4A the examiner Fridgy Nov 951978 MORNING 558 FOCUS 600 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY BETTER WAY CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN E8 SENECA TELECOLLEGE 630 AGRICULTURE USA ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 656 EDITORIAL 700 VEGETABLE SOUP SUNRISE SEMESTER BUGS BUNNY IENDS PROFESSOR KITZEL II HARRIGAN PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 000 80 AND 80 MARLO AND THE MAGIC MOVIE MACHINE AUDUBON WILDLIFE THEATRE CARRASCOLENDAS ROMPER ROOM PROFESSOR MOFFETTS WORKSHOP HI UKRANIAN SHOW 8200 GALAXY GOOFUPS CIRCLE SOUARE POPEYE HOUR SCOOBYS ALLSTARS GEORGE DALE HARNEY 825 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 826 IN THE NEWS 830 FANTASTIC FOUR ALL IN TUBE SESAME STREET FLINTSTONES WILLY AND FLOYD POLKA DOT DOOR LE TORONTO FRANCAIS 856 IN THE NEWS 900 GODZILLA SUPER 90 THIRD STORY BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER SPIDERMAN MISTER ROGERS VOICE OF ASIA FILIPENSCA 00 0060000 500000 CBC announces new drama series The Great Detective new television drama mystery series starring internationally acclaimed actor Douglas Tampbell debuts on January to at It pm It tightfully entertaining the eight iiominute episodes were inspired by the exploits of John Wilson Murray tanadas IIist governmentappointed detee It Set in the late Victorian era Murrays fictional counter part is the robust Inspector Alastair ameron played superbly by ampbell The series debut episode titl ed The ase of the Magic lan darin Introduces ameron new ly arrived from his native tllasgow ttl order to take charge of his young niece lrudence Tracey Brett who has recent ly been orphaned They are iin mediater Involved It bizarre murder case In which the prime suspects are travelling nIagI cian and strange old lady ilane Mallelt who claims to be Queen Victorias sister As reward for solving the case the Premier appoints ameron Ontarios first Provincial Detective ameron lakes rooms in loronlos Iarence Square and is looked after by motherly housekeeper Mrs lutz lKay llawtreyt He becomes close friend to Dr hisholni lSandy Webster the local forensic scientist and fellow ScoL with whom he shares keen interest in fishing He must aften con tend with Prudence who du ring school holidays is always eager to help her uncle solve case Ioronto had its own police force at that time Mimi There were no provincial police Most of the larger eotIIInuiIItIes employed grossly underpaid part time constables taiiIeIon was made sole detective loi all of rural Ontario and most of the smaller towns aIIIerons cases some based 925 ufl SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 926 IN THE NEWS 930 ROCKET ROBIN HOOD PARADE CHALLENGE OF THE SUPER FRIENDS LETS Go HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN PEOPLE AND PETS WONDERS OF THE WILD 956 IN THE NEWS 1000 SCOOBY 000 KIDSTUFF DOWN TO EARTH 100 HUNTLEY STREET II ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 1026 IN THE NEWS 1030 DAFFY DUCK LOST IN SPACE TARZAN AND THE SUPER SEVEN JUST WILLIAM in ANY WOMAN CAN JUST DO IT YOURSELF 1055 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 1100 YOGIS SPACE RACE PEANUTS AND POPCORN FANGFACE THE GOLDEN YEARS Homo oi the Giey tiup Games played tinm to It will he tumultII