Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1978, p. 18

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1a the OXBMInqterday Nov 24 1918 EVENING 00 ll NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CBC NEWS CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDs POLKA DOT DOOR 530 Nec NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE OW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY GOOD TIMES 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME EIGHT IS ENOUGH CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE HOW TIC TAC DOUGH DOWNRIGHT DISCO NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT NE NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA QUIZ HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CIRCUS THATS HOLLYWOOD MAGIC SHADOWS Tne Thch ol we Part Final BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 DIFFRENT STROKES ALL IN THE FAMILY THE NEW ADVENTURES OF WOMAN ruthless mobster who wants to turn the lawn at Santa Corona into warren of illegal gambling casinos nan Diana Princes teenage goddaughtnr as his blackmarl and extortion 60 nuns DONNY AND MARIE THE INCREDIBLE HULK Dnvtd Banner gets Caught In the Home or Nahum Dourvar expose that talus the Hqu right mm publicatrons prinlm room 60 nuns IN SEARcir OF AM warHOT CITY DISCO spacial nonstop Disco hour With my unusual pm era uesl hosting and enlerlaining MQDVIE gutraaction of Love WHOS WATCHING THE KIDS After an argument Bert confesses to Larry the next day that he remembers paying hit man $50 In bar the nrght before to rub him FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE FAST FORWARD 900 THE ROCKFORD FILES Jim Rockforde elforta to help beautiful blind psychologist who Is berng harraaaed by an unknown assailant becomes personal matter when he ltnda himself romantically olveBrlh her hrs TOMMY HUNTER COUNTRY Tonrghl Tommy welcomes some more country greats Sudburye Bonita Savard and Maple Sugar from Toronto 60 at THE INCREDIBLE HULK om Bnnner gels caught in the middle of National Observer GKDOSO that takes the Hulk right into publicationsfrrnting room 60 mm FRIDAY IGH MOVIE FurrwIm Dick And Jane Stars George Segal Jana do THE BASTARD Lorne Greene Wrilram Shalner Escaping from the Wrath of his fathers logitrrnate son Phillipe Charbon eau heads for America changes hll name to Phrlrp Kent and becomes Involved in the Revolutionary War fever hrs I5 WINGS THE LOVE BOAT Three vignettes Heads Or Tails Stars Adam Arkin Richard Column The Little People Slare Patty McCormack Edward Albert Mona Of The Movres Stars Green Bean Rhonda Fleming 60 mins 1000 STARSKY AND HUTCH ED FLYING HIGH Lew AyreaDaVId Hedrson and Jack Jones quest afar respec tively as an elderly dentist hrs psychratrist son and Las Vegas nightclub star with whom Sonwest flight attendants Pam Lisa and Marcy become Involved on flight to Les was 60 mm THE TWO RONNIES GD FERGUSON SHORT AND R055 to NEWS 1030 CONLONs ONTARIO 1100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE COMEDY Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex 1972 1105 NICHTMUSIC and Civllnrrlldl flrrlt 1120 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Hoar Johnny Carson Gueat Dr Landon Smith 90 at CBS LATE MOVIE The New Avengers Dead Men Are Dangeroua Steed ralurne to his house to lind that everything he really cares about has been destroyed Super Stars Ron Lerbman David 5er MOVIE DRAMA Vz Wives 1911 STREET TALK 1135 OUESTION PERIOD 1145 CANADA AFTER DARK win Paul Soles are scheduled gueate Gene Krnrski Billy Van and Suzanne Stevens 60 mini 1150 MOVIE DRAMA 1° They Came To Rob Las Vegas reea 1200 MOVIE DRAMA ifiava es 1914 M8VIE COMEDY ll god Carats19ra MJVIE WESTERN The Sons of Katle Elder 1965 1230 OC 73 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 1245 DALLAS 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 140 MOVIE COMEDY Duffy 1968 145 TOP SECRET LIFE OF EDGAR BRIGGS 210 MEDICAL CENTER 225 MOVIE MYSTERY oth Sldee of the Law 1954 MOVIE COMEDYROMANCE The Knackend How to get It 1905 310 in MARCUS WELeY MD 340 MOVIE DRAMA Bed ford Incident 1965 410 BEWITCHED 420 MOVIE DRAMA Fun on Weekend 1941 historically speakin canardas story By non BOW Over the years tanadians have usually bccn plrasmt whcn Americans canic as scltlcrs Perhaps the first influx was when the Acadians tlt pelled from Nova Scolia and farmers from Ncit England rc placed them The American ltcvolutionnry War brought about 50000 United Empirt Loyalisls to Canada and thc Maritinits Their arrival led to thc crcalion of the provinces oi Ncw Bruno wick and what now Is Hilario When Upper and lowcr taII ada were foundcd in ITHI ircc land was offered to Aliicticans who would scttlc lll tanada This offer led to llIilImon Wright becoming mac or tlIc founders of Ottawa This trend was iIIlIi iIIptcd by the War of ltilZ thcn Ilit bad feelings along llic bordci caused many Allltllt ans lo rc tum to the Thc anti Anicri can feeling began