Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1978, p. 26

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uslness Director Need help of the finest iob possible 728 241 FRALICK ALUMINUM RR Ho Stroud 4364830 Kaiser Aluminum Siding Soffit Fascia Windows and Doors Call now for free estimate 4361830 Tl 777 aw HING GEORGIAN BUILDING EAVBT ouG PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Soffit Eavestrough Windows Facio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Cdl PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Famin Business Ti ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd outhorixec Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra trons 18AlianceBlvd Unit 19 7283392 BOOKKEEPING BRISCO Accounting Services Income Tax Returns Bookkeeping Payroll and typing services Edgehill Drive Telephone 7763407 COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICES to trial balance or profit and loss Statements typ ing payroll 7371200 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling rec roonis etc Telephone 72617271 GENERAL CARPENTRY additions garages rec rooms builtin closets dry wall texture spray Free estimates Call 7263853 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 10 all cash sales In carpet and upholstery Al Car at Ste Cleaning 7766371 7269135 cm ALUET CHIMNEY SWEEPS N0 MESS NO was REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 TThS DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 511 DUPLICATING 222 Bayfield St OFFSET SHORTRUN COPYPRINTING AND PHOTOCOPIES Newsletters bulletins assorted forms etc Burie 726095 CHANGING TIMES DISC JOCKEYS Music for any occasion Telephone 7264320 DRBSMAKING MESSES FIT II made by 10le AQUINO Specialixlng in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenlo Phone 7266000 WESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS 45 Austin Lane Letitia Heights Telephone 7268167 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstraten New Lowell 4241956 DAVES ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS com plete line of wiring Member of OEL Telephonel741774 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PER ST 7289057 TF FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4745332 FIREPLACE VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For free estimates pho 7281599 FIREWDDD DRY SEASONED HARDWOOD Sift Delvereil Any Oumtity $35 per face cont $30 PER FACE CORD on orders of or more 48721 TThSM1 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Per bush cord cut split delivered Telephone 47470743 HARD WOOD FIREPLACE STOVE CHEAPER BY THE ruu cono DELIVERY TTHSN30 16 MIXED SEASONED HARDWOOD $30 per face cord delivered Please call 726 5724 PIREWOOD 16 inch hardwood we face cord delivered Telephone 4563817 rlfiswooo FOR SALE seasoned maple and ash Delivered FanerrlfSChIQId 7789357 my HARDWOOD cut for stove or fireplace Delivered Sold by the lace cord Telephone 4361377 Stroud FIREWOOD roll sAic Seasoned maple woodTeephonel28I936 GENERAL CONTRACTING GENERAL CONTRACTING ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS REC ROOMS H0 ME REPAIRS CUSTOM CUPBOAROS STAIRS CUSTOM HOMES Telephone 7266939 DI Call the MD COMPANY for first class REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS to your home at Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you GENERAL REPAIRS clean up used ap pliances furniture picked up rubbish junk removed srnoll moving iobs 7264671 GENERAL MAINTENANCE for cleanup of home and yard Windows storms eaves chimneys Small moving iobs rubbish removal 7265378137411 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dotions renovations additions Phone 179755 after pm painting general upkeep on your home or