Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1978, p. 26

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2A the examiner Friday Nov 24 1978 EVENING 500 NEWS 99 HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CBC NEws 800 DIFFRENT STROKES ALL IN THE FAMILY THE NEw ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN ruthless mobster who wants to turn the town of Santa Corona CAROL BURNETT AND into warren oi illegal gambling casinos uses FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS Diana Princes teenage goddaughtor as his an blackmail and extortion 60 mins DONNV AND MARIE THE INCREDIBLE HULK Dnvrd Banner gets caught in the midle of II National MARY TYLER MOORE Observerexposethaltakesihettulkrightinin SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY GOOD TIMES 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME EIGHT IS ENOUGH CROSS WITS OW TIC TAC DOUGH DOWNRIGHT DISCO NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DODSDDSDGDD SDSDSD TUNE NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA OUiz HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CIRCUS THATS HOLLYWOOD publications printing room 60 mins R5 IN SEARCH OF Mam hart HOT CITY DISCO special nonstop Disco hour with top musrcal per was quest hosting and aninrtRInIng MOVIE Question of Love 830 WHOS WATCHING THE KIDS Alter an arqumont Bert contessas to Larry the next day that he remembers paying hit man 850 in bar the night bntara to rub him FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE FAST FORWARD 900 MARY TYLER MOORE THE ROCKFORD FILES Jim Rocktordu Rttorts to help II beautiful blind psychologist who is being harrassed by an unknown assailant becomes personal matter when he tmas himselt romantically Ive Itti her hrs TOMMY HUNTER COUNTRY Tonight Tommy wIIcomes some more counin qrnats Sudbury Donna Savard and Maplte Sugar from Toronto 60 $°°°°° AME 7le THE INCREDIBLE HULK Dam Banner gets caught In tho mrdnlr at National Observer exposc that ters the Hulk nth min publications Imiing room 60 mins FRIDAY IGHT MOVIE Fun With Dick And Jane Stars Gnorqc SIgal Jam da Lorna lli0 MAGIC SHADOWS my WIIIIDm Strainer Escaping from tho wrath of 186 Part Final BOB NEWHART SHOW his fattmrs IItiitiinair son Phillipe Charbnn can hrads tnr America rnanuris his nnrrirl to Philip Kent and hecnmcs WOIVPG In th Detective fiction flourishes tonights tv wRevolutionary War lever his WINGS THE LOVE BOAT Three gangs Haads Or Tailsi Stars Adam Arkrn Richard GIIIIIand the LlIIlft Pcoplc Stars Pally McCormack Edward Athori Mom 01 The Movras Stars Orson Roan Rhonda Fleming 60 mins 1000 STARSKY AND HUTCH 03 FLYING HIGH 1W Ayrcsrayirt Madison and Jack Joiios gutst slur rnsprii lively as an elderly dentist his psychiatrist son and Las Vegas nrotilclub star with whom Sunwest flight attendants Pam Lian and Marcy become Invatvcd on tlight to Las was 60 mini THE Two RONNIES FERGUSON SHORT AND Ross in NEWS 1030 CONLONS ONTARIO 1100 NEWS CBC NEws CTv NEws EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE COMEDY Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex 1972 1105 NIGHTMUSIC It 1m IJIIIIIHIIIHI DrIIl 1120 09 NEws 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow rm Johnny rIVRDIt awn It ltlfldritl tmtin Iii it CBS LATE MOVIE NM Avrngcrs mart Mrri Alt ariqoxmui ilritti IIturns to his tirvusr to find that tvtIyIIIlII tin Icatlycarrs abouthastnonrlinqtmyIrt moir Stars Ron Ltibrnnri IIIIvIII wItIy MOVIE DRAMA Doc Wives 1971 STREET TALK 1135 OUESTION PERIOD 1145 CANADA AFTER DARK win Paul Solos are schedulrid guests Gonr Krniski Billy Van arid Suranna Stnvans 6t nuns 1150 MOVIE DRAMA Came To Rob Las Vegas 1953 1200 MOVIE DRAMA as es 197 VIE COMEDY 0f8 Carats 1973 VlEWESTERN The Sons of Katie Elder 1965 1230 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 1245 DALLAS 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 140 MOVIE COMEDv Dutty 1968 145 TOP SECRET LIFE OF EDGAR BRIGGS 210 ID MEDICAL CENTER 225 MOVIE MYSTERY oth Sides of the Law 1954 MOVIECOMEDYROMANCE The Knackand How to get It 1905 310 MARCUS WELBY MD 340 MOVIE DRAMA Bed tord Incident 1965 410 BEWITCHED 420 MOVIE DRAMA Fun on Weekend I947 Cruising the gumshoe crop Hy ANIIRIMt Ilcrculc Poirot is dcad lnspcctor Maigrct has rctircd