the examiner Friday Nov 24 1978 Agent and Installer of til7 Shades now wont you Decorator CUSTUM MADE Ie Wree llllAPElllES Stuo and ariisJiuns Total Decorator and coordinating Services house from an outsranding selection of excellent Quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal serwce on large or small entitines Tracking and inSiallaiion as remitted llut 15 years experience makes us well qualified to do soenaliy WIllllUWS Call 18 Phone LOtS ROBERTSON or drop 1r to the Studlo RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hlll Only Miles North of Barrie Nutritionist says Overweight are tricked into eating dull diets Nutritionists chefs and weight loss orgaiiiations arc shorterhanging overweight pcoplc sasterrc Kent diet tian nutritionist and gourmet chef with counterweight eight ontrols ltd She says they are not living up to their llSIXHISIIlllll to make the consumption tIl healthy food fun as well as non fattening iss Kent has issued challenge to nutritionists chefs and weight loss organiations to compete with her in serving healthy tood without sacrilicing it gourmet stature lm issuing this challengt on behalf of mysclt and tounteiwcight she said hat you eat is important but the psychologv of making just being alive more tun and more healthy is more important Many people are able to lose weight by st liking to diet ot tuna amt salads but they soon get sick ol those foods and start eating everything they have tented themselves said Miss Kent Within no time the weight is all back Diets must he livable and enjoyable ll IIII HVIIIl IIIHIII Miss lciit slim 20 year old who weights lltl lbs has never been ocivcighl child was taught proper ttl1ll linliits and had health diet she Sttltl mong her suggestions Miss Kent said that having table 7268637 Sunny side up Holidays the way you like them Order yours now just the way you have it in mind Peaceful and warm with fabulous scenery comfortable place to stay and guaranteed sun You order it Nassau Emerald Beach Hotel 36100 Include Hltpllnunltlly tennis and green fees bicycles shuffle hoard duntree tritipplllfl tieo available or 14 nights from Sailboats Jumt panetiling Departs baturddy na Nordau Gran Standard accommodations Wit bufft breakfasts buffet dinners complimentary tennis and green fees flights depart on IHdt and Saturday nights Return to Toronto on Saturday and Sunday morning homo Night Hawks nights from 541100 Travclworld will get it Acapulco Hotel CaIeta 01 nights $39100 from Hotel aleta offers you spectacular View of Acapulco from each balcony or lanai tum pools sailing snorkeling watcrxknng skin or scuba divmg and para skiing Departs Thursday Ocho Rios Jack Tar Jamaica from Includes or I4 full breakfasts or dinners Complimentary tennis watcrskllng salllng snor keling Luau with limbo show Jamaican style barbeque Departs Thursday Friday and Sunday For immediate reservations call delimiter 41 Maple Avenue Downtown Barrie 7263971 cloth on the table candles and nice place sctt mg can add to the enjoyment of the meal Make the meal as attractive as possi blc she said The kitchen must be an en joyablc place to work in Organize your kitchen and clean it up as you proceed with your cooking Miss Kents experiences in the hundreds of tountcrwcight weekly cooking school in Town to ounterwcight is the largest allaiiadian weight loss organization There are more than 1160 classes and more than 13000 members Since 1971 when it was formed ountciweight has served more than one mill ion people In 1077 ountcrweight in troduced its new Slim Forever classes that she hs lectured at Program This program is have given her insight into dedicated to the total more than nutrition Miss Kent lifestyle and goes bcvond 1S interested in the psychology of the oveiwcighl and their real needs and wants IIXIIIIIIMIINIIII have cxpeiimcntcd and tested ways and means of turn iiig otherwise fattening foods into slimming foods she said In this way can produce gourmet style foods which have half the calories of normally prepared foods Miss Kent IS chefinv residence at the ountem eight dealing with the food problem of weight mnt ml The problem with most diets and weight loss orgrinizzr tions is that the failure rate is very high said Miss Kent Too many people regained their weight Through the Slim Forever program Miss Kent hopes todo away with the cottage cheese and tuna fish syndrome and keep aiiadians slim forever while enjoying their food Student chef wins in Wisers Classic ttltiltli lhesoiiot Mme Justice Janet Roland ot the Ontario Supreme ourt has won first piic 1D the lLsers ulinary lassic in Mont real hristophcr Roland 34 fin ished second overall against ticld of 17 chefs from across anada all more experienced