Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1978, p. 3

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bags when someone parade starts at pm Ge in Stroud Examiner Photo tting ready for Santa Members of the Stroudlnnisfil Youth Group Thursday night at the home ofJack Book foun preparation for party after the Santa Claus ton I4 top Diane Bowen 74 left and Patti peeked in the doorway stuffed l000 bags of candy ding director of the group in parade Sunday Heather Kin OLeary were counting the wearing Big Bird mask The City asks for funding for industrial park Barrie has asked for provirr cial funding to help service flit acres of industrial land at Welliam Industrial Park ity representatives asked for assistance from Provincial Treasurer Frank Miller Thurs day morning in Toron to Mayor Ross Archer Aid lir nie Holman Aid Ed Thonip sai terry Tamblyn city ad ministrator and tieorge Taylor MPP for South Sirncoe were at the morning meeting The city purchased the land last month to acCommixiate Hayes Dana new plant which will occupy about ro acres of the Erracre si te The city has asked for swim an acre in assistance from the province to provide services It will cost about $60m an acre to service Mayor Archer told The ExamirierThursday We received the usual answer said the mayor He iMillerl thanked us for coming and said he would he discussing it with the treasury boa rd The city would like to start put ting sewers on the property this winter said the mayor In the recent past the pro vince has given out financial help to areas designated as growth areas as Sirncoe toun ty has Jttst recently the province gave out close to riiillion to Midland after request from that town Mayor Archer said in Nov the mayors of liar rie Midland rillia Penetanguishcne and oil ingwoixl presented brict to PicrnichilliamDavis The Sinicoc ounty mayors want to be assured that funds will be made available to help them reach long range pro jected grow figures The municipalities are look ing mainly at obtaining funds to put industrial land on stream said the mayor The premier said on Nov that he would let the Siriicoe ounty riiayors know the pro Vinces decision within three totourweeks No answer has been tttttHtl asyetsaidMayorArcher Jans wants bylaw repealed says in conflicts with plan BARCLAY iStatti oiin Kathe Jans wants lnnisfil counr cii to repeal its controversial zoning amendment bylaw because its not worth the paper its printed on she told council Wednesday night The bylaw permits perma nent residences in seasonal residential zone as outlined in the townships ifficial Plan which has not yet received up proval by the Ontario Municipal Hoard it MB The bylaw passed in Iuly also allows owners of dwellings in the area to convert their seasonal residences to perma nent homes oun Jans said the bylaw should be taken oil the books because it conflicts with the townships official plan lrinisfil council has instructed its planning consultant to prepare an amendment to its official plan which would per roll the permanent homes and conversions oun Jans said the amending bylaw should not be passed until the townships official plan has been changed When the plan has been changed council should then pass bylaw to allow these homes she said She said the bylaw passwl in July cannot be used because it conflicts with the present or ficial plan Bill iibbins lnnistrl recve said the bylaw passed this sum mer show ed the intent of couii cil that we are willing to pro ceed in positive nature He said the bylaw showed township residents council would allow ixirnianent homes in the area now designated as seasonal To repeal that bylaw would upset the whole lakeshorc he said ouri lack Young said the reason for the bylaw was to ruissurc people it is not coiiii cils intent to put them out of there lot of people will be er frightened it we withdraw it hesald We killw what We were do ing when wc passed the bylaw said toiin itill lipple We were showing intent We did that for purpose toun lipple said if the bylaw was repealed it would look as it wewerechangingour minds The bylaw was passed because of many objections from lakeslioic residents oer the oriing of the area as seasonal residential The bylaw pitlied the urutst along the lakeshore said fiteve flibbiiis oun Iaiis llllfttttl the bylaw for that reason calling it just pacit ier toun lans motion to repeal tliebylawwasdcteated More groups join in battle for Highway 400 underpass The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile lubs ttlSi has toughentd its stand and has been joined by other groups in its request for an underpass below Highway 400 at the Shef field Sid road Peggy Brown tihSf direc tor told The Examiner today the combined recreational groups want the ministry of tmnsprrtation and communica tions tMTti to construct the underpass to allow them to cross the highway safety The trail at Sheffield underoad about 15 km north of Barrie is an important one for snowmobilers equestrian clubs crossoruntry skiiers trail bike riders and hikers said Mrs Brown With the widening of the highway to four lanes from two this year the trail ha been cut in half she said It is illegal and unsafe for these people to cross the four lanc highway Because there are so many people involved in the various groups the underpass would be wellused said Mrs Brown The Mlf has estimated it would cost $loritrio to build but she said the 14000 licensed mowinobilers in Sirncoc ounty are already paying enough in to the government and should mt be expected to raise the en tire construct ion costs Snowrnobi lers had considered trying to raise the money for construct ion Now the federa tion has discovered the wide use of the area by the other