other property Guaranteed work Vtc Muschta 7371637 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re air Fireplaces sggciglty Free estimate 705 4245158 DlSC JOCKEY for all occasions Good music Reasonable rates Book early for gristmasrL127784136 MUSIC GROUP Slinger formerly Take has opening for Christmas dance engage ment Erii Dec Gary 7269098 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marceerotvin Guitar Studio 7761489 ACCORDION gurtar piano organ begin nor and advanced Two months trial instru rnent loaned for home practice Canadian Academy oerrusic BoyIield 729 1799 PIANO LESSONS All types of music Ior all ages For further information 011737 1468 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Es toblished 30years 776 7775 776 9M7 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 776 6808 PAINTING paper hanging experienced Free estrrnotes Jock Richardson 776 8341 PAINTING AND DECORATING Also home and cottage repairs Soilsforiiml guaranteed Special rates Ior senior citixens 4364105 OATES 67 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stark iriony tires Phone 778 3270 LEA CUSTOM FRAMING Conservation regular Oils prints ovals certificates needlework 26 Years Experience 57 Essa Rd rec OpenTues Sat10arn pm 7263551 TF PORTRAITS PORTRAITS Iiorn photographs apy from ongmnimmlms scrlplluttarritg irrllrrrafor Otrlstrncis Satisfaction Gunttfltlflltcf 726 9598 Morg after 00 PUT OUR WANT ADS TO WORK FOR YOU SHERMANS ROOFING OAshphalt shingles oluminum siding soffit and fascia eavestroughing 11 Yeus Experience Free Estimates 7288246 726 1073 after pm D7 snow BLOWING JIMS SNOWBLOWING Lowest rates in town For clean driveway all winter get your name in now 726 9559 7371631 II SERVICES Odd iobs of any description moving and residential snowblowing Telephone 7264329 PAULS SNOWPLOWING Threci trucks for prompt dependable service at competitive rates Call Paul 737 3064 MBH SNOWPLOWINO Residential and small commercial Reasonable rates Fast dependable service Call Lorry 776 4599 SNOWPLOWING Commercial Residential Snowplowing 24 Hour Service Telephone 7283603 N21 WRIGHIS SNOWPLOWING Small Vim ILisidiiitiail Ii yrs Sorting IiilrrII 11 RICSI1IIIIC ILLIIIS Rlll DISPATCH Ill IlllIIINIHIIIJC ZI eoni tffH TTHS M3 DOUGS SNOWPIOWING Small ornrner ciol 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$400 or heat ofiir TrInphunr 728 2574 for rnlorma TIDIT Lease Y0ur Microwave thr moilrrn cooking VtTIYrICIf now avnllrihlr on Innsr from gm so pir month from Barrie TV and ApplrlnrIr 80 DunlopF 728 429 PIXNO Baby Grand tlrouqurut 21650 281 196 USFD RESTAURANT refrigrratrlri prr gasp incur1 meat Slicer cotton armorr slush burncqur chicken and milkshaer plIIri swrclcltc icr cream machines Plll trycrs choirs and tabirs boan lelrrphonv 7288381 lllfpITOITl rurIrliIlun 416 irctUlpnliant TRAIL BIKE 1977 Cl SUIulri 750 ex cullont condition Reasonablr Thin phone 728 9738 After pm ROOM DIVIDFR with planter box erh rollers 20 ft long by ft high TierIIfTI Hrch IVE HUNDRE tout 718 plnr tor king 60 cents prr fool SlxhLn iflllarlf 24 shakrs at $85 per squorl tolrphorlc days 716 1966 or vvrinrnos HI 5800 Chuck Peacock SPECIALS Al THE BIGGLST LITTLE DISCOUNT STORE in town Quilt halts chippcd loam onc rinct two pOurid bags loom cushion forms round and square polyester tilting car seat rind back covers Drnlrn wooden TV stools vinyl wall covering vinyl table and chair covering ruq cnds hundreds of pairs of ready made drapes from S3 98 vinyl and fabrir upholstery remnants Great choice of drapery fabrics and remnants 40 Bayticld Street bvtwLrn Clarks and Loblaws LARGE QUANTITY of barn Iumbtr and beams for sale Tclcptlunv 776 6006 42articles wanted WILL BUY household contents or apart rncnt