tlianhiiiisell lhc tttilitlytttl George Brown tolltge student learned how to cook from his grand mother and the tamin house kcepci llicii Itoland returned homc to Toronto housekeeper laitha tinnauin gave him hug and ieiiiintletl him of the lllll1 when as small lll she would sit him on the counter and let him help make apple pie mkiiig remained an interest with linlntid but after at tending private school he tlllllttl to Queensl nivcrsity lIl Kingston tint and earned UNWANTED HAIR Permanent retrieval from face and body Eyebrows shaped Sale gentle shortwave method Medically approved lice consultation itllll ltill 7263132 ti Yours lXIltflltitltIlf Merritt it to did firiiiiitt nit lltlllllyti ftmiotiwir There is no cure for oAittyRitis ORHEUMAIISM but we can help For Free Booklet Write DOMINION THERAPY PRODUCTS Box 2451 Station Dowmvhiw Ontario poiiitmciit and adult portraits ilsogitiiteisavings on childrens portraits bachelors gmgraphy He decided he didnt want ge ography as career and ap plied for and got job with Toronto restaurant WORKS AFTER Stlltltll Since then he has been going to school travelling in liumpe and now works In thckitchcn at French restaurant every nightaltci school lllS priye winning lppcr iiadiaii cgetable lcninc is his invention lcrnnes are usually made with meat cooked cooled and sliced as an ap pcticr lul liolands teninc doesnt haven gram of meal 111 it The lisers competition was the first of its kind designed to give recognition to tanadian chits in their ow it count lop plllA III the tlllllxltlltlll was won by Iadashi Kattili chcl saucier at the Qllttll llell lit1h llottl III Mont nal Roland the youngest and only student chef was the onh tanadian born contestant amonglttinalists Ills competitors from tiilano Included libolr lakacs exccu tive chef of Ascona llacc tiravenhurst lternd label ex ecutlve chet of lorontos lltii hour tastle llIlton Alan niw ther sous chef at the Holiday Inn lettrlximugh and llcml Ackcrmann executive pastry chef of the Royal York Hotel ltiltililti degree Ill GET OUT Ytlllt LOVES NICW YtlltK tl Long slinky gloves are suddenly an important element in the glamor mood of Paris IIlbow length or longer next falls gloves will rely on leather or suede for period tccling tiie popular designer does an tlglil button glove that ends Just Slllll of the shoulder CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS Must be hooked now to avoid disap It offoii it or more family STEINGARD PHOTO STUDIO II ClAPPERTON ST BARRIE Les Cooke honorary chairman Bowl for Millions campaign launched Les ookc former Harrie mayor has been named hirioraiy chairman of the Big lhothcis Bowl for Millions fund raising cam paign in liarric ookc will help In the pro motion of ltowl tor Millions It Big Brothers major animal IUIXlrléIlSlllfl event and par licipatc in act iv II ies throughout ltowl tor Millions Week am looking forward the organizations and associations to pledges for liowl Millions More than 30 boys Name district me till this years Howl additional assistance cesslul worker ill associations available to Stephanie pro css io LS make for the the waiting list for llig Brothers for Millions campaign is sue social be IX cxecut ve 72699 to being involved with youth in this way hesaid The 1070 camiuiign marks the fourth animal Bowl for Millions with this years campaign being held from Feb lit to 17 lcli 10 at Kcmpview ltowl and lcb at Harrie ttowlciaina time been set nsidc as celebrity days tiur goal is Motion this ycarf said lion Johnston of the local llig luotliiis board of tlllttltHS Vcll Il get ting various ttlllltltlllll director ltccausc ol the growing need for Itig liltillltlS in this area we ro qnnc additional assistance saitlJohnson ltig Brothers an organia tioii which has been in anada since ltitil helps tathcrltss boys between the ages of six and ti The boys an referred to the agency by their mothers schools or other socialtigcntics Bowl for Millions pledge sheets can be picked up at any of ltanics bowling outlets Siamese twins separated in fourhour operation MUNIRIIAI ItlI llirec doctors sucwsstully separated siaincse twins joined at the ab domen and hips lll tour hour operation eight days alter their birth here last May it was dis cltischcdntsday Ii Ant Leon tensonssan one ot the surgeons involved in itit optration said that whitt the twins had normal chest cav itits hearts and lungs they shared single aims The tw in boys ideiit it led oiin as Dominic and Yaiinick were born by cacsanan Htlltitl 111 Montreal hospital and rushed to Ste Justine hospital for tllll dnn wlitit specialists studied the case tor eight days lietorc pmctcding Scixiralion was considered lngcnl because one of the twins was afflicted with an