ncreation groups Mrs Brown said the underpass could be shared by all the trail users and it would be feasible for the government to construct the underpass Mrs Brown said the Mlt has suggested the trail users should use an overpass which will be constructed two and half miles to the west of Sheffield Sidcroad The idea is not good said Mrs Brown because the route to the overpass would be over private property The pre sent trail is on govemmeiit land She said she doesnt believe the landowners invovi oil have been contacted for theiropiiiion Perhaps greater problcrri will be the mixing of snowmobiles and vehicular traft ic said Mrs liniw ri Weve worked for ve or six years to establish trail system where were not rinsing snowmobiles and cars she said The overpass is intended for regular traffic and it would be dangerous to have snowmobiles trail bikes and hoses crossing with the ttlls and trucks The ilSt will hold public meeting with the other groups and govrrrinicrit represeri tat ives on Thursday at the oii tinental liiri at tip in At this meeting the proposed underpass will be discussed she said Mrs iniwn said the issue is very important because it in volves large number of local purple and marry sriowiiiobilers and other recreational group meriibers from other arecs who use the trail through Vespia lownship The Highway too expansion will cut the trail system of entral tntario in half said Mrs Brown It something is not done to maintain the trail mute its going to affect lot of priople she said Mental Health collects gifts Barrie Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association has begun its Christmas gift campaign The campaign provrdes Christmas gifts to several hunr draft people in the mental health centres across Simcoe County including the Mental The Health Centre Pene tanguishcrie the Psychiatric Unit at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie residents of nursing homes and homes for special care for patients releas od from Regional Mental Huiltthntres Shirley Shanks chairman for the campaign said new gifts worth about $2 such as cosmetics grooming aids uirds games paperbacks star tionery clothing items and smoking needs are being sought Drop boxes for the gifts are located at Shoppers Drug Marts tusrfens Pharmacy Simcoe Pharmacy Harpers Pharmacy Boots Pharmacy Allandale linigs Stroud Drug Mart Ross Pharmacy in Angus Robinsons Hardware Radio Station Klm on Ferris Lane and the Barrie Public Library Large quantit ics of gifts may he droplxd off at the lioriie of Jean fiwinriell Ill ltodiiey St TZthlftt The gifts should be unwrap pert flJeA1ill Woman says she was assaulted when trying to deliver order My llliRlCW if The Examiner obuig grandmother says she was assaulted and rrtslcd lhursday when she attcrnpttyl to lei iver it court order to residents at the Fellowship of thristians iyevale commune tll womans lawvcr said lol ill lonna Midland it lawyer said Mrs ietty Foster received an ann injury and had to he treated at District member twisted her nu loiman ltospi tail of tin said the iluronra tlltl Ulllllltlllt Mrs re and Foster were under instructions from the intar generals ottlce lllt resident or release rs children order the tliristopher it lltlll spokesriiarr said tioi man and Mrs Foster iiad littlt waniul when they arrriot rt commune private property went on it they would lie chari ed with trispassirig He said the the to ltllll Kenneth to attorney ltlltl ii instructing coiiirriuiie grand and In it II but iiid vt they police were inuiware ot airy special authority granted iort man by the at torneyrgeneral lorinari said after Mrs Fosters arrest police would not allow him to talk privately with her and they refused to take her statement on the assault The police spokesman said Hi were allowed to talk privately however Midland detachment officers refused to allow tiorman to close door sqixiraling two offices at the ixiiieestatioii Police said they could not hear any of the cornersation between lorriiaii and Mrs lioster llie spokcsrriaii also said they would be more than happy to help ll Iosler tile formal sitillllltfll or tlicassault and lay charges it slieilislrfll them to li losttl said shewoiild be iyinitctiiruls it liayc to be arrested for lltktlltl he should be il restedioriissaultslicNiid llt said lk ipproncliul two l1ttltltj of the corriiriiine with the rotor order but both the examiner Friday Now 24 19787 retreated at her approach She then tried to put the court order in the coat pocket of me when he grabbed her rm and twisted it Gorrnansaid The court order was granted in trillia Wednesday and gives Mrs Poster custody of the children for seven days or until it can be detennincd if the children are in good health Mrs Post er said she believes by getting the children away from the commune she will be able to get her daughter heryl Blake 26 to leave also believe these people at HP coriirnunci have some kind of mind control over her said Mrs tiorrnan Her personality iris changed drastically since she moved oThe Mill In September Philip Blake who had been living at the corn murie with his wife and clrildnn died in Midland limpital in diabetic coma At air inquest in October Blakes relatives testified he told them he had urxiergorw laying on of hands and was no longer taking insulin treatments He said he had been told by persons at the commune he no longer meded insulin The inquest niled Blakes deithduemnaturalcauscs Mrs Foster said in recent weeks she has become conceni ed for her daughters and granichildrens safety She said her daughter had stopped taking medication for thyroid condition and had lost 50 pounds Im sticking with this until it can be proven my daughter is in good health and able