Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1978, p. 23

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the examiner Friday Nov 24 1978 23 7T Itolp wilted 7T holp wanted BU YER Applicant will be selfstarter and able to take charge minimum of years purchasing experience and good knowledge of sales taxes and customs is required We are manufacturer of heavy equipment offering agood salary excellent fringe benefits and an opportunity for advancement Reply in confidence stating education and experience to PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PO BOX 460 ORILLIA ONTARIO L3V 6K3 Inventory and invoicing EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST salary plus commission Apply House of Bellini Bayfield Mail or call 726 462T ar726 87I2atter6pm KIRBY SALES PEOPLE wanted phone 7267400 MOTHERLESS HOME With it school aged boys reqmrcs person to do cook ing and light housekeeping in exchange tor room and board Telephone 135 7766 Alliston evenings RELIABLE PERSON wanted for part time sales and order co ordination ex perience in lighting and electrical definite asset Send resume to Box YIN The Examiner Barrie ONE OF BARRIES largest body shops requires licenced or two to three years experienced bodyperson painter and prep persons Telephone 72¢ 048k Cen tennial Auto Body 397 Dunlap Street West Barrie MATURE RELIABLE DAYCARE need ed in downtown area Two children years and I4 months Prefer your home Hours 730 am to pm weekdays Telephone 73703IJ LEGAL SECRETARY experienced in real estate and estates Some DOOKKLLD ing Call Mr Moorby 72¢O238 days 72$O918cvenings MOBILE HOME PARK Manager re qwred for expanding park in Orillia Qualiticationsmclude knowledge otelec tricity for connection to 200 amp SQFVICL basic plumbing experience of plastic water and Sewer services rental collec tron and banking Sales Oriented Salary and comniisswn plus home provided Call 326 2636 EXPERIENCED COOK part time for Baylield Lodge Nursing Home 34¢ BayficIct St Barrie TEIADIIOIIC 728 2065 or 72b2I8vttoarrangeinterview BABYSITIER togive tenderloving care to year old girl and boy in km deruartin Your home or mine near Johnson School Phone 7288204 after pm SUPERINTENDENT REQUIRED for eleven suite apartment building on Kenipenlelt Bay Remuneration depen ding on XDOTICTTLLGIILIfipablllltrs Call 4I67424079alter7pni $400 PER HOUR for evening work 30 pm to to 30 pm Must have own Transportation full training provnlcd Call 728 Jleor interview WAITfikiriIitTREESFS Full or part time Call maimgnr alter Il am at 726050 WANTED MATURE BiiftYSlTIER to come In parttimo Shitt work Own TPBITSDOTIAIICI Children and years Little Ave rIraii east of Highway It 726 AllO HOUSE TARINT couple preferred accessiomil ilyttIIIILIi or tiwnani litstni ChildrrIt Phone 736 951 PAINTERS HELPER Required imriiidiatily Flat ratii shop 000d VvCIFklfllj ciriititions xrellent out pany bcttifis Irpirieiiri in GM shop necessary Apply in person to Trivnr Downnci GEORIIIAN PONTIAC BUICK I45 Urnzllrir Street Barrie WE ARE LOOKING tor person to work in our retail outlet on part lirvw basis hours daily Tldllllq wull hr Drovirl ed no LXplrlQIIC nvccssdry Beginning pay rate 3785 per hour vyiiti riqulnr reVIews Full hurttit package all FOTOMAT 77s 7650 or 776 909 bvtwnen 108 anclo iii SALES HF Lf lull IIITII Ior fashion and sporting goods unhiilwr EXDEFIFnL preferred Apply in person to CUllllI Street Barrie 72 sales helpagents REAL ESTATE SALESPE RSON 10 pir cent split full or part time no pressure represent area John Myllynvn Real Estate Brokvr tl6 675 3895 AN INTERNATIONAL Oil Co oflrrs plenty of money plus rash bonuses at home training for matiirr lnlelflUrTl llT Barric area Regardless II IlprlltNlLt write Road Pres Timmy Aertutti International I107 xlit II Toronto Ont M46 4A3 7I Ilolp wurfod WAREHOUSE POSITION JOB DESCRIPTION Warehousing of drums pails case goods Yard and warehouse maintenance Class Drivers Licence preferable Apply in person to PEACOCK PETROLEUMS LIMITED 448 Dunlap St Barrie N25 N24 72 sales help agents INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY of Iers opportunity for high income plus rcgular cash and vacation bonuses abundant Iringe benefits to mature in dividual in Barrie area Airmail Presi dent Dept CD PO Box 70 Station Toronto Ontario M46 326 76em loyment wanted WILL MIND TODDLERS to years Monday to Friday Allandale area 530 per week Phone 728 7525 WILL BABYSIT in my home Monday