Agent and lnstallerof 5ï¬92 now wont you Phone LOIS ROBERTSON or drop In to the Studio 7263637 RR1 Hwy so Crown Hill VICTOR Presents Short Feather We can also give your favorite guya new soft curly look SAVE Decorator 60$th WillE arian Total Decoratorandcdlordinating Services Droose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as required Our 15 years experience makes us well qualified to do specialty windows Call us and HAIRS TY LE sofassmNAL KNO WLE Our staff has the professional knowledge for beautiful hair University study says Stores expose food to danger through high intensity lights TORONTO Retail food outlets in eastern Canada are continuing to expose dairy pro ducts to high intensit lighting despite warnings ut the harmful effect of fluorescent lighting Dr deMan head of the University of Guelphs food science department says conducting the survey and Halifax light meter survey of dairy Iiong ltnthcr See our beautiful selection of Winter Coa Is Now at 20 OFF THIS SYSTEM IS recommended by major manufacturers guarantees NO shrinkage or split seams dries in approx ONE hour demanded by householder to executive carpet display cases shocked those The survey which ranged from milk stores to super markets in eastern Canada is being revealed in series of press conferences in Toronto Montreal Ottawa Quebec City More than three years ago the university came up with rqrort on the harmful effects of fluorescent lights on dairy foods We were shocked by the light intensity in some outlets said Dr deMan One location in Toronto was subjecting milk in transparent plastic bags and jug to 450 foot candles more than seven times the absolute maximum light intensity recommended in our study The survey in Montreal revealed that the light intensity ranged from 160 to 240 foot candles while the range in tawa stores ranged from 320 to 160 foot candles Quebec City dairy cases 50 MT PARTICIPATING DEALERS ONL Yl CASH REBATE Now through December 29th with the purchase of any Speed Queen Automatic Washer and full size Dryer pair you will receive $50 Factory Authorized Rebate And with the purchase of any Speed Queen Automatic Washer or full size Dryer purchase separately you will receive 525 Factory Authorized Rebate Lifetime Stainless Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop St Call Now For Budget Plan Information readings were from 240 to 110 The only progress in reducing light intensity occurred in Halifax down from 130 to 55 and generally lower across the board total of 28 stores were ran domly surveyed in eastern Canadas five major metro politan markets nine in Toron to four in Montreal five in Ot tawa four in Quebec City and six in Halifax The original university report showed that milk subjected to light for 48 hours had an almost complete loss of ascorbic acid in clear plastic pouches and returnable plastic jugs One Year burnt in ludgot Hon This Month Onty Miliflljllimï¬llll 7284297 ALL ORDERS FREE ESTIMATES CONSULTATION Residential Commercial Cleaning BOOKED TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE DEC 15TH778 RomStatic Carpet Clearing 7374351 TROTOSTATICTHE PROPER AND PROFESSIONAL WAY TO CLEAN Milk in opaque carboard car tons had about three per cent loss Just as important as the nutritional loss by light ex posure is the fact that an oxidiz ed offflavor developed in the transparent pouches and plastic jugs within six hours and highly significant flavor changes occurred in 12 hours said Dr deMan Milk in opaque cardboard cartons showed no significant flavor change in 48 hours He said high prices of milk make it essential that cori sumch be protected from nutritional losses and flavor deterioration it is the food retailers responsibility to cithcr dras tically curb light exposure or providc the consumer with lightrcsistaril opaque con tainers be said The brilliancc of the light now used in also gross wastr of our hydro rcsou rces To ensure accuracy two types of light meters were used in the surveys and food outlets wcrc choscn at random Ihc survey also recorded thc distance of the light sourccs fmm Ihc dairy products thcy ilv luminzitcd Recycling is promoted for Christmas NEW Yt ltK IAll lied and grccn movc ovcr tlrcy is thc asons ncw color for coir surnrrs who llll to giyc Mother Nuturc grit whilc do mg llltll holiday shopping lhc grcy thcy lltht in mind is thc color that irlcuiiiics thc Ill sidc oi rccyclcd pnckugcs In addition to looking for grccting curds grit wrap gilt boxcs prirty napkins tlllfl pupcr towels mzidc oi rcyclcd pnpcr incrnbcrs of rnorc than Loon wonicns groups in 44 stutcs irc Sllpptlllllljl ncu lrcy ls llcnulriul campaign to choosi products that conic prickngid lll rccytlcd pnpcrbozird curd board lhc cninprngn