to make her own decisions said Mrs Faster If they urn convince me of this that shes healthy and not brainwashed or sunetliingliketluit Mrs Foster said she had had good relationships with her daughter and family before August biit since then Mrs Blake has refused to see her mother Mrs Blake and the comrriurie have retained lawyers to op pose the court order and to con sidcr civil action against Mrs Foster Fellowship has retained lawyer to fight family court order Mllillt ftl the lilllMslllli ot rlirc yruric said Thursday the liittir cot llélIlS tTtlll iii to it Uiltlllillllt it and lilltlftll spokesrrzaii ttllllllillil it lllt tlift Nlt mother attempt to grab lic has been taken care or and the group has retained lw ycit Heading statcriierit by llct tir Haynes inuriit lctty silikcsiridri leader Mu fltl of the ttill crill iw tiwyei litii lltli ltlfilltut lry tlir ttillitliiii and hcryi lilrdw iiid the run ter wasnow Ili llitll baud lf lilili¥ two tllttlll whoarc believed to bc lit urn it lttllll spent listen to the rug IttMl toiiccrl Hand would be dull was in for surprise Thurs day when the titlltt to Ilii liiiiisdalc piece band Swondaiw tlie flllllitltt with their riiotiu 1lt plumit in the ii littl in lp iiity lltlltltll tidiilfi fl froii grand imittii ii illtil Iiitlll oriltl yymlriv ltfi iluv picseiint with the iitrttr ttlltrllitltlt iiieriibers riiiiscvi Io tllllllltl the itrtrc ixeriiwtli and ltl sltlziltli llil ill said the coin tiiilt lixei iiieeoiiiilot ire mimic il oioi Itttlll ploy lc ltgt lLitt tltrtl1 tilttLI tori rimr iiuioiniiiiiiiity lie ti llilc in good it it 4lt liiltltillit it lr lo tf would have to prove her statements in murt of law and account for lieractions Mirlentil said the time had mine for Mrs Foster and others to do something other than talk to the newspapers The attoniey general Roy McMnrtry has asked provirr cial police to investigate the commune and appoiiitul private consultant to in istiiuite religious cults and mood beridiiig groups in September Philip Itlake 39 who had been living at the couiinniie with his wife and children died in Midland Hospital in diabetic coma It takes lot of wind to get sound RCMP band came to town and wowed high school pupils If Ltllllf UIIIC Hi The llirniriei Any kid who thought an Jtlltl School tlltl swept the students off their feet Illrrfll disco to gospel music tiry did it all iiid the music was so full of life iiid energy it llttl the students clapping their hands iiid stamping the beat by theeiid of the show You can dance to it too The lttMl band has been around for long time Earth ilanipson vocalist and master of ceremonies outlined its history It was formed by group of officers in the West in 1876 to relieve boredom during the winter months The first per toriiiance took place on May 24 ltlTli at the Swan River Bar racks III the Northwest ler ntorics now Manitoba Several small hands formed and played in places such as lillt tity in the Yukon to shiw the anadian flag in Americandominated areas After the told ltusli fewer people went far north and nothing more was heard about lttMl bands until Itrttr when word came from IttMl head quarters in ttawa that per iiiaiierit band should be established Its first engage ment was during the royal visit toltcgiiia in mitt At that tiriie band members divided their time equally bet ween police duties and their music In lfrfitl it was decided band riicmbeis should devote all their iiiie to the hand Now orin professional musilt cians can join providing they meet tttMl qualifications There are 53 men in the group which performs total of 250 concerts year The demand for appearances is so great the band has been split into two the piece show band conducted by harles Hendricks and the IIJtrpiece on cert band under the direction of Kenneth Moore llampsun says At an inquest last month Blakes relative testified he trid Uierii he had undergorw laying on of hands and was no larger taking his insulin treatments He said he had been told by persons at the ref Ritt that he no longer needed insulin The inquest found Blakes death was due to natural causes Muuerall said Haynts is prypanng to have an open house at the commune and would be making Olnplttt statement on the community at lat er date the two bands are together less and less They will give three concerts together this year at the National Arts ent rc in it tawa this January Tickets are already sold out The band is based in tttawa but the musicians are from all over the country The average age of the players is 32 and the average stay with the band is about 12 years the road for about two and me half months of the year the musicians travel throughout the entire country The fart best north theyve teen is Sachs Harbour located 1700 miles north of Edniont on This year the band performed ftl three major television pro grams and two national radio broadcasts while touring the entire province of Manitoba Maritimes and various places in between The band was in Barrie at the request of local MP officers One problem llarnpson noted is that the lttMP band is over shadowed by the RtM musical ride They the riders re pqiular but like to think we are too he said see them as traditional type thing while we are contemporary in contrast We are very impor tant for young people The two groups perforrii tiget her once or twice year After more than an hour of songs the hand lid medley of times entitled The Fabulous 50s and one of the musicians jumped down from the stage grabbed student and started todarice Va IV Ifl Va elm °tl Yo IV Ifl Fri av Nite Saturday or while Quantities last CHRISTMAS fisher Price Creative Coaster riding pushpull toy with blocks 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