hit THE CHURCH PINS AND NEEDLES 1125 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 1126 IN THE NEWS 1130 OCEANS ALIVE PINK PANTHER SHOW STAN KANN PASSEPARTOUT THE CHURCH CITY CLASSIFIED 1155 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 156 IN THE NEWS 880300 AFTERNOON 1200 FABULOUS FUNNIES 93 WRESTLING SPACE ACADEMY AGRISCOPE on Murrays cases and some fictional Include lhe urIous Death of Maiden Lady When philanthropic lcmperanIe worker Is found lead In the Itosedale Itlttt II Itli her skull crushed and reekiug of whiskey Alderman lanner ilien arIouI calls on IILsttor ameron to aid loroiito police III solvuig the ease quickly and discreetly Stars Include tar bata lordon and Shirley Itouglas IOIII BatuI as HR ItIt Woo Doctor Who Saturday at 730 Ittlll Ioi tor Who Ioi ttttIIItIl Ii tIiIII ltlt Led IIILIIIIIIII IIIIu IIIIII the wily Itin Illl tIiIIlu IIIIII uIlt HIMIIltItiI IIII Imtii the planet til the Itlth XIII Ill IIIII IItt ItltI ItIII Law South est apeHalt II this thlfttl IIIII IIIttIttllI Itetiiietliat ItbIIItIu IIIHt IIIIiI lIlIItH4tI IIII Dont Ask Me IIItlt yII IIIiitile ltIIIl yIIIutIIn Ittt lllItItItI itIiIIIIIiII Channel £9 TVOntariO Its your network Im IVII sttllll mm II II to in to FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS HORST KOEHLER EN PAYS DE CONNAIS NCE Lltalio GALLOPING GOURMET 1226 IN THE NEWS 1230 BAY CITY ROLLERS FAT ALBERT REACH FOR THE TOP NCAA FOOTBALL WRESTLING LES OLYMPIENS myumasiium YOURE BEAUTIFUL 1256 IN THE NEWS 100 TO THE POINT GREY CUP PARADE All the int IIeIIIeIII and Iiaqeantry ot the fIIy top Iaiade IlItt Ist twe as It wuvts It Wily ugh the Streets wt tnmuin ms ARK ED AUTONOMIE EB MOVIE MUSICALFANTASY Chltty Chitty Bang Bang $1 THACKERS WORLD 115 ECHEC AU ROI 126 IN THE NEWS 130 STRAIGHT LINE THE NUTCRACKER Ammutwt holiday tale InVIIIVlltu tttVlï¬Iy tIniIsIinaid wit Intuitstlflfl that lily Nutt no he Iltltngi liti WILD REFUGE AMERICA LAUREL AND HARDY 200 MOVIE WESTERNDRAMA Bravados I953 BEAT THE CHAMP In CANADIAN COLLEGE ORTS Hm Any MI MylIIIt Wmdmvi NFB PRESENTS 230 WHAT DID YOU Do IN SCHOOL TODAY 300 GREY CUP REPLAYTHE 70s IIIQIIAAItVtIVHItIIIIITIHIl1vVALID Iiitmi ut the past eight years are atom with III Iee It Imus DISCO TROUBLE WITH TRACY CHAMPIONSHIP BRIDGE FBI w00000 330 RED FISHER SHOW AUDUBON WILDLIFE THEATRE MEDIA AND METHODS OF THE ARTIST 400 IN SEARCH OF saturday tv ITS ACADEMIC NCAA FOOTBALL WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Ilnitiiiod events Include the mens team IIIVIDIIIIIHIIS tivint the 70m Zola tiiteiitnlional iyninasttcs nmpetitt ttt held III tomnto and the Hothmans East West Challenge euIIIs triniI ovont truth the Royal thIlt IIIII ltl onto his I5 JOURNAL IINTERNATIONAL CONSUMER CHALLENGE ED LITTLE RASCALS t1 WRESTLING 430 CHUCK KNox SHOW CANADIAN EXPRESS SPORTS SPECTACULAR lie Angeli5 IIIIIts 500 Sltttk Iii Hit Id wtiimgist Mun 00 mum MR CHIPS DISCO DAZE ELECTRIC COMPANY HAMMY HAMSTER 500 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE BONKERS SESAME STREET KIDSWORLD SOCCER 530 MORK AND MINDY MCMASTER PRESENTS WAIT TILL YOUR FATHER GETS HOME 063000 806 EVENING In REACH FOR THE TOP CBC NEWS CAROL BURNETT SHOW SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORTS REPORT 630 INOUIRY INCREDIBLE HULK CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SPECTRUM DONT ASK ME OUIz KIDS TRAVEL78 700 HEE HAWWM It1alli Ipiiliesiui Itrlti Iiiid CONVERSATION WITH PAPER CHASE 800300000 800000 NEWS SPIDERMAN tIIJI71t mi with mu It mt pm In Ith mom In he plan Itltyl we mimiuri It ttlt vaemsz titilttAIflltflti ZIIIII Hm ti tln Ham III Ndnin pmp wt nuns TIGERCAT FOOTBALL 78 GHOSTS OF MOTLEY HALL TEAM SHOWDOWN FOUR FOR ADVENTURE 730 FACES OF SMALL PLACES SHA NA NA Guest Tiini Lope EYE ON BUFFALO 08 GEORGE HAMILTON Iv DR WHO Genesis of the Dntvks SPORTS PROBE LAST OF THE WILD 800 CHIPS lonch us put In an eintiaiiassmu posdiun when two old high Si noth tinDds nostalgia IOt the days ot ttIiIr hot iodrimg youtti begin hieakinq laws and endangering lives want their Immature hiiinks 8W HOCKEY NIGHT IN CAN Colorado Rockies vs Tnionto Maple ls HS EMERGENCY ONE WELCOME BACK KOTTER Hoistiat II would iattIit ken Itlw than teat one apait but his IIIIIIIIuy leathm says sort the Lieatuie oi tail the Louise DIFFRENT STROKES MI tnummonii wants to Bend the boys to the prep school tie went to but 304m tinds the 1IttI EHI want them MOVIE HIS out inlay IMO GOING PLACES tE SHULMAN FILE 830 CARTER COUNTRY ma Hwy guts Insuie Intoiinatuiii on to thall game and seeI sure way to ioroup tilT betting tosses Itttm Sgt thei who has taken him to leaflets on lawn coiiserottve titts WILDLIFE CINEMA 900 DICK CLARKS GOOD OLD DAYS mt mot saluies itu tiitmeit stats 11 the yen was so ItIiliIa the NW at Philadelphia home to Bandstand anttns Ronalert by he wn guest aims mt Iming no Imsir FIHIUIII Avalon and Annette Form ello and Junk ten tIIItIOY tint kei Fabian Bobby Rydell Jan and Jean Hienital Ie Jolty Liel ems and III Intois his SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE liun titan ttiitiaid Haiin ttdtlittll Ram lI THE LOVE BOAT ttmI warnum 1liltllt LIIIq jams Adam Ame Hit mm nIIIIAmi the IIIIte People Itliis Iatly Mvt Iiiiiatk Edwaiil Aitveit The NinaI Gum InaIii IIIm Ittmmia mmmu min ACADEMY PERFORMANCE It II Rn mitt Haiti toot vItI Haw tioateniala American II III GREAT DEBATE ED POINT BLANK 930 CITY LIGHTS on Itweia 1000 In FANTASY ISLAND Noam It mum II wn IUI uI tow wit In VIIt It the Human minute and La mu mm nu who II HI wIttttn InnHI ItIt IitIt am It IIIII In In toms ED SECOND CITY EDITORS 1030 FOR LOVERS ONLY WITNESS TD YESTERDAY 100 in NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS 28 MOVIE COMEDY it Big so FEEL LIKE DANCING 1105 In NASHVILLE SWING 1115 PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 1120 NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE mm Paul Simon Guest Irmun Hatiisoii 35 NEWS MOVIE MYSTERY They Me Mr Tibbs 1970 MOVIE SUSPENSE he Mechanic 1972 SOUNDS GOOD ASPECTS OF CINEMA 1140 BMOVIEDRAMA Fury 1936 1150 MOVIE DRAMAMUSICAL Camelot 1967 NEWS 1200 in MOVIE DRAMAI Woman Under the Influence Iii INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 1210 MOVIE DRAMA The Helltons 1962 100 ROCK CONCERT 130 SHERLOCK HOLMES CHALLENGE TENTATIVE TIME 140 MOVIE MYSTERY t2 StraitJacket 1954 200 ABC NEWS TIME TENTATIVE MOVIE DRAMA Number One I969 220 MOVIE ADVENTURE Morgan the Pirate 1961 330 HERES LUCY 340 1Maoistssprout1 QMOVIECRIME Under Best Things in life are FREE RADIO 950 PICK UP YOUR FREE CKBB REAR WINDOW STICKER AND STAND BY TO WIN