intestinal obstruction The original anus was given to the twin without theobstruct ion because it was not known at the time it the other would sur vive thedoctor said The second child was given an artificial orifice Both came through the separation success fully The child who retained the original anus was released from hospital last July while his twin went home in Sep tember No word was leaked until story made its way into the hos pitals in house periodical once the twins had attained strong and solid recoeiy said the doctor The publicity ban was iin posul at the request ot the par cuts Emphasis on clothing can be an obsession says fashion designer 7NUllill ttlI Whtn fashion designer Monique labiii arrived in this West oasl city years ago from llilll she lountl Vancouver fashion very untasliionablc Things are changing she says but Yanctliver still is very casual city had to change my attitude to dressing quite lot she says She amt her husband lid ward Poole opened small boutique in ltst Yancouvcr and stocked it with expensive chic clothing for he elite Ms iabin designed the garments and Poole created them He studied tailoring and pattern making lll laris although he was born In Win nipeg After tiring of the hassles and ttlsl of buying imported taluic and trimmings the pair decid ed to move from contuic to tientlici ready towear Itl SIX SIURIIS Now they have six stores in the iancouvci area carrying variety of lilies including such labels as Geoffrey Hectic Anne Klein and Mary larrin Mr tabin has her own theories on how women should dress She believes every woman owes it to herself to look lll best but dont think she should make career out of it Its disease to he obsessed with clothes She should tlgaiiize hcr wardrolx put on what she likes iii the morning and then forget about it She says she thinks women should feel comfortable about moving from something very tailored one day to something very fun and feminine the next dont think women need loose full of clothes have very few just move pieces around guess have two suits three to tour dresses two shirts and two pairs of pants And his tabiii is against women buying clothes because of the label It shows lack of con fideiice if you buy an outfit with designers name because it is status symbol and not hccausc you feel good in it Ann Landers Reader proud of pregnancy Dear Ann Landers am in my seventh month of pregnancy and am determined to work until my labor pains come five minutes apart Im big girl to begin with and Ive already gained 30 poundsall in front You wouldnt believe some of the remarks made by suppo sedly intelligent peoplemostly men try to be good naturcd because know Im sight but once in while someone will go too farvlike yesterday when was the last one on crowded elevator and smartaleck in the back piped up Well here we gmcrashing to the basement Actually dont mind being pregnant In fact think its terrific experience The jackasses who say dumb things are the worst part of it suspect some men are secretly jealous This is the one thing women can do that they cant Right nn loll cm uflltig Bertha Dear Bert It is indeed the one thing women can do that men cantand its just as well If Mother Nature ever reversed the charges the human race would become extinct Dear Ami Landers The telephoneI love it also despise it Id hate to try to live without ityet there are times when Id like to rip the blasted thing out of the wall wonder how many people have given serious thought to how the telephone has tyrannizcd their lives haveand its maddcning The person who calls you picks time that suits him Usually its at her The solution is to have the guts to say Im busy if you are or tell the party to call back at time that suits you Or better yetv let the damned thing ring Heat The System Dear Beat The person with good telephone manners always asks at the outset Is this convenient time for you to talk And if you receive call at time when it isnt convenient say Youve caught me at bad time May call you later Dear Ann Landers disagree with your staunch defence of jabbcring idiots who talk to themselves work with one of those loonics In loud conversational tone he tells himself what he must do next how much better one pen is than another and how glad he is that he finished that impossible project His mouth is never shut for 10 consecutive seconds never know for sure whether hes talking to himself or to me Its maddening Ive quit asking What did you say because its almost always Nothing which means he was talking to himself There is enough commotion in any office without having to put up with this sort of stuff If everyone did it the place would be madhouse Why should have to listen to someones nonsensical