ans around If you cant find suit able one ou may find my booklet cal ed Lost Secrets of Reducing helpful to you You can order copy by sending 35 cents to me in care of this newspaper enclosing long flamped selfaddressed enve ope WEATHER WARNING smallcraft warning means the mariner faces winds up to 38 mph Bernice Bode an For Sunday Oct 1978 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Youre likely to be bit restless today Try to team up with an equally active companion You wont be happy on your own TAURUS April 20May 20 Channel your energies toward worthwhile goal today The more ambitious the undertaking the better youll like it GEMINI May 21June 20 Dont clutter your thoughts with serious subjects today Do something thats both mentally and physically active but also fun CANCER June 21July 22 This is good day to make little repairs youve been neglecting Youll be surprised how much you can get done LEO July 23Aug 22 Its up to you to be the motivating force today in partnership situations Dont rely on associates to get things off dead center VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 You know where your opportunities lie today and you also know that you must be bold and enterprising to claim them Get going LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your presence will be welcome addition to any social gathering today especially for members of the opposite sex SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 People are lucky who have you in their corner today Knowmg youre there gives them extra heart and strength SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your Imagination IS very keen today particularly If you locus 11 on proIects youve gust developed an interest In CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Youre not one wholl be looking for free ride today Your Willingness to work Wlll get you what you want AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Youre better equipped to iandle the leadership role than our peers quI be today Assert IOurseIl If necessary ISCES Feb 20March 20 Jse an lndlfeCI approach today achieve your ends Dont be levuous but also dont be too bVIOUS regarding your iurposes YOUI Birthday Oct 1976 to your advantage this year become more Involved Wllll roups Or organizations aluable contacts and Iendships can be made TORONTO CPI The To ronto Firefighters Association will appeal pay reduction on dered by the federal antiin flation board association pres dent Glcn Grieve said Thurs day The board ruled that lullpercent increasc be rc agreement retroactive to Jan would have earned $17714 um Rollback appeal duced to 88 per cent Under the firstclass Toronto firemen OUR BOARDING HOUSE TO CHANGE Your 5TRATE6Y Now TNAT WERE INTo FALL You cAN 5T0 sABoTAelNé THE LAWN MOWER AND 5TART wanmoone ns TIME MY wore ID FORGOTTEN vou PERFORM THE PETTY CHORES INsTEAD 0F HlRlNG YOUNG BOY PERSONALLY IVE BEEN Busy MANAGING CONGRESSMAN BACKsLIDEs 5UCCE55FUL CAMPAI INCIDENTALLY MY ursTAIRs 5TORM WINDOWS ARE ALREADY Bernice Bede 030 For Monday Oct 1976 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Be generous today but av0Id go Ing overboard Dont give until It hurts your own budget 0r prevents your having things you want TAURUS April 20May 20 busy day IS In store for you but llmll the number of Irons In the re Overlapping of aCIIVIIleS could cause vexmg problems GEMINI May 21June 20 Gel ting your priorities In order IS must for you today Shelve the unnecessary tasks Focus on maior prolecls CANCER June 21July 22 Youre rather clever today but dont be the one to boast Its wuser to let others smg your praises LEO July 23Aug 22 Con dltIons appear rather prolltable for you today where Imnt ven tures are concerned chp out those who dont belong Theyll muddy the waters VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 YOu cant be all things to all people today Follow the course of ac Iron you know In your heart to be the right one LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Youre very Induslrlous today prowdcd you re lOlIlg sOmelhIng you like 10 10 However you ll try to palmoff 10w rlnqms on thors SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 ENJOY yourself today but not at the expense of your waislline or health Moderation In all things 15 the thIng SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 The best salesman knows when to stop selllng Once youve wrapped up the deal to day button your IIp Move on CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 If you want others to heed your VIOWS today take time to listen to theirs Everyone gains from an exchange of Ideas AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 This IS one 01 those days when youll accumulate With one hand squander With the other Luckily youll retain more than you lrItter away PISCES Feb 20March 20 Today opportunities abound If you ll pul y0ur splendid Im aglnatlon to work and figure them out Your Birthday Oct 1976 Explovt promptly any unusual or unexpected Suluntlons that prnsrrnl themselves this Conr qu year Rewards he ahead for you In those areas Says painting old car may speed rusting lORONTO II An au tomotive appraiser says painl ing an