contents and any useful itizms Call7281311 CANADIAN SILVER COINS belore 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards ivalCry 7261663 evenlnqsnb 3162 FRIDGE STOVE and bedroom set in good condition reasonably priced Telephone 726 3504 before 171 CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Prr 1950 items 728 8234 Intdogs and pets POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and ac Iivcry776 8798 Pitstudio TROPICAL FISH Bust selection in town Aquariums rIII sires at unbonlablr prices Evrninqs and weekends dun hill Aqudrld I4Ttfxrdaglh Road 726 0094 MAYS POODIJ fARl OR Profcs sional clipping and grooming Peas unable rates Plianc 716 006 OilEttMIN Put5 Rugd Ready Dec 10 Will hold till Xmas Red black and tan 716 5217 after BARRIE POODLE salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia SlrcetEasiJlb 4141 FREE TO GOOD HOME Part Grrnmn Shepherd part Timber wnll puppriu nlmmonnisold Vcryfrirlldly Alsormrt Cockrr Spaniel fornalr 4581712 JIIIT 00 YOUNG MALF CANARYaqenric18up plies Uniqur armd Beautitut ainurr $606M all 728 6089 anytlmi FREE PU PS to load harml Part him lab and Germ1n shepherd wrxk Iilrt Telephone 73 1028 after 171 ISASSE T1 HOUND IHUSH PUiIl PSI weeks old purebred not rcqrstrrcrl Males and females Talcphoni 474 93th after 54service and repair TELEVISION REPAIRS also repairs to stereos etc Quick efficient guarantorit Service within 30 mile radius of Barrir call STEWART ELECTRONICS 728 9457 56camping equipment TRAiLER STORAGE Webbs Camp Grounds Telephone 726 9823 57Iivestock for sale HORSES BOARDFD Excellent rnri rcu times r1 day Daily turn outs SIS monthly Near Barrio 436 5624 FOR SALE 25 HERE FORD COWS tirid Herrford due in January TLlLpllftnI 4282728 WANT ED DEAD or crippIId farm animals for tree removal Call anytimr collect 705i 326 9243 Simcoc RfCYLllng THREE ENGLISH SADDLES anu bridles $50 to$200 Telephone 487 3375 outrun at $5 month S9poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets avail able Alsofarm fresh eggs Laying rages for sole Craig Hunter Paultry Farms Stroud436181 READY TO LAY PULLETS Roristlnq chickens live ducks and 90050 Call 737 0388 60teedseedgrain HAY FOR SALE Trefail Timothy and Alfalfa Approximately 2000 balm 90¢ each Telephone 835 2419 64farm machinery DAVID BROWN 885 tractor 1974 Like new 1142 hours Lights flashers fully equipped Also McKee 520 snowblower and tire chains 835 2419 SNOW PLOW LILLISTON TRACTOR reversible type $125 Te761120 67truitsvegeta bles APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cusson Oro 728 8489 or 7261907 Na Sunday sales 68personals BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 30 pm and Thursday 630 930 pm737422772693IXH1xI236 BOWLERS WANTED Nothing to do this winter Call Kempviow Bowl Season starts after Labour Day Men or women singles pairs teams or leagues 7211 9761 ATTENTION AUDREY GIBSON You are asked to contact the Law Firm of Owen Burgar Hamilton and Dart Solicitors for the estate of the latc Hermon Baker of the City of Barrie in the County of Siincoe who died on or about the 23rd day of June 1978 You are asked to contact Bruce Owen at 7261 181 on or before the 15th day of January 1979 N2279Db ALCOHOL IfiNNYNIUi HillriIlI if you drink thats your liiltti It you wanttnqurlttiril2mm nllnrlytrrnr CONCERNI ABOUT ATSOIJ ION II1ff iri itlItjrnrtlIVr all 726 Itrm iir 11131040 AUTOS It Bl DRIVE tot Iorlrtri um ilIIUWrtIV rtlt an to Wmtvr rinnilri arxl SOITttIifltf Mi tnrmriu tirivi Awny Srrvrl rr Stltr Yonliv St th lowclnlru Ont 416 776 4616 MONT psyrtiir rind rlrll rllifliiu OIIIIJIIITIQ ay ririit IVffltftq Monrtrly ttiruuqti many Within 778 llltlllt llf WHY till III Sf rI NI for ltnrrit ririrl Ariri Johnson AIIVIIIIIII 7261509 Alan crilriplrti