2AThe Barrie Examiner Friday October 1976 000 9Cartoons 11Hilarious House of Frightenstein 63 2Farm News 7Across the Fence 100 zDustys Treehouse 4Summer Semater 7Agriculture USA 11Special Place 730 2Max Nimble 4Courageous Cat 7Bugs Bunny and Friends 9Cartoons 800 2Woody Woodpecker 4Sylvester and Tweety 11Harrigan zzCrossroads 830 1200 zKids From CAPER 3Roller Derby 4Fat Albert 5Kukla Fran and Ollie 7Junior Almost Anything Goes 9Star Trek 11Hilarious House of Frightenstein tzWild Kingdom 1230 DWrestling 2011188 4Way Out Games 5Soul Train 7Aras Sports World LZGamer Armstrong 100 2Take Look 9Dick Van Dykc 3Wrestling 4Childrens Film Fstival 7Buffalo Bill Highlights 2451222News 3Mavie lndiscreet 9Amazing Kreskin llBetween Hash Lilies 031 zzSptrts Probe zInquiry 5qu quirt 4News 7Battle for the White House DNews tlMr Mrs TV Bingo 12Now nMy Country zHee Haw 41ts Acadanic sBob McLean 7News 9Emergency 11Friends of man uSporta Roundup ZScience International 41reasure Hunt SAnrly 7Dolly llGeorge Hamilton 1V 120utdoor Sportsman 11 zEmergency MHzMovie Funny Lady tJeffenons 555 9Focus 600 ZNFL Game of Week 9Cartoons 11Hilarious House of Frightenslein 630 zThis is the Life 7Christopher Closeup 9Encounter 700 2Ecumedia News 7Westbmok Hospital 9Uncle Bobby 11Crossroads ZCanadian Cavalcade 715 ZChurch Invitation zDay of Discovery 3Crossroads 4US Farm Report 7Sunday Surprise 9Cartoons IlCircle Square nOral Roberts zJimmy Swaggart 121 uJohnny Lanbardi Festival Italiano zMeet The Press 3Gamer Armstrong 4Bishop Head 7Movie Blackbeard 12Rex Humbard 9Album TV sLiving Tomorrow 1215 sA Way Out 1211 3Hera1d of Truth sMoney Maktrs zLiou Saban Football tBy The People 11News 1245 llBusinen Repm 21BA 3512Campeign 76 9Dick Van Dyke 11N1agara Grape and Winn Festival Parade Saturday 2Pink Panther 3Circle Square 4Bugs Bunny Road Runner TilFlintstones 11Spiderman 22Niven Miller 900 3Huckleberry hound llCimle Square 7Jabberjaw 11Dale Harncy Magic Show 031 3Family Affair 4Hot Fudge 5Sesame Street 7Scooby Doo 9Par1ridge Family 220t AD tzCircle Square 22Canadian Cavalcade 1000 2McDuff AFTERNOON llFabulous Talking Time Machine 12Greening Up 130 ZZRoller Derby 2Strai ht Line 5Rea For The Top 7College Football PrrL Game Show 9Movie The Ballad of Josie llProfessor Moffcts Science workshop lzLively Woman 145 7College Football 211 4Beat The Champ ZSSlzï¬Grandsland llCanadian College Sports 215 23512Baseball EVENING 7Holmes and Yoyo 9Movie The Way We Were 11Bob Newhart zzPoint Blank 83 411Doc 7Mr and Tina 000 zMovie Breakout 4Mary Tyler Moore 711Stanky and Hutch 03 +Bob Newhart zPop Goes The Country 10 22ka The Last of Sheila tCarol Burnett 103 DFraaer Kdly Report 1055 4Political ProgramD 7Political ProgramR 11 +579ll12News 1105 llBang Bang Youre Alive 1115 31ate Edition 5Weekmd Edition tzNight Final 1130 zSaturday Night sMovie The World of Henry Orient Sunday 3Day of Discovery 4Tanan 7Rocketship llCamera On Canada 22Jimmy Swaggart 11 zJerry Falwell 3J immy Swaggart 4Courageous Cat 9Flintstones 12Church Today RToronto Christian Jen trc 900 3Old Time Gospel Hour 4lludson Brothers SAny Woman Can Fix It 9Flintswnes lIFather Meehan 2Cromroads aASearch for the Quiet Hour 930 nutEncounter ZRex Humbard 4Far Out Space Nuts SMovie Best Foot For lSlzCountry Canada 4Contact 9Family Affair 21 smzCFL Football 4Movie Saskatchewan 7luues And Amwers 9Cooking nGospel Singin Time 210 uMasterr Touch 9Star Trek 1100 7Mind Over Myth tlBewitched 22ChurCh Today 3110 4NFL Today nAsape 7Bui1ding Decent Future 9lronside 11Hee Haw 400 2Movie Fear Strikes aFlinstones 9Uncle Bobby lZSea Lab 4Sha1am Isis 11Hobby Time 1030 2Monster Squad 7Krofft Supershow 9Kidstuff ï¬rmPeanuts and Pop corn 1100 ZLand of The Lost 3Friend of Man 4Ark 11 zzNumbcr To Call 11 Church Today 1130 2Big John Little John 3Greening Up 4Clue Club 512Klahanic 9Lets Go llLively Woman 230 RTV Bingo 2100 mCanadians 4Ball Four 3110 4Spencers Pilots 9Red Fisher zzPink Panther 400 9Brady Bunch 22Merrie Melodies 43 4Sports Spectacular 9Breedtas Stakes 500 2Mission lrnprnsiblc RLittle Rascals 3512Space 1999 11AWrestling 79Wide World of Sports 530 nWait Till Your Father Gets Home 7Movic The Devil at Oclock 9News 11Movie The Mephislo Waltz 1145 SMovie Stone Killer 11 50 9News 12Movie Times 1155 3Movie Loss of Innocence 1200 zzMovie The Raven 123 9Movie Bloodspot zDon Kirshners Rock 125 SMovie Krakatoa 1M0 llMovie Flea In Her Ear 200 SMovie Joe Butterfly 7Mind Over Myth 9Mov1e The Connection 21 7ABC News 115 3Movie The Kettles MacDonalds Farm 330 9111ronside ward tvaimmy Swaggart 9Day of Discovery 11 v11 15 Written 1000 mllilly Graham Crusade Peoples Church 7World Conference Flintstones Rex Ifumbard 2Day of Discovery 11 Italian Panorama 12Day of Discovery 1030 240pen Rap 7Gilligan 12 wlt Is Written zz Avramis Greek Show 1100 2Ural Roberts JRmt Humbard 512Mceting Place 70ddha11 Couple SPeoples Church