Is rccychug cftorl thul gots rm irnporliint stcp licyontl collccling old lItSII£tIXIU says William llrincock lurinngcr ot Ihc rccyclcd puptllltllllti tlllltll of thc Anicricnn lnpcr lnstrlutc ll gocs dircctl to llic shchcs oI sujwrrnnrkcts and storcs whcrc thc good rcsulls oi ncycling Inn bi ttll III lllt form oI packaging Ior inuny coruinon products from imllipilc llltl lircnktiist ccrrul toricord albums and childrcns tiltllllS Although runny products ilrciidy irc puckugid in rcc cl irl piipirbruirrl mun morc could lN llnncock ziddcd lll lttllii lly llItltlhlllti dcinund for this packaging crich tll lltlilllltlllllll couccrncd coir sunnr curl pin it itnl mic or kccpinii lhc rccychni churn go ing lluucock urng ttllISIIIIItlS to link ltll lctHlcti jiilthllllt liotli lll choosing Iood products lol lltlltll tillllltlx ind llltll gill shopping Ilic clisicsl littktl1tltlltltll lll hc points oiil lrc llhixr thril display lhc ltttllllL in iin llrrcc illlti torniing tlltlt or llrc salcrucnt Muric iroin loll pci ccnl lccyclcrl piipcr if you dont ltt tlllltl ll illt ttl le llzlllilxk Still gcsls lccl buck thc lop liiycr of thc pnckugc irlgc jtll lrm lion oi ill inch ll Ihc msrdc grcv you know Ilic puckogc nridc lrorn rccyclcd lllllt Study shows women drink more heavily ltilttlxlii Ii Millt working ioincn than working incu llll ilcoliol llltlllltlIlS llniycisrty of liilcrloo study Indrcutcs Its surprising liccuusc thc common notion has always bccn that nicu drink inorc thun ionicn suid inil libc 33 co author of thcstudy Miss Vibc inil lioh llusilc both grnduritc psychology studcuts rcccnlly inycstigutcd thc drinking hubris of morc than Goo iullIiinc lIIIltlll cmployccs lhc study Silthttl Ihrit whilc lhc frcqucncy of drinking by mcn rind womcu was uboul Ihc some worncn drunk Inoic on tlltl occasion than men lhc average for womcn was about drinks cnch timc Ihc nvcragc for men slightly loss than thrcc in thc lllliltl23 agc group men drunk more frequently than womcn llul among thosc aged bctwccn 5i and 55 women drunk morc often than mcn In the ovcrlt5ti age group mcu were the heavier drinkers Among men and womcn younger bettereducated per sons tcndcd to bc the heavier drinkers The study found no relationship bctwccn drinking and job satisfacl ion The consequences of drinking were different for men and women Morc men than womcn said it caused abscntccism and poor performance ill work Women seem to ho ablc to cover up bcttcr than mcn hotii socially and at home Miss Vilxsnid zo the examiner Wednesday Nov 22 1078 iAnn Landersm Greeting people annoysreader Dear Ann Lenders Im in my early msa maleand like my job Im guard for Westinghouse My day be ins at 600am which is OKbut between six and seven oc ock in the morningI have to speak to about 500 ople For one solid hour am saying morning Good morning Good morning Good morning Everyone who comes in says Good morning to me first cant be rude and not answer This is only half the problem For another solid hourat the end of the dayI have to respond with Good night This is 500 people again all saying the same thing find myself getting hostile toward folks who mean no harm Sometimes think if have to say Good morning or Good night one more time Ill blow my top Do you see solution to this problemBill In New Jersey Dear Bill How would you like it if nobody spoke to you Would you enjoy your job if bunch of sourpusses walked by twice day without saying single word If you really would prefer complete silence look for job in lighthouse or work underground laying sewer pipes person who doesnt like people is better off by himselfand am serious about this Dear Ami Landers My favorite cousin died of leukemia several months ago We were six months apart in age Im 15 and were as close as sisters Lots of people thought we were twins because we looked alike and had some twin outfits Since my cousin died have put awa our twin clothes let my hair grow long and done everything can think of to change my looks had to do it because whenever saw myself in the mirrorl thought of thatwonderful girl The problem is her parents They are very cool to me They resent the fact that am alive and their daughter is goan Last week at family gettogether when walked into the room they left need to know how to deal with this llcayyllcarted Dear Friend If your heart is heavy can you imagine what their hearts are like The similarity in looks must makc it very difficult for your aunt and uncle to be around you Try to understand and dont hold it against them ilopcfully one day soon they will recover from their grief and all will be well again Dcar Ann Landers Ive been in love with Bruce for two years and hes in love with me Bruce is 33 Im 26 We are gay but nobody has