turn rtlllillrlri rter irrtprintirf ITIVITTISIIIII 5pm IrIIIIIi iin3 TTIOTTITITF ulrifigwnri PRIVATE RIDING LESSONS BegIriiierI Intermediate edvaiiced levels of Dressapc and Jumping Wel Schooled Hones Qualified Instructors HEATHER HEIGHTS STABLE For details please call Oro 4873375 TThS02 For your FREE WATER SOFTENI DEMONSTRATION no obligation as low assto monthly rill Was 73 1700 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arctin Horses boarded Barrie TIVI minutes Windy Haugtl Farm 726 019 BETTY Card running and psychic counselling IIL Phoni 737 304 for no pointment TELECARE Why fight your problem atone Let friend til1p call talccare 726 792 anytime AUTHORIIED SALES SERVICE ELECTROLUX 7283392 ASK FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION TODAY TF HAVE YOURSELF SEXY LITTLE CHRISTMAS Send for full colour catalogue of erotic male female lingerie $249 cheque or mo to the PLAIN BROWN WRAPPER P0 BOX 1040 STATION DOWNSVIEW ONT M3H 5V5 HAITI Illl Illill NI Irllirllrll riMirilrirh trl Itrlly Irt11t incl 11 ItVrli atrirtrml lriiiuriry Trishri 77R Il IVll UNWilllf IIAIIJ ririiiiwcf rriliIy pirnirililntly tttttllrrtll IIIIIJIIIVILI liri tiririitilik flTllIIItl Int IIUIfIIlil I37 761 CHRISTIU18 lrlI ill Iiitry Hill IlrxSr rririy lt Drillrirt from Inhlixlli Advertising itflll rtIIl ilIlpptU ITII nitywhrri ln rttirttlrl Io IIJIiIIII your ralnlouiliv rltrittc 776 1509 WOWE IS IN BARRIE Ask about WOMEHS OPPORTUNITY WITH ELECTROLUX BANII Hm HIIJF for Ilrltriiris par iiir eriiliirrial rrxk rirlri ruuritry RLlft Hi ftanIiIIIIf after 30 iii GIRL DISCO partner Wilnlftl for mid Wtck lousoris Attrrirlivo Idll UIIiIIIiIt Ill r100 20 30 Reply iPIIdHIll niIIIIf and leJTIf riurilbrr to Ilrix Y9 IfrItTll ittTtIItfI MIDNIG HI IDI nftlfl from Bnyvicrw Dr arta toAriqus Will my ex primes Please call 424 6446 Verne Leonard of RR 10ro Station will not be responsible for any ILth can tractort in lily name from this dati for ward November 23rd 1978 without my WIIITLIT consent VTTIIO Lrannrrt lililpliritti III 196 MURRAY HALL NOW OPEN for weddings parties dances banquets meetings etc MIDI of Barrie Hwy 26 1289902 EVEHIHGS TThSM 15 st GREETINGS WINDY BRAES FARM offers complete hoarng facilities licludhg large indoor arena lounge Trainiig Riding lessons also avalable For further details please call 4873333 4th the Gm 012 70 lost Ind found ll TrIII that iii In rlt iIrt lnut iltt Wtthtllfl illitlly iII ttlr tttrtllr WIWJIIIII rlltvrivf iill 76 fill7 ltr1 rxii yrrir rilit lIIitII IIIrIlIll tlrnwti rirlri WIIII Incl HQ 256 Iiit iliiililit itil lIlII rtiiil 2011i VILIIIIrITI IIIIII IWrirl iITlr ervrintiit 1111l rill rtlllt ii in 456 Hill help EARN EXTRA INCOME PARTTIME Complete training provided to suitable applicants All work in Barrie area No investment Nationally advertised and accepted Car necessary INTERVIEWS WILL BE CON DUCTED IN BARRIE THIS SATURDAY For an interview please call collect 4166839700 MISS BRADSHAW N23 SPARE TIME If you want to Work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOUI TRAVELWAYS SCHOOL TRANSIT 31 Penetang St Barrie 728594I TF DEADONI GREETING GREETING REASONI GNEEIINGI 3le GM Alfred Diane IATE WIIFIInl all our lrlflldt ed KNEIL Itlusetl Suzanne tfilqakfl treet1 and retxtiin very Mm Elvira Run mm WW Id simi Havnian Chllllmes HIIWY ltttl md 50 Halide sum nd PM Best tart9 fol Wifes mm waitrn mervux New Your Slitan gunk Pd mtr ynr to all In dnj Moran and surrounding areas MM Umm v5 WmNm Nettie them run Maritime etcloom onenmcs WNW Building New Gluau the county IIde New CIIII ERIEIINGSI Win cm CAMERON To ReIlcigh customers taid extend when Merry Christm BinIn ry New Mr David rim Mklllleiulraol 26 GK AON our Mr MecAULAYS NecAulen wmmu CI and their relatives