to subsido about1820 Barnabas Bidwll was for mcr allorncygcncral of Mas sachusclts who came to Canada to sctllc at Kingston in 1810 titircns there clcctcd him as thcir mcmbcr of Parliament in not but ho was not allowcd to akc thc scat bccausc he was iormcr 78 citizen Then the citizens of Kingston nominatth and elcctcd his son Marshall Spring Bidwcll llc also was prevented from taking his scat but Kingston kcpt vot Ing for him until the law was changcd in 1825 Ho was allowcd to bccomc mcmbcr of thc lcgislalurc and later be came Spcakcr of thc House Bidwcll was Reformer but did not sidc with William Lyon lackcnzic It is believed he coincd thc phrase Family onipact to describe the ruling cliquc led by the lien thrantgovernor llowcvcr he must have had lhc approval of the British gov ernment bccause he was ap pointed to be judge in Upper anada litGov Sir Francis bond Hcad was so opposed to the appointment he resigned on N0v24 1837 OTHER N2l EVENTS ItitkIiarbc Mcurnicr was first while child born in Mori trcal littv Ninctccn saints days more abolished to providc mort time for labor 17M Postal route was cstab lishcd bctwccn Halifax and Quebec lltlr Tribunal wardcd irantl Manan and other islands in Passamaquoddy Buy to Ncw Brunswick IHSZ ntario Normal School was opened at Toronto 1888 William OConnor of Toronto won Amtrican Rowing championship 1890 Cape Brcton Railway rpcncd IIIIIST Canadian Northcrn Railway rcachcd Editionton I9I7 Canadas first asphalt highway opened between To ronto and Hamilton now First Canadian continr gent of United Nations forcc ar rived in Egypt ba rrics story Nov 24 I960 JamesAuld ntarIo MirIislir ofPublic Records and Archivcs opened the Simcor ounly Ar chives at RR Mincsing With the ribbon cutting Sini coe County gaincd thc distinr tion of having thc only county archives in Ontario Mr Auld also tmlario Minister of Tourism and In ftrmation commcndcd Simmc County for taking advantugc of the centennial grants availablc fa such venturc It was decided llarric and District Axeociatmn for thc Mentally Retarded would work toward the establishment of community rcsIdIncc for retarded persons steering commttlcc was elected to look into thc lcsibility of such tllllt aiicr II members wcrc addrcsscd by Peter Gomcry oordinalor of Development for thc lntario Association for Ilit Mtnlally Retarded Members had bccn thinking in terms of community residence for thrcc yours but lack of funds and facilitics made the projch more dream Howcvcr ch thc pro vincial governmtnt willing to Irovide grant for to per cent of capital and optrating costs the members indicated that the dream could become rcality intwoyears rtsolution calling for stablishnicnt of new course in religious instruction throughout thc province was unknsod by thc Barrie Public School Board The resolution asked for daily puiods of religious instruction of at lcasl 15 minutes in all public and sccondary school gradcs Ihc public school board nam cd trttstccs Jack Mattcnly Jack Sugg and David McLy mont to building committee fir thc ncw public school in Allundalc Supcrintcndcnt Angus McKay noted the design may havc to be drastically different ifthc school is to serve needs up to25 yearsinthcfuturc About mo persons assembled in Central Collegiate auditorium to view the first in writs of scvcn travelogucs sponsored by the Kcmpenfelt Kiwanis lub Romain Wilhclmson Los Angclcs Adventurcrs Club Incmbcr and writer of stories of his advcnturts narrated the film titled The Soul of Mex Tim incrcasc in interest rates on government backed loans undcr the National Housing Act would crcatc more money for NHA lending but would not solve problems for lower in come home buyers according to Georga Davits of thc Hairli Builders Association The govcmment liftod thc in tcrcst rate on NHA loans to 71 pcr cent fronts pcr cent Parents of Grades and it pupils in one public school III BarTic had been invited to at tend meeting to discuss the pan to send students to Expo 67 The scheme was originatcti by Elmvalc high school tcachcr Edwin Gcngc who wantcd to take 100000 high school students to Montreal in scrics 0f oneweek excursions throughout the summcr Some of the reasons for hav irg an Emergency Mcasurcs Organization wcrc prescntcd to the Lions Club by Ray Atkin son coordinator of Barrio Sim coe EMU Our job is planning against the effects of nuclear war This has become very important because we do know that na tions are continually building uptheirnuclcar capability Civil Disaster Planning is also part Of EMO easier to think of then the intangiblcs of mclcar war Just think of what would happen if an American bomber crashed into the middle of Bar rie We would need people who could co with such disaster said NW The US Senatc rcjcctod the treaty of Versaillcs 59 years ago today in 1919 and althou there was another vote our months lzlitor the twar lie of isoationism sniffed Congress had earlier refused treaty of mutual defence with Britain