through Friday7a tobprn Children 25 years Grove and Baylield area Phone 726 2I54 SERVICES OFFERED lrom male With conSCIentious werk background 26 yrs old It in single with operational military background Willing to travel Have car Telephone 776 S992 BOOKKEEPING PAYROLL Full or parttime Barrie CookstownAlliston area Complete set of books Payables receivables general ledger trial balance bank reconciliations payroll manual and McBee compose and type related correspondence TS years experience References Available now Phone 4589175 N25 77 legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of MADELINE FLORA MERRILL deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of MADELINE FLORA MERRILL late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe who died on or about the Ibth day of November I978 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 2Ist day of December I978 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this 23rd day of November I978 LAWRENCE MARSHALL MERRILL Executor by his solicitors HOGBEN MAYHEW 39 Owen Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T7 N2430D7 EXAMINER WANT ADS 72824 IIst uttod YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 DUNLOP DONALD AREA OSANFORD BROCK AREA OEUGENIA HIGHLAND AREA BLAKE ST proximately 300 feet of sewer Plans and specifications with blank forms of tender and tender envelopes may be obtained at the office of Gore Storrie Limited Consulting Engineers I670 Bayview Avenue Toronto Ontario MAG 3C2 upon payment of deposit of Fifty Dollars $5000 Deposit cheques shall be payable to the Treasurer of the City of Barrie and will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications in good condition within three weeks of the date of closing The said plans and specifications can also be reviewed at the following locations Toronto Construction Association Sparks Avenue Willowdale Ontario Barrie Builders Exchange Fred Grant Street Barrie Ontario Each tender must be accompanied by marked cheque payable to the Treasurer of the City of Barrie or cash deposit of $2000000 The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted GORE STORRIE LIMITED Consulting Engineers l670 Bayview Avenue TORONTO Ontario MAG 3C2 MR STRAUGHAN City Clerk Barrie Ontario 77h Anyone having knowledge of the whereabouts of Bertha Marie McCutcheon the widow of Harvey William McCutcheOn late of the Township of Essa in the County of Simcoe Civil Servant who died December 13 I974 is asked to contact Mr Bruce Bigelow of Messrs Conder Sugg Bigelow Miller Kenny Reed 23 Owen Street Barrie LAM 4Vl Telephone 705 7266497 N24 79auctlon solos ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SAT NOV 25th pm mlLLlA TRANSPORTATION BUILDING West ST North Orllia Bedroom suite oak dining room table and chairs pine hutch piano Iadderback rocker wall cabinet old radio record player square card table oak arm chair small tables rockers tiffany table lamp hanging lamp milk can coins dishes and many other articles RAYMOND DUBEAU Auctioneer SCl4l 4872404 ALIEN HORNER Auction Service BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY OFarm Household OAntiques OApproisaIs RR No2 BRADFORD ONT Phone 67753659 or 7054584589 N24 FTFI Yes would like more information about on Examiner Carrier Raute NAME JG PHONE ADDRESS PARENT SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING knot AND IMPROVEMENTS To THE INLET WORKS AT THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL CENTRE CONTRACT NOS 7825 AND 7826 SEALED TENDERS in tender envelopes provided for the con struction of New Administration Building and Improvements to the Inlet Works at the Water Pollution Control Centre Barrie Ontario addressed to the Mayer and Members of Council of the Corporation of the City of Barrie City Clerk Municipal Offices Barrie and endorsed Tenders for the Construction of New Administration Building and Im provements to the Inlet Works at the Water Pollution Control Centre will be received until 200 pm Toronto time WEDNESDAY DECEMBER I3 I978 at the City Clerks Office City Hall Barrie Ontario The work consists of constructing new administration building refurbishing of the second floor of the existing control building supply and placing of an electrical signal and telephone duct system alterations and upgrading of existing main plant pumping station including new mechanical screen and ap 78 tendon new Ontario per Mr Straughan Saturday Snowmobiles start