older car probably will accelerate rusting Ron Hayward appraiser co ordirialor for IAG Insurance in Toronto said body shops should explain to customers that paint job is no cureall for an older car and that rust spots probably will come out sooner than if the car had not been painted 110 said that when new car leaves the factory the primer 533 V7 MEN ARE AMBITIOLIB CREATURES WINTIIROP SORSNE COOKIE groan3 much AD QANQJH SHORT RIBS RED JACKS CRASHED OUT OF THE WAREHOUï¬E KERRY our BUGS BUNNY ABOVE EVEWBOD BE 32 QEvIAZZ SEE YAVE FINISHED YER LUNCHltTIME CHECKER GAME WITH MONTMORENCYWHO WON ALWAY6 nzwrza TO RIéE Lil IE ELEE and paint have been baked on at high temperatures giving thtc outside surface hard fin IS When thc car is to ho rc painted fcw years lzilcr Iht body shop has to sand thmugh thc hardbaked factory finish and the sanding cxposcs p111 holcs whcrc rust has starlcd to form at the hack of thc pantl he said Thc tiny inholcs could not break throug the glazed finish before but now theyre cxposcd THAT NOLJLD BE EAav IF VOL HADICZNV PLANRQS email ova 41 WIN AT BRIDGE Postpone problems perhaps NORTH AQ1085 VKJ964 0A AJQ WEST 10 SOUTH 10 NorthSouth vulnerable North East Pass Pass Pass 5V Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 10 EAST VQ53 07532 10863 West Pass By Oswald James Jacoby Sometimes principles of dummy play seem to conflict Thus in general declarer should defer problem as long as possible in the hope that he will acquire information or that the problem will just go away Acting on this principle declarer will take dummys ace of diamonds play out four rounds of trumps cash the clubs and then discard two hearts from dummy on the high diamonds before leading heart to try to guess how to play the suit Bv this time West with smidgeon of bridge ability will know enough to play low heart South will have nothing better than 50 per cent chance to guess right An expert South will study the dummy before playing to trick one and see that the time to play hearts is early and not late He can learn nothing from the opponents Why let FUNNY BUSINESS Do 9900 OFFER PEOFEssIouAI DISCOUNT them learn anything from ACROSS 44 Testifies Ianarm an IsraeliJ him steeping 46 Deiected neara EPHEIFJ So expert South leads furniture 48ndlantmber Eugggg gram Home location 98 spade to his ace and puts the Window pm 49 Ungers maggmlggï¬ï¬‚mggfl eight of hearts on the table Fish sauce 53 Inbom ggmm iambiég West is caught asleep at the 13 Eggs switch He hesitates and then 14 Curved moldin 60 No nmra cataract produces the ace of hearts to 15 Fm 9r Killed mggg ï¬g am we declarer his slam on 16 Hiatus 62 At his time at gun Qatar srlver platter 17 Boys name 63 Nub 13 Challenges 64 Cured meats approach golfing 20 Pawnbroke 65 Summer FL ongers MR 22 Took good 66 Guidos notes 19 Let It stand 40 grudgeh ttIs sal 24 Bishopric DOWN print 43 co North opens one spade an 25 Breakfast 21 Flber knots Ea rebids two hearts over Souths °°d5 223193 23 22 me H3215 twoCIUb 193513011958 15 that 3222223 Lambs pan 25 Mountain in 49 Scourge twoheart bld forcrng 34 rumpled name Greece 50 Spanish Jar It is not forcing in basic 36 Gyrate gating 26 hggggnpe 51 221333 37 Standard Amencan bu It IS 5335 Ships record 27 Small pastry 52 Aperture an expert Clrdes It 15 now 39 Lines Ellipsmdal 28 Put on cargo 54 Labor taught as forcing in modern 41 some name Narrow fillets 31 Sgt closed 267 andlp or Medltates easan nes erml Standard Amencan 42 Falizowe Awry 32 Seths son 18m 59 Female sheep Remember that South has shown at least 10 points by his twoclub call Lord Snowdon in Montreal MONTREAL CP Lord Snowdon Princess Margarets estranged husband says he craves privacy and has spent much of his stay in Montreal at tempting to avoid attention He has been in Montreal since Monday on photographic as signment that will take him to Vancouver Thunder Bay Ont Japan Australia and Southeast Asia Being recognized by people often creates problems for my work because it changes situ ationpeople react dif ferently he said in an in terview While was working in Italy was pursued by about 20 pho tographers In Venice they would wait in front of the hotel for me to come out and was forced to leave by the back en trance PENCILS Ill Well DAILY CROSSWORD Homebody SIDE GLANCES Answer to PratIOU Puule Elma Egg EBE maï¬m 57 Singing voice 58 Bullring cheer MEI BEE mgmagax IEIIIEï¬CJ ID llllllIllllllllllllllliii 019MB so much for the political news except of course for your additions deletions and corrections Inc INRBQUSPIIOH ANDY CAPP The mobster in his attempt to escape the police barricade runs down policeman in mipatn ITs VERY DIFFICULT TO ENUNCIATF CLEARLY WITH MOUTH FULL or DONT LET HIM EUTHER You NEG ousT PROTEClINb His TERRITORY IS H15 HES DEAD LT DRAKE 42 AS SA =3E OOKILLUS AFRICANUS II=IH BORN LOSER WIZARD OF ID llliflillll IIIII FRANK ERNEST SPECIAL Whitfield DIE NAVI ANDSEE THE WQKLOJ CHEER on 47 ran Din ran nnrn Iyuduou DO lirev Novole LIA Paper Support Correction Bar Tabulation Bar OFFICE OUTFITTERS 29 Dunlop 7310201 Il ERNIE OLYMPIA SM8 MANUAL To BE PICKED A5 EVERY MAN IS HERO IN IS OWN OME UNTIL THE COMPANY Space $11995 rs AN Houorz THE r916 PLANNED FARE NTHOOD