irestival Portuguese 1130 zRev Jamai Andrews 7An1mals Animals Out 4NFL Football Bladt Experience 22Merrie Melodies 43 35lt12Sportaweek 0Question Period IlTiny Talent Timc nWait Till Your Father Get Home 7Todays Woman 500 3512Hymn Sing 7Spaoe 1990 oLast of the Wild ltWild Kingdom Bugs Bunny 530 3Mr and Tina 5Howie Meeker DBrady Bunch llLawrenoe Welk 12Sportl Roundup 545 SMr Chips EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK PLAN NO 761556 National Release uni ue and different home design for the convenience of contemporary living The exterior is in field stone as illustrated or could easily be changed to veneer brick For complete protection the car port could be enclosed to create an all weather convenience To the right of the front deor off the main foyer circular staircase descends to full un finished basement Plenty of room here for extra bedrooms and recreatiOn room with second fireplace large circular fireplace centres in the livingdining areas with sliding glass doors to the patio balcony The semi circular nookkitchen is com pact with complete facilities and door for service to the balcony The guest and main bathroom is off the front foyer and close to the two smaller bedroom All bedrooms have sliding glass doors to the balcony The ensuite master bedroom bath forms complete circle and features twin vanities and full facilities Plans for design No 761556 may be obtained at the cost of $55 for the first set and $8 for each additional set plus $3 postage and handling BC residents please include per cent sales tax To view more than 300 quality homes of every type send for the current edition of Select Home Designs Series No 32 available for $2 $175 plus 25 cents postageand handlin To order these items ease send cheque or money order payable to Home of The Week Address your orders to Home of the Week co The Barrie Examiner 382 West Broadway Vancouver BCV5Y1R2 By ROGER WHITMAN GOLD WEARING OFF How can touch up the gold trim which is wearing off my antique dining room fumi ture Arm yourself with small pointed brush and bottle of geld paint from an art store You can get this gold in two or three shades such as modern which is bright and nearbrassy an tique with soft tone some time rose which is little pin kish Before you start clean the areas with alcohol Then get the furniture in position where youll be comfortable Most im portant too is steady hand ALUMINUM OR VINYL am thinking of putting aluminum or vinyl siding on my EVENING PLAN 761556 AREA Issssqn Width and aeplh varies with position on lot MAXIMUM WIDTH 9511 MAXIMUM DEPTH 581i ll 14 W1 lln Eiéfï¬x FIRST AID T0 HOMES house But which one To hear the salesmen talk both of them are best and without flaws Please help me decide Actually the best grades of each are so outstanding that when properly installed you couldnt go wrong with either It boils down to your judgment of the best firm the best guar antee and the best deal you can make NAIL PIERCEI PIPE accidentally put very small nail hole into the copper bathroom water line Is it pos sible to repair this with solder Replacing the pipe would be quite job Solder should be OK since you say its small hole COLD CUPBOARD In my bathroom have Sounds as though theres storage cupboard from floor to no insulation under the siding ceiling on an outside wall We at this point So secure in have aluminum siding In win sulating board to the closet ter cold air comes from there wall sometimes its like refrig erator Do you have solution for this 600 +7News SSWWorld of Disney tkMoney Magazine 2630 2Wild ngdom 4World At War lHerc and Now QNews 11New Faces litscience International 71 2World of Disney 460 Minutes 3512Beachcombes 71411sz and Henrietta 9Six Million Man llOceans Alive 228111 Cosby 1210 3512Superlpecia1 11Movie Widow 800 ZMovie Earthquake Part HSonny and Cher 7Six Million Man nWlldlife Cinema flln Private Life 3512Tony Randall $5l2Sidastrect 711Mov1eThe Way We Were titKojak flCaught in the Act 030 mMixed Doubles 2Quincy llPolice Woman 101 3512 Flight Pamionate Affair 4Delvecchio 9W5 zzExecutive Suite 103 11 What Is Truth 1055 4Political ProgramAR 1100 zzMoney Talks WI IIZNews 1110 7Polilical Program 1115 3Late Edition 5Weekmd Edition 7News tznght Final 1120 9Night Beat News 111 277 Movie The Spy Who fame in From The Cold AMarcus Welby 11Iden Machine Deisports Probe 1105 vaovie The Younger Generation 74Mary Hartman Mary Hartman 1150 lZMovie Elephant Boy 1155 3Movie The Longest Day 1200 9University of The Air 110nedin Line nMoyie Sunset Boulevard 1215 7Peter Marshall 1230 tMod Squad 100 2With This Ring 145 7Sunday Surprise 215 7News FEATURING OElecfromagnefic l2000 Sec release system maximum speed 16dof led shutter shutter speed Remofe control display operation Inferchangeable Motor drive Zeissf Lenses system 2DAY DEVELOPING SERVICE The KAMERA Shop Bayfield Mall Across from the Cinemas