start approx 1230 to us you think its worth 73 Newport dr Htp Something for everyone Dont Forget Our Flea Mutet Every Sunday N24 same location rims are NORTHERN SURPLUS AND SALVAGE 430 Dunlap Stmt Wost Barrio Ont SATURDAY DEC I970 at IT am Loader Allis Chalmers TleD yd Ser No 290l Tractor I966 Dodge single axle IO20tires certified Cars Trucks I956 Triumph Motorcycle 500 cc 442 original miles Military I975 Torino I975 Ford Custom I972 Dodge Polara I955 Cadillac I957 Ford I968 Volvo I972 Buick Skylark I973 Vega I973 Plymouth wagon I962 Mercury ton I968 Ford stake with hoist power wagons I973 TorinO wagon I973 International I970 Ford ton I974 Meteor Nuffield Diesel tractor loader Cockshutt tractor loader Cockshutt l97l Mercury snowmobile I975 Fun cor Equipment Quantity of snow tires conveyor roller stands cor antennas fire extingmsher skid lift battery operated ierry cans DC generator reduction gear 550 motor to 440 west coast mirrors Pioneer chain saw security lights compressors stacking chairs hardwood tables lantern radio equipment hydraulic hoses various SIZOS regulator plants roorn dividers bond air compressors shower stall locker tar machine iet canopies plane tires wheels wire machines bumpers for loading docks tow bar box electric Winch pr truck chokes hand shear water pump hose car trailer shovels electric motors Robins Myers overhead wmcli spark plug sand blaster Harold pipe thawer scales pressure cooling system glove conditioner dryer asst candles suits casual iockets by the piece metal box with locking doors industrial sewing machine head new I0 20 tarps battery chargers cor wax asst light fixtures asst used tools clocks Partial List No Reserve Terms Cash or Certified Cheque Sale conducted by AUCTIONEERS 360 BLAKE ST N0 35 BARRIE ONT 7057370879 ANOTHER Ist Estates General Plllll Vehicle liquidation Attention Snowmobilers Coming Sat Nov 25 1030 am sharp Snowmobile Auction All entries must rog by pm Nov 2318 Proshowing Nov 24th 99 Sat Morning om to solo time for information col WILLIAM ASSOCIATES AUCTIONEEIS 254 Yonpo St Palnswlck TERMS 350 deposit at this of solo to ho pdd by TOOL Nov ti pm Cash or Cort Cheque N15I824 Graham Allen AUCTIONEER Farm Estate Consignment Auctions 7265055 73 2491 BARBIE ONTARIO AUCTION SALE Antiques and Collectibles WEDNESDAY EVENING DEC pm SHARP Provlovr T2tlll solo tlmo EMBASSY HALL 30ft BLAKE ST BARKIE Green Canadian Bulls eye finger lamp German Gothic steeple clock walarm antique wall telephone pc wash basin set dry sinks woshstands dressers English china Occupied Japan depression glass pewter beer mugs pine games table pine harvest table 18 pcs Royal Doulton figurines and Toby mugs I97 Chrysler Newport certified door hardtop I3000 miles showroom condition purchased new by Mrs Johnstone etc Watch for partial list December N224DS 254 Yongo St Painswlclr to be auctioned 254 Yonge St Painswiclr Before you come compare prices first then come For the best prices in town come early pay what Some entries are 73 Toyota 74 Caprice Classic 78 Fiesta 76 Cordoba 77 Ford Wagon 72 Toronado Merc Wagon I976 Volare dr V8 auto 73 Sotelite cyl 75 Gremlin Many many more William and Associates Auctioneers Nov 25th 030 am cars will Charger 72 Lemons 74 examiner patterns Be Savin Santa IriIItrrl Pattern WARDROBE FOR I8 SUPER SIZE TEEN DOLL 57 fllamf What would delight her most on Christmas morn7 wardiobe lor hei 18 Super Size Teen Doll of course Save SSSS and sew cape vest shirt pants blouse skirt gown of nocosl scraps Printed Pattern 4790 Fat 18 Super Size Teen Dolls Use scraps $150 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 35¢ each pattern Ior lIlSlClaSS mail and handling Ont residents add 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Size Style Number your flame Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Examiner I09 Crockford Blvd Scarborough Ontario MIR 504 Work weekends schoolour new FALLWINIIR IASHION CAIALOG has all the dresses tops skirts vests pants you want Plus $150 Iiee pattein coupon Send 75¢ 107lnstant Sewing Book$l00 TOGInstant Fashion BooIISI00 125Petal Quilts $150 IllGifts Ornaments Sl50 DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there Is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recom mend that you start your ad Itomorrow and cancel It when lyou got results After many yaars of experience will mlllions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Sec tion Pmmnmm4 79 auction