and France Historians since that day say they think those foreign policy decisions were EXIT QUICKLY READING England CPI The prisoners waiting rooms at new magistrates court in this Berkshire tOWn can be locked from the inside only It seems there was some misunder standing during the planning es over fire precautions the need for quick exit taken largely for domestic reasons such as hostility toward President Woodrow Wilson He began countrywide tour to rally grassroots support for the League of Nations which was of the Versailles treaty lilit hc suffer nervous collapse after cw weeks The US never did join ImoKing Charles of SURVEY BLACKS JOHANNESBURG CP firm of South African human resources consultants is to make South Africas first com prehensive survey of black peoples advancement The sur vey in which number of lead ing companies have agreed to take part England was born 1905Tommy Dorsey band leader was born rimRoy Campanella baseball player was born HIMUS Defence Secretary Robert McNamara announced the closing of 95 military installations in 33 states and abroad MistiApollo 12 astronauts made mans second landing on themoon IT SAVES BABIES LIVES PRETORIA CPI new test to determine lung maturity of unborn babies and which could save the lives of thousands of newborn babies with lung roblenis has been developed South African and an American gynecologist Doctor says Allergy caUse of bedweding lty the Info GEORGE THOSTESON MI in collaboration with PAUL Il RUBLE MI Dear Dr Thosteson My sevenyearold son wets his bed nightly few times he has gone for week or so dry Then he starts again He is an ex tremely heavy sleeper but res tless tossing and turning He was trained by two Bedwetters run on both sides of our family My doctor had son the same age with the same problem He sug ested we wait before test ing im for urinary problems never yell or embarrass my son but dont know what to say when he is invited overnight somewhere Should he be taken to urologistMrs CN First of all bedwetting at five is not at all unusual and most youngsters overcome it Statistics Show that slightly more than 10 per cent of all youngsters persist in bed wetting past age five 13 per cent boys nine per cent girls say this only to put the matter into perspective for you not to lull you into false security to the point where you give up trying to solve the boys problem Its interesting that this lad has periods of dryness That could be valuable clue An al lergy can cause bedwetting In this respect it is also important that the problem occurred on both sides of your family Al lcrgics can be passed on Try to detect what might be involved in his periods of dryness Per haps food overactivity caus ing exhaustiontype Sleep etc can be pinpointed By seven it is good to begin thinking about possible urinary defects which in most cases can be corrected Presumably our doctors child overcame is problem Most children will If physical factors are not in vOlved such as an allergy or defect the single best cure for your son may be his desire to get in on one of those overnight visits to friends Dear Dr Thostcson have problem was not cir cumcised when was born am 15 and it is embarrassing Can go to doctor and have him fix it in his office or do have to go to hospital Is there something can do at boom to fix itWorricd If you have free movement of the foreskin you dont need circumcision Theres no need for embarrassment You will need to use bit more care in cleaning yourself hope this note lifts that great weight from your shoulders Dear Dr lhosttson Is it true person can drink too much water and if so what would the signs be ltD This reminds Inc of the writer years ago who asked me whether person could drown from drinking too much watcr The answer is onc cant dmwn For that to happen the lungs would havc to be filled with wa ter and Im surc onc would be forced to stop before that hap pened As to your question ycs person can drink too much wa ter The signs would bc mental confusion BRIDGE bisWard Jacgby andAanséntaé Selecting Stayman or JTB NORTH OAJIO vKJ743 OK62 085 WEST EAST 0K9752 QB 86 VA 993 OJ 0K964 OJ SOUTH OQI leOZ OAQ74 OAQ107 Vulnerable Neither Dealer South West North East South NT Pass 20 Pass Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag When you use Stayman in preference to JTB with good band the action im lles that you either have our cards in the other major or very strong threecard holding In other words it tells partner that he should be wary of notrump when weak in minor suit but can play notrump when strong in both minors Norths jump to three hearts after South rebid two diamonds was forcing bid to offer South choice be tween bid of four hearts or three notrump and South elected to bid three notrump Actually it makes little difference except to match point player With the king of spades in the pocket and the king of clubs off side South makes either five hearts or five notrump since he must lose one