In 1d Pros pixhbopl their In Christmu and my 24 prosperous New You II on anon am soon in MecK II mhtuu ivex In all that But Wis customs muons our ll one MURPHY Tam gnu Murphy and tunlly Tlflhr more ml at Why not do what more up do every families aclross the coun nappin and hug year Imus an PERSONA SPAPER Arfam In ll new mid Lilel THE GREETING COLUMNS or van an friends and aimum ri rings to yOU and seasonal 999 in the You can Grewmg Columns to be publishe hafly through the Examiner 2mm Decembe 73 Classified section each day December We on 17 xiltr1tll llI tutumun Here are few examples dump rum hrtslltlrh Itlill LID all her trial gum llripiii ru riir In all out r1 filmflm liIii in Irii lths inil IiillZI gm mt Ir Iiiwph flur WIITO Your Personal WWrmrrlirili IRAle Gui MKNAUGHTDN r3 Hep It of CI ilir ml and when the Greeting Now On siitl11 um um tilesinus till now 1Itlti lr mm red Intlll INN MM allcDoneld so 80 or wish in rurnrl ovum low The Coupon ow lrii ilill III iIl rr IIlllf am an rlrudx IIIII iiriizlilmr HAND 0n St rt 0mm vim Phone 728 2414 munhtivu we Melt ma pm lonema MN Moilto 09 is nonma Wham 0m Classified Department ml Pmmfioiorirngs AddieI III III MAI vex I680 treld St my Town ahead In IO Ami MIDId id My II antennae MB all Ir out Ila to Irish 1s relatives Vly III New luau OI Tel and fuel aunmcs tin Cheryl is New LNG Iould like PI friends fich 1letivu Merry ad HeppyDNir AC1 Road eunuc my IUN He Irhli nts bah it end if ltirnt rn run Ill et 1W Iiie nchost ml OI 07 Ir It mm ICVflmm Drama and lowly mm II 00ther Ilf an New Year HEEL cSM VET 177 waited TIEhelp wanted Radio Ihaeti DIVISION OF TANDY ELECTRONICS LIMITED RADIO SHACK is looking for SALVAGE CLERK for our quality control department Persons applying for this position must have basic knowledge of electronics and must be able to communicate well with others Must also have initiative and some soles ability Anyone interested in this position please apply in person at RADIO SHACK Personnel Office 779 BAYVIEW DRIVE BARRIE N23 INTERMEDIATE COST ACCOUNTANT Enrolled in RIA or CGA course minumum of two years experience in manufacturing environment with exposure to cost standards variance analysis and inventory valuations Please forward resume to the attention of Fletcher DRESSER INDUSTRIES CANADA LTD PD Box 460 Orlia Ontano l3V 6K3 N232425 RAPID EXPANSION IS OUR GOAL We need salesminded persons to manage telephone sales offices throughout Ontario Only those who have own car no encumbrances and are free to travel need apply Salary and incentives Unlimited opportunity for rapid ad vancement For personal interview phone 7287332 or call at 58 Collier Street between 930 am 100 pm N28 MACHINE SETUP Experienced buffing setup person required to work in fast growing company Must be able to set up on Packermatik equipment dealing in brass and aluminum Good rate of pay arid excellent company benefits Apply in person with resume to KAREN SHAW Personnel Supervisor CANADYLET LIMITED 137 John Street Barrie Ont fiVVTvv ze tha examiner Thursday Nov 23 1978 71 hob vented 7289652 or write PO Box 485 OPEN TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE IN ORO TOWNSHIP OHWY 93 CRAIGHURST BARRIE DOWNTOWN AREA OBLAKE JOHNSON IMP TOWERS STAYNER OINNISFIL eHOLLY OFLOS eTHORNTON WASAGA BEACH Ilnventory and invoicing BU YER Applicant will be selfstarter and able to take charge minimum of years purchasing experience and good knowledge of sales taxes and customs is reauirgd We are manufacturer of heavy equipment ferthgggpyy salary excellent fringe benefits and an opportunity for advancement Reply in confidence stating education and experience to PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PO BOX 460 ORILLIA ONTARIO L3V 6K3 CREDIT