the examiner Wednesday Nov 22 1978 New Yank The New York Yankees have called what they term major press con ference Wednesday They are expected to announce the signing of free agent pitcher Tom my John above who played out his option with the Los Angeles Dodgers lost season APPhoto Feds want notice on assistance tl1A 1ll Sport Min Ister lima tampagnuln wants hm yents notice from organ iatieris bidding or inter national spurting events and countine on federal govern ment assistance Weve operated on an ad hoc haw in the past and its about iirni laid down definite imstnri polio ampagnnlu and in recent interview Site is expected to outline the lit Itll later this week in liiet ummuns spurt anada the federal ttfltlti responsith for amateur spurt Will ha lit£11l1 view bids and determine how inueh moxie the federal gmer nwnt ill euntribute said sen iur tin rzltant tl litre The wleral government the in 1m and host city will con znue in hiilt costs it events tin and tilt preparing hid tor the ISM mrlrl merer tourna ment and Vancouver and Ham nmn haw expressed Interest iii tttltlititllitt1it 111fo Part meri urn Hana tinr inairir international spin um 11 at it taitada since til hr liii tall Including the liltri lan rneriean Games in Winnipeg $1 million 197 Summer iames in New West minster Stï¬5ltti Canada Summer tiames in St Johns $71M and littmrmtmis nm trirnvritttrflames 34 1111111011 Whitaker chosen ALs best rookie Ytlitil li Set0nd hastman inn hitalerrit1e triiit Timix as named the imeriian Leagues ltrmkie of the oar mtg ivy the Baseball Witter inth Ill America Il1 tliitainr 111 the annual iorrl Imk viril in tuna ray Jtllllllf 71 Iii possible zntis than the lï¬l laul Mirlituty lilirikei line it trelrl distant second iii the ttltltl it three ballots aiitutma inlielder amey lander ï¬nished third with two ntw and Kansas City pitcher Hieh late and tlhitakerk teammate short stop lrn1iiinmell were tied tnr inint it ith tine vote apiece Whitakrr lefthanded hitter played 13 games for lietrnit and compiled 285 tritlinp average and 38 runs ialtlttl in He teamed with ltammell to give the Tigers rue the est 111111plily urniianatiunL In the game in litr APPOINTMENT NOTICE THE MUNICIPAl SAVINGS DAN CORPORATION MIKE remnant Mr Douglas Cherry Senior Wee President is pleased to announce the appointment ol Mike Brrrvenuti as Regional Mortgage Manager Central Ontario Mr Barwenuti has an ex tensive ténonnul industry and mortgage lending background with another rnaior Canadian trustcompany He has served as Chairman of the Downtown improvement Board and as Director at the Chamber at Commerce in the City at Barrie Mr Berwuiutis appointment reflects The Municipals continuing growth in Central Ontario and desire to offer taster more ellicient service TM at The Boots Company Limited Your Babys Best Buys are at Boots Come into your nearest Boots Drug Store and save could want for your little one Just look for the over $900 in our Baby Place on everything you Boots arrow in the store to identify the bargains so Wm 180 cotton swabs From Boats For Baby Save 30¢ 79¢ Boots Cotton Swabs 180s Reg Price 79¢ general uses rhineth batvv rare lirsl aul applii alum trvqr Save 13¢ 66¢ Boots Zinc Ointment Reg Price 109 Boots White Petroleum lelly 454 Reg Price 139 Boots Absorbent Putts 300s Reg Price 119 Save 20¢ 119 Save 42¢ 77¢ IUIIl IAIN Mr Bubble Powder Bubble Bath 283 gm Reg Price 109 Mr Bubble Baby Shampoo 500 m1 Reg Price 159 Save 40¢ 119 Save 50¢ 179 Mr Bubble Baby Oil 500ml Reg Price 229 Mr Bubble Baby Powder 400 gm Reg Price 169 Save 40¢ 129 quid Bubble Bath 900 ml Reg Price 189 Save 40¢ 149 Baby Sundries Iiny Tot Velvet Terry Play Sleeper Tw sr h80C n20°oN1n 2021130110 ltbeStiCzes 01159 Price 5990 save 200 399 Tiny Tot Babys Receiving Blanket 30 40 50 Cotton 50 Polyester Reg Price 189 04 it ï¬g Save 60¢ 119 Tiny Tot Wash Cloths ll2 x112 80 Cotton 20 Polyester Pack of Reg Price 179 Tiny Tot Babys Night Gown 100 Cotton Flannelette Print or Plain Reg Price 189 Save 60¢ 129 Save 50¢ 139 See our complete range of sleepers nighties crib sheets bath towels boxed gift sets etc mluan REE ommee pee Hui Food Grin er Fast healthy economical way to make sure your baby gets good nutrition Gerber Strained Baby Foods or Juices 45 oz Reg Price 25¢ Save 3¢ 22¢ Tommee TipPee Sterilized Pacifier Long or Cherry Reg Price 49¢ Save 32¢ for 66¢ We also carry Tommee Tippee teethers toys bibs and sundry items Dunlap St Barrie