solos DCS AUCTIONS ocs ANTIQUES riNt ruRNITIIRI lTD TQauction sdos ON HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO IN THE VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN SUNDAY NOV 26th at pm Approx 200 choice lots with good selection of Canadian English imported furnishings including pine oak mahogany walnut Other woods plus varied selection of copper brass china Also clocks pictures collectibles and tolist many more items too numerous TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX PARKING REFRESNMENTSV STORAGE DELIVERY AVAILABLE PREVEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE l0am pm ALSO HOURS PRIOR TO SALE BIDS MAY BE LEFT ATOFFICE IF UNABLE TO ATTEND SALE DEREK OSBORNE mutants PHONE COOKSTOWN 705A4589I I607 RKZHMOND HILL 68845744 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES N24 3ANN0IUNCEMENTS Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $550 maximum 40 words additional words IO cents per word Births In Memoriam no verse $550 $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events OIWI HUBBE PT Ron and arul are happy to announce the birth of their son Shawn Andrew lbs III II on November 70th I976 Proud grandparents are Mr Bowman and Mrs Bowman and Mr and Mrs Huhherl Specml thanks to Dr Strangway and Dr Johns and staff ollourttillorir Mondays Child is lair of face Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woo Thursdays Child has lar to go Iridays Child is loving and givmg Saturdays Child works hard for Its IiVirtu And child that is born on the sat hath Day Is fair and Wise and loud and tidy Ctiildriii hearing this verse by Counter Cullin always want to know WITII day of the wetk was their birth date Krup this and UIIIII important information tot your IIIIU luturr An Examiner Birth Iiiinriiiiir muont Will includi the name of your IIIIU the day of the wwy month and year at birth llu weight and other VIIdl information pi iIiti LI message can ILIITT1 piir itIiiIiiit Ftfflrll in liiiliys look or Family lrlfiiiiih llir TrTII tot an lrITIIIIII Birth Nutii IfIlly SS PHONE 24H 85doaths NOIhf It If liIrilti lririrty It At IITt Wilyfl vii Iftflrl ltimiitdl My Iliiirwtn Nflvtlfllit 71rd 98 lcttrttt Illrlll ii Ilflil trliii It rit tty Inti lliri riit ii in lltl till your liiirniii Inn ltilI iI Tiltv klvy Iiinwml IIIITII lIJ JyttJty Mt Barrie lllir Ir my lfllfli aw writ iri ttit tuttiAI iii lIitlrly Nflyititit ill it II Ii Iiitiriiinrit ftiirii llIlifttl Iiir It iliiiniiyut Jii iri1riTI turn um iii Itiitili tii lei Tl tiir ii Hospital iitIii IifIIItiiil lmn IIIIAH I4Ft tyimiiiiki uti It lllilvly II lllitY tlir IdH ltrIIIuIIJy Ixiiiyi liI rlIi Li litin fiiii iitri Illiii lniIIIIKIIIII llltitll ill iiigt In irtiv Ct iri Iii Iinim iiy Ivtyll Ii iv iiyl iii in ll lIi iiiiiiiiin iiiv il Il nttm 7p HT II rrtiy IriI iii vu ll Mitiiirtiiy NiixIiiiIiil Yitti it ii lllrtttvlltl Itiiiriitiiii IJriiiir Itiilii riN llili llitit tint tnI irlriiin Hlslllitl Irllt Ill Iiivwliiy Nriviittiliii WM lYIIIt Iiiit ti IIIT hitti ytilt llllt1l wit iiMr Mortuary llitI dTIItIIhI iit Yum Nlt iiirim IIII LII IIiii luv iii Mi Imirm Mirmiit III iillll at Mm lit it IIIItIJIJlIVIIlIu iii IJtt TIIITII Ill IIITll vii thitil iiiliii rit httul Uni IIiii tiv us IIitlviWrIHI II rxti niuu rtlII tour lirittiiiii Iltlttl rim all it III iny Lllh Iill IliIIII Il war lhiriiw iltii ii III Illtllillily fit IIFVIII iii lIM itinrxl in Iiiilii NINIITIIIII 1tli it Iii litt lttrtll ct Imil tIItlfI Iiiti lil Rtl Ilkvill iii Vtl Iliiiriii IJtlll at 130 lyllrlrlt niisniiii iit limivii Riiii kiiti rxlrii Nit IOU In Iiiii ll lliiw it iirvmtirvii tii tit taiir Iflrlr liIIIVIiII rm iii an tyrllll vtiv that it Illllllt rllll iid Kijyvxu flytI II til niii iltfllllllr II IIIVUTIII ituirmy New Itlxl Iktii lvm III Iiii tlltti yiiir Iltll III Anti Kinni witi III iiwil tIViII INIIIVIII III ttiii iit Mix Iii iIIft iIi IVlItlle iit I1 it tutui ii Mm Illl 1ttIIlflitIII Iir iItTrl Tiii It Iivii rit it IIIIIII Iirry Inuit Iiv II Hiniitliiiii Fund and liliiiiiII hovm Iliiiiliiiil IIrt ItIIIKtvrT turn lit iluiitii vy rirl it It HamlinHi ii lITIiIlVlIlll in Mmitit tliirii tIItIItI ltii Illil llri il umnttiiiii mi nmtivwlny Nklvtllllitt Jivi Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD st 728 2530 Friendly Courteous Service AMPLE PARKING AI REAR MWF TF 07 momoriams LAnl Olen III lilvilll ItllllliIy III tim um ifiiiwutkkittlv mwlivil wliii inauiiilnwnyNiiyiviiitri Ll