COLLECTIONS Career opportunity with in ternational financial organization Previous collection experience an asset We require mature in dividual with forceful personality and the ability to communicate at all levels Please call MR BARBE at 737 3542 N2324 PHARMACIST The Kingston General Hospital is currently accepting ap plications for the position of Staff Pharmacist available in November This is an active treatment teaching hospital affiliated with Queens University The Pharmacy Department is expanding and have functioning programs including Unit Dose Distribution System Centralized lV Ad ditives System Total Parental Nutrition for Adults and Neonates Patient Profile Therapy Monitoring Drug Information and Clinical Pharmacy Salaries are competitive and full range of fringe benefits is enioyed by our employees Apply to Director of Personnel Kingston General Hospital KINGSTON ONTARIO K7L 2V7 N23 SECOND CHEF or etplivdent Salary $13000 and up Position avaldtie linindeer Phone 4589595 III for Leo or chef N24 TEACHERS Business or marketing background PARTTIME PHONE 7269574 N30H LIGHT DELIVERY PERSONNEL required in and around Barrie Own car essential Must be economical Come and ioin our happy gang Phone 728 7332 or call at 58 Collier Street between 930 am 100 pm N28 MATURI ADULT to lth in and arr for two hlldi for two weeks in Fibrilni RIIlItITt us priforrixi Alcona 80m Ii artn Call for appniiitnlont 436 1813 EXPERIENCED COOK part IIITTl icr BayliiId Lodge Nursmg Home 346 Hayfield St Barrie Telephone 728 7065 or 726 2184 TUcI IGIIQI ITIILIVILW HOUSEKFEPER REQUIRED llVI mornings Wflk School age children in IKttISIIHHtI only Own transportation Sunniitnli arra References TLQUIIlLl 728 7135 DABYSIT IE to give tender towns are to year old girl and boy in kllT ctrrqriitvii Your home or rninv near Johnson in hoot Phone 728 804 after pm SUIL RINIENDI N1 RLQURE for eleven suiti apartment burlrtinq on KIITTINIIIFII My Rilililnurntiun lilktt dine on tXpCt ionic and IDfiLTIIIIlfS Call 416 742 4079 after iii $4 00 PER HOUR for LVtttlth work 10 to 10 30 in Must have own transportatqu lull traininu pmvrdmt Call211 3482 for inter VltW WINTERWAITRESbe Full or part time all ITIilniIQlF MIN 11 am at 776 0507 WANTED MATURE IIALIYSIITER to Ultit in part llltt Shift work Own transportation Children and ynars Little Ave area vast of Highway 11 7266400 HOUSE PARENTS couple preferred occassicinnl weekends for teenage lashr Children Phone 726 9574 PAINTERS HELPER Required immediately fIcII rate shop good working conditions iii tIlrnt orn pony benefits ExpPricrtcc in GM shop necessary Apply in person to Trevor Downing GEORGIAN PONTIAC BUICK 145 Bradford Strait Bfltrlt Wii ARE LOOKING for person to work in our retail outliit on part llttti basis hours daily Trainiriu will be pravirt ll no ixpurrillu necessary Beginning pny ritlt 85 per hour with regular reviews uII IIIIIIII package all FOTOMAI 716 76500r 776 9092 between 10a nl and6 in SALES HELP full time for fashion and sporting omits ritnilor Experience preferred Apply in person to other Street tarni WAREHOUSE POSITION JOB DESCRIPTION Warehousing of drums pails case goods Yard and warehouse maintenance Closs Drivers Licence preferable Apply it person to PEACOCK PETROLEUMS LIMITED 448 Dunlap St Barrie lriiioiprmmi AVON WANT TO EARN EXTRA MONEY BUT NEED TO BE HOME WHEN YOUR KIDS ARE HOME Become an AVON Representative and do both Flexible hours let you sell during the hours that suit you best For detalls call BARRIE Ont LAM 4T7 BASS LAKE AREA OEDGAR RUGBY RD AREA OVESPRA SUNNIDALE RD WThTF N24 tileesslasliaeluxxtaxunAssessesseeeeaveexnsxeses N25 EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST salary plus commission Apply House of Bellini Bayfield