IIllcry Quccn Ncro Wolfc and lcrry Mason havcnt bccn hcard from III yca rs lhosc bclovcd tircat Itctcc tivcs slcuth no morc Ihcir crcators dch or rctircd III thc 1970s tut dctcctiyc tiction still flourishcs producing ncw writcrs and ncw slcuths with vitality bclying Its 137 ycars anfourth ot all books sold in this chntry cacti ycar arc mystcrics lhcy arc rcad cvcrywhcrc cvcri III thc classroom llundrcds of thc iIa tions collcgcs and uniycrsitics offcr courscs III thc gcnrc Studcnts rcad dctcctivc tic lion as litcraturc Millions of others go to It tor cscapc Ihc gcn today is broad cnough to providc both and morc The classic puzzlcr offcis thc intellcctural challcngc of inat hing wits wrtlI thc dctcctivc Ihe hardbrutal story tcaturcs action and crisp prosc Ihc policc procedural has the 11 pact of authcntic crimosolving routine Ihough diffcrcnt all thcsc forms of thc dctcctivc story thrivc today Ihc basic trappings of thc classic form wcrc laid down by tho fathcr of thc lctcctivc story Edgar Allan Ioc Ioc not only invcritcd thc gcnrc hc also cstablishcd somc4ti of its major convcntions in thc four pioiiccr ing stories hc wrotc bctwccn 1841 and 1844 CORNERSIONII The cornerstone of these was the figure of the Great Dctcc tive morally and intellectual ly superior agent of justicc Poes sleuth was an ccccntric amateur Augusto lupin lIc starred in the worlds first detectch story Ihc Murdch in the Rue Morguc and two others From then to now dctcctivc Grades Speclal attention for Midhurst College Junior School Private School in Barrio Qualitied teachers in Small classes Individual program for each student at his own level of achievement students with learning disabilities Contorms to Ministry of Education guidelines Call Ursula Itiffmeyer 7374434 Home 4589355 fiction has aboundml with amatcurs though not always cccc nt ri cs lyio of tlIc most amatcurs still llarry Kcmclmaiis ltahbi Iayid Small and IImma Lathcns Iohn Iutnain Ihat chcr Rabbi Small squabblcs with his congrcgntion and uscs Ialmudic logic to solvc murdcrs Ihatchcr bairkcr gcts dccply inyolycd with dif fcrcnt industry III cach book Mystcry llilII lliigh lcntccost kccps tour amatcurs in iltlItHI IIcrrc hambrun hotcl managcr Iohn Icricho artist lctcr Stylcs iIIagainc writcr and Julian Quist public rclationsconsultant thcr activc amatcurs arc Edmund rispcns icrvasc lrcn Oxford don Lconard IIoltons Iathcr lrcddcr atholic piicst Simon Itrctts tharlcs Paris actor and Jain Iangtons Iloincr Kclly collcgc profcssor ltut not all storics in thc classic mold havc amatcur slcutbs Somc of thc most popular fcaturc policcrnari lolicc Ictcctiycs includc ltuth Itcndclls Inspcctor Icxford II lamcs ommandcr Iaiglicsh latricia Moycs Supxrmtcndcnt IIbbctt lctcr IIIIvcscys Scrgcant ribb Illtl Kcatings lnspcctor Ihotc ltobcrt IIishs tap tairI Iosc dc Silva liar tholomcw iills hicf lnspcctor Mctiarr lauliric ilcn Winslows hict Inspcctor tapricorn and oncc Iortcrs Inspcctor Iovcr popular dcducing arc IIIIIIITS Ihcy all madc thcir dcbuts in thc 305 and 70s Itclovcd sur vivors from thc Iis includc Ngaio Marshs Supcrintcnilcnt Itodcrick Allcyn Michacl III ncs Sir John Applcby and Icorgc ltagbys Inspcctor Schmidt llaidlxrilcd hcrocs arc lcwcr through In numbcr but highly rcgardr rid Ihc lIilltlleIIlttl school cincigcd lroiii thc pagcs ol IIlack Mask magnunc in thc Jlls as rcactioii against ch gaidcri party iIIIIrdcrs ot thc classic form It gcnciatul storics about tough cynical privatc who lIliind among hoods and hookcrs as wcll is wcalthy cliciIts Ihcy wcrc StIIItlIIIlt no IIIorc hoIIIst than thcy had to llt but cach had his own codcol honor Iough guy writcrs through thc ycarx hayc Includcd such suixrslars oi mystcry fiction as lashicll llJIIIIllltll Raymond handlci Mickiy Spillaiiic ltoss Maciloriald and John It Iaclonald ltoss Macdonald crcator ot priyatc cyc Lcw Archcr and John Macllonald crcator oi salyagc cxpcrt Irayis Mcticc arc still writing lhcy arc considcrcd two of thc IIIst in tlic busincss llaIdboilcd lILLtIIIIS ill ncarly cqual talcnt arc Michacl lAWlll cicator of AI Samson and Itobcrt laikcr author of thc Spciiscr scrics Itoth writc wrtII humor and IIinrctciItioIIs stylc Iarkcr is sayagcly witty Iikc thc Iatc ltcx Stout IIwin is morc tcndcr and his financially