jabbering any more than have to inhale his smoke It all pollution Print this for those of us who have the problem And ifyou have any suggestions Id like to hear themI Have Rights Too Ilcur Rights You do indeed and wouldnt deny it Can you get your desk movcd Its worth the try If not make strong effort to tune out the soliloquist as matter of survival If you cant do it accept the fact that you are trapped These characters are not going to be quiet Ever They have sick need to chatter and do not view their neur osis as problem Erma Bombeck Single people are left out cant imagine where Americans got hung on the single person concept Maybe ll was as children in arithmetic class when we subtracted an odd number from an even and we stored the number on our finger and carried it around and reallv didnt know what to do with it ltutnwc have always been uncomfortable with one left ittt After all did Adam and Eve have bachelor fricnd Did an orangutan check III on Noahs ark asking Have you got single near the pool If God had meant for us to live alone would He put on menus Caesar Salad must be or dered by two Its time we got over it There are millions of Americans who are alone in this country today by divorce death or choice trying tofit intoa world of table for twos widow confided to me recently that she lives by day light Peoplt will get their obligations over with to get to gether sometime at lunch but its too much of chore to match single men or women up for dinner There are some things traditional hostesses should know First that people without partners eat dinner after six likc other people Second you can set an extra chair at the table without l111lllgIllttlllltpltttSllrltSlllItl lhird men and women alone handle moving through crowds and making conversation better than most people give them credit for Fourth you dont have to go out of your way to arrange handicap parking facilities or intrtxluctions of any of the extras because they re unaccompaniwt lilih if youre worried about people without partners being threat to other couples and their marriages youre too late They probably thought of it before that evening There is nothing sadder in this world than to see vast expanse of talent go untapped and unzipprcciatcd Theres an entire segment of our population who make wonderful conversation have great humor fresh ideas and in general are good company who are passed over because hostess considers them as she does her china if it doesnt match people will talk hostess said to inc what wonderful gucst particular priest would make for dinner biil he would be an odd number at her table It was an odd observation At the Last Supper hrist was Pollys Pointers Burned oil leaves mark DEAR PULLY would surely like to know what will dissolve burned oil that has accumulated on the outside of frying pans and electric corn po pcrs have tried several products and they hel little but take lot of time and rubbing woul like to use something that will cut throug it quickly IRMA DEAR IRMA realize that to do It qulckly Is what we are all looking for today but that Is not always posslblc You might try sprinkling baking soda over the burned all lot It stand for 10 minutes or so rub with damp sponge rinse and dry Baking soda eniulstlles grease as It cleans POLLY ï¬m DEAR POLLY want to tell Ruth the easy way clean burncdcn food from pans Just spray the pan with oven cleaner and let it stand for few hours This cleans it like magic EVELYN DEAR P01th dirty cast iron skillet can be cleaned by turning it side down on the middle rack of the oven before setting oven to self clean It must be the type of oven that cleans with high heat The skillet will come out beautifully clean but will have to be reseasoncd save the tops from cotton crew socks when the feet are worn out and use them as wrist bands to wear while washing walls and windows They keep the water from running down my arms when reach up over my head Sock tops with some elastic in them work best JOAN DEAR 01 When am preparing to freeze several pieces of meat such as pork chops or meat my want to use as single servings put the pieces In my freezer compartment until they are frosted through Then wrap them in familysize packages They do not freeze together so single pieces can be removed if need be ED DEAR POLLY When using enamel cookware release stuck or burned foods by soakin in baking soda and water solution Loosen with rub spatula When such pans arc stained put in some bleach several drops of detergent and water and find this bleaches the stains out perfectly Scouring powders scratch the surface If all food particles have been removed and the pan is clean dish cloths can be bleached in the same solution for double duty results IIIU