Mall or ca117264621 or726 87l2aftcr6pm KIRBY SALES PEOPLE wanted phone 7267400 MOTHERLESS HOME with schaol agert boys requires person to do cook inq and light housekeeping in exchange tor room and board Telephone 14357766 Alliston evenings RELIABLE PERSON wanted for part two salts and order coordination exr prrrence in lighting and electrical ikllnrto asset Send resume to Box Y89 ThcExaminerearrie FOR FAMILY of three adults Woman to plan and prepare meals and do lightl txiurreknipinu Prone 728 30637 ONE OF BARRIES largest body shops requmgs licenced or two to three years ClpfrltnCCd bodypcrson painter and prop persons Telephone 726 0481 ConII tmnral Auto Body 397 Dunlop Street West Barrio LOOKING FOR year round work and doser to out ahead For personal inter VlfW call 737 4723 after50m MATURE RELIABLE DAYCARE head ad downtown area Two children years and 14 months Prefer your home Hours 30 am to pm weekdays Telopttonn 737 0313 LEGAL SECRETARY experienced in nml estate and estates some bookkeepue DEIAIERREselliilllllltlliiiiali rm all Mr Moorby 726 0238 days 726 OVIBLvrlnlrtgs 74 MOBILE HOME PARK Manager remfl turnct for expanding park in Orillia Qualrtrcaironsinciudeknowledgeolelec tririty for connection to 200 amp service baSlr plumbing experience of plastic wattr and sewer services rental collec iron and banking Sales oriented Salary and commission plus home provided Call 326 2636 72saies helpagents REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON 70 per cent Spltl full or part time no pressure represent area John Myllynen Real Estate Broker1416 626 3895 AN INTERNATIONAL Oil Co offers plenty of money plus cash bonuses at mITTl training for mature individual in Barrie area Regardless of experience WTIIP Read Pres Tiffany Asphalt international Box 1707 Sta Toronto Ont M46 4A3 INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY ot lrxs opportunlty for high income plus rmular cash and vacation bonuses abundant fringe benefits to mature in dividual in Barrie area Airmail Presi IilTl Drpt CD PO Box 70 Station Toronto Ontario MAG 326 76cmployment wanted NILL MIND TODDLERS to years Monday to Friday Allendale area 530 DT woek Phone 728 7625 WII BABYSIT in my home Monday in own Frrcfay 7a toepm Children 29 years Grove and Beytield area IIlnnr 726 2154 BOOKKEEPING PAYROLL Full or parttime Barrie CookstawnAlliston area Complete set of books Poyobles receivables general ledger trial balance bank reconciliations payroll manual and McBee compose and type related correspondence 15 years experience References Available now Phone 4589175 N25 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be recelved by pm clay preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which man be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional words 10 ctl per word CARE OF THANKS 40 words 8550 Add1 tioiial wulds IOcis per word 1N MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 9ic per word insertion Three consecutive insertions cents per word insertion total $640 Six consecutive insertions BGc per word per insertion total $1224 Multiple Insertions may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each Initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement Immediately after first insertion in order that any error or omission may be reported beIore am In order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner Is responsible for only one incorrectly printed Insertion of any Ivertiurneni and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the mlsprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc flans by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or re Iect any want ads PHONE 7702414

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