clue Every now and then he dates few women where he works and Im into the same game Bruce has lovely home and live in dingy overpriced apartment It would be terrific if could move in with my lover We get along great and Im over there four nights wcck at least Hes opposed to the idea because hes sure it would be dead giveaway Please tell him hes wrong doril want to pressure him any more than have Bruce thinks youre tcrrific and Im sure hed listen to youCall nri Mary llcar Mary Sorry Im not going to suggest that you move in with guy who doesnt like the idea Get more chccrful placc of your own and quit pushing Pollys Pointers Peanut butter untangles gum DIlAlt POLLY An easy and effective way to rcmovc guru from childs hair is to put spoonful of peanut butter on the gum Massage it around and then the guru and peanut butter slide right out You wont have to cut out any hair Shampoo the hair and have no more gum or peanut butter Is thcrc simple way to open windows that have bccn painted or varnished closed REGINA DlIAR REGINA putty knife will usually cut right through If the paint seems too hard try sharp paring knife If carefully inserted just over the opcriirrg it should be fairly neat job How about this readers do you know of better way POLLY DICAR POLLY To remove ballpoint ink stains dip lptuigt in sour rmlk or milk and vinegar Repeat if lltttSSle Wrinklcd hair ribbons can be easily pressed by rubbing thcin over hot clcctric light bulb When your plastic wrap sticks to itself simply put it in lhc rcirigcrator for while licncw the usefulness of that old broom by dipping it in boiling watcr and baking soda Then dry it in the sun DICAH PIIY readers Pet Peeve concerned having to wait for those who take so long getting on thilllilitirs person with poor vrsion has to exercise more caution in doing this and naturally takes more time All of us may need to slow down bit and remember some people riccd rnorc time DICAII POLLY was amazed that no reader sent in the llltllltltl usc for preventing shrinking pie crust Preheat lhc ovcn to 475 degrees before baking the crust and reduce thc hcut to 350 while it is baking ENORE DEAR POLLY My husband said that in the days before paraffin wax his mother used to cut circle of hcnvy paper to fit over each of her jelly glasses She would soak the paper in brandy lay it over the jelly pour little more brandy on it and then put on the lid He did not rcmcrnbcr how the flavor was affected but he did say she was always careful to use the jelly before all the brandy evaporated or else shed pour on bit more MAlttlAlliil people places ooking course minicourse on hristmns cooking is being hcld zit lurkvicw tcntre for Scruors in the next months with Melanie Sandilnnds ac ting is instructor lhc course is designed to hclp with hristmus baking and cooking and the cost is Dalcs of thc course are Nov LB and 30 and Doc and 14 Times nrc from ti to 11 am hristmus Supper lhc linriic and District Association for the Physical ly lilllltl is holding thristmas Supper Dec 13 at thc Sunnidnlc ommunity cntic lhc owning will feature suppcr thristmas gift ex chungc rind cutcriainmcut by lhc Mcllow Illcnds lifts are limited to$2 in value Dance held Friday The Barrie and District Association for the Physical ly Disabled is holding dancc open to the public Fri day at the Embassy Hall in Barrie The dance begins at 811 pm and is $5 per erson buffet willbeserve For tickets call Bob Kerr at 72iÂ¥3187 or Marilyn Gilpin tit1246238 Fashion Show lnnisdale Secondary School students arc presen ting fashion show at and in featuring clothing from Mnmsclles The Body Shoppe Sallys and Polaris snowmobile clothing Admission is $1 for adults 30 cents for students and children under 12 will be ad mitted free Proceeds will be used for future school pro jects Euchre Game Goodfellow Interested Parents are holding Harvest Euchre game Thurs day at 730 pm at Goodfellow School in Alcona Beach Public admission is $150 per person Prizes and Efreshmcnts will be provid Seniors oncert Members of Parkview Cen tric for Seniors will be travell ing to Thornhill Dec 17 for Living Christmas Tree concert Seniors will leave Barrie at about 330 pm and have supper at Ponderosa Steak House before attending the pm concert The cost of the trip $450 per person does mt includc dinner Seniors are expected back in Barrie by 10pm Registration ft the trip begins at am Monday and deadline for payment is Dec Ill Christmas Bazaar St Giles Churchs ACW is holding Christmas bazaar from to pm Nov 25 with crafts and baking There is no admission charge All are welcome Business Meeting The Barrie and District Association for the Physical ly Disabled will hold business meeting Nov at Sunnidalc Community Cen tre at7lpm