ITS ZEDONK Zareeba the zedonk which is cross between zebra stallion and donkey jenny stands out as the latest at traction to Victorias newest zoological garden near Ocean park Australia Six monthold Zareeba is claimed to be the only one of three such animals in the world and was bred from zebra and an outback Australian jenny AP Photo Petrolia boasts own oil wells PEIROLIA Ont CPI At the end of the 19th century there was so much oil in Pet rolia 16 miles east of Sarnia that pits had to be dug to store it in the ground In the wells of Petrolia alone produced 800000 barrels At present in the Sarnia indsorlondon area there still are hundreds of wells owned by private operators who altogether pump 400000 barrels yearat $8 barrel The oil strike in Petrolia in 1860 resulted in the estab lishment of refinery by Impe rial Oil Ltd and when Standard Oil of New Jersey bought con trol of Imperial Oil in 1897 the refining operation was moved to Sarnia During its oilboom days Petrolia attracted the rich who built mansions and the cul tured who organized tennis and reading clubs and built an op era house In Petrolia today visitors are struck by the fresh look of the 19thcentury buildings The railway station now the towns main library is being fixed up and painted by volun teers in twoyear program de signed by an architect Leaving Petrolia for Oil Springs one passes fields cov ered with ancient wooden con traptions longdisused rigs fromtheoilboomdays Passing through Oil Springs business section one suddenly comes upon complete rigone with oil actually gushing out of spigot But this part of museum run by Lari Iton County and the oil is circulated through the system At the pumphouse operated by Charles Fairbank Jr one sees the real thing In Oil Springs 37 Fairbank wells are run by single five horsepower motor Altogether 150 wells produce about 1100 barrels of crudeoil month Estimates show there may still be 10 million barrels of oil in Ontarios earthirand as long as ancient rigs keep bringing it slowly to the surface there will always be source of wonder as to how part of Ontario might have looked without it Three Hughes films offered for sale LOS ANGELES lAPI iv The special administrator of How ard Ilughes estate has offered three films producer by the late billionaire for sale Richard Gano called for bids Monday on the distribution and reshowing rights to The Outlaw produced in 1943 The Conqueror produced in 1950 and Jet Pilot produced in 1937 The Outlaw starred Jane Russell in her movie debut and was considered controversial at the time because of promotional photographs of the actress in low cut dresses Citizenship court takes to road VANCOUVER JP That timehonorcd staple of life in Canadian towns the annual or semiannual citizenship cere mony at the local courthouse is thing of the past at least in metropolitan centres like Van couver In Vancouver as in some other major centres the Court of Canadian Citizenship will go practically to ones doorstep to make an applicant an official citizen The court travels via mo bile branch which began in 1974 here and has processed more than 4000 persons since it was setup The branch has seven loca tions in Vancouver and roving staff that will go practically anywhere schools union balls or factories to sign up new Canadians The whole idea of the mobile service is that people wont have to drive downtown take time off work and pay park ing said Kelly Ip manager of the citizenship courts Pacific region This way they can file an application right in their own neighborhrxxl Vancouver with almost 31000 new Canadians processed last year ranks behind Toronto and Montreal busiest citizen ship centre in the country Hughes kept the film which was the story of Billy the Kid off the market for five years The other two films starred Iohn Wayne Hts ANGELICS lAPi Bwet Jenner who won the Olympic decathlon in Montreal has lost the screen test for the role of Superman The reason Hes too young Producer llya Salkind who has already signed Marlon Brando and lene llackman for roles in his Superman epic said that the title role requires an actor who can project between the ages of 33 and 40 Salkind praised the athlete as fast learner who came through his screen test like wellrpolished actor but that he photographs too young for the Clark Kent Superman in the script LOS ANOIZHJS AP Paramount Pictures has found the tragic heroine for its movie version of Looking for Mr loodbar She is Woody Allens leading lady Diane Keaton Richard Brooks wrote and will direct the script of the film based on Judith Itossnors best selling novel Filming will start Nov with Freddie Fields as producer Miss Keaton costarrcd with Allen in Play It Again Sam Sleeper and Love and Death She also appeared in both ver sions of The Godfather LOS ANGELICS AP Ben Johnson Michael Parks Ilorst Buchholz and million bees are starring in Savage Storm twohour World Premiere movie for NBC television it was announced Tuesday Filming has started in New Orleans on the movie which in volves an invasion of killer African bees during Mardi Gras celebration DIVORCE GROUNDS LONDON CP Margaret Bruce has been granted di vorce because her husband wouldnt cut his toenails now curling round the front of his feet for nine years Mrs Bruce also complained her husband did not bathe often enough Hunnvi LASI SAVING IIAYs Shop Tonite Till pm Sat am to pm GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE SENSARONAL SAVINGS NOW NOW ON IF ITS FOR YOUR BEDROOM ITS AT BAD BOY NOW AT INCREDIBLE SAVINGS II Plim unII Make Everyday Fiesta Recreate The Sunny Warmth And Excitement 0f Spain Right In Your Own Bedroom Luxurious 4Pc Suite Now Specially Low Priced Fourpiece suite has that sultry drama which is the essence of Spain Qualitycrafted and designed with elaborate carvedeffect tront mouldings and antiquedtype drawer pulls Set includes full 64 dresser with mirror 5drawer chest and an elegant decorator queensize panel headboard that can be used with 54 or 60 mattress Matching nite 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