twi Iwiiiunikl hIITIl iii iII IllVlVi IliyiiihtiiiiiniattiilhiiiiidiilIiisilnyx iinwiininrtkiiirtiiiliiiiitIiiiliiiiiiil VHth Itlllltllll IHrIIIIin ii lilt IIIIIINI ilt iiiisimit liy Miittiii iili LIIIIIIIII null sintii 00 coming events THE ALLANDALE DBTRICT GUIDES BROWNIES present Christmas Tea Bazaar Date Saturihy Nov 251970 Place ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH Burton Ave at GrIvlle Tina I00 to 300 ptn Too Adults SI Children 50 ed poodl books cmdy uafts fish pond Babysitting provided N222324 TURKEY SHOOT Sponsored by TNORNTON ARENA SAT DEC 9th I2 NOON mile south of Thornton on Highway 27 12 GAUGE SNOTGUNS ONLY SHELLS SUPPLIED For information call MIKE WEBB 4589279 N24DI678 KING EDWARD CHOIR presents AN EVENING OF MUSIC Saturday Doc pm Central Collegiate Auditorium Tickets may he obtained by oalllng Adela Parlor at 7204287 or any diolr membg N25 $322 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for pages must be received by pm day iding publication with the exception of CI lied Display advertisements which mus ea in by prn two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $5 50 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional words To cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 3550 Addi tional words TOcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 3550 With verse par count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS S3 22 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSlflED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions ic per word insertion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word insertion total S6 48 Six consecutive insertions per word per insertion total 224 Multiple Insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when saliifaclory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbrevration set of numbcIs etc ountas separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as ODVBIIISIILO to the advertisers Therefore the Classified AdvattiSIng Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly re check their advnrtisemenl immediately after first Insertion in order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that some may be fmllllfld lot the lollowmg day publii Then The hammer is responsible for only one iiicorrecty printed Insertion of any MVGIYISIHTNHII and then only to the extent of poriion of ad Itiot involves the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for coriec trons by make goods The Examiner resortcu the right lo classdy revise or re ielti any wont arts PHONE 728 24l4 Christmas IS Coming Sell those unwanted articles for extra cash Phone 7202414 Rights deodhneset llll IlI Iltldl 0f lllll llt ilSkHl plltVltTLtS to accept April 1070 as It late to IIIIIIIIIIIy Iirlupl federal legis lnliuii giving Llllltll the right to Illlllllitl trials in lllltl llllll or English ltiil Justice Minister iltii Lung told the oiiimons Ieilnvsiliiy Ulll New ltIIIIIs wick liiis agreed to the load IIIII llllllll has said it sees no problems adopting the legislnv lion approved last June liy lnlliunwnl Alberta has ilbktd for more IIITTI IIIlore It accepts lllt sug Lvslirtn Lani said And Quebec wants to see Ilpllts from other provinces before it makes any lTlIlVL Federal officials are contin uing talks with other provinces Ill see whether they too will Iirlript the legislation bond head by Mrs Sutherland 7753691 The Bond Heat United Church Women held the regular monthly meeting conducted by Elva Sutherland and Gretta Botham in the absence of Ruth Stoddart who had prepared the service The theme of peace was very timely and the scrip ture passage was John 1425 to 31 followed by solo by Mary Orr Let There be Peace The question Are we enjoying peace Personal peace which is available daily if we follow Gods prescription for peace through daily prayer The of fering was received and dedicated Gretta Botham then had reading Remembrance Day in which to contemplate again in everyone and the right kind of remembering necessary for meaningful Remembrance Day were pondered The hymn God Our Help in Ages Past then concluded the wor ship service The program was under the direction of Marion Watt and she introduced our guest speaker Sarah Riley president of our fellow Newton Robinson United Church Women who with her husband had been on ii fourweek cruise of the arib bean last winter The arib bean was our focus for this years United Church Women study