club and the ace of hearts Suppose South held max imum of 18point notrump with the black kings instead of the black queens Then six hearts would make without finesse provided South man aged to ruff one ade in his own hand Coul they get there after Norths jump to three hearts They just might South would try for slain by bid of four clubs Not Gerber but merely acceptance of hearts and slam invitation Mmaixgarts California reader asks if it is ever correct to pass as dealer with highcard points We dont think so btit if you should pick up you might break the rule as those are little spot cards daily crossword ACROSS Itl Nvslvli twvriiwgilr Il lbw IillIlIl It tiurjwr imum hililii ZLMMIIIII ii Si tililiilli ltllilI tumVlwa IIliII lt IIIIIstuif 5V itrp li lllltfl bl IllllllrlIi IfchIv intuit point if lijyplmri truly erI IIIII l1 Mrsrrran run Slabs on luari up on you PI IlIIitllllllt II lifl MM Ml Him liililllllll 72 biItlriu rialilltl IIIII Tl Chums Sp $4 JriIIIIicy Small llItlIlI 65 Compass 77 Wanlrrf SI point 30 liots lhc drop 66 Duroniposc on comp wri DOWN 33 Srll csltmrn 54 SonicslII SIIIIIIIY fish 36 la tar SpIoIIl le nrlIIICIéilly 37 Huntiwear Hindi IliiltIrJ 39 Pan ups Skit dl Compass SIIlin pornt Inffit 42 Fools tasting period 44 lions out Small 46 At present CIDIOIIUII 47 Egg Fr TIps 48 ArrIval tune to Small plateau guess iabbr 11 Fulcrum 10 07 01 19 lul II If Inlsl swrcl 21 Doriicstu 13 01 24 EZml 45 Finnq sauccl 7f funLoni IIIolIII mm mm It Ilt1llltl port Abominabl IIHUHII snowman swuiti 78 Milli IfhltltfllVlI 49 Gulf rum Nmm hi Part of II bufllltlbltll 30 Shaded Ilr mm Hum 53 Frslrpounil 32 Cuts 54 lnntel iprelu 35 at 5m 55 For Illll hill 38 Canal Syslem Lornpash In northern 00 Michigan 59 On sarnc suit In U1 01 LC AstroGra IULULI Militithde November 25 1978 There is strong possibility that large dream youve been naturing for some time will come to fruition this coming year It could happen through most unusual chain of events SAGITIARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Try to associate with your enterprising friends today not your lethargic ones Something fortunate could happen if youre involved with doers CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Dont be afraid to set heady Winthrop Short Ribs COME IN SPIQII OF FRIENDSHIP wad of Id MW AME CA DRINK 90 Mom runmm Bugs Bunny THERES THE EXACT AMOUNTAs YOU KNOWI DONT BELIEVE IN TIPPING Born Loser goals today because youre capable of achieving that which you desire Think big and youll score big AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Take active measures today toward making reality of something youve been hoping for The time is ripe Stop sitting on your duff PISCES Feb 20March 20 This can be profitable day but not necessarily from things that yOu originated Your rewards will come from collective enterprise in which you have minor role ARIES March 21April 19 You have knack today for taking the original ideas of Others and turning them into something far better than they envisioned WANTING ONLV TO ENd THIS VAST BOLJ TlFUi LAND WITH MY RED meat IT THE Consular WESSUKF II HADLEY F6503 MAD NOMATE YOU LOST YOUARENT ENTITLED TO CELEBRATION NSL NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 SHl ULD SPEAK Iran muant duufln rahuum Your Wedding Invitations nnlouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service Youll share the credit equally TAURUS April 20May 20 Cir cumstances may place you in very propitious position today as middle person wholl profit in some manner from two diver gent situations GEMINI May 21June 20 Oth ers will find you an extremely pleasant companion today be cause of your genuine interest in things of concern to them You know how to make people feel important CANCER June 21July 22 Per sistency is your key to per sonal rewards today Where others may fade in the stretch your luck grows stronger the longer you hang in there LEO July 23Aug 22 Your good humor and enthusiasm is HOM for the ACCIDENT HAVE FEELING WE WILL BE HEARING THATALLTHE WAY T0 COUL DRUNK FbesIBIY HAVE RN IT$A5THI$ Room CONDEMNED BY PARENT5 II Bernice Bede Osol inspirational today You make everything you undertake seem like fun even if serious challenges are involved VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 P05 sibilities to add to your re sources could come through two different Channels today One will be due to your efforts while luck is apt to intervene in the second LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You have considerable political savvy today and can sway or persuade small or large groups effectively Get on your soap box SCORPIO Oct 24NOV 22 Try not to upset the status quo today Things could develop in manner whereby youll be lucky in spite of yourself Let nature take its course mwsnwninvrkuuo ARIZONA MAYBE SHOULD HAVE LEFTA LITTLE SOMETHING MIND YOU YOURE ENTITLEDTD WOLATOrhg HEAVENS WE DIDNT

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