IIrLsiIchsslul Samson inorc sympathctic Illtlllfil Ioc iorcs has productd lic tIons first privatc cyc tcam in his scrics about Iranicl Kcarny Associatcs With Its cinphasis on tcamwork anrl routinc thc scrics is hybrid bctwccn thi lIarilboilcd story and thc policc proccdural no Dunlop to the Draw Slam 13 Weve got the ideal gilt lor him and her Come in now while selection is Christmas sale prices lrrxcdurals cvolycd III thc carly Stts as anothcr attcmpt to bring strong disc of rcality to thc dctcctiyc story lhcy took thcir hcrocs from thc crimc solvcrs ol rcal lifc tlIc policc lioutinc not dcduct ion was ill mct lltltl ol dctcction Ihc most famous policc pro ccduial scrics is lld Mcltains about tlIc Itflh lrcciiict Ic Itains intcntioii was to Inakc thc critirc squad lllt lIcro but his fans piclcr on ilvtcctiyc Htcyctarclla lthcr prIxHlurals locus on oiIc slcuth ottcii tlIc IIIlllIlItl III minority group Iohn Halls Irgil libbs Is black ltcx IturILs tiabricl Igcr and Iicll Shannons Luis MciIdiIa arc tbicanos Iichacl iilbcrts Ialrick lctrclla Is Spaniard opcrating IiI nationality conscious llritairi Todays dctcctivc lltlltill is popular and producing iiiw slcuths aplciity ltut whcrc Is It going No onc knows cxccpt that it is not going out of stylc lrcdic turns to thc contrary arc as prcmaturc as was thc first dcalh kncll tor thc zcnic which soiIiIIIiIl In thI litth chItury Wont dctcctiyc story writcrs cxhaust all thc idcas somcday Ncycr Ihc world changcs cvcry day and with it lhc politics morcs and tcchnology that gciicratc thcnics inotivcs and alibis for rlctcctivc tIction lhc Iatcst SpcIIscr and John Iut nam Ibatchcr iiovcls both marginally about tcrrorisin couldnt hayc bccn writtcii lo Vcars ago Beat Christmas great at pre SPORTSWEAII FOR GUYS GALS at In the Downtown Centre BinTie Phone 728I 335 They STORK MARKET REPORT Barrie Area New Arrivals CHAYTOR Dave and Jan Choytor of Stroud are happy to mnounce the safe arrival of their lb Cl daughter An drea Erin on Tuesday October I7 I978 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie sister for Tina Proud grandparents are Mrs Non MacDonald of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Robert Chaytor oi Conception Boy Newloundland CARSON John and Sharrol are proud to announce the birth of second son Andrew Philip lb 02 October 8th I978 brother for Michael Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Allan Robertson of Poinswick and Mr and Mrs Murray Carson of RR Phelpston WOLFE John Jason and Joey proudly announce the arrival on October 23rd I978 ot on additional to the Wolfe team Coming in strong at lb oz is JADINE PATRICIA KATHRYN Coach Eugene is delighted with his win while Anne happy and pleased wonders what will become of her tomgirl Praising Jodine with best wishes are her grandparents Mr and Mrs Henry Shaun and Mr and Mrs Albert Forget Special thanks to standby doctor and Dr Day who arrived in the nick of time and gave results Also thanks to the girls in thncase room 4th lloor and the nursery LEWIS Robert and Jane are pleased to announce the birth ol their third daughter Kathryn Michelle on October wnd I978 at the Montreal General Hospital BERTRAM Ted and Susan nee Hunter are pleased to announce the birth of their son Joshua Hunter Ross Born Sunday October I5th I978 642 am lbs I2 01 Proud grandparents are Mrs Marie Hunter of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Ross Bartram Oi Oro Station Special thanks to Dr Green SEAN TIDD oi CFB Borden wishes to thank his parents Gary and Carolyn tor the arrival of his lb I2 oz brother Scott Andrew Born on October I3th I978 at 835 am in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Scott is the second grandchild tor Mrs Helen Tidd Digby N$ and the lourth for Mr and Mrs Roy Wode Bear River NS Special thanks to Dr Ann Carter and the stall olWorddA BRYAN Dave and Candy nee Woodward are pleased to announce the arrival ol their son Matthew David James on Wednesday October II I978 at the Branttord General lbspital brother lor Adam Tuesday is Baby Day Big Savings on Portraits for babies of any an tumult tool IDVED ours Sooter Portrait Studios BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE ONTARIO L4M 3C1 PH 7373341

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