Sarah began her presen tation with history of the islands and their colonization pattern and then through the use of her slides taken on their trip we cruised the Caribbean aboard the ship Brilanis visiting several of the islands We could really appreciate the natural beauty their lush vegetation and many of the con trasls in the islands the large posh American resort hotels and the poorer natives homes The ship docked in Venezuela the oil rich community where striking contrast exists the poverty among the workers and their high density living houses literally built on top of one another and the swankness of the rich with their mansions on the hills Sarahs presentation and comment helped us more appreciate the lifestyles of the natives of these islands and our role in their future Mary rr then conducted II business meeting Gretta Bolhzim reported on the halo to be packed the following day for the Fred ictor Mission We drew names for our prayer partners Hilda McKay read description of the Nicaragua risis as interpreted by one of our Live Love Project ltev Ralph Schneider After after few other items of business were discussed lunch was seiv ecl by Maude Jackson ROTTHITTITIHIICL ziy servici was held at the Memorial Park izile III Sunday morning with Rev iIcinilzine and Rev ll Itull III charge lorry IIlcrix played the last post and wreaths were laid by Roy Dixon and Lloyd Richardson clowés by Marguerite McLean 7266912 Killi and Kin will be available tilll III 0centbei If your roots have been in ro the hard book book of over 400 pages and 400 photos should in terest you After three years of research and preparation history of pioneer families of Int com plete with family trees map of as III 1782 and other features Is ready It will prove to he more valuable as the years go by To get your copy ltltl ezirly III this area orders are accepted by Fraser 201070 Mrs Ino MchIIII Tzliilisll and MIX Stiiichzm ill 7384 VISITORS Visitors with Mr and Mrs Inu McLean were Mrs Vera Wood and Mm Adzim of Iztveiliy Mr and Mix McLean and son Billy of Willowdale Marilin Melzulilen and Mark Mclizidcleii of loioII to lll HUME Mrs Alois Ireundmlei has just returned from Austria after accompanying her mother back home after an ex tensive visit Mrs IiIeIIiirluIfci was able to spend six weeks in her native land but was glad to come Iile to Canada Songuinary rites follow Tradition YIIIHCVAN Armenia Iltu IeIl priest in red and gold it family of eight and two black sheep posed for photograph Minutes later the sheep were drugged across the yard to the slaughter room The scene is it familiar Sun lily morning ritual at church ltLilI this Soviet Armenian capi tal Sanguinary rites are an un questioned part If ordinary life in this smallest Soviet republic lliey follow Armenian Church tradition and accompan nu ITILIOIIS family seasonu and religious occasions From the stone slaughter mom llilll of blood leads to an open fire Rough wooden tables have been put up in the hot October sunshine The meal from the sheep and from sacri licerl pigeons doves and chick ens are to be roasted for It com niuiizil feast As an old woman takes the stillpalpiliiling carcass of chicken away in plastic bag man runs his finger along the sliiuglilerers knife and duubs cross of sheeps blood on his dziuglileis foreheads AIITTLITliIITS have always been closely lied to the church as any national will testify and both arc by northern stand ards er vibrant and festive tliouszindslrong congrega tion recently celebrated the 70th birthday of the head of the church Catholicos Vazgen with organ music and lavish pageantry As III other eastern churches Armenian services are long and participants come and go In Yerevans smaller churches when there is no official wor ship people wander in on their way to the market and if they want ceremony create their own There is marked demand for ritual according to local priests They say christenings religious marriages and burial services have increased enor mously in popularity over the lust Ill yeais More than 8000 babies were christened in low stone vaulted candlelit chamber in the monastery attached to Ech miadzin last year At typical ceremony par ents bring their own clean tow els wrapped in newspaper and gather round the font Praying in chant the priest asks